Auratus fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Auratus’ website domain (“”), was privately registered on November 29th, 2023.

Auratus came about following the collapse of the GSPartners fraudulent investment scheme.

GSPartners was an MLM crypto Ponzi scheme run through GSB Gold Standard Corporation. Both companies are owned by German national Josip Heit (right).

GSPartners offered investors, primarily in the US and Canada, weekly passive returns through “metacertificates“.

Regulators in Canada began cracking down on GSParners and Josip Heit in early 2023.

In response to the initial Canadian regulatory fraud warnings, GSPartners attempted to rebrand as Swiss Valorem Bank in May 2023.

Swiss Valorem Bank flopped and was quickly abandoned. GSPartners continued to defraud consumers under its original name.

By October 2023 the strain of regulatory fraud investigations into GSPartners began to emerge. On October 3rd, 2023 GSPartners disabled weekly ROI payments.

In November 2023, news broke of multiple US regulatory fraud investigations into GSPartners and Heit.

Outside of the US

Amidst the avalanche of regulatory fraud warnings, fines and cease and desist notices, GSPartners collapsed on December 16th, 2023.

Heit attempted to continue to run GSPartners and GSPro, however that was short lived and didn’t go anywhere.

US and Canadian GSPartners investor accounts were terminated on December 20th, 2023 and February 12th, 2024 respectively.

In March 2024 Billionico emerged as a potential backdoor reboot for US and Canadian GSPartners investors.

The Texas State Securities Board issued a Billionico securities fraud warning on April 22nd, 2024. Billionico is believed to have been quietly abandoned shortly after.

Auratus emerged in or around mid April 2024. New shell companies associated with Auratus’ launch include:

  • Helvetic Digital Finance AG (Switzerland)
  • TAS Helvetic Gold Trading LLC (Dubai)
  • DX and One Trust LTD (Bulgaria)
  • MTX Finance LLC (Montana, US) and
  • Link Genius Portal LLC (Dubai)

Auratus and representative Terry Lee were named in TSSB’s Billionico securities fraud order;

On April 19, 2024, Billionico Academy began offering investments in a digital gold vault issued by Respondent Auratus, represented by Terry Lee, that purportedly secures physical gold and generates passive income using fintech and blockchain technology.

The investments in the digital gold vault are being illegally, deceptively and fraudulently offered in Texas and the Securities Commissioner is entering this Emergency Cease and Desist Order to stop the scheme and protect the public from immediate and irreparable harm.

Both Billionico and Auratus have since blocked Texas residents from visiting their website:

Additionally, Auratus states on its website; affiliates (including those of commercial nature) are NOT AUTHORIZED and are prohibited by To claim that is recommended by any financial regulator body is strictly forbidden.

This website, and any products within, are not intended to be accessed by USA or Canadian based persons.

On its website Auratus provides a “legal imprint” section. This is a legal requirement in German-speaking countries.

Although he’s based out of Dubai, through known and unknown shell companies Josip Heit is believed to be behind Auratus.

Auratus is currently being promoted in secret by mostly Australian and New Zealand former GSPartners investors.

Auratus is not registered to offer securities in Australia or New Zealand.

Since GSPartners’ collapse last year, Heit has not made any public appearances. Heit’s known travel has been restricted to countries and jurisdictions that do not have extradition treaties with the US (Dubai, the Maldives and international waters).

Due to the proliferation of scams, sheltering of wanted fugitives and failure to enforce securities fraud regulation, BehindMLM ranks Dubai as the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.

If you want to know specifically how this applies to Auratus, read on for a full review.

Auratus’ Products

Auratus has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Auratus affiliate membership itself.

Auratus’ Compensation Plan

Auratus refers to its passive returns investment scheme as “TAS Vault”.

Auratus affiliates invest €150, €500, €2500, €7500 and €10,000 euro equivalents in cryptocurrency into TAS Vault.

This is done on the promise of seventy-five periodic passive ROI payments, referred to as a “vault cycles”.

Auratus pays its “vault cycle” returns in TAS Gold, an internal token for which no technical details have been made public.

The MLM side of Auratus pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Referral Commissions

Auratus affiliates receive a 15% referral commission on investment by personally recruited affiliates.

Referral Commission Bonus

If an Auratus affiliate recruits four affiliates who each invest €500 EUR or more, they qualify for a 5% referral commission bonus for the next 28 days.

Residual Commissions

Auratus pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Auratus caps payable unilevel team levels at nine. Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of invested cryptocurrency across these nine levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 15% (paid as a referral commission)
  • level 2 – 5%
  • levels 3 to 8 – 4%
  • level 9 – 3%

Bonus Pools

Auratus offers affiliates participation in two bonus pools, each made up of 10% of company-wide invested cryptocurrency.

Top Performers Pool

There are ten affiliate ranks within Auratus’ Top Performers Pool:

  1. 1 Star – generate one €500 EUR or more investment across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €30,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  2. 2 Stars – generate two €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €60,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  3. 3 Stars – generate three €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €120,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  4. 4 Stars – generate four €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €250,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  5. 5 Stars – generate five €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €500,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  6. 6 Stars – generate six €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €1,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  7. 7 Stars – generate seven €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €3,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  8. 8 Stars – generate eight €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €6,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  9. 9 Stars – generate nine €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €12,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  10. 10 Stars – generate eleven €500 EUR or more investments across your first three unilevel team levels and generate €24,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume

If qualified for, the Top Performers Pool is split into ten smaller pools and paid out as follows:

  • 1 Stars receive a share in 20% of the Top Performers Pool
  • 2 Stars receive a share in 15% of the Top Performers Pool and the 1 Star pool
  • 3 Stars receive a share in 10% of the Top Performers Pool and the 1 Star and 2 Star pools
  • 4 Stars receive a share in 10% of the Top Performers Pool and the 1 Star, 2 Star and 3 Star pools
  • 5 Stars receive a share in 10% of the Top Performers Pool and the 2 Star, 3 Star and 4 Star pools
  • 6 Stars receive a share in 10% of the Top Performers Pool and the 3 Star, 4 Star and 5 Star pools
  • 7 Stars receive a share in 10% of the Top Performers Pool and the 4 Star, 5 Star and 6 Star pools
  • 8 Stars receive a share in 5% of the Top Performers Pool and the 5 Star, 6 Star and 7 Star pools
  • 9 Stars receive a share in 5% of the Top Performers Pool and the 6 Star, 7 Star and 8 Star pools
  • 10 Stars receive a share in 5% of the Top Performers Pool and 7 Star, 8 Star and 9 Star pools

Top Leaders Pool

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Auratus’ Top Leaders Pool

  1. Blue Opal – recruit two affiliates and generate €30,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  2. Red Opal – maintain two personally recruited affiliates and generate €60,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  3. Green Sapphire – recruit four affiliates and generate €120,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  4. White Sapphire – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate €250,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  5. Blue Ruby – recruit six affiliates and generate €500,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  6. Red Ruby – maintain six personally recruited affiliates and generate €1,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  7. Green Emerald – recruit eight affiliates and generate €3,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  8. White Emerald – maintain eight personally recruited affiliates and generate €6,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  9. Blue Diamond – recruit ten affiliates and generate €12,000,000 EUR in downline investment volume
  10. White Diamond – maintain ten personally recruited affiliates and generate €24,000,000 in downline investment volume
  11. Crown Jewel – generate three White Diamond or higher ranked affiliates in three recruitment legs

If qualified for, the Top Leaders Pool is split into eleven smaller pools and paid out as follows:

  • Blue Opals receive a share in 20% of the Top Leaders Pool
  • Red Opals receive a share in 15% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Blue Opal pool
  • Green Sapphires receive a share in 10% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Red Opal and Blue Opal pools
  • White Sapphires receive a share in 10% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Green Sapphire, Red Opal and Blue Opal pools
  • Blue Rubys receive a share in 10% of the Top Leaders Pool and the White Sapphire, Green Sapphire and Red Opal pools
  • Red Rubys receive a share in 10% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Blue Ruby, White Sapphire and Green Sapphire pools
  • Green Emeralds receive a share in 10% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Red Ruby, Blue Ruby and White Sapphire pools
  • White Emeralds receive a share in 5% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Green Emerald, Red Ruby and Blue Ruby pools
  • Blue Diamonds receive a share in 5% of the Top Leaders Pool and the White Emerald, Green Emerald and Red Ruby pools
  • White Diamonds receive a share in 5% of the Top Leaders Pool and the Blue Diamond, White Emerald and Green Emerald pools
  • Crown Jewels receive a share in 1% of the Top Leaders Pool and the White Diamond, Blue Diamond and White Emerald pools

It should be noted that Auratus’ Top Leaders Pool ranks adds up to a 101% payout of the 10% company-wide investment funding the Top Leaders Pool.

This mathematical discrepancy is not explained.

Joining Auratus

Auratus affiliate membership costs are not disclosed on its website.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum €150 EUR investment in cryptocurrency.

Auratus Conclusion

The TSSB including Auratus in its Billionico securities fraud cease and desist sums up Auratus with respect to regulatory compliance.

Simply put, Auratus is illegally soliciting investment from consumers on the promise of a passive return, funded by subsequent investment.

Auratus’ marketing ruse sees it represent TAS Gold tokens, which it generates out of thin air on demand, are backed by physical gold.

In order to verify this and, more importantly operate legally, Auratus needs to register with financial regulators in every jurisdiction it solicits investment in.

Then, and this is the only way to verify Auratus is backing up its generated-on-demand TAS Gold tokens with gold, Auratus needs to file periodic audited financial reports with said regulators.

For what should be obvious reasons, Auratus hasn’t registered with financial regulators and thus doesn’t operate legally in any jurisdiction.

Instead of operating legally, Auratus has opted to block US and Canadian residents. This is owing to US and Canadian regulators being most likely to pile additional securities fraud charges onto Heit and GSB Gold Standard Corporation.

Auratus’ business plan essentially relies on regulators outside of the US and Canada being slow to act.

Fraud aside, this isn’t exactly the foundation of a legitimate long-term MLM company. In that sense Auratus presents itself as more of a cash-grab, aimed at what’s left of GSPartners’ more gullible investors.

Whereas Heit found fall guys in Dirc Zahlmann and Daniel von Lison to front GSPartners and Billionico respectively, this time around nobody has raised their hand to front Auratus.

From a due-diligence perspective Auratus presenting as a faceless MLM company is telling.

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering Auratus is new investment.

Using new investment to pay TAS Gold withdrawals would make Auratus a Ponzi scheme. With nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, the MLM side of Auratus additionally operates as a pyramid scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Auratus of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.


Update 25th June 2024 – Auratus Gold has collapsed.