CashFeeder Review: $34.5 million dollar cash gifting?

cashfeeder-logoIdentified as President of the company on the Cash Feeder website is “Selva Athithan K.”.

My Name is Selva Athithan.K from Tamil Nadu, and I am the Managing Director of Cash Feeder Program.

Tamil Nadu is a state in southern India, which is presumably where CashFeeder is being operated from.

Selva-Athithan-K-cashfeeder-adminEarlier this year Athithan K. (right) was advertising Merchant Shares, a forex scheme he claims pays ‘daily 1% – 2% profit for your Forex investment, up to 150%‘.

Through his website Padugai, Athithan K. promotes a number of suspect HYIP schemes. CashFeeder though appears to be his first venture as an admin.

Read on for a full review of the CashFeeder MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

CycleRevShare Review: $20 Ponzi cycler hybrid

cyclerrevshare-logoThere is no information on the CyclerRevShare website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The CyclerRevShare website domain (“”) was registered on the 3rd of September 2015, with an “Ashley Hinton” listed as the domain owner. A residential address in the US state of Michigan is also provided.

I was unable to put together an MLM history for Hinton, leaving a question mark as to what his or her experience is in the industry.

Read on for a full review of the CyclerRevShare MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Hailsham Council suspend Lyoness local merchant project

lyoness-logoLast month we brought you the story of the council of a town in England, gearing up to encourage local businesses to sign up as Lyoness merchants.

That town was Hailsham, with our coverage attracting the attention of town council staff.

In an attempt to answer some of the questions raised in BehindMLM’s initial article, John Harrison, Hailsham’s Town Clerk, reached out to us. [Continue reading…]

uFun Club scammers plead not guilty in Thailand

ufunclub-logoThirteen of the 164 indicted uFun Club scammers faced court yesterday, pleading not guilty on charges of ‘taking part in a transnational crime syndicate, public fraud, illegal direct sales, putting false information into computer systems and fraudulent borrowing.[Continue reading…]

Your Web Base Review: Another task-based free MLM opp?

your-web-base-logoThere is no information on the Your Web Base website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Your Web Base website domain (“”) was registered on the 31st of July 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals the email address attached to the “email us” section of the Your Web Base website was used by the RE247365 affiliate “R&P Marketing”:


RE247365 was a recruitment driven scheme launched about a year ago. Amid claims of $580,000 in fraud and $300,000 locked in frozen funds, the scheme collapsed shortly after launch.

According to Nevada state records, R&P Markteing’s business registration license expired earlier this year in April.

The sole listed “Officer” of R&P Marketing is Joshua Matheney, ergo Matheney is likely the owner of Your Web Base.

Why this information is not presented on the Your Web Base website is a mystery.

Read on for a full review of the Your Web Base MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Sann Rodrigues claims he doesn’t speak English…

telexfree-logoAccusing him of making a mockery of an asset-freeze currently in place, last month the SEC requested Sann Rodrigues be sent back to jail for contempt.

Rodrigues filed his response last Friday and, among other things, is now claiming he doesn’t speak English… [Continue reading…]

Kairos Technologies Review: Cloud-services & Ponzi ROIs

kairos-technologies-logoAside from claiming to be based in the UK, there is no information on the Kairos Technologies website indicating who owns or runs the business.

A Google search of the provided UK address reveals multiple businesses operating out of the same address, suggesting that it is a rented mailing address.

A “US Representative Office” address is also provided on the Kairos Technologies website, however this address belongs to iCorporate.

On their website iCorporate advertise corporate registration services both in the US and offshore.

For all intents and purposes, Kairos Technologies would appear to exist in the UK and US in name only.

The Kairos Technologies website domain (“”) was registered on the 18th of June 2014, however the domain registration is set to private.

janni-cavassini-ceo-kairos-technologiesFurther research reveals a Kairos Technologies marketing video, identifying Janni Cavassini as the CEO of the company.

Why Cavassini’s name does not appear anywhere on the Kairos Technologies website is unclear.

On his LinkedIn profile, Cavassini credits himself as “Head of investments at Kairos Technologies”. Cavassini also lists his location as Dubai in the UAE, which is likely where Kairos Technologies is infact being operated from.

Possibly due to language barriers, I was unable to trace any MLM history of Cavassini’s prior to Kairos Technologies.

Read on for a full review of the Kairos Technologies MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

BitCoin All Access Review: $300 matrix positions

bitcoin-all-access-logoThere is no information on the BitCoin All Access website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The BitCoin All Access website domain (“”) was registered on the 4th of August 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

247 Money Club Review: $29-$100 Xplocial gifting clone

247-money-club-logoThere is no information on the 247 Money Club website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The 247 Money Club website domain (“”) was registered on the 23rd of July 2014, with an “Edward Jason Beatty” of “World Of Products & Communications” listed as the owner. An incomplete residential address in the US state of New Jersey is also provided.

Edward Beatty was previously an affiliate with Xplocial, a collapsed $29-$100 a month cash gifting scheme launched in 2013.

World of Products & Communications meanwhile are tied to a number of failed real estate classifieds website attempts.

Read on for a full review of the 247 Money Club MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Did Jim Merrill’s Ponzi empire ruin his brother’s career?

telexfree-logoWhen multiple financial institutions began shutting down TelexFree’s banking accounts, Jim Merrill turned to his brother, John Merrill.

As President of Fidelity Cooperative Bank, John Merrill was certainly in a position to help his brother. And help him he did, with TelexFree granted permission to open three bank accounts with Fidelity in 2013.

After regulators shut down TelexFree for being a $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, Fidelity Cooperative came under scrutiny for its role in enabling Ponzi fraud.

To their credit Fidelity Cooperative did eventually ask TelexFree to close their accounts, but after five months the damage had been done.

TelexFree went on to secure bank accounts with other financial institutions but for its part in the Ponzi scheme, Fidelity Cooperative reached a settlement with the court-appointed Receiver for $3.5 million dollars.

The settlement was announced almost a year ago, but it was only last month that $2.9 million of it was returned to TelexFree victims.

Now in a move seemingly seeking to completely distance itself from TelexFree’s financial fraud, John Merrill will soon find himself unemployed. [Continue reading…]