MLM @ BehindMLM

Ryan Evans deletes Elamant evidence on eve of SEC trial

Ryan Evans is deleting evidence of his Elamant fraud. In the past week both Elamant’s website and YouTube channel have been deleted. Evan’s deletion of incriminating evidence falls on the eve of his showdown with the SEC in court.

YEM Foundation securities fraud warning from Austria

YEM and the YEM Foundation have received a securities fraud warning from Austria. As per the Financial Market Authority’s 13th May warning;

GSPartners securities fraud warning from SK, Canada

GSPartners has received a securities fraud warning from Saskatchewan, Canada. As per the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority’s June 1st investor alert;

QZ Asset Management fraud warning from South Africa

QZ Asset Management has received a securities fraud warning from South Africa. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), claims it opened an investigation following complaints from consumers.

OneCoin lawyer disbarred, files case against Norwegian govt

A disbarred lawyer has filed a case against the Norwegian government. At a ten day hearing that started on May 25th, Per Danielsen, of the firm Danielsen & Co. AS, is accused of working with OneCoin’s Ruja Ignatova.

Sri Lanka issues warning on eight MLM pyramid schemes

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has issued a warning on eight MLM pyramid schemes. Scams named in the Central Bank’s May 31st notice include:

QZ Asset Management Ponzi warning from Philippines

QZ Asset Management has received a Ponzi fraud warning from the Philippines. As per the Philippine SEC’s May 30th advisory;

Three QNet executives arrested in Hyderabad, India

Three QNet executives have been arrested on pyramid scheme fraud charges in Hyderabad, India. As reported by India Today on May 30th;

Swiss Valorem Bank (GSPartners) fraud warning from BC, CA

Swiss Valorem Bank and GSPartners have received a securities fraud warning from British Columbia, Canada.

Ryan Evans heads towards Saivian fraud trial

As per a Status Report filed by the SEC on May 4th, Ryan Evans has refused to settle his Saivian fraud case. The parties have met and conferred several times regarding the potential to resolve this matter, including after the resolution of the matter as to the other defendants. Unfortunately, the parties have so far [Continue reading…]