Merrill wants all seized TelexFree evidence suppressed

telexfree-logoJames Merrill’s criminal trial is currently scheduled for October 3rd, just over four months away.

Thus far whatever defense Merrill has planned has been kept under wraps. On the offense side of things though, Merrill has gone all out in a hilarious set of motions filed from May 20th…

According to his filed motions, Merrill wants all seized evidence against him suppressed. [Continue reading…]

Zeek Receiver calls VictoriaBank out for facilitating fraud

zeekrewardsThe Zeek Rewards, Payza and VictoriaBank dispute has been running for some time now.

At the center of the dispute is $13 million dollars in stolen Ponzi funds, currently frozen in a Bank of New York Mellon account.

The Zeek Receiver wants these funds returned to Rex Venture Group, in order for them to be distributed to victims of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme.

VictoriaBank insist the money is rightfully theirs. VictoriaBank are largely relying on the premise that they aren’t a US bank and should thus be permitted to keep the funds.

Back in February the Zeek Receiver filed a motion seeking to hold VictoriaBank, Payza and PaymentWorld to turn over the $13 million or be held in contempt.

VictoriaBank has since filed an opposition to the motion, which the Receiver has now replied to.

It ain’t pretty… [Continue reading…]

TelexFree victim claims platform goes live

telexfree-logoLast month the TelexFree Trustee estimated the TelexFree victim claims portal would go live in early May.

Slightly late but better than never, the victim claims portal has just gone live. [Continue reading…]

Pure Profit Pro Review: $250 to $1000 cash gifting

There is no information on the Pure Profit Pro website indicating who owns or runs the business.

Infact there is no information period, with the Pure Profit Pro website currently nothing more than an affiliate login page:


Clicking on the “pay admin fee” button causes the site to demand an affiliate referral code.

The Pure Profit Pro website domain (“”) was registered on the 30th of December 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Elevacity Review: Travopoly hitched to another MLM opp

elevacity-logoThere is no information on the Elevacity website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Elevacity website domain (“”) was registered on the 26th of January 2014, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals Robert Oblon identified as Founder and CEO of the company. Why this information is not presented on the Elevacity website is unclear.

On his LinkedIn profile, Oblon cites his location as Texas. The Elevacity website Terms states that the company has ‘offices within the State of Texas, U.S. of America‘.

robert-oblon-ceo-founder-elevacityPrior to launching Elevacity, Oblon (right) was President of World Ventures. He also held a 5% ownership stake in the company.

World Ventures is a travel niche MLM company that primarily pays affiliates to recruit new affiliates.

Oblon also owned Travopoly, which as I understand it was a vendor World Ventures provided travel discounts through.

In 2011 World Ventures filed a lawsuit against Oblon and Travopoly, accusing them of violating a Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation agreement.

I did try to look up the outcome of the case but was unsuccessful.

After Oblon left World Ventures, Travopoly appears to have continued on as a stand-alone vacation platform.

Oblon launched FourOceans Global in 2015, through which Elevacity is offered. Travopoly is featured on the Elevacity website as a “partner” of the company.

Read on for a full review of the Elevacity MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Thanda Travel Review: $34.95 a month travel recruitment

thanda-travel-logoThanda Travel claim to be a ‘privately owned company based in South Africa‘.

Identified as CEO of the company on the Thanda Travel website is Daniella Le Roux (full name: Daniella Beukes Le Roux).

Daniella has a passion for Sales and Marketing and has 16 years of experience in this.

She serves as Sales Director for Creative Hearts which is a development and marketing Company.

daniella-beukes-le-roux-ceo-thanda-travelMLM opportunities Le Roux (right) has been an affiliate with include Pro Travel Plus and Volishon.

Both companies operated in the MLM travel niche, with affiliates primarily paid to recruit new affiliates.

A visit to the Pro Travel Plus and Volishon websites reveal both companies are in decline, which has likely prompted the launch of Thanda Travel.

Read on for a full review of the Thanda Travel MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Fort Ad Pays Ponzi collapses, 40,000 investors lose money

fort-ad-pays-logoInvesting in a Ponzi scheme built on another Ponzi scheme was never a good idea, but that’s exactly what Fort Ad Pays offered.

Amazingly over 40,000 people thought this was a good idea. Unfortunately now that Fort Ad Pays has collapsed, they’ve now collectively lost millions of dollars. [Continue reading…]

$45.7 million recovered from Chinese OneCoin scammers

onecoin-logoA few weeks back BehindMLM reported on the arrest of three Chinese OneCoin affiliates.

Specifics surrounding the arrests were sketchy, but we do know that three affiliates were apprehended and $30.8 million USD in assets recovered.

Now in a followup article from ZSBTV, additional details about the arrests have emerged. [Continue reading…]

SuperAdShare Review: VIP matrix recruitment commissions

superadshare-logoThere’s no explicit information on the SuperAdShare website identifying the owner of the company.

If you hover your mouse over the Skype admin contact button on the footer of the website though, the Skype username “knelson3872” comes up.

This corresponds with a “testimonial” provided by Keith Nelson, who appears to be the SuperAdShare admin.


Why Nelson is providing a testimonial for his own opportunity that hasn’t even launched yet, is unclear.

Nelson appears to have begun his MLM career with Solavei back in 2012. Solavei collapsed and closed down its MLM opportunity in November, 2015.

Buried between a sea of religious podcast tweets on his Twitter profile, is a recent referral link for AdsPayPro.


AdsPayPro was a Ponzi scheme launched late last year. Affiliates invested $50 on the promise of an advertised $60 ROI, paid out of subsequently invested funds.

AdsPayPro collapsed last month, likely prompting Nelson to launch SuperAdShare.

Read on for a full review of the SuperAdShare MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Mega Profit Cycler Review: Four-tier Ponzi queues

mega-profit-cycler-logoThere is no information on the Mega Profit Cycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Mega Profit Cycler website domain (“”) was registered on the 6th of May 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

Margaret Oddy created and admins the official Mega Profit Cycler Facebook group. A post Oddy made a few hours ago claims Richard Cooper and Virginia Addy own the company.

My name is Richard Cooper. I’m the main admin in MPC, and reside in Canada along with my co-admin, Virginia Addy.

Neither Richard Cooper or Virginia Addy appear on the list of Mega Profit Cycler Facebook group members.

I also wasn’t able to find any additional information on Cooper or Addy, with Margaret Oddy appearing to be the sole face of the company.

margaret-oddy-teamvinh-investor-mega-profit-cyclerUp until recently, Oddy’s Facebook profile  publicly identified herself as a Team Vinh affiliate.

Team Vinh was a $3 million dollar Ponzi scheme shut down by the SEC late last year. Whether Richard Cooper and/or Virginia Addy were investors in the scheme too is unclear.

Read on for a full review of the Mega Profit Cycler MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]