Vantel Pearls Review: Pick-a-pearl jewelry parties

vantel-pearls-logoVantel Pearls was founded in 1990 by Joan Hartel Cabral.

The company operates in the jewelry MLM niche and is based out of Massachusetts in the US.

According to Cabral’s LinkedIn profile she graduated from university in 1982.

joan-hartel-cabral-founder-owner-vantel-pearlsWhen asked what she did prior to launching Vantel Pearls, Cabral (right) stated in an interview with the Direct Selling Education Foundation;

I lived in Spain for 3 years. I moved there for the adventure, to learn Spanish and to enjoy the lifestyle.

It was in Spain that I started my first business. I opened an Aerobics Studio in Denia, along the coast.

My students found it very funny when I said “toque sus hombres” touch your men, instead of “toque sus hombros” touch your shoulders.

I instantly loved running my own business and inspiring others to believe they could positively impact their own lives.

After only 3 months, the Town Government endorsed my business and offered me a rent-free gymnasium.

According to the Vantel Pearls website, Cabral got the idea for the company in 1987;

My story begins in 1987 on a trip to Hawaii where I first saw Oysters containing colorful Pearls being opened before my eyes.

I brought the business idea back to Massachusetts and opened a small seaside store on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Looking for the flexibility to raise a family while running a business, I started Vantel Pearls Parties. Our success is a dream come true.

Read on for a full review of the Vantel Pearls MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

ComHubb collapses, blames Adsense

commhubb-logoTrying to game the word’s largest advertising network isn’t going to get you far, as the owners of CommHubb recently found out.

In an announcement posted on the CommHubb website a few days ago, the company advises it has collapsed. [Continue reading…]

iWowwe shut down, sold off to Acesse

iwowwe-logoLate last year Bill Starkey sold off iWowWe’s video conferencing platform to Acesse.

iWowwe appears to have been in trouble dating as far back as early 2015, with reports of “broken promises” from “bad leadership” and affiliates not being paid.

Starkey was obviously unable to turn the company around, selling it off to Acesse in September, 2015.

Acesse renamed the iWowwe platform to “VideoMeet” and continued to market it under Acesse Marketing.

In an email sent out to iWowwe affiliates in mid June, the company advised it was shutting iWowwe down for good. [Continue reading…]

Drone Club Review: Drone tech = 200% ROI in 40 days?

drone-club-logoThe Drone Club website identifies “Timonthy Xie” as Technical Director and “Najib Alalwan” as Financial Director of the company.

The Drone Club website domain (“”) was registered on the 6th of September 2016. Mariyan Dimitrov is listed as the owner of the domain, with an address in London, UK also provided.

timonthy-xie-technical-director-drone-clubFurther research reveals dozens of companies operating from the same address, suggesting Drone Club exists in the UK in name only.

Possibly due to language barriers I was unable to find any additional information on Xie (right), Alalwan or Dimitrov.

Read on for a full review of the Drone Club MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Leads2Traffic Review: Traffic Monsoon Ponzi reboot scheme

leads2traffic-logoThere is no information on the Leads2Traffic website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Leads2Traffic website domain (“”) was registered on the 30th of January 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

The official Leads2Traffic Facebook group lists one admin, Connie Burnell.

Burnell’s own Facebook profile lists his location as France and is plastered with marketing material for Traffic Monsoon:


Traffic Monsoon is a Ponzi scheme shut down by the SEC in late July.

On August 28th, Burnell posted to Facebook;

After thinking and planing (sic) of many months i am going to officially launch my own long term Revshare website..
link will be available in few hours.

How much money Burnell lost or made in Traffic Monsoon is unclear.

Read on for a full review of the Leads2Traffic MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Dawn Wright Olivares & stepson receive jail time (Zeek Rewards)

zeekrewardsUp until the scheme’s last few months or so, Dawn Wright-Olivares was second-in-command at Zeek Rewards.

After the SEC shut down Zeek for being a $850 million dollar Ponzi scheme in 2012, Wright-Olivares (now known as Dawn de Brantes, alias Viola Wright), plead guilty to securities fraud evasion and tax evasion in December, 2013.

Wright-Olivares’ stepson Daniel Olivares, Zeek Rewards’ Senior Technology Officer, also plead guilty to securities fraud conspiracy.

Earlier this month it was announced that both Wright-Olivares and her stepson would be sentenced on September 13th.

dawn-de-brantes-zeek-rewards-sentencing-prayer-facebookOn September 11th Wright-Olivares (as Dawn de Brantes) made the following plea on Facebook:

Hello friends and family. I humbly come before all of you and ask for your support, prayers, light and love for my family and I. We are asking for favor, protection, grace, mercy and strength in this moment… and through the next 3 days.

Please see us coming home together happy and whole on Wednesday.

Those dreams were shattered yesterday, after both Wright-Olivares and her stepson received prison sentences. [Continue reading…]

Why Traffic Monsoon will lose the preliminary injunction hearing

traffic-monsoon-logoOPINION: On September 23rd the SEC, Traffic Monsoon and Charles Scoville will face off in court.

The issue at hand is whether a preliminary injunction should be granted against Traffic Monsoon and Scoville, effectively ending Traffic Monsoon and Scoville’s marketing career.

Aside from the usual rhetoric from angry investors who still haven’t realized they’ve been had, little has come out of camp Scoville over the last week.

In an update published a few hours ago, Scoville has revealed the core of his case come September 23rd. [Continue reading…]

Radien International Review: “Age reversal” skincare

radien-international-logoRadien International operate in the anti-aging MLM niche and are based out of Tennessee in the US.

Heading up Radien International is CEO and Founder, Greg Pilant.

The Radien website domain (“”) was registered on February 9th, 2016, with Pilant and G P Global listed as owners.

greg-pilant-ceo-founder-radien-internationalAccording to his LinkedIn profile, Pilant (right) is the owner, CEO and Chairman of Greystone Pharmaceuticals.

As per the Radien International website;

Waaay back in 1996 a ridiculously handsome man named Greg Pilant, started an R&D company with the goal of finding & licensing new ways to heal chronic wounds.

Greg and his team made some amazing discoveries, and are still tremendously successful in this field to this day.

Fast forward 20 years, multiple clinical trials, government-backed experiments, and international licensing agreements later… Greg realized that the same discoveries he made in wound care could drastically improve the appearance of regular skin, from the inside out (age reversal!).

And so, Radien was born, and we all lived happily ever after… but with waaay better skin.

In 2009 Greystone Pharmaceuticals filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, following poor sales performance through a manufacturing agreement with 3M.

Radien International appears to be Pilant’s first MLM launch.

Read on for a full review of the Radien International MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Vemma, Boreyko & Alkazins propose settlement with FTC

vemma-logoIt’s increasingly looking like Vemma will not front court to prove they aren’t a pyramid scheme, as alleged by the FTC last year.

On September 6th a joint motion to stay proceedings was filed, requesting 60 days for the FTC to consider the proposed settlement agreements. [Continue reading…]

Cash Rally GPS Review: $22 5×1 matrix cycler

cash-rally-gps-logoThere is no information on the Cash Rally GPS website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Cash Rally GPS website domain (“”) was first registered on August 23rd, 2013. The domain registration was recently updated on August 22nd, 2016, suggesting this might be when the current owner took possession.

The current domain registration lists Sherm Mason as the owner. An address in the US state of Arkansas is also provided.

Sherm Mason (aka Optimus Dale) first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar as the admin of Magnetic Builder.

Magnetic Builder was a $29.95 recruitment scheme launched in 2011.

sherm-mason-3x9-millionaire-machine-adminLast year was a busy one for Mason (right), with at least five known dubious schemes launched throughout:

In 2016 Mason has already launched Elite Pay Alliance (matrix-based cash gifting), 5 Dolla Money Lines (pass-up chain-recruitment) and Adstraordinary (matrix-based cash gifting).

Alexa statistics for Adstraordinary, launched in April, suggest the scheme has already collapsed.

Cash Rally GPS marks the fourth known launch of Mason’s in 2016.

Read on for a full review of the Cash Rally GPS MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]