Viral Crypto Review: 5-tier bitcoin cash gifting

viral-crypto-logoViral Crypto launched a week or so ago and name Randolph Taylor as admin of the company on their website.

Taylor is purportedly based out Italy, which is where Viral Crypto is being run from.

Taylor’s Viral Crypto corporate bio reveals he has “many years” experience within the MLM underbelly;

As an online entrepreneur working in this field for last many years. I am very enthusiastic, cooperative passionate to help other for make them popular online worker. And these was the causes of my dream comes true in shape of Viral Crypto.

I had faced hard experiences in other online field like in Rev Shares, PH programs, Affiliate Marketing, Online hops, Forex selling online and a host of other different kind of opportunities.

I would say here I was looking and finally I found it but still I was not satisfied and made lot of changes and amendments and I think I have created this what was people looking for last many years.

Beyond what is published on the Viral Crypto website, I was unable to independently verify if Randolph Taylor actually exists.

Alexa currently estimate that India is the largest source of traffic to the Viral Crypto website (46.8%).

Read on for a full review of the Viral Crypto MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Recyclix suspension ordered by Italian securities regulator

recyclix-logoRecyclix is an MLM opportunity that launched in late 2015.

Under the guise of generating revenue via recycling plastic, Recyclix solicits deposits of up to €100 EUR on the promise of a >100% ROI.

In reality the only source of revenue entering Recyclix is affiliate investment, making Recyclix a Ponzi scheme.

Earlier this year Russia and the Ukraine were primary sources of traffic to the Recyclix website. Italy has since emerged as a prime source of investment for the scheme, with the country currently making up an estimated 9.1% of traffic.

Italy is second only to Germany, who provide 9.6% of all Recyclix website traffic.

This has caught the attention of Italian regulator Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB), who on the 14th of September published the findings of an investigation. [Continue reading…]

TelexFree Trustee seeks victim claim bar date extension

telexfree-logoIn late May the TelexFree victim’s claim portal went live.

Since then “approximately 80,000 claims” have been filed by TelexFree victims.

The cutoff for victim claims is currently September 26th, however the Trustee now wants that date extended. [Continue reading…]

Nu Skin settle Chinese bribes and corruption with SEC for $765,688

nu-skin-logoBack in late 2014 news broke that Nu Skin was under SEC investigation. At the time CEO Truman Hunt claimed he wasn’t aware of an investigation.

By mid 2015 Nu Skin acknowledged the SEC investigation existed, having purportedly only become aware of it in April.

Before we get into today’s settlement announcement, a recap of what the SEC’s investigation into Nu Skin was all about. [Continue reading…]

Two UK Traffic Monsoon investors sue Scoville for half a million dollars

traffic-monsoon-logoIf Charles Scoville’s lengthy rants on Facebook are to be believed, Traffic Monsoon was not an investment opportunity.

Affiliates deposited $50 to receive website traffic, with absolutely no expectation they would eventually be paid more than they deposited. This despite Traffic Monsoon advertising a $55 ROI on every $50 deposit.

The picture Scoville paints is that of a united affiliate-base, content to wait and see how the SEC case against Traffic Monsoon plays out.

Inshallah, US securities law will be overturned, Ponzi schemes will be declared legal, the SEC case will be dismissed and Traffic Monsoon can continue to scam people through financial fraud.

Unfortunately two Traffic Monsoon affiliates have come forward to shatter Scoville’s fantasy, with separate lawsuits filed in the last 24 hours seeking over a half million dollars in damages. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin under consumer protection investigation in Poland, new bank

onecoin-logoOn July 27th Mirosława Suchonia filed an inquiry with the Polish Ministry of Justice regarding OneCoin.

Suchonia sought comment on whether or not OneCoin was potentially breaching Poland’s banking laws.

On September 13th a response from Łukasz Piebiak, the Minister of Justice, was published on the Sejm (Poland’s lower house of parliament) website. [Continue reading…]

Stolen deceased identity used to promote OneCoin

onecoin-logoFor a two year old company who make all sort of financial claims, there’s a distinct lack of independent media acknowledgement.

When something is published, OneCoin and their affiliates go into meltdown and make sure friends and family watching their Facebook page take note:


The article Ken Labine, a Canadian OneCoin investor,  is referencing was purportedly authored by William Morrow a few days ago on September 14th.

The article, “Here’s What You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency”, blabs on about bitcoin, then altcoins and finally OneCoin. It’s pretty much just a fluff piece with a OneCoin hook on the end.


Two problems with the author though. That’s not William Morrow in the profile photo, it’s a man named Morrow Willis.

According to public records, Morrow Willis died of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in February, 2015. [Continue reading…]

Explosive Marketing Review: Explosive Gambling platform & recruitment

explosive-marketing-logoThere is no information on the Explosive Marketing website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The only information provided by Explosive Marketing is a purported shell company registration in Cyprus;

Explosive Marketing is a brand (dba) managed by Rohnewalt Ltd, a Cyprus registered company with registration number HE 253768.

Cyprus is a known tax-haven and, in my experience, when it comes to MLM only a registration choice for only less than reputable companies.

The Explosive Marketing compensation plan suggests whoever is running the company is actually based in Spain.

4 Star ranked Explosive Marketing affiliates receive a “one time reward” that permits them to “meet the management in Spain”.

Another possibility is Norway, with Alexa currently estimating that 60% of all traffic to the Explosive Marketing website originates out of Norway.

The Explosive Marketing website domain (“”) was registered on the 13th of March 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Troy Barnes enters plea negotiations with DOJ (Achieve Community)

achieve-community-logoAfter being delayed for almost a year, Troy Barnes’ criminal trial was scheduled to kick off this month.

On September 9th Barnes’ attorney filed a Motion to Continue the trial, which was granted on September 19th. [Continue reading…]

Windsor’s Nerium lawsuit heads to mediation, 2018 trial date set

nerium-international-logoAfter claiming to have spent ‘six years developing, co-founding, and co-leading Nerium’s record breaking global sales which has topped four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000.00) annually‘, in March Dennis Windsor was terminated as company President.

A lawsuit followed in April, through which Windsor is seeking $22 million dollars in damages.

In addition to damages, Windsor is claiming copyright over Nerium’s business operations and ownership royalties.

Nerium claim ‘the alleged oral agreement between Plaintiff and Defendants never
existed’ and that Windsor has ‘vastly overstated his contributions, if any, to‘ Nerium.

Counterclaims filed against Windsor by Nerium allege ‘misuse of Nerium’s confidential information and trade secrets‘. [Continue reading…]