Anthony Norman has reportedly been arrested in Sweden.

Prosecutors have charged Norman with financial crimes, leading to his arrest in late October.

Unfortunately Dagens Industri and Realtid, the two Swedish publications covering Norman’s arrest, are both paywalled.

Head Topics, citing Realtid’s paywalled article, reports Norman’s arrest was carried out by Sweden’s “Ecocrime authority”.

A preliminary investigation that was opened against Anthony Norman in 2020 concerns serious accounting crimes, but it was only last week that he was arrested.

Norman (right), who is apparently a resident of Spain, was apprehended at a “temporary residence” in Saltsjö-Boo. Swedish authorities have also reportedly made some asset seizures as part of their case.

Apparently Norman was in the middle of some glassworks deal, where he’d hoped to rent empty warehouses to “keen speculators”.

Interestingly, Dagens Industri also reports there are “connections” between Norman and “the notorious drug network Foxtrot”.

Foxtrot is a “criminal network in Sweden that arouse during the later parts of the 2010’s.”

BehindMLM first came across Norman in 2014, as CEO of ViralAngels.

ViralAngels was a short-lived pyramid scheme with a securities fraud backend.

In January 2017 the Angel Business Club Ponzi emerged, and appeared to be a new iteration of the ViralAngels scam.

Norman didn’t publicly front Angel Business Club, but is believed to have been involved through its Angel Equity International (incorporated around the time ViralAngels collapsed).

Angel Business Club as the Ponzi scheme we reviewed in 2017 was again short-lived.

In April 2019 Norman resurfaced with Wellmont Capital, through which he acquired what was left of John Barksdale’s Ormeus Global Ponzi scheme (then rebooted for a third time as IQ Legacy).

What was left of IQ Legacy was being funnelled into The Sprinkle Group, in preparation for a Liber8 token Ponzi launch.

Not really sure what happened after that. Liber8 either launched and immediately collapsed, or failed to launch at all.

One short-lived Wellmont Capital spinoff was Wantage One, a Ponzi scheme Norman ran through a Dutch shell company.

What we do know is early 2021 Norman gobbled up what was left of Wazzub and its YEM token bagholders.

This lead into the launch of Dragon Global Finance, another Ponzi scheme, in early 2021.

Dragon Global Finance collapsed in early 2022 and was rebooted as EQT Bank. Norman ran the EQT Bank Ponzi scheme through “Universal Pickle”, a shitcoin he retained control over.

Both EQT Bank and Universal Pickle had collapsed by April 2022.

It appears after that Norman transitioned from MLM crypto Ponzis to real-estate fraud and partnering with Foxtrot.

Under Swedish law Norman is granted “pretrial confidentiality”. Realtid reports that the prosecutor handling Norman’s case “hopes at best there will be an indictment before Christmas”.


Update 29th February 2024 – A separate Norwegian criminal investigation has tied Norman to organized crime money laundering in Dubai.