Brend2 Review: 1% a day BTC-based Ponzi scheme

brend2-logoThere is no information on the Brend2 website indicating who owns or runs the business.

Instead, the company only serves up the following vague description of itself:

Brend2 is a networking community that (is) established on the basis of mutual donation between members.

The Brend2 website domain was registered on February 2nd 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

Of note is that at the time of publication, Alexa estimate that some 76.4% of visitors to the Brend2 website originate out of India.

This strongly suggests that whoever is running Brend2 is also based out of India.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Day Cash Out Review: $11 a pop pyramid scheme

day-cash-out-logoThere is no information on the Day Cash Out website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Day Cash Out website domain (“”) was registered on the 9th of March 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

EVO Media Group Review: JetStream dev launches reboot

evo-media-group-logoEVO Media Group’s co-founders claim they ‘spent over 30 years, searching for the best product and opportunity for the entrepreneur‘.

Two EVO Media Group co-founders are listed on the company website; Michael Hagen (CEO) and Jack Amoroso Jr. (Secretary).

As per Hagen’s EVO Media Group corporate bio:

Mike sets the company vision and leadership direction for Evo Media Group. His prosperous 26+ year career includes direct sales/network marketing experience starting back with a 15 year run with Amway.

mike-hagen-jetstream-developerPerusal of Hagen’s Facebook page reveals mid last year his company, Hagen Media Group, were the “developers of the JetStream”.

June 3rd, 2016

Well the time has come. I will be launching my Network Marketing  Company in 17 days.

After a 26 year career as a Distributor and retiring for a while the time has come to be at the helm.

I will keep a few posted on this. We have been quietly behind the seems for the past 4 months putting this together. We are less than 3 weeks from a great Pre-Launch.

It’s Time… To Help 100s of 1000s now.

Hagen Media Group, INC.
Developers of The JetStream

JetStream Direct is a streambox MLM opportunity. The company markets $399 streamboxes, which are primarily marketed as gateways to pirated content over the internet.

Whether Hagen had a relationship beyond Hagen Media Group’s “development” of JetStream Direct is unclear. Today the Hagen Media Group website domain redirects to that of EVO Media Group.

JetStream Direct still appear to be in business, at least as far as having an operational website. Alexa traffic estimates for the JetStream Direct website are so low the company is unranked.

As far as I can tell, EVO Media Group appears to be a relaunch of JetStream Direct.

Read on for a full review of the EVO Media Group MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin confirm UniverTeam buyout, victims lament losses

onecoin-logoEarlier today OneCoin confirmed their acquisition of the UniverTeam pyramid scheme.

BehindMLM first broke news of the acquisition back on the 5th of March.

As per a OneCoin press-release issued a few hours ago; [Continue reading…]

Latvian regulator: OneCoin modeled on a pyramid scheme

onecoin-logoLatvia’s Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) is

an autonomous public institution, which carries out the supervision of Latvian banks, credit unions, insurance companies and insurance brokerage companies, participants of financial instruments market, as well as private pension funds, payment institutions and electronic money institutions.

Part of the FCMC’s duties see them engage in consumer protection, with the regulator yesterday issuing a warning against OneCoin. [Continue reading…]

Classifieds That Pay Review: Paid affiliate chain-recruitment

classifieds-that-pay-logoThere is no information on the Classifieds That Pay website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Classifieds That Pay website domain (“”) was registered on the 28th of October 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals Graham Frame conducting beta launch webinars for Classifieds That Pay on YouTube.

graham-frame-empower-network-affiliateFrame (right) claims to have been involved in MLM since the 1980s. He states he “retired” his offline businesses in 2013 and now focuses exclusively on online business ventures.

Frame first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar as the admin of Simple Fast Cash. Launched in 2013, Simple Fast Cash saw affiliates pay $5 and get paid when they recruited others who did the same.

Simple Fast Cash affiliates were also funneled into Frame’s Empower Network downline.

Prior to Simple Fast Cash Frame was an affiliate with Pure Leverage. Other opportunities launched by Frame include YourCashCow (2006) and Cash4Sure.

YourCashCow was a matrix-based recruitment scheme that collapsed in 2008. Cash4Sure was launched around 2008, with affiliates promised ROIs on invested funds.

Those ROIs were never paid out and the scheme also collapsed.

Marketing videos on Frame’s YouTube channel suggest he was also an investor in Achieve Community.

Achieve Community was a $6.8 million dollar Ponzi scheme. The SEC shut the scheme down in early 2015.

In a video titled “Its Happening – Beta Launch”, Frame explains he came up with the idea for Classifieds That Pay after having a “strange dream” in 2014.

Frame claims he initially didn’t understand the dream, and that it was only after meditating for “many days, many hours” that he began to figure it out.

Gradually it was revealed to me that I should set out to create an opportunity that would initially

-directly help 5,000,000 people to improve their lives

-and so create an income that would allow donations of $2,000,000 a month to charity; especially to help starving children.

Read on for a full review of the Classifieds That Pay MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Norwegian DSA warn against OneCoin pyramid scheme

onecoin-logoAlthough not as large as its US counter-part, Norway’s Direct Selling Association (DSA) has 22 member companies.

The organization claims that around 75% of Norway’s 88,000 MLM affiliates belong to one or more of their members.

One of the stated objectives of the Norwegian DSA is to ‘protect consumers’ legitimate interests with respect to direct sales companies‘.

And that brings us to OneCoin…

In a March 3rd article titled “(We) don’t want to be the police”, the Norwegian DSA called OneCoin out for being an “ugly” pyramid scheme. [Continue reading…]

Youlab Global Review: $399 or no affiliate discount

youlab-global-logoYoulab Global launched in mid 2015 and are based out of California in the US.

Heading up the company is Founder John de Vries, who also serves as Youlab Global’s CEO.

De Vries first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar as the CEO of Xseed Health back in mid 2014.

Xseed Health operated in the health and nutrition niche, with a heavy emphasis on affiliate recruitment. Upon recruitment of enough affiliates, Xseed Health offered a “commission guarantee”.

john-de-vries-ceo-xseed-healthIn addition to running Xseed Health, de Vries (right) has also been a master distributor for Nutrie and top-distributor with Monavie.

Today the Xseed Health website is offline, with the domain it was hosted on not in use. Whether Xseed Health collapsed or was shut down, its demise paved the way for de Vries to launch Youlab Global.

Read on for a full review of the Youlab Global MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Binary options MLM? Demand to see SEC registration.

SEC-logoOver the past year or so I’ve seen an increase in financial service related MLM opportunities.

Typically these schemes are registered somewhere shady in Europe, however their primary source of investors is the US.

Back in 2013 the SEC took action against Banc de Binary Ltd., a non-MLM binary options company.

Although not MLM, Banc de Binary Ltd. is otherwise pretty similar to today’s MLM binary options offerings.

Through YouTube videos, spam e-mails, and other Internet advertising, (Banc de Binary Ltd.) solicit(ed) U.S. customers.

The problem for Banc de Binary Ltd. is that they weren’t registered with the SEC.

The case against the company has been playing out over the past three years, with news of a settlement breaking earlier today. [Continue reading…]

Darryle Douglas arrested, in custody

zeekrewardsFollowing the regulatory shutdown of Zeek Rewards, Darryle Douglas was classified an insider and pursued by the court-appointed Receiver.

After years of ignoring proceedings against him and then attempting to launch a new scam, Douglas was finally slapped with contempt proceedings.

On December 10, 2015, Judge Mullen found Douglas in contempt of court. A warrant for Douglas’ arrest was issued, however up until now we’ve had no updates as to Douglas’ status. [Continue reading…]