Forcount scammer Antonia Perez Hernandez arrested in Florida
The third indicted Forcount Ponzi scammer has been arrested. Antonia Perez Hernandez was arrested in Florida on December 16th.
The third indicted Forcount Ponzi scammer has been arrested. Antonia Perez Hernandez was arrested in Florida on December 16th.
Validus has received a fraud warning from Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority. As per the FSMA’s December 14th warning;
Karl Sebastian Greenwood has pled guilty to OneCoin related wire fraud and money laundering charges.
USFIA founder Steve Chen has died in prison. Following a guilty plea entered back in 2020, Chen was sentenced to to ten years in prison in 2021.
The Ontario Securities Commission has issued a NovaTech FX securities fraud warning.
Infinity2Global Ponzi founder Richard Maike has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Maike will also pay a $100,000 monetary fine, with restitution to be determined next year.
Forcount founder Francisley Valdevino Da Silva (aka Francis Silva), has been sued by the SEC. The SEC has also filed civil fraud charges against three US-based promoters.
My Micro Profits founder Ryan Ginster has plead guilty to one count of wire fraud.
Forcount Ponzi founder Francisley Valdevino Da Silva (aka Francis Silva), has been indicted in the US and arrested in Brazil. Two top Forcount Ponzi promoters in the US have also been indicted.
The USFIA Receiver’s 26th Interim Report details several distribution payment problems.