Cornucopia Network Review: Share investment & recruitment

cornucopia-network-logoThere is no information on the Cornucopia Network website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Cornucopia Network website does have an “about us” page, but only the following vague marketing spiel is provided:

Cornucopia Network is a relativly (sic) young company offering many web solutions such as Hosting and Web Design and Build through our sister company.

No further information about the “sister company” is provided.

The Cornucopia website domain meanwhile was registered on the 20th of January 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

The Advertising Net v2.0 Review: Smaller matrix, same scam

the-advertising-net-logoThe Advertising Net initially launched as an article directory attached to a ten-tier matrix cycler.

Operating as a Ponzi scheme, The Advertising Net required a constant influx of new affiliates to purchase matrix positions.

That of course didn’t happen, and so The Advertising Net eventually crashed.

Now with a new compensation plan, The Advertising Net was relaunched earlier this month.

Read on for a review of The Advertising Net v2.0. [Continue reading…]

22K Collective Review: Oldschool check-based cash gifting

22k-collective-logoThe 22K Collective website domain (“”) was registered on the 14th of March 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

There is no information on the 22K Collective website indicating who owns or runs the business. Infact, should you visit the 22K Collective website without an affiliate referral link, there’s not much of anything on the site:


Further research reveals a press-release uploaded by “Tidom Inc” on May 15th, naming Scott Miller as the owner of 22K Collective:

22K Collective launched its new website marketing Tidom Inc. in (a) small press meet here today.

Owned by Scott Miller, the company is offering the most successful business opportunity of the 21st century.

Scott Miller himself uploaded the press-release, indicating he is running both Tidom Inc. and 22K Collective.

scott-miller-tidom-inc-22k-collectiveBack in 2013 Miller (right) was heavily involved in the $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, TelexFree.

Miller was a prominent US-based investor, speaking on stage when TelexFree held corporate recruitment meetings in the US.

Following the shutdown TelexFree by the SEC in early 2014, Miller promptly began deleting and attempting to cover up his TelexFree promotional activity:


How much Miller stole from TelexFree victims is unclear. After the shutdown he signed up as a MyNyloxin affiliate (revenue-sharing), but that doesn’t seem to have lasted long.

Now, just over a year after TelexFree’s shutdown, Miller has decided to get back into MLM by launching the 22K Collective.

Read on for a full review of the 22K Collective MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Daniel Tay admits uFun Club illegal, 11th arrest in Thailand

ufunclub-logoThe arrest of Rathawit Thiti-arounwat last month continues to pay off, with two new warrants issued for investors in the “same network” of uFun Club investors.

The network refers to the affiliate downline genealogy Thiti-arounwat belonged to which, given the attention its receiving from police, appears to be one of the largest groups promoting uFun Club in Thailand. [Continue reading…]

China joins uFun Club investigation, 200+ officers on the case

ufunclub-logoA raid on a UDBP Bank branch in Thailand has uncovered that the Vanuatuan institution, who were not registered to operate as a bank in Thailand, was being used by uFun Club to accept deposits directly from Chinese investors.

So far it has been uncovered that around 8000 Chinese uFun Club investors had deposited around $8.7 million USD with the bank. uFUn Club then used UDBP Bank accounts to launder the funds off to Malaysia and Vanuatu.

In response to the development, China has now officially joined the international uFun Club investigation. [Continue reading…]

Nazifuddin “doesn’t know” if Sagajuta executives are in uFun

ufunclub-logoThe controversy surrounding Mohd Nazifuddin and uFun Club continues to get stranger, with the latest seeing the Prime Ministers son muddle dates and attempt to divert attention onto Sagajuta management. [Continue reading…]

uFun Club to ditch Malaysia for Samoa?

ufunclub-logoFollowing the announcement yesterday that Daniel Tay, uFun Club’s Marketing Director, was going into hiding, we speculated on where he might flee to.

At first glance Vanuatu emerged as a likely candidate, given it’s increasingly looking like uFun Club has laundered millions of dollars through the country’s UDBP Bank.

Now new information has emerged, suggesting the pacific nation of Samoa might also be a contender. [Continue reading…]

Malaysian political party calls for uFun Club legal action

ufunclub-logoAs the political scandal surrounding the murky connection between Mohd Nazifuddin and uFun Club grows, the latest sees a prominent Malaysian political party call on the government to clear its name. [Continue reading…]

uFun Club financial fraud uncovered, Daniel Tay flees

ufunclub-logoWhen Thailand began cracking down on uFun Club, and arrests were made in Thailand and China, it was only a matter of time before those running the scam would either be arrested, or flee.

First fleeing Thailand for Malaysia, if a top uFun Club investor is to be believed, senior management are now looking to disappear for good. [Continue reading…]

Malaysian Police dismiss Mohd Nazifuddin’s uFun links

ufunclub-logoFar be it from me to be an expert on the inner workings of a police force, but the following seems comically negligent.

When asked by Malaysian media about Mohd Nazifuddin’s involvement in uFun Club, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar simply dismissed the issue.

Not because Malaysian police had thoroughly investigated Nazifuddin’s involvement in Sagajuta and the fact that he’s a major shareholder with money likely been transferred between uFun Club and Sagajuta over the past two years, but because

Thai police never mentioned PM’s son (Mohd Nazifuddin Najib).

…WHAT?!? [Continue reading…]