Napier folds, Gilmond hit with $2.1 million default judgment

zeekrewardsLast we checked in with our stalwart Ponzi heroes, Gerry Napier and Trudy Gilmond were engaged in a united display of defiance.

Determined not to pay back their victims, the pair were refusing to attend court-ordered depositions and cooperate with the Receiver.

After repeatedly attempting to schedule the depositions, last month the Receiver gave up and approached the court for default judgement.

Up for $2.04 million if judgement was entered against him, Napier has since buckled and is now cooperating with the Receiver.

Gilmond still appears to be holding out, and for her efforts was slapped with a $2.3 million dollar judgement against her. [Continue reading…]

Paul Burks criminal trial set for May 2016

zeekrewardsIn a decision handed down on May 29th, Judge Cogburn granted Burks’ request to further delay his criminal trial.

It’s not the decision we wanted, but nonetheless Paul Burks will not enter a court room for another year yet. [Continue reading…]

Dubli direct lawyers to go after Troy Dooly

dubli-logoI’ve been called a lot of things over the years. The name “Oz”, within the context of BehindMLM, has been dragged through all sorts of mud and associated with any number of MLM companies (“you must be working for a competitor!”), government agencies, the media and even the Illuminati (I’m not kidding).

One person I’ve never been directly associated with though is Troy Dooly. At least not until now.

And thus the tone of a cease and desist Dubli had their lawyers send Troy Dooly a week ago is set. [Continue reading…]

Burks to be tried in November 2015 or September 2016?

zeekrewardsThe SEC shutdown Zeek Rewards in August of 2012.

The $850 million Ponzi scheme’s owner, Paul Burks, was indicted in October of last year.

A trial date remains pending, with the amount of discovery (Zeek Rewards information) having to be produced holding things up.

To that end Burks (right) remains a relatively free man.

That might not be the case for much longer though, with the DOJ’s latest filing pushing to get the trial started in November.

Paul Burks meanwhile wants the trial delayed for another sixteen months… [Continue reading…]

uFun Club’s new payment processor is uPayCard

ufunclub-logoA while back now uFun Club lost their previous payment processor services.

We’re not sure who they were using, but we do know the service was abruptly cancelled and affiliates were without a means to withdraw for months.

Last week we then started hearing about a new payment processor, specifically for uFun Club affiliates in western countries.

Initial announcements about the payment processor were pulled from Facebook in less than an hour, with affiliates threatened with their account being frozen if they discussed the processor in public.

Given the information blackout we didn’t initially have much to go on, but can now reveal uFun Club’s new payment processor is uPayCard. [Continue reading…]

Zeek Reciever sues Gary Bessoni (zCustomers) for $3.3M

zeekrewardsOne of the core components of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme was the dumping of worthless bids onto dummy Zeekler accounts.

Initially Zeek affiliates created these accounts manually, as nothing other than an email address was required. There was no verification, so pop in any old email address and off you went.

As affiliate Ponzi point balances increased however, and bearing in mind that affiliates could only dump so many bids on each created account, it soon became apparent that the task of creating new dummy accounts each day was laborious.

Specifically, as more and more affiliates began to require tens, if not hundreds of new accounts a day to dump bids onto, that time spent doing so was in conflict with the notion that earning in Zeek required little to no effort.

So began the search for a solution by Zeek Rewards corporate, which lead to the automation of generating fake accounts. These accounts were then sold back to affiliates, which in addition to solving the problem, also generated an additional revenue stream for the company.

Zeek charged $2.50 per dummy account and all was well until February 2012.

So as not to startle their affiliate-base, Zeek announced they were ceasing the service by citing laws that had nothing to do with decision.

The reality is that, painfully aware the bogus accounts they were selling served no other purpose than to perpetuate Ponzi fraud, Zeek sought to distance itself from any peripheral activities that might have seemed suspicious.

Immediately prior to Zeek shutting down their “5cc” service, zCustomers emerged offering the same service.

Analysis of the dummy email addresses zCustomers provided affiliates revealed that they were infact behind Zeek’s own “5cc” branded service.

Heading up zCustomers, through the shell companies Peak USA and Peak Impact, Gary Bessoni managed to pocket some $3.3 million dollars from Zeek Rewards investors.

Now it’s time to pay up. [Continue reading…]

Zeek Updates: Coach Van, zCustomers, Grimes & Kaplan

zeekrewardsThree brief updates from the Zeek Receiver today, coming in from the Receiver’s Application for Fees and Expenses (1st quarter, 2015), a docket report for a new lawsuit and a settlement agreement in the Kevin Grimes litigation. [Continue reading…]

Singapore investigating uFun Club?

ufunclub-logoThe attention uFun Club has been getting in Thailand, China, Malaysia and Vanuatu hasn’t gone unnoticed, with Singaporean media the latest to start asking questions about the scheme. [Continue reading…]

Rodrigues out on bail, $200,000 bond & home detention

DOJ-logoFor fraudulently obtaining an American green card and then using said green card to re-enter the US, Sann Rodrigues was arrested on May 16th.

After noticing that Rodrigues had been released from the New Jersey state prison he was being held in yesterday, we wondered if he’d been released or was perhaps being transferred to another facility.

Department of Justice to the rescue! [Continue reading…]

Cash Dojo Review: Penny auctions via a complicated mess

cash-dojo-logoThere is no information on the Cash Dojo website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Cash Dojo website domain (“”) was registered on the 11th of May 2007, however the domain registration is set to private.

The earliest record I was able to find of Cash Dojo existing is the claim on the company’s LinkedIn profile that it was founded in 2013.

The Cash Dojo Terms and Conditions meanwhile represent the company as being based out of Cyprus:

This site (excluding third party linked sites) is controlled by the Company from its offices within Nicosia, Cyprus.

This would appear to be a misrepresentation of Cash Dojo, with the company’s Privacy Policy containing contradicting information:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:

The Cash Dojo Network Inc 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2 Canada

That address however belongs to Regus, who sell rented virtual office space (mailing addresses).

The Cash Dojo compensation plan documentation clears this confusion up:

Company Ownership – Cash Dojo Corporation (IBC) is incorporated in Belize.

The Cash Dojo Network Inc is incorporated in Canada.

Company Location – The Company is headquartered in Vancouver, BC Canada.

Although why Cash Dojo is incorporated in Belize of all places is unclear.

Why Cash Dojo is located in Canada however is obvious enough, it’s where President and CEO Albert Liske is located.

Albert Liske, 34, has been the Chair of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Shoppaholic, Inc., since 2007.

He has since founded Cash Dojo Corporation, a Canadian, United States and Belizean company, and was named President and Chair.

The board also named him Chief Executive Officer of Penny Dojo Inc on December 1 and board chair on December 2 of 2013.

Somewhat confusingly, Natalie Wood is also cited as CEO of the company, with Kevin Grimes credited as the compay’s “attorney at law”.

Yes, that’s Kevin Grimes of Zeek Rewards notoriety.

I will state that the “business plan” document this information was obtained from appears to be dated late 2013 or early 2014. Whether or not Grimes is still involved with Cash Dojo is unclear.

A native of Vancouver, Canada, Mr. Liske is credited as the inventor of the modern day penny auction.

Albert Liske meanwhile first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar when he signed on as CEO of the Bidsson, the penny auction attached to the Bidify Ponzi scheme.

Liske resigned from the position just two months after he was appointed.

Liske then went on to publicly accuse Bidify of fraud. Citing an “amicable solution” two weeks later, Liske then dropped his campaign two weeks later.

What exactly went down between Liske and Bidify has remained a mystery.

According to the Cash Dojo LinkedIn profile, later that year Cash Dojo was Founded, with the company only recently having gone into prelaunch.

Read on for a full review of the Cash Dojo MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]