MLM Hits Review: $6 chain-recruitment scheme
There is no information on the MLM Hits website indicating who owns or runs the company.
The MLM Hits website domain (“”) was first registered on the 6th of November, 2014. The registration was last updated on the 23rd of August, 2015, suggesting this is when the current owner(s) acquired it.
Unfortunately the MLM Hits domain registration is set to private.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The MLM Hits Product Line
MLM Hits has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market MLM Hits affiliate membership itself.
Bundled with MLM Hits affiliate membership are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the MLM Hits website.
The MLM Hits Compensation Plan
The MLM Hits compensation plan sees affiliates pay $6 to qualify to earn commissions.
Commissions are paid out when they recruit others who do the same, via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Commissions are paid as affiliates are directly and indirectly recruited, with MLM Hits paying $1 per affiliate placed within an affiliate’s unilevel team.
Joining MLM Hits
Affiliate membership with MLM Hits is tied to the purchase of a $6 matrix position.
Free MLM Hits affiliate membership is available, but has nothing to do with the offered MLM opportunity.
With nothing being marketed to or sold to retail customers, MLM Hits is simply an exercise in paying affiliates to recruit new affiliates.
This is otherwise known as chain-recruitment, which in MLM constitutes a pyramid scheme.
The MLM Hits website appears to be particularly poorly made, with this likely intended to be a short-term scheme.
As with all such schemes, once affiliate recruitment dies down, commissions paid out within MLM Hits will slow down.
Eventually recruitment will die off altogether, at which point MLM Hits will have stalled and collapsed.
Mathematically the majority of participants in pyramid schemes are guaranteed to lose money. Those who get in early make off with most of the money, everybody else loses out.
Update 5th March 2016 – Following a series of back and forth (see discussion in the comments below), admin Valentin Calineanu has announced he’s abandoned MLM Hit’s compensation plan.
Paid MLM Hits affiliate membership is now $4, with affiliates receiving $2 per paid affiliate they recruit (single-level commissions).
Hello “” !
My name is Valentin C. and I am the admin of website.
First i just want to thank you for the granted interest for my MLM plan.
I wanna correct some misunderstood aspects that you presented in this post.
Mlmhits does not support a 10×6 matrix scheme as the number of direct referrals is unlimited.
There is just an example presented on the main page for at least 10 referrals on the first level and if you do the math there may be 1,111,110 positions in the tree.
Any of this positions can bring $1 not just a single level.
A MLMHits affiliate must click six supplied advertisements to be qualified for site traffic not for commissions (read carefully the plans on the table).
Nothing is being marketed to or sold to retail customers but you can see a PREMIUM member has many advantages apart of commissions such is a PREMIUM banner displayed in the center on any page.
Best regards!
Valentin who? Why is there nothing about you on the MLM Hits website? For an MLM opportunity this is pretty big red flag.
Thanks for the clarification.
From the MLM Hits website:
So uh what, unvalidated accounts qualify for commissions? You force your affiliates to click ads to qualify for commissions… it has nothing to do with bogus traffic.
No buts. In MLM if you’re not marketing and selling a product or service to retail customers, you’re probably doing something you shouldn’t be.
Hello again!
I did a rectification on the website :
“All the referrals on your 6 levels are forced to hit your ad in order to validate their account.” is now :
“All the referrals on your 6 levels are forced to hit your ad in order to be qualified for the multi-level traffic exchange option”.
Also i can consider the product or service for this MLM can be the PREMIUM upgrade with its privileges (PREMIUM banner, random referrals) as it can be seen in the plan table.
I will provide soon a section where i’ll present myself.
So just to clarify, I can sign up, dump money in MLM Hits, recruit others who do the same and with neither myself or my downline having ever clicked an ad, qualify for MLM commissions?
Affiliate membership = product or service != retail sales.
As you can see in the table “Commission received from each referral upgrade up to the 6th level” is checked for Premium (paid) members. So, it is not mandatory to be qualified for traffic in order to get commissions.
Right, so paid affiliates, other than paying, don’t have to do anything to qualify for commissions?
To get commissions the members have just to be upgraded (onetime payment of $6 by Payza), nothing else. Withdrawals of $1 instantly in Payza accounts too.
Thanks, I’ve updated the review.
Thank you too for help!
If it helps any Oz, his name is Valentin Calineanu and he’s Romanian. Other websites he owns/admins include,, and
Bytcoyn – “Earn bitcoins directly in your wallet from all referrals.”
SdkBook – offline
Uh, not looking good.
What is not looking good man?, and were 2 blogs of mine and i don’t need to use them at this moment. is online and i have banners on
I feel like a criminal here and wait my sentence to death.
Be serious man. I have nothing to hide. I thought your job is to analyze MLM not to spy people.
Well gee, I wonder why that could be…
You tell it i should report all my parked domain names when i promote a website.
Sorry, there is no relation between my domain names and the system presented here.
One of them isn’t parked and appears to offer ROIs on BitCoin investment.
With no other source of revenue except affiliate investment, I wonder the ROIs come from?
Sure there is. You.
I stated that is online and i still promote it.
I told you above that i’ll think about a section “About me” for .
That’s cool. I asked where the ROIs came from.
Please be more specific. I don’t understand exactly.
I pay money to you through BytCoyn, where do you source the funds to pay me back with?
Ok, but what do you mean about ROls?
I pay 0.01 BTC each month on the promise of an advertised 0.01 BTC payment for each new affiliate I recruit.
What is the source of the 0.01 BTC ROI I receive per affiliate recruited?
What do you mean “ROls?
ROI = return on investment.
I invest 0.01 BTC on the promise of an advertised 0.01 BTC ROI per new investor I recruit.
When a member wants to upgrade is paying BTC 0.01 directly in his upline wallet . he must have this amount in his personal wallet. It may be any kind of wallet set as a Bitcoin addres.
Ah, so it’s cash gifting then.
Upgraded members are paid directly in their bitcoin wallet (set in by referals on their purchase (upgrade) with no fee or delay, just directly.
Standard members are not paid on purchases. The referral payment goes to admin to process the payment notification.
Yeah like I said, cash gifting.
I have reworded MLMhits offer splitting it into two advertising packages (FREE and PREMIUM).
A new member considers that he is buying a PREMIUM advertising package as a digital product from a real MLM program.
Please look once again to the main page at PREMIUM offer and see if you can change your type of business in your review!
Why does the site look broken? And yes this looks like gifting.
From the basic description on the site between Free and Premium seems to me that your example of everyone getting 10 refs 10 levels deep is a bit extreme and where most people get duped into thinking they will be earning huge income.
When it becomes clear the owner seems to be reaping rewards from all of the signups from all that come into the business.
Being a free member – why would one want to be free? There is no incentive to remain free or join for free. Being Premium is not much better.
I think this needs to be reworked into providing more for all members and not just the Premiums. You may want to re-think keeping this 10 levels as well.
The members would like to buy PREMUIUM because the people pays more attention to the PREMIUM banners because they are fewer (greater frequency) and located in the best position (central) and also will receive free random referrals from direct sign ups without promoting.
There aren’t 10 levels in the program, just 6 . I presented just an example with 10 referrals brought by each member.
So the $6 is split upwards 6 levels? Sounds like you will be getting a lot of payments “gifted” to yourself.
You can claim ads and all that as being presented – Yet I don’t see your site as having lots of traffic or very high converting click thru considering the one time FEE.
You probably want to re-think – re-tool this concept. If anything by your example you show what seems to be an impossible scenario of signups to get paid from.
Yeah look, if paid affiliate membership still equals access to the comp plan, you’re still selling affiliate membership.
Bundling products with affiliate membership doesn’t make it any less of a chain-recruitment scheme.
I have re-thought the concept of MLMhits. FREE plan is the same but PREMIUM offers commissions from purchases only from direct referrals on a single level.
Please look at main page and update the review or delete it because i’ll never use a multi-level compensation plan (pyramid scheme) for payments. I’ll use pyramidal scheme just for the FREE plan – multi-level website traffic exchange.
So in other words – why have a free plan? Why not just make a sale a sale – free people can promote and earn on a sale like anyone else.
Why must one pay to earn anything – if they sent someone to the site and they bought anything – they deserve to be paid for the effort not punished for not buying first. How hard is that to understand?
If you really have a valued product or service being sold it should not be so hard to pay everyone – if they paid into the system or not.
You are too focused on your slice of the $4 or $6 fee. You can’t grasp selling a product that anyone would want to buy or earn from.
I make it easier for you:
Free people can earn $2 and upgraded people can earn $4. If you decide to really add products and services worth buying you probably can charge more.
All you have now is just banner exchange – with a bit of link clicking which seems to be your own fave links.
@Valentin C.
Thanks for the update, I’ve added an update to the review.
Dear Oz, you didn’t updated all. But There is no problem. I have a lot of thanks for Terrence B for his kindness. I have re-thought all the plans as he guided me.
I “punish” FREE members with a $2 commission as you can see again in the main page. I just want you to update the review / and tell me other opinions.
Thank you a lot again. Best regards!
What are you talking about? There’s an update at the bottom of the review.
“Affiliate membership with MLM Hits is tied to the purchase of a $6 matrix position.” Sorry!!!!
This isn’t Facebook. The review is date-stamped and an accurate reflection of what MLM Hits was at the time (a chain-recruitment scheme with no retail).
Your updates are noted at the bottom of the review.
Ooo ? so real? I think you are living in past. Do what you want to do. This is not an answer with Facebook. A review is a review not what we did some years ago.
Years ago? Try 5 days son.
Love you father!
ahem. sorry to interrupt, but this has to be the cutest father/son spat in the history of behindmlm. just saying.