TelexFree owners face eight new criminal lawsuits in Brazil

Authorities in Brazil continue efforts to bring TelexFree’s Carlos Wanzeler and Carlos Costa to justice, with eight new criminal complaints filed yesterday.

The Federal Public Prosecutors Office in Espírito Santo have charged Wanzeler, Costa and twenty-one other individuals with money laundering and evasion of foreign exchange. [Continue reading…]

Perfectly Posh warned by FDA for product claim violations

Perfectly Posh operate in the personal care MLM niche and are based out of Utah in the US.

As per the company’s website, Perfectly Posh market a range of products it claims ‘are made in the USA with the purest, natural ingredients on earth‘.

Back in March the FDA visited the Perfectly Posh website for review.

On June 2nd Perfectly Posh CEO and co-founder Ann Dalton received a warning letter identifying several violations. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin a criminal organization, claims Kazakhstan regulator

Back in April Kazakhstan authorities arrested top OneCoin investor Mirsaitova D.K. and several of her local downline.

The case is being handled by the Economic Investigation Service, a department of the State Revenue Committee.

In response to a media enquiry, yesterday the SRC provided an update as to the current status of the case. [Continue reading…]

Better Planet Paper Review: Sustainable toilet rolls and paper towels

Better Planet Paper provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Better Planet Paper website domain (“”) was privately registered on August 18th, 2016.

Further research reveals Scott Kufus claiming to be the Founder and CEO of Better Living Paper on his LinkedIn profile.

With my keen focus on eco-consciousness, I founded Better Planet in 2017 to revolutionize paper consumption to make sustainability more practical.

Why there’s no information about Kufus on the Better Living Paper website is unclear.

Kufus (right) credits himself with “over 33 years in sales and relationship marketing experience”.

This includes corporate roles and affiliate memberships with

  • Video Plus – National Video President of Sales
  • The Peoples Network – Executive Director (distributor)
  • AdvoCare – National Sales Trainer
  • OxyFresh – Sales Advisor
  • Univera Life Sciences – Vice President of Sales & Marketing
  • GeneWize – Co-founder and Vice President of Sales & Marketing
  • SnackHealthy – Co-founder
  • Family Vacation Network – Co-founder & Marketing Strategist
  • World Ventures – Technical Sales Consultant
  • Purium – Field Sales Trainer

Read on for a full review of the Better Planet Paper MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Power On Network’s sham partnership with Exergonix terminated

If you want a shot at marketing Ponzi points these days, you need to attach yourself to something that resembles legitimacy.

Traditionally in MLM this is known as “legitimacy by association”. It’s akin to placing a rotten apple next to a gold bar and claiming the apple has value.

The apple is still rotten and worthless, regardless of the value of the gold bar. [Continue reading…]

Our Bitcoin Review: 2×6 matrix bitcoin gifting

Our Bitcoin provide no information on their company website about who owns or runs the company.

The Our Bitcoin website domain (“”) was privately registered on April 20th, 2017.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

CoinXL Review: 150% bitcoin ROI in 150 days

CoinXL provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The CoinXL website domain (“”) was privately registered on June 4th, 2017.

Further research reveals Brad Cook appearing on various CoinXL affiliate marketing calls. Cook is cited as part of CoinXL’s “leadership” and speaks with authority as to the running of the company.

I wasn’t able to ascertain Cook’s specific role within CoinXL.

Brad Cook (right) first appeared on BehindMLM’s radar as the CEO of NexxStars.

NexxStars was a Ponzi scheme launched in 2014. By the end of the year NexxStars had collapsed.

Other companies Cook (right) claims to have been affiliated with include National Safety Associates (NSA), Smart Travel and Enliven.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Worldwide Cryptocurrency Investment: Edward Hartley goes rogue

World Cryptocurrency Investment provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The World Cryptocurrency Investment website domain (“”) was privately registered on January 31st, 2017.

Further research reveals Edward Hartley crediting himself as co-founder of the company, in a World Cryptocurrency Investment video dated June 21st.

Hartley does not disclose who the other co-founder(s) of World Cryptocurrency Investment are.

Before co-founding World Cryptocurrency Investment, Hartley was promoting the OneCoin Ponzi scheme. Prior to OneCoin Hartley was an affiliate with Organo Gold.

In early 2016 Hartley had a brief stint as Vice President of Global Sales at Visi.

At the time of publication World Cryptocurrency Investment is primarily marketed in Vietnam. Alexa estimate that pretty much all traffic to the Wold Cryptocurrency Investment originates out of the country.

Read on for a full review of the World Cryptocurrency Investment MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

People and Connection Review: A share economy MLM opp?

People and Connection provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The People and Connection website domain (“”) was first registered on January 7th, 2016. The domain registration details were last updated on December 8th, 2012.

Unfortunately the People and Connection website domain has been privately registered and provides no ownership information about the company.

Further research reveals a People and Connection marketing presentation naming Fabriche Kerherve (President), Jean Marc Colaianni (Chairman) and Adele Sgro (Board Member) as co-founders of the company.

Why this information isn’t available on the People and Connection website is unclear.

From what I can ascertain, People and Connection initially launched last year via the domain (“”). This launch appears to have flopped, with the company recently rebooting through a new domain.

Prior to founding People and Connection, all three co-founders were Organo Gold affiliates.

Jean Marc Colaianni and Adele Sgro stopped appear to have stopped promoting Organo Gold in 2014. Last year Colaianni was promoting OXO Worldwide.

After Organo Gold, Fabriche Kerherve started promoting Conligus as a “founder” in 2014.

Conligus was a “pay to play” pyramid scheme.

Launched on or around May 2014, Conligus collapsed in February, 2015. What was left of the affiliate-base was sold off to the OneCoin Ponzi scheme in early 2016.

According to Obtainer Online, Kerherve left Conligus a month before it’s collapse.

On the Internet, various e-mails were sent out that were probably written by Kerherve in which the Steinkeller brothers were called the proverbial three monkeys.

As part of the affiliate database sale Kerherve’s Conligus co-founders, the Steinkeller Brothers and Staffan Liback, were given cushy positions at the top of the OneCoin investor base.

Read on for a full review of the People and Connection MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Queries about Dr. Wallach’s alleged Youngevity infidelity restricted

Earlier this week we reported on Dr. Joel Wallach’s sex life being a focal point in the ongoing dispute between Youngevity and Wakaya Perfection.

Among other things, Wakaya Perfection allege Youngevity affiliates slept with Wallach in exchange for financial benefit.

Discovery in the case saw Wakaya Perfection demand Wallach answer questions about his sex life. Specifically whether or not he’d been intimate with Youngevity affiliates.

Wallach objected to the questions

on the bases that they are overbroad, seek information that is not relevant to the claims and defenses in this case, are not proportional to the needs of the case, and are meant to harass.

A protective order was sought to prevent Wallach from having to answer. Youngevity also sought to have Wakaya Perfection prohibited from asking Wallach’s son Steve and his wife Michelle ‘from responding to deposition questions that relate to Dr. Wallach’s marital and sexual history‘.

A decision on the sought protective order was made on June 22nd. [Continue reading…]