Reign Legacy Review: $18 matrix cycler positions

reign-legacy-logoThere is no information on the Reign Legacy website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Reign Legacy website domain (“”) was registered on the 13th of February 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals a marketing video titled “Reign Legacy” was uploaded on March 10th, to a YouTube account bearing the name “Mark Anthony Thompson”.


A link to Reign Legacy without an affiliate code is included in the video’s description, strongly suggesting Thompson himself is behind the scheme.

Typically when an admin links to their own opportunity, they don’t need to include a referral link if the system defaults new signups without a referral code to their account.

With regard to Reign Legacy, new signups with a referral link are placed directly under the 2nd sponsor ID in the system, which belongs to “Mollie Beasley”:


Beasley (who goes by the name “Mollie Woop” on Facebook), has Mark Anthony Thompson in her Google Plus circles. Presumably Thompson holds the top sponsor ID (which would be value=”1″ in the screenshot above).

Update 19th February 2015 – Following publication of this review, Mark Anthony Thompson has been in contact. He claims he doesn’t own or run Reign Legacy, and instead was contacted by Mollie Beasley to produce the promotional video uploaded to his YouTube channel.

The article had stated that I was the owner of the website or what not, but all I did was create the animated sketch video for them and upload it on youtube.

I am not the owner of the website or even apart of the program. They contacted me and asked me to take it off youtube, so I did.

I pressed Thompson on who contacted him and whether he was paid (and by whom), and received the following reply:

They as in Mollie and a few other administrators that I dont know who they are or anything about. Only reason I know Mollie was because looking for someone who knew how to make animated sketch videos.

She saw a few of my previous videos that had been shared on Facebook through a mutual friend, and that’s how we came in contact about making the video.

She is in my circles because she gave me her email to mail her the file to upload but she couldn’t figure out how to upload it from her phone.

So I just put it up on my yt account for the time being to make it easier. I put the website link there because that’s the only Link I was given for people to go look and receive more info.

In return Mollie had got for me some pull-tab flyers that I needed for my real estate business.

Thompson’s information indicates that Mollie Beasley is either running Reign Legacy or working closely with whoever is.

Why this information is not provided on the Reign Legacy website is a mystery. /end update

Read on for a full review of the Reign Legacy MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

AdBizCentral Review: $10 in, $12 out advertising-based Ponzi

adbizcentral-logoThere is no information on the AdBizCentral indicating who owns or runs the business.

The AdBizCentral website domain (“”) was registered on the 2nd of March 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Plotting the Mohd Nazifuddin uFun Club timeline…

ufunclub-logoAfter it was revealed that Mohd Nazifuddin had likely profited from uFun Club, he took to Facebook to issue a denial.

This was met with the revelation that Nazifuddin was a primary shareholder in Sagajuta, a Malaysian construction uFun Club affiliates first began claiming was working with uFun Club back in 2013.


The two companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding last month at a gala bash, which will see an undisclosed amount of funds flow into Sagajuta’s Gateway Klang project.

Now, in an increasingly desperate bid to distance himself from the $1.17 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, Nazifuddin has been issuing statements of denial to the Malaysian media all day.

There’s just one problem… the timeline accompanying Nazifuddin’s denials doesn’t add up. [Continue reading…]

Nu Skin confirm SEC investigation (Chinese shenanigans)

nu-skin-logoBack in November 2014 it was revealed, through a Freedom of Information request, that Nu Skin was under SEC investigation.

Nu Skin have since failed to address the investigation, or even acknowledge its existence… until now. [Continue reading…]

TelexFree linked to Colombian drug cartel?

telexfree-logoAs the $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme TelexFree created financial havoc around the world, one of the prominent recruitment hotspots to emerge was the Dominican Republic.

One of the ringleaders driving the recruitment of new TelexFree investors was Jorge Mercedes Cedeño, a pastor at a Dominican Protestant church.

Following the arrest of Cedeño in connection to laundering funds for a Colombian drug cartel, authorities are now looking into his ties with TelexFree. [Continue reading…]

Malaysian royalty involved in uFun Club Ponzi scheme?

ufunclub-logoAmid mounting evidence that he was heavily involved in uFun Club, yesterday saw the Prime Minister of Malaysia’s son deny any involvement in the uFun Club Ponzi scheme.

mohd-nazifuddin-ufun-club-royaltyIn a post published Wednesday afternoon, Mohd Nazifuddin (right) wrote

It has come to my attention that my name has been linked to UFunStore Co. Ltd since the raid at the company’s headquarters in the Bang Na district in Bangkok recently.

UFun have used my name to deceive buyers in order to encourage them to enrol in their Ponzi Scheme. I have no involvement with the group.

A number of online media publications reported my involvement in UFun Store through the collaboration with Sagajuta Sdn. Bhd. I have resigned from the post of Director and Chairman of Sagajuta on 18 Dec 2012.

Sagajuta (Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd) are a Malaysian construction firm, who have been working with uFun Club since its apparent inception in 2013.

Last month saw the firm sign a memorandum of understanding with uFun Club, which will result in an undisclosed amount of stolen Ponzi funds flowing into Sagajuta’s Gateway Klang construction project.

Cracks in Mohd Nazifuddin’s denial almost immediately began to appear, with it taking all of an hour for a photo of him with several uFun Club executives to surface:


Sitting next to Nazifuddin is Athiwat Soonpan, uFun Club’s International President and Warren Eu, credited as a Founder of the scheme:


Overnight further information has cemented Nazifuddin’s ties to the $1.17 billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

Nazifuddin might have very well resigned from his post as Chairman of Sagajuta in 2012, however he remains a major shareholder in the firm.

As per the Sarawak Report;

It seems strange therefore that, in the context of all these denials, Nazifuddin neglected to mention that he remains a substantial shareholder of Sagajuta, of which he was previously the Chairman.

Nazifuddin is both a direct investor in Sagajuta (Sabah) SdnBhd and is also a shareholder of the company with the largest amount of shares.

Through the company Generasi Cipta Sdn Bhd (of which Nazifuddin is a shareholder in), Nazifuddin is tied to some 6,270,000 shares in Sagajuta. Combined, the other shareholders together hold only 3.7 million shares.

That Nazifuddin (through Generasi Cipta) is running the show over at Sagajuta via major shareholder stake is painfully obvious (nobody else seems to be sitting down for meals with uFun Club executives).

Yet despite his company having been tied to uFun Club since its inception and still, to this day, signing agreements to facilitate the laundering of Ponzi funds through Malaysian construction projects, Nazifuddin yesterday had the gall to deny involvement.

At the time of publication no further comment has been issued by Nazifuddin.

In the meantime, it’s increasingly looking like not only is the Prime Minister’s son neck-deep in Ponzi fraud, but so might members of Malaysian royalty. [Continue reading…]

Malaysian PM’s son denounces uFun Club, plays victim

ufunclub-logoRun a $1.17 billion dollar Ponzi scheme under the nose of Malaysian regulators… nothing happens.

Uncover that the Prime Minister of Malaysia’s son is tied to the scheme, and watch a volcano of controversy erupt.

Recently Thai news outlet Now26 covered a BehindMLM report linking Mohd Nazifuddin, son of current Malaysian Prime Minister Mohammad Najib Abdul Razak, to uFun Club.

mohd-nazifuddin-ufun-clubBack in 2013 uFun Club affiliates claimed Nazifuddin (right) was the Executive Chairman of Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian construction firm who worked closely with uFun Club in its early stages.

The companies are still tied together, through the development project Gateway Klang in Kuala Lumpur.

Recently a signing ceremony gala was held on the Gateway Klang project site, with Daniel Tay signing an agreement that he hopes will see an undisclosed amount of stolen Ponzi funds enter Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd’s coffers.

As recently as August 2014 uFun Club investors were still claiming Nazifuddin was involved in Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd at an executive level.

Now Nazifuddin is refuting those claims, asserting that he left Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd in 2012. [Continue reading…]

iFreeX now a 120 day 200% ROI revenue-sharing scheme?

ifreex-logoWhen we first took a loot at iFreeX back in September 2014, the company was in prelaunch.

Headed by top Sannderly Rodrigues, iFreeX in its prelaunch state was pretty much a reload scheme targeting those who lost money in TelexFree.

TelexFree was a $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, shut down by the SEC in April 2014. Billed as the top earner in the scheme, Rodrigues himself claimed to have stolen over $3 million dollars from TelexFree victims.

iFreeX sought to emulate TelexFree’s fraud, by also attaching itself to a paper-thin telecommunications front-end.

Now, as iFreeX appears to be on the verge of collapse, it appears the telecommunications ruse has been abandoned entirely.

And not for the better. [Continue reading…]

The Bank Secrecy Act vs. the MLM underbelly

finCEN-logoTo be honest I’m not really sure why they’ve done so, but today the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) shed some light on the finer details of their Liberty Reserve investigation.

In the update, FinCEN revealed the Bank Secrecy Act played a major role in their investigation into the payment processor.

Why is that significant?

Because it’s never been done before… and upon closer inspection of the Act, one can only wonder what this will mean for the MLM underbelly going forward. [Continue reading…]

Panvoya Review: Retail volume without retail sales?

panvoya-logoPanvoya describe themselves as ‘the most unique and exciting travel program available today.

The company are based out of the US state of Texas and identify Paul Koury as President and CEO.

Paul has over 25 years of experience in the travel industry, having started his own travel agency at the age of 16.

He has also founded or served at the executive level of multiple retail and service companies, including three with network marketing based affiliate compensation plans.

One of those companies was Viradyne, reviewed here on BehindMLM back in 2011.

paul-koury-president-ceo-panvoyaViradyne attempted to enter into the crowded niche of search, hoping to generate revenue from users using its search engine, Link 180.

Viradyne flopped shortly after launch, with Koury (right) complaining it was only able to attract “very low-quality users“.

Despite what’s claimed in Koury’s Panvoya corporate bio, I was unable to tie him to any other MLM company.

Read on for a full review of the Panvoya MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]