Apex376 Partners, as Apex 376 Partners LLC, has been added to the SEC’s PAUSE list.

Apex376 Partners is a Malaysian Ponzi scheme that pretends to be based out of the US.

As part of the ruse, Apex376 Partners represented it was registered with the SEC:

Apex 376 Partners LLC Registered In New York Under Number 5947673, In Partnership With Top-Tier Expertise Registered With The SEC In The USA.

Apex376 Partners is regulated by both the Open corporate(NY) and New York company registry which is affiliated to SEC.

This is of course nonsense, as confirmed by the SEC added Apex376 Partners to its PAUSE list.

While the SEC doesn’t issue securities fraud warnings, they do issue public warnings when companies lie about being registered.

The PAUSE Program lists entities that falsely claim to be registered, licensed, and/or located in the United States in their solicitation of investors.

The PAUSE Program also lists entities that impersonate genuine U.S. registered securities firms as well as fictitious regulators, governmental agencies, or international organizations.

Launched in 2022, Apex376 Partners appears to have collapsed. At time of publication, traffic to Apex376 Partners’ website is so low SimilarWeb doesn’t track it.