Lucent Trader Review: 20% a week stolen identity Ponzi

Lucent Trader provides no credible company ownership or executive information on its website.

Supposedly, Lucent Trader is headed up by Chairman James Brent Craig;

James Brent Craig is Chairman and Executive Director of Lucent Trader, a Commodity analyst and forex trader with over 16 years experience in the Financial industry.

He has been trading since 2005 within which he developed a proven strategy and has been able to teach his strategy to other successful traders with consistent results.

James is a family man from Miami, Florida, USA, loves to travel and engage in meeting clients.

Not surprisingly, Craig doesn’t exist outside of Lucent Trader’s marketing. This makes him a prime Boris CEO candidate.

What I believe whoever is actually behind Lucent Trader has done, is misappropriated the identify of an actual James Brent Craig.

The actual Craig is based out of Florida and is registered with FINRA. Lucent Trade’s fictional Craig biography appears loosely based on the actual Craig’s FINRA record.

The man on Lucent Trader’s website appears to be of middle-eastern or Indian heritage. Public records confirm the actual James Brent Craig in Florida is “white, not Hispanic”.

Regardless of where he’s actually from, the man representing Craig on Lucent Trader’s website is clearly not “white, not Hispanic”.

This isn’t the first time scammers have misappropriated the identity of a FINRA registered broker.

Lucent Trader’s website domain (“”), was first registered in March 2021. The private registration was last updated on March 14th, 2022.

Despite being around for just over a year at best, Lucent Trader falsely represents it was established in 2014.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Lucent Trader provides a corporate address in the UK on its website. For the purpose of MLM due-diligence, this is meaningless.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

CFTC to serve MTI’s Johannes Steynberg thru Hague Conv.

The CFTC has informed the court it intends to serve Johannes Steynberg through the Hague Convention. [Continue reading…]

Special Master to decide unresolved Traffic Monsoon claims

Unresolved Traffic Monsoon victim claims are holding up distribution payments.

As ordered by the court, 508 unresolved claims will now be decided by a Special Master. [Continue reading…]

Cancri Jewelry Review: Jewelry storefront Ponzi in Turkey?

Cancri Jewelry provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Cancri Jewelry’s current website domain (“”), was privately registered on December 23rd, 2021.

Cancri Jewelry originally operated from “”, privately registered on December 22nd, 2021. Why the company changed website domains is unclear.

Cancri Jewelry markets itself as “the largest jewelry store in Europe and Asia”. No sales figures to back up this claim are provided.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Cancri Jewelry provides a corporate address in Turkey on its website.

The address is represented to correspond to a Cancri Jewelry branded building:

Google Maps shows, at least as of April 2022, that the building does in fact exist as depicted:

The building also features in Cancri Jewelry’s marketing videos:

Other than having a branded building in Turkey however, Cancri Jewelry otherwise doesn’t appear to have any ties to the country.

Cancri Jewelry marketing videos are all in Russian and feature Russian speaking actors.

Cancri represents it has a “call center” in Ukraine. Other than a phone number though, no details are provided.

On November 17th 2021, the Central Bank of Russia issued a Cancri Jewelry financial pyramid warning.

Associated Cancri Jewelry domains cited by the CBR include:

  • (abandoned)
  • (Turkish version of homepage, dead website)
  • (abandoned, Bulgarian hosting)
  • (Russian version of homepage, dead website) and
  • (primary website, active)

Cancri Jewelry’s website features both Russian and Ukrainian web services:

We can conclude from all of this that Cancri Jewelry is run by Russians and/or Ukrainians, pretending they’re based out of Turkey.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Scammers resurrect Traffic Monsoon Ponzi, add crypto

The notorious Traffic Monsoon Ponzi scheme has been resurrected.

This time opportunistic scammers are hoping to fleece new victims through cryptocurrency. [Continue reading…]

QNet scammers jailed for 48 months over kidnapping ruse

Three QNet scammers have been jailed in Ghana, after a gruesome ruse to con family members out of money came undone. [Continue reading…]

Did Kristijan Krstic & Xenia Atilano flee Serbia for the Philippines?

Fugitives Kristijan Krstic and wife Xenia Faye Natividad Atilano, have been on the run since August 2021.

The crime couple are wanted by US authorities, on charges related to a $70 million Ponzi empire.

Following their arrest at the request of US authorities in Serbia, Atilano was released early due to pregnancy. Krstic was released in July 2021 under murky circumstances.

Krstic and Atilano then promptly fled, and haven’t been seen since. Serbian authorities have remained silent on how the pair escaped.

Now some of the couple’s kids have turned up in the Philippines, prompting speculation Krstic and Atilano might be staying near family there. [Continue reading…]

SEC charges eleven Forsage scammers with securities fraud

The SEC has charged eleven Forsage Ponzi promoters with securities fraud.

The SEC claims Forsage is a $300 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

Forsage owner Vladimir “Lado” Okhotnikov is among the eleven defendants. [Continue reading…]

Envi FX Review: “Automated Capital” trading financial fraud

Envi FX fails to provide company ownership and executive information on its website.

Envi FX’s website domain (“”), was first registered in 2020. The private registration was last updated on July 23rd, 2022.


Update 3rd August 2022 – As referenced in the conclusion of this review, one half of the admin team behind Envi FX and Automated Capital goes by “Kyle”.

In the comments below, BehindMLM reader David has outed “Kyle” as Kyle Cole (aka Kyle Raymond Cole and Kyle Raymond):

As of July 26th, Cole (right) claims $2.1 million has been invested into Envi FX and Automated Capital. Within an hour of David outing Cole, Cole deleted the above FaceBook post.

As per Cole’s FaceBook account, he’s a “full time entrepreneur” based out of Cincinnati, Ohio.

I can’t confirm it’s the same individual but, back in January, BehindMLM had a “Kyle Cole” show up trying to understand the since collapsed Intelligence Prime Capital Ponzi scheme.

On LinkedIn Cole cites himself as the CEO and Financial Specialist of “Global Ambassadors LLC”.

Whatever Global Ambassadors LLC was, its website is no longer functional.

A search of the Edgar database reveals Cole is not registered with the SEC. It is illegal to offer and promote unregistered securities in the US.

Cole’s Automated Capital partner in crime has yet to be identified. /end update


Update 3rd August 2022 #2 – I did some more digging around and believe Kyle Cole’s partner in crime is Hendry J Agus.

This is based on Cole and Agus being the sole two admins of Automated Capital’s official FaceBook group:

The group currently has 366 members and was created in March 2022.

Automated Capital is a Percentage Allocation Money Management (PAMM).

It is a form of pooled money forex trading utilizing Artificial Intelligence that works 24/7 to perform comprehensive analysis of market conditions at any time.

On his own FaceBook profile, Agus promotes Automated Capital as a “legit investment platform” generating “20 to 30% monthly”:

Agus represents he is based out of Alberta in Canada. Agus, like Cole, is not registered with the SEC or Canadian financial regulators.

Agus represents he has been committing securities fraud since at least “early 2021”:

Prior to founding Automated Capital, Agus was promoting CopyProTraders,

CopyProTraders is another MLM opportunity committing securities fraud. As at the time of this update, CopyProTraders’ website was non-responsive.

Before CopyProTraders Agus promoted My Freedom 365, a Ponzi cycler.

In addition to scamming people through fraudulent investment schemes, Agus works as a “systems engineer”. He is also a former Primerica distributor. /end update


As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Recompense Review: Terrance Gibson’s recovery scam

Recompense identifies Terrance D. Gibson Sr. as owner of the company on its website.

Gibson Sr., a resident of Georgia in the US, is cited as a pastor, author and entrepreneur.

What isn’t disclosed is Gibson Sr. is also a serial promoter of crypto Ponzi schemes:

MLM opportunities promoted by Gibson Sr. (right) include:

Recompense’s website domain (”), was privately registered on May 27th, 2022.

Gibson Sr. began promoting Recompense on or around July 4th.

Read on for a full review of Recompense’s MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]