About a year ago BehindMLM published a list of the top MLM industry figures in the Traders Domain Ponzi scheme.

The data was based of records obtained by Coffeezilla…

…and featured well-known MLM industry figures such as Holton Buggs and wife Earlene Buggs, Mike Sims, Stormy Wellington, Eric Worre and wife Marina Worre and Jack Fallon.

At the time I requested access to the full list from Coffeezilla, which I finally received access to yesterday.

The complete Traders Domain Ponzi investor list contains 9664 entries, many of which are duplicate accounts. The total amount recorded is $3,370,617,110.85.

The data is presented as accurate as of September 20th, 2022.

Traders Domain collapsed towards the end of 2022, dragging down several attached Ponzi schemes with it (OmegaPro is of particular interest to BehindMLM).

Building on the bigger names Coffeezilla provided, today BehindMLM presents the Traders Domain MLM investor master list.

  1. “Tin tin” (US, believed to be Tin Quoc Tran) – $1.3 billion, in hiding, copped a $512 million default judgment in the CFTC’s SAEG case in July 2024
  2. Ted Safranko (Canada) – $370.48million, in hiding, copped a $3.8 million default judgment as part of the CFTC’s SAEG in September 2023
  3. Mike Sims (US, aka Michael Shannon Sims) – $76.4 million, OmegaPro co-founder and Director of Algo Capital (another $96.4 million), defendant in CFTC’s SAEG case and believed to be a suspect in US criminal investigation into OmegaPro
  4. Holton Buggs (US, aka Buggs Legacy) – $75.9 million, executive at Organo, founder iBuumerang and Meta Bounty Hunters (Traders Domain feeder Ponzis)
  5. Disruptive Tech (Estonia) – $59.1 million, shell company owned by Gilbert Pardla, provided financial services to collapsed DagCoin Ponzi scheme and was arrested in October 2022
  6. Joseph McDermott – $25.3 million, (former?) Jeunesse promoter, married to Amani Zein & Eric Worre associate
  7. Earlene Buggs (US) – $17,404,854, wife of Holton Buggs
  8. Law Payne (US) – $15.9 million, Click Funnels promoter
  9. Eric Worre (US) – $14.6 million, disgraced veteran MLM coach/trainer who runs Network Marketing Pro, also tied to OmegaPro
  10. Vincent Bui (believed to be Vincent Boutin from Canada) – $12.3 million, former Traffic Monsoon Ponzi promoter who settled with Receiver for an unknown sum in November 2023 (at the time Boutin claimed he “lacked sufficient assets” to satisfy default judgment)
  11. Stormy Wellington (US) – $26.5 million, Total Life Changes promoter & Holton Buggs and Eric Worre associate
  12. Amani Zein (US) – $20.2 million, (former?) Jeunesse promoter, married to Joseph McDermott & Eric Worre associate
  13. Jessie Lee (US, believed to be Jessie Lee Ward) – $18 million, former top Pruvit distributor & Eric Worre associate, died of cancer September 2023
  14. MBH Iconics (US) – $10.5 million, part of Holton Buggs Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi schemes (co-created with Travis Bott)
  15. Alan Bagamaspad (Philippines, US) – $8.6 million, serial promoter of MLM crypto Ponzi schemes
  16. Robert Rakowski (US, aka Bob Rakowski, Dr. Bob) – $7.7 million, Organo Gold & Holton Buggs associate
  17. Alexis Romano (US) – $7.6 million, top Isagenix promoter & Eric Worre associate
  18. Adam Powell (US) – $10 million, believed to be a relative of serial MLM crypto Ponzi creator Travis Bott
  19. Rabu Gary (US) – $7.5 million, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes through United Investment Group International, aka UIGI Social Club (Daisy AI, Troncase, NovaTech FX, Mirror Trading International, Meta Bounty Hunters)
  20. Marina Worre (US) – $6.8 million, wife of Eric Worre
  21. Tara Romano (US) – $6 million, top Isagenix promoter
  22. Steve L (UK, believed to be Steve Lawson) – $6 million, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes
  23. Jack Fallon (US) – $5.8 million, founder and CEO of Total Life Changes
  24. David Chessler (US) – $5.2 million, former Max International promoter (likely invested through Chessler Holdings)
  25. MBH Reserves (US) – $4.8 million, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  26. MLAgents Community (US) – $4.8 million, part of Travis Bott’s Meta Labs Agency Ponzi factory
  27. Travis Bott (US) – $4.8 million, serial creator of MLM Ponzi schemes (Ryze AI, Westmyn, Onyx Lifestyle, Digital Profit, Meta Bounty Hunters, Meta Lab Agency)
  28. Jeremie Sowerby (US) – $4.7 million, serial MLM Ponzi fraudster indicted multiple times in 2023 (Now Mining, Softek & Justice Capital, Dunamis Mining)
  29. Eduard Khemchan (US) – $4.4 million, co-founder of the collapsed Daisy AI Ponzi scheme
  30. Savvy Wallet (US) – $4.3 million, owned by Frank DiCrisi & Gregory “Tuffy” Baum
  31. MBH Escrow (US) – $4.2 million, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  32. Nicola Smith Jackson (US) – $4.2 million, former Ardyss International and Financial Education Services promoter & Eric Worre associate
  33. Peter Hirsch (US) – $4 million, top iBuumerang promoter & Holton Buggs associate (note: Hirsch committed suicide in 2023)
  34. Dean Grey (US, aka William Dean Kosage) – $3.8 million, former Amway distributor
  35. Julian Kuschner (US) – $3.6 million, former IM Mastery Academy promoter
  36. Brian Carruthers (US) – $3.6 million, top Legal Shield promoter
  37. Said Daibes (US) – $3.4 million, PHP Agency promoter
  38. Curtis Broome (US) – $3.3 million, claims to have been involved in MLM since 1991
  39. Rod Smith (US) – $2.8 million, iBuumerang promoter (Holton Buggs’ company)
  40. Vladislav Stefanov (Dubai, UAE) – $2.8 million, iBuumerang promoter (Holton Buggs’ company)
  41. Rozell Sims (US, aka Rozell Shannon Sims, Rozelle S. Sims) – $2.6 million, believed to be Michael Shannon Sims’ father
  42. MLA Labs (US) – $2.3 million, part of Travis Bott’s Meta Labs Agency Ponzi factory
  43. Gregory Aggesen (US) – $2.3 million, serial MLM Ponzi fraudster who pled guilty to criminal charges in April 2024
  44. Ana Juricev (US) – $2.2 million, Holton Buggs’ Executive Assistant at iBuumerang
  45. Michael Hill (UK) – $2.2 million, iBuumerang promoter (Holton Buggs’ company)
  46. Jared Burnett (US) – $2.2 million, top earners in Live Pure
  47. David Pietsch (US) – $2.1 million, former WorldVentures promoter
  48. Robert Gridelli (US) – $2.1 million, Enagic promoter
  49. John Haremza (US) – $2.1 million, MLM coach/trainer who claims to have made $28 million
  50. Brandon Rangel (US) – $2 million, PHP Agency promoter
  51. Marcus Brisco (US) – $2 million, owner of Yas Castellum, sued by CFTC and worked closely with Mike Sims to launder stolen investor funds
  52. Jason Bott (US, aka Richard Jason Bott) – $1.9 million, relative of Travis Bott
  53. David Manning (US) – $1.9 million, CEO and President of Xstream Travel, iBuumerang’s travel services provider (Holton Buggs’ company)
  54. Kevin Kernanen (US) – $1.9 million, Travis Bott associate dating back to their days as Epic executives
  55. Meta Bounty (US) – $3.4 million, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  56. Block Ops (US) – $1.8 million, marketing company owned by Travis Bott
  57. Terrence Gray (US) – $1.8 million, COO of Holton Buggs’ company iBuumerang
  58. Julie Bott (US) – $1.8 million, believed to be related to Travis Bott
  59. Annette Bagamaspad (Philippines, US) – $1.8 million, believed to be related to Alan Bagamaspad
  60. Miguel Rodriguez (US) – $1.7 million, co-founder of iX Global Ponzi scheme
  61. Alan Noble (US) – $1.6 million, ASEA promoter
  62. SkyLab Apps (US) – $1.6 million, software company owned by Dean Grey
  63. Alanelle Bagamaspad (Philippines, US) – $1.6 million, believed to be related to Alan Bagamaspad
  64. Thomas Then (US) – $1.6 million, former promoter of the Be pyramid scheme
  65. Avinash Nagamah (UK) – $1.6 million, iBuumerang and Meta Bounty Hunters promoter, Holton Buggs associate
  66. John Garofano (US) – $1.5 million, NovaTech FX Ponzi promoter sued by the SEC in August 2024
  67. Leigha Brisco (US) – $1.5 million, believed to be related to Marcus Todd Brisco (defendant in the CFTC’s SAEG Ponzi case)
  68. Kelly Haupu (US) – $1.5 million, promoter of iBuumerang (Holton Buggs’ company)
  69. MLAgents Escrow (US) – $1.4 million, part of Travis Bott’s Meta Labs Agency Ponzi factory
  70. Evan Klassen (US) – $1.4 million, former Nerium promoter (now Neora), Eric Worre & Mike Sims associate (Worre through Go Pro, Sims through an MLM company (not 100% sure if it was Nerium or another company)
  71. MBH Float (US) – $1.3 million, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  72. Jessica Higdon (US) – $853,727, wife of “Christian Entrepreneur Coach” Ray Higdon
  73. Traverus INC (US) – $832,329, company owned by David Manning (also owns Xstream Travel, travel service provider to iBuumerang (Holton Buggs’ company)
  74. Cassie Bott (US, aka Cassandra Powell Bott, Cassie Powell Bott) – $785,536, married to Adam Powell and related to Travis Bott
  75. Frazer Brookes (US) – $547,477, “social media coach for network marketers”
  76. MBH Giveaways (US) – $409,298, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  77. Dap Dunbar (US, aka Dapilinu Dunbar) – $406,779, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes, sued by the SEC as a NovaTech FX promoter in August 2024
  78. MBH Charity (US) – $395,683, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  79. Darren Little (US) – $387,610, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes, usually works with Ari Maccabi
  80. Vitaliy Dubinin (Dubai, UAE) – $324,538, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes
  81. Joe Abel (US) – $321,852, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes and co-founder of BitClub Network, pled guilty to criminal charges in 2020, sentencing pending
  82. John Worre (US) – $295,861, believed to be one of Eric Worre’s relatives (father?)
  83. Chandler Worre (US) – $278,654, works for Eric Worre’s Network Marketing Pro company, assumed relative
  84. John Melton (US) – $269,252, (former?) Modere promoter
  85. MBH Giveaways (US) – $268,632, part of Holton Buggs’ Meta Bounty Hunters Ponzi scheme
  86. Lance Bott (US) – $244,379, appears to be a Travis Bott relative
  87. Tuffy Baum (US, aka Gregory Baum) – $215,315, owner of Savvy Wallet
  88.  Taylor Worre (US), $214,427, Eric Worre’s son
  89. Jharol Smith (US) – $213,468, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes, runs “Bank of Jharol” YouTube channel
  90. Scotty Huss (US, aka Scott Huss, Scott Lee Huss Jr.) – $209,326, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes, sovereign citizen nutjob & abuser of US copyright law
  91. Sharon James (UK) – $197,370, serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes, notable as a Traffic Monsson net-winner
  92. Sashin Govender (Dubai, UAE, aka @winwishsashin) – $188,390, former WorldVentures pyramid scheme promoter, Seacret Direct
  93. Toan Nguyen (US) – $161,397, serial MLM Ponzi promoter and Elomir co-founder

To the best of my knowledge, if you follow who recruited who into SAEG, Traders Domain, OmegaPro and any other names used, all roads lead to Holton Buggs, Mike Sims and Eric Worre.

Although his name pops up frequently, given the disparity between the amounts Travis Bott and Holton Buggs stole, I believe Bott sits under Buggs in the investor hierarchy.

I also haven’t seen anyone in the above list publicly address their involvement. Eric Worre has publicly denied association with OmegaPro, which is an obvious lie.

In addition to the ongoing CFTC case, which only addresses a fraction of the ~$3.3 billion, OmegaPro co-founder Andreas Szakacs, in blue next to Eric Worre above), was arrested in Turkey last month.


Update 4th September 2024 – A reader wrote in to let me know Peter Hirsch committed suicide last year. Was able to independently verify so I’ve made a note of that on his entry.