Konstantin Ignatov denied release, will stay locked up till OneCoin trial
Despite a last-minute letter desperately attempting to diminish his role within OneCoin, Konstantin Ignatov has been denied pre-trial release.
At the time of publication Ignatov’s case docket only contains a June 28th minute entry update.
The entry states Ignatov’s “bond application (has been) denied”.
In a June 28th letter response to the DOJ’s opposition filing, Ignatov’s lawyer attempted to downplay his role in OneCoin.
Mr. Ignatov’s position at OneCoin was as his sister Ruja’s lowly assistant until her disappearance at the end of October, 2017.
Ruja … hired her brother at the very end of June 2016 for the most menial of clerical tasks.
Ruja cop(ied) the defendant on orders for clothing, jewelry, and household items/ her being upset with not having tickets for Fashion Week, as well as requests for the defendant to schedule meetings for her.
(In) one email from September 2017 … Ruja direct(s) an individual to “send [her] brother the invoice,” for an order of handbags.
In yet another email, Ruja berates him for maintaining a disorganized filing cabinet and for OneCoin’s purchase of
cheap blue and red pens.Our point in describing these emails is that Konstantin’s major OneCoin responsibilities of picking up his sister’s earrings and arranging for ceramic flowers to be delivered to her home in October of 2017 somehow morphed into his becoming a “high level executive” by December of 2017 and rising to “the top leadership position in mid-2018.”
It is simply unrealistic to believe that the defendant could and would take over his sister’s position as the leader of OneCoin, an alleged multi-billion dollar global fraud, with hundreds of employees and moving parts, seemingly overnight.
Yet that’s exactly what happened.
Here’s Konstantin on stage at a company event in Thailand, representing OneCoin’s “Sofia head office management group”.
The event was held on December 2nd, 2017; barely a month and a half after Ruja went into hiding.
None of this was of course spur of the moment though. Ignatova began working on her exit-scam while she was still planning “trashy coin” with Sebastian Greenwood.
Inner City Press appear to have had a reporter live at the court house as Ignatov’s release motion was argued.
In a published June 28th article, Inner City Press report;
New York Judge Edgardo Ramos questioned the source of the bail money that Ignatov was offering to put up, as well as issued raised about the propriety of “private prisons”.
The fact that Ignatov’s release would likely be funded by OneCoin Ponzi victims, was brought up yesterday by both the DOJ and myself.
Ignatov’s lawyer Jeffrey Lichtman noted that Bernie Madoff got bail, and that the government could not show any contact between Ignavov and his sister Ruja, indisputedly higher up in the OneCoin scheme.
But Judge Ramos, after more than an hour of argument, was not convinced.
Sounds like the DOJ argued their case well and the Judge made the right call.
At this stage I’m not sure if there’ll be an accompanying order with further details or whether we’ll get a transcript of the hearing itself.
Either way the take-away from yesterday’s hearing is that Konstantin Ignatov will remain behind bars until he stands trial.
Now that Ignatov’s had a reality check, maybe he’ll start squealing to authorities.
I mean, he was just the guy in charge of buying pens for OneCoin’s office right? Why would he take the fall for Ruja?
As always, stay tuned…
Update 7th September 2019 – A status conference was held on September 6th, at which a pretrial conference was scheduled for November 7th.
Great news!
The Videos on YouTube seems to useful, for example (Case 1:17-cr-00630-ER Document 92 Filed 06/28/19):
also interesting (same document, letter from the U.S. Attorney):
Ignatov has indeed to understand this is no longer a onecoin show where brainwashed people will believe all his lies.
Will he dare to tell the judge that Ruja is on a maternity leave since october 2017 LOL
Onecoin promotoers still believe OC will go public on 10/8/2019.
Not sure if they bother but I think it’s possible that Konstantin tries to appeal the bail decision.
In the Konstantin’s lawyer’s response to Government’s opposition to the bail proposal, there is Exhibit H in which Ruja writes to Konstantin:
The referred Vesi is the current de facto head of OneCoin, Veselina Valkova. It’s interesting that Ruja wants to talk about online gambling with her.
Of the many Veselina Valkova’s found on LinkedIn, there is one who has background in online gambling (bg.linkedin.com/in/veselina-valkova-44a33783).
However, her profile doesn’t list OneCoin/OneLife as her working experience but who wants to be publically associated with criminal organization anyway?
Not certain but the referred email makes it somewhat likely that she is the Vesi who is currently running the show.
Why did Ruja close her own online casino coinvegas.eu? My opinion: who is interested in worthless ONE’s?! Nobody!
Nobody wants to buy the domain:
Another “One” bites the dust…
After the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov, the fraudsters from Sofia issued a press release that ended with this sentence:
Meanwhile, there is a lot of new information and I ask, when will the next press release follow? 😀
I tried to browse back the previous posts and am I right that the date of next court session has not been set?
Hi everyone,
Will the authorities go after other leaders before or after the trials of Scott ,Konstantin and Greenwood?
What are the precedents and will US actions accelerate other criminal authorities elsewhere eg Europe.
Anyone know what “normally” happens?
@ limiericklady – I bet the authorities do go after the leaders, they are easy to find, unlike Ruja.
@ Semjon – what is the date of that communication between Ruja and Ignatov concerning Valkova?
@Limerick Lady – you build a pyramid scam from the top down.
If Authorities can dismantle it from the top down, as well, then they’ve already PROVEN the scam, in a Court of Law.
So picking off all the lower-level scammers is like shooting fish in a barrel. And other countries and the EU will look to the U.S. (and China) Rulings as having already set precedence.
Remember, any alleged “ignorance” of the crime by net winners is inconsequential. Therefore, it is not even a defense 🙂
@Melanie The Onecoin press people are again stating “Mr. Ignatov has not been formally charged with a crime” whereas in the Document 90 of the Case, the prosecutors clarify that this is false, i.e. the indictment is a formal charge of a crime.
These aren’t just any handbags. Exhibit I says she’ll take the white/gold crocodile and bubblegum.
These are Hermès Birkin bags and sell for OVER 100K EACH or MORE depending on style. Let me repeat. Ruja was spending over $100,000 each for a purse – and bought two!
And OneCoin investors are losing their homes and starving.
Yeah there’s no future hearing date. At some point the court will request a Status Report and/or file scheduling.
Not sure when the DOJ will also hit Ignatov with additional charges.
In MLM fraud related cases usually top promoters are targeted by the SEC. That hasn’t happened yet, probably because the vast majority of OneCoin investors are from outside of Asia.
Mark Scott seems to be the only direct tie to the US. I think a lot hinges on when Ruja Ignatova is apprehended.
Can’t really speak as to authorities elsewhere in the world. They dropped the ball on OneCoin and continue to drop the ball on MLM fraud in general.
it gets worse for the distributors, apparently Simon is a US citizen, Jose lives in Panama.
Panama uses the $ as currency so the US claim jurisdiction, Panama has an extradition treaty. Do I reach for coolaid or popcorn first?
I know it’s no secret Ruja was living lavishly with investors’ money, but perhaps they’d like a picture of what she was buying – to hit a little closer to home.
Remembering, these are but a few examples. Imagine what we don’t know about. Gold-lined toilet paper maybe?
I posted about the Hermès Birkin handbags, and now we can see the dishes she likes – Exhibit E. It appears she ordered 18 place settings with 3 plates and bowls for each setting, plus some extras. All for her London penthouse! My calculations put that over $2000 per place setting (x18). At least 36k for dishes in her extra residence.
And these destitute people still worship her.
What’s a few hundo thou on handbags when you bought your brother a $3 mill house, have $20+ mill in property yourself and fed enough money into your family that they’re willing to pay any offered bond amount?
I don’t disagree. But from a woman’s perspective, if my hard earned money was used to buy another woman’s 100k+ stupid purse, that somehow irks our brain cells even more.
Or, imagine scrounging for food to feed your kids while she eats on a 2k place setting. I want the image of those plates in investors’ minds.
It’s one thing to talk about houses and lifestyle, but to actually see what she was buying and spending money on, to me, angers more. The impact of Paul Manafort’s 15k ostrich jacket comes to mind.
19th of September 2017, therefore less than month before Ruja fled. Perhaps Ruja was launch Coinvegas 2.0. 🙂
A Bulgarian named Veselina Marinova Valkova was a (co-)manager of Win Bet Online Ltd ( winbet-bg.com ; tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=203294705) from October/November 2014 to June 2016. Her LinkedIn page I linked claims that she is still in that position but I think the Bulgarian business registry says she was removed from that postion on 3rd of June 2016.
Again, a photo of Ruja promoting a video that was uploaded to YouTube yesterday:
By way of exception, this video does not lie, but describes the current situation of Konstantin Ignatov in the United States.
To the Ignatov family & OneLife staff, the biggest fail in leading to Konstantin not getting bailed is that OneCoin was described by the prosecution as “an ongoing scam”.
You all got rich, kudos to you, our bad. Why not just shut the thing down and walk away to wherever it is where you can’t be touched?
Let it die, if not for the people scammed, for the benefir of your son.
As I understand it that Vaseline woman is running OneCoin now.
She obviously believes she’s still protected from Bulgarian authorities. So why not keep scamming the third-world countries left while she can?
Momma wants some new handbags…
Nickolay Stoyanov wrote what happened in the hearing, as described by journalist Matthew Russel Lee (who attended the hearing) in his paid article.
The hearing was attended also by Konstantin’s girlfriend lawyer Kristina Gouneva, who is a partner in 2017 founded law firm “Gouneva, Angelova & Atanasova” which makes entries related to OneCoin Bulgarian companies in the Bulgarian Commercial Register.
“Gouneva was with another woman who were whispering and gesturing at each statement of prosecutors.
Ignatov himself was in handcuffs and prison clothes.”
Nothing very surprising, but anyway..
A very detailed article about Konstantin Ignatov (“Konsti Keks”) was published in a German newspaper.
The reporter researched at the place where Konstantin grew up. Among other things, it is mentioned that he has traded in the past with rims (import and export). However, the company went bankrupt.
Konstantin on the front page:
Could it be that some OneCoin idiots get dissatisfied? 😀
New cheating events with Simon Le (Lê Simon Quốc-Hưng) and Habib Zahid in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Sydney (Australia):
Muhammad Umar from Pakistan wants to sell worthless OneCoins. 🙂
For the package with 8,100 OneCoins he demands 4 lakh (400,000 Pakistani rupees). That corresponds to 2,162.28 euros.
For comparison, the fraudsters from Sofia claim that the Bulgarian scrap is worth 242,595 euros!
The same guy also buys OneCoins:
Is trading in the Bulgarian miracle currency so lucrative? After all, this guy calls himself in his Facebook profile like this:
Also interesting: Muhammad Umar became Sheikh Umar. Where did he buy this title? Maybe where Ruja bought her titles and awards? 😀
Every weather report is more exciting and informative than the no-news-letter from the fraud center in Sofia!
Which “vision”? Building a global fraud is not a vision, but a criminal offense.
Government alleges that Konstantin has a drug abuser background which he lied to the investigators:
I rembeber hearing about allegations of his drug addict background before. In March , a Bulgarian magazine wrote about his drug past and aired a rumour that Konstantin almost drowned in 2017 beacause of his drug fuelled partying:
(machine translated from: hotnews.bg/n/skandalnata-ruzha-ignatova-prehvurlila-1-mln-na-ohranitel.134558.html)
Yeah but “follow the global fraud” is a terrible sales slogan.
Yes, and Ruja’s slogan “Together for more” will in future be “Together for more years in prison”. 😀
Looks like all onecoin related sites have gone offline.
I cant access dealshaker, onelife, onecoin. Even Igors “debate” site is unreachable.
Nah, just a temporary 502. All back to “normal”.
CloudFlare had an outage earlier today.
Poor Konstantin! We should all pray together for him. 😀
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. Does Konstantin do that too?
The price of the valuable OneCoin is rising and rising. 😀 Is anyone ready to pay $ 150 for 400 ONE?
Yeah, no, that’s for sure:
and when he gets out of jail after 20, 30 years, he becomes Bulgaria’s new president!
Even if Ignatov spent 27 years in prison, Mandella sure as shit wasn’t incarcerated so his criminal sister could keep some expensive handbags…
By the way does anyone knows what happened to the famous Gerlachreport ? Did he lose his touch 🙂 or did Onecoin made him dissapear like Ruja ?
With all the latest happenings he sure doesn’t seem to publish a lot these day !
Maybe he got spooked as Onecoin threatened him before.
Now it will be funny. Or just ridiculous?
There was OneLife webinar by Mark Nishiyama two days ago. Only thing interesting in it was that Nishiyama mistakenly opened a WhatsApp discussion he had with Duncan Arthur. See:
Seems that the OneCoin Civil War is ongoing and Mr. Arthur is trying to poach OneLifers into his project. They converse:
The context is unclear, but it seems to me that they went on to talk about how M. Arthur can throw some money to manipulate the coin price (of his Bycoi currency in the soon to opened exchage?):
Is this how crypto pump-and-dumps are planned?
Regarding message #43:
OneLife’s current motto “Together for more”(crimes) should be changed to the line found in message Melanie quoted above: “We are waiting for explanations that will hopefully be given.” 🙂
Incredible that Sofia itself just called the bluff regarding ONE price! Too bad there is no more Konstantin who could threaten to cut the heads off from such counter-revolutionary saboteurs.
Are the scammers in Sofia getting nervous? 😀 Without providing a source, this is currently spread on Facebook:
“Holding“? Which Holding? Does the Holding have no name? When was it founded, where is its location? Belize or Dubai or Sofia or North Pole or South Pole or Equator?
I understand it like this:
OneCoin is innocent. Cheating somewhere is OneLife. The judicial authorities in the United States have indicted the wrong organization. 🙂
In a Meeting of Parliament with Thailand’s Ministry of Interior, efforts are being made to eradicate pyramid schemes. Onecoin, of course, was the first example given.
Source: siamblockchain.com/2019/07/03/pakornwut-strikes-at-the-crypto-scams/
@ Semjon if Duncan Arthur is giving away equivalent coin effectively free and will match any crypto balance while using his own resources to back it up, how is that ‘pump and dump’?
Are you working for Sophia or allied to them?
@Stev: doesn’t jel. I agree, I smell a rat
I’m hearing Jose Gordo is out (again). No confirmation as of yet.
Hopefully their SEC takes a more active role.
First order of business? All the middle-aged Euro scammers hiding out in Thailand.
The “all OneAcademy education packages available on your dashboard will be available for purchase with ONEs.” is something that has been available few times in the past, always for very short limited periods.
This is how the top promoters get to cash out the coins they are holding:
– use your ONE to buy packages
– sell packages to investors for euros/dollars
– profit
I doubt that will go on forever, it will probably just disappear as a payment option without warning.
This picture fits. The two fraudsters got to know each other personally.
New offers on Facebook. OneCoin millionaire Malika Belarabi wants to exchange 3,952,681.26 ONE in real money: 😀
Why did Malika Belarabi delete almost all content in her Facebook account? Does she no longer want to be associated with the OneCoin scam?
That’s quite a millionaire there. With the current official “price” of the coin:
3,952,681.26 ONE * 29.95 EUR / ONE = 118,382,803.74 EUR
It could be that the investment was done in the very early days (price of coin at 0.5 EUR / ONE) and getting the maximum splits but even then the sum invested is tens of (if not hundreds of) thousands of euros.
Try to imagine where the value of the coin would sink if the public exchange would open?
Here we have someone who could sell literal millions of coins for (an approximate) price of 0.04 euro cents (0.0004 euros) apiece and STILL “get the money back”.
Again, with a photo of Ruja lured into a scam.
“No loss“? Fantastic! If the trustworthy Ruja Ignatova says so, of course I believe that and will participate in the scam. 🙂
The notorious liar and OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini founded his own Facebook group on April 17, 2019:
This lousy OneCoin cheater has been campaigning for years for the OneCoin scam – on its website satendrasaini.com and with countless videos on YouTube:
Obviously, there is not much money to be made with the OneCoin scam – or why is Satendra Kumar Saini advertising for AMAZON in India? 😀
Of course, Satendra Kumar Saini is also a writing member of the forum by Igor Krnic, who still promotes, supports and defends OneCoin scams.
By the way, Satendra Kumar Saini is a very hard-working cheater. For the OneCoin scam he also uses this Facebook account: facebook.com/satendra.saini.140
And this account on Twitter: twitter.com/SatendraSaini_S
Did Italy just arrest 5 (7 ???) Onecoin scammers and confiscate €117,000 cash that they’d just stolen??
So it seems!
There was just a big meeting in Verona including: Luca Miatton, Simon Le, Habib Zahid
Was it 5 ppl? …or 7?
Any assistance in the translation here?
Authorities move against OneCoin in Italy again:
^ Government source for the news:
Great news! So the hyped Venona event was a success — for law enforcement authorities! 🙂 They even seized over €100 000 of criminal proceeds from the scammers.
No wonder if Gordo wants out again. Judging from a video from the event (was earlier today in facebook group but now seems deleted), he was in Verona at the time.
Probably scared shitless after what happened. The places they can safely scam are running thin.
The OneCoin scammer Marco Agnelli from Italy reacted quickly. His Facebook account facebook.com/marco.agnelli.77 is empty! 😀
Even without content: facebook.com/massimo.agnelli.52
But that does not help him, he is everywhere on the Internet and to find!
Here together with the biggest OneCoin fraudster from Italy, Luca Miatton, “Blue Diamond” in Ruja’s criminal gang:
Here as a proud fraudulent “Diamond” in Ruja’s criminal gang:
Here’s a scammer – Marco Agnelli – promoting another scammer ===> Denis Murdock:
Only two days old is this photo from Verona – again with the crook Luca Miatton:
Numerous photos of the fraud event in Verona can be found here:
IMA ITALIA – Indipendent Marketing Association Italia
Far left: Marco Agnelli
I was mistaken that Jose Gordo was in Verona this week.
I can’t find it anymore but I saw video from Verona event where Luca Mitton said (or so I thought) something about Jose Gordo and gave an award to a guy that looks like him but seems I mixed him with Habib Zahid.
The four fraudsters Jose Gordo, Jaiber Pérez, Omar Villalobos and Diego Cajigal had planned a scam event in Quito, Ecuador on 29 and 30 June 2019.
I have not checked if this event actually happened.
The Arab Stupid OneCoin scammer SAID RAJEB still doing youtube video, titled his last one;; the truth that OC Will be tradable, same time he canceled commentaries!!!
I think ruja dogs are always up to perform the orders by saying anything OR their accounts will be frozen!!!
The event in Quito happened, and Jaiber and Omar were there. No trace of Jose Gordo, though.
Duncan Arthur describes how Konstantin Ignatov was arrested in USA. From Zoom broadcast on 4th July 2019:
Here’s the full Duncan Zoomcast from this evening: youtu.be/sB3t6ntUveI
Authorities are targeting events? Finally.
Events are literally ringleaders gathering themselves up ripe for arrest. So much time could be saved if authorities busted Ponzi promotional events.
I’m sorry, I should not have written that. 😀 Igor Krnic wrote a few hours later:
According to Igor Krnic
Fantastic, that is what the world has been waiting for! Ruja Ignatova reports from her hiding place somewhere in the universe: 😀
Incredible! More than 3,000 OneCoin idiots believed or hoped Ruja would show up in public again. Or that she has produced a new video.
Of the comments I liked this the best: 😀
Jose Gordo is also “subtly” distancing himself from OneLife and OneCoin in his profiles.
He has been mainly posting about some (probably ghostwrited) self-help books “authored by him.”
Again a dissatisfied customer? 😀 I read bad words like…
My tip: Buy one or more bodyguards very quickly at DealShaker!
Even the scammer Debesh Roy from Bangladesh advertises with old photos of Ruja for the OneCoin scam. This photo was taken on January 9, 2016 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), where Ruja Ignatova organized a scam event. Here is the video: youtube.com/watch?v=jNZzR_0z3Vw
Funny is his Facebook profile. He is currently studying. Where? In Ruja’s OneAcademy! 😀 If he does not study, he works as a “trader” at ONECOIN-Onelife and OneLife. Is selling worthless but expensive education packages a regular trade?
Again, a promotional video for the OneCoin scam was deleted!
When the Russians realize that they have been betrayed, they become very uncomfortable! The brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein has stated in a video that Ruja is guarded by eight (!) bodyguards. Maybe Ruja should double the number of her bodyguards? 🙂
Unfortunately, many leaders in Russian-speaking countries are women who are not as violent as men. Ruja has personally visited many of these women in the past and obviously also encouraged them.
Bad news for all OneCoin critics!
The “final phase” could be understood as the final funeral. Let the exchange rest in peace! Even visions like those of Ruja have to die someday. Amen!
Ruja Ignatova lures with her boobs?
The cheater “Adnan G HP” (Adnan Dani But) from Pakistan uses old photos of Ruja again and again to find victims for a forex fraud.
The next big scam event will take place from August 30th to September 2nd in Bali, Indonesia.
Participating idiots must pay for the tickets here with real euros, not with worthless OneCoins:
Which scammers will be present, is not yet known. The column “Speaker” on balidex.com is still empty.
Attention, watch out! Serial fraudster Petar Kralev (“Dr. DealShaker Kralev”) from Bulgaria is again offering cars:
The offer is only for Bulgarians.
The current weather report from the center of the OneCoin fraud in Sofia:
Because the weather in Bulgaria is so bad, the opening of the exchange had to be postponed indefinitely! 😀
Igor Krnic is again lying (no surprise there) for not being involved in defending the company.
He is listed as admin on closed facebook group (used to be open) for local Onecon sheeple together with Dusan Torbica and Branislav Curcic, whom to this date are still promoting and defending the scam, of which is mostly sharing and translating “news/info” from Sofia office.
Seeing their history of lies and made up bs, I wouldn’t trust any of them no matter what they say or write.
The crooks from the Balkans are doing something in common. Here is the YouTube channel of the scammer Dusan Torbica:
They also founded the forum together!
Since the forum exists, the OneCoin fraud is vigorously defended there. I also do not believe what Igor Krnic currently claims:
If Ruja made generous “donations” to Ted Nuyten, she could have financed Igor Krnic with stolen money donations. Or did Igor Krnic personally pick up the “donations” from Konstantin Ignatov in Sofia? 🙂
Supplementary question: What did the serial fraudster Pascal-Rene Andre from Austria pay to Igor Krnic for this banner?
Why did Igor Krnic remove the banner without comment? Did not Pascal-Rene Andre want to pay anymore?
Way too expensive! Who pays 5,000 euros for just 10,000 ONE? Dream on, Ilyés Zoltán. This is not punishable, but in the long run unsatisfactory. 🙂
The scam portal odtmasterysummit.com by Jose Gordo is “currently unavailable”! 😀 The domain was registered on April 15, 2019.
The scam portal onelifeima.com by Jose Gordo still requires a registration before reading anything there. I registered weeks ago, but nothing happened. 🙁
ODT = One Dream Team should be renamed to NDT = No Dream Team. Alternatively, I suggest PDT = Prison Dream Team.
The MASTERMIND ENTERPRISES INC. in Panama still seems to exist. Jose Gordo founded them on October 25, 2017. Exactly at the time when Ruja Ignatova fled to a secret hiding place. Pure random?
Ali Muhammad launches a new attempt:
Serious prospects should hurry, because there are already offers:
New update in Konstantin’s case:
There is also this 8 th of July :
So the transcript of Konstantin’s bail hearing will become publically available in October. (Or earlier if somebody goes to New York and buys it from the Court Reporter?)
Does anyone know the name of this scammer? He probably lives in Austria. At OneLife he is registered as “Barnes21“, maybe “Barnes” is his real name?
@Melanie from Germany
This is Alexander Schulz
There is a link on his about page (the crowdfunding one) which matches the link on the Barnes21 Facebook page on 16/9/15: m.facebook.com/pg/Barnes21/posts/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=0
He’s also on a website promoting OneCoin Austria: web.archive.org/web/20160215075806/http://geldvermehrung.jimdo.com/team/
@David Allenby
Very good thank you! The name was not known to me yet. Later more on this topic.
Tomorrow a new fraud event will take place in Uganda.
Organizers are the well-known fraudsters Mwambusya John Kabalebe and Alhaji Ssebadduka Hamza, who call themselves top leaders.
This is unusual because within the criminal OneLife organization this term does not exist. The successful scammers are referred to as “Diamond”, “Blue Diamond”, “Black Diamond”, and so on.
Another new appointment, when the exchange finally starts. 😀
I hope THE central bank knows that it has to approve the fraud by 8 October 2019. On the 8th of October 2018 the start did not work. THE central bank is working too slowly! Ruja should set up its own central bank, then everything goes much faster. 🙂
Christi Calina and his criminal helpers from Romania have lured 50,000 people into the OneCoin scam?
Supplement to comment #62
OneCoin scammer Marco Agnelli writes under a video on YouTube:
There it is again, the ominous “central bank” based somewhere in the universe… 😀
The title of the video:
Checked the docket today. As Semjon posted in #89, next update is the July 19th Status Conference.
A call for help from Cambodia:
Quick, what’s Cambodian for “sorry for your loss”?
edit: សោកស្តាយចំពោះការបាត់បង់របស់អ្នក!
Objection, Your Honor! Here is a recent photo of the moon with the credible and convincing motto:
On Earth, you have to buy worthless educational packages in order to get rich very quickly. On the moon is already invested properly!
Gorgeous! Nelia Müller, a bad OneCoin fraudster from Linz in Austria, has taken her well-known cheating portal krypto-cash.de off the net. Here is the old imprint:
Another scam portal by Nelia Müller is still online. There she proudly presents herself with other crooks from the criminal OneCoin / OneLife organization like here with Udo Carsten Deppisch:
Five known OneCoin scammers on a picture. Left to right:
Ralf Paulick – Udo Carsten Deppisch – Anton “Toni” Federspiel (Austria) – Nelia Müller – Kari Wahlroos
On the contact details page this company is mentioned:
Does this company still exist?
Of course, Nelia Müller has also advertised on Facebook for the OneCoin scam. She used accounts like “Nelia Müller”, “Nelly Diamond”, “Cryptoqueen” etc. Unfortunately, I do not know her current Facebook account.
If this woman wants to sell you something, you should quickly change the street side! 🙂
A short video:
Is Nelia Müller now famous because she could exchange a few words with Bruce Darnell? 😀
Sequel follows!
Any one knows about Finland/sweden?
Their are an Arto Ylitalo and samuel siitonen with a big downline still trading?
Supplement to comment #87
On May 2, 2019 slimy Ted Nuyten wrote the following article at BFH:
That did not please Jose Gordo, one of the biggest scammers in the criminal OneCoin / OneLife organization! 😀 Here’s the answer from Jose Gordo (part quote):
To summarize: Ted Nuyten is a bad person, Jose Gordo is a good person. Is it correct that way?
OMG! So that would totally explain the unbridled support, frequency and fluff pieces Ted published about Onecoin/ OLN and it’s leadership between 2014 and 2018! LOL!
I intentioned to list several examples of this in order to actually demonstrate that “Las Bolsas Gordo” was dead-on, but in querying the Search Term “Onecoin” on the Bullshit-For-Homies website, only 1 or 2 of such Press Releases/ Onecoin company generated propaganda seem to exist any longer.
Did Dirty Ted free up some storage bandwidth by purging such examples of paid-for propaganda, which seemed to come almost weekly in year 2016 when the pillaging of Onecoin ponzi victims exceeded several billion euros and Nyuten’s checks were assembly-lined right through the front door?
What happened now? onecoin-debate.com is no longer available:
It’s online again. Perhaps it was a temporaty glitch only on that site where Igor’s forum is hosted.
one-coin-debate.com is available.
@eagle eye
Strange! I am constantly being shown this:
Possibly a local caching issue on Melanie’s side? I can confirm that the site was offline when she originally posted about it, then was displaying some PHP errors for a while, but is now back on (from France and Tor exit nodes).
Krnic also sent a message just a few hours ago, claiming that he no longer believes in the company but would still like to see an exchange
“No matter where the price of ONE will go”. I do not understand him.
I copied the strange comment:
Obviously, Google Chrome is causing problems for me. 🙁 I reach the page with Microsoft Edge.
Melanie, try “forced” refresh on debate page (Ctr+F5).
If it does not help, try to delete cookies for that page (click lock icon in address bar when you are on the One Coin Debate site, then cookies, then delete all cookies from expandable list of cookies and their sources).
Today’s newsletter begins with a warning about the projects of Duncan Arthur. The rest is as boring as every week.
Another example of how stupid and uninformed the OneCoin members are. The OneCoin idiot Robert Anderson from Minnesota asks on Facebook: 😀
The article is more than two months old…
The United States is facing a terrible future. Does Donald Trump know what’s happening in his country?
Cheap publication from onecoin believer.
It is going to be interesting to see what happens this Friday at the status hearing. I figure it will be at least Monday before any information is available, unless someone is there and posts what happened.
This is one time I wish I lived in NYC, as I would have definitely been there.
Nail the liar at the cross.
Let the management cooks another saint
story. Let the idiot believers worship again. LOL
The serial fraudster Peter Walsh mentions in a comment Finance Minister Steve Mnuchin and a press release. He ends his comment with the following crazy thesis:
Onecoin is lack of blockchain.
US will only recognize the solid blockchain crytocurrencies. Another idiot drunken dreamer.
My bet is that, sooner or later, as in over 90% of fedearal cases, there will be a guilty plea from Konstantin.
I suspect all parties will have to wait and see what happens with the numerous — arguably ludicrous — pre-trial motions filed by Mark S Scott.
Many things in Scott’s case might have bearing on Konstantin’s case, their cases certainly are connected.
Until Scott’s pre-trial motions are resolved (and the Government has had good opportunity to digest the trove of materials seized from Scott), I don’t expect the deal to be reached soon.
But I’d argue that the pressure has even increased in the direction of plea deal now that Konstantin’s bail was denied.
As a general matter, his detention makes the defense harder or more complicated. And the Government used the strenght of the evidence, accompanied by looming additional charges, against him as an argument to deny the bail motion:
(page 9, courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.516497/gov.uscourts.nysd.516497.90.0.pdf)
In the other words, he is facing a life in prison. His only realistic opportunity to escape “the heavy hand of Justice” was the success of the bail motion.
In addition, Konstantin’s bail motion documents revealed that his girlfriend is pregnant (altough there is serious chance that it’s a cynical lie).
His (supposed) unborn child will likely never see his father walking free again unless he signs like a canary.
Then again, it’s possible that he is ready to take the bullet for his crime family. He might be compelled to do that, especially if he doesn’t manage to get some of his closest family to a witness protection program with him.
There is a serious possibilty that the nasty professional criminals that helped to facilitate the OneCoin scam will avenge on his family if he snitches.
The fraud portal onelife2016.de is no longer available. The operators were two well-known serial fraudsters from Germany: Tobias Rethaber and Claudio Catrini:
Claudio Catrini is a crazy, dancing idiot on stage, comparable to Igor Alberts. No serious businessman would present himself as this native Italian. 🙁
Here are the two monkeys who always cheat together. Tobias Rethaber (left) calls himself “Cashflow Expert No.1“. Yes, anyone who recommends OneCoin is certainly an “expert”! 😀
PS: Claudio Catrini is now promoting multiple PlatinCoin videos on YouTube.
Ruja can compromise the integrity of onecoin. Where is Ruja hiding? Every country central bank governor may meet her?
Come out, dear please. Proud to meet every central bank governor. LOL.
Well arrests in the USA and recently in Italy but The Netherlands seems to be a nice counry to reside in when you are a scammer.
The crazy king from The Netherlands and his even more crazy queen from Italy are now making $ 2.1 Million per month in their new coin ponzi scam living it large.
At least the US executer will know where to go to recover some money once the final curtain on onecoin falls.
Looking at his top income earners list BFH publishes, the income the top guys make as in iMarketslive is apparantly not making any regulators bells go off, they keep flying under the radar since 2 years now, getting away with incredible incomes.
Wonder why nothing has been done so far to stop them.
Konstantin’s status conference not held today, it was postponed to unknown date, according to local source:
This referenced the Scott case not Konstantin. So not sure what happened.
^^ That’s from Scott’s docket.
The same entry also appears on Ruja Ignatova’s case docket.
WHERE’S THE FAST-FORWARD BUTTON!?!? When can we unseal the popcorn cases???
Does ANYONE have any idea what this could mean (if anything)? Any examples or implications wherein a similar instance has occurred; with respect to a fugitive of Justice, particularly?
I have mentioned on several occasions that in countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. women are at the top of OneCoin fraud.
This weekend, a new scam event is taking place in Kyrgyzstan. Seven women – and only one man: Simon Le from Vietnam.
It’s a little bit strange but the court may refer Konstantin’s case (17CR630-3) by the name of the firstly unsealed case, USA v. Scott (17CR630), in the OneCoin saga. As you see, it is as Konstantin’s case was a sub-case of the Scott’s case.
Or do we know that events in both Konstantin’s and Scott’s case were supposed to happen on friday, around the same time? I think we know for sure only about Konstantin’s.
Yet, there was indeed an update in a form of new sealed document. As indcated above, the Government was pondering filing additional criminal charges against Konstantin, but I don’t think they would need to file that under a seal. So it could be:
– Konstantin’s plea agreement
– Someone else’s plea agreement (Scott, Greenwood, Dilkinska, Karlsson, Ruja,…)
– Charges against a co-conspirator, perhaps even the jackpot: OneCoin RICO charge.
There are, by the way, many sealed document filings in the OneCoin docket. I count 11, including the newest . I think we know only couple of them are unsealed ?
Hopefully we get a Konstantin update next week.
I think the sealed filing has something to do with Ruja’s case.
Scott filings appear on the Scott master docket.
Konstantin filings appear on Konstantin’s sub-case docket and the Scott master docket.
Ruja filings appear on Ruja’s sub-case docket and the Scott master docket.
At least that’s what I’ve seen so far.
Attention, current offer!
The seller Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan:
Short video from yesterday:
Supplement to comment #131
Today, Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan calls a prize for his worthless OneCoins: “only” 48,890 euros! 😀
The serial cheater Peter Walsh is offended! 😀 He writes many comments, spreads tons of lies and rumors – and nobody praises him. Now he has responded and writes on Facebook:
OneCoin promoter Anders Åhlin complains on public OneCoin Facebook group that his posts about the sorry state of the company/network are being deleted:
Does anyone have the more detailed account of what he is claiming?
@ Semjon. They ran outta moola. There’s a tiny pot left and the staff who disperse it get incentizied Sofia style to dole it out.
There were always questions about the ownership. Any decent company parades & celebrates their owners, not OL. OL to me reminds me of Jonestown.
“Investigations”… That Keystone Kop Valkova thinks she’s a prosecutor herself.
As for “coup attempts”, the fights over the smallest things are always the most vicious and OL is shrinking rapidly. They should relaunch as a weight loss MLM.
This man is really “stupid”…
Via “delashitter” he can get an 8 room apartment in Baku for only 86k of his 2M coins (When the exchange have opened of course…).
Or why not spend 13k of his 2M coins on being sponsor on the event “Miss Onelife”
(Link removed – dealshaker.com/en/deal/miss-onelife-gold-sponsor-advertising-package-100-onecoin/CF4d93i4C3WfNd*c1ONCclOvdTDvYP2D1DKsCboWbqI~)
@Oz: If you have time to look into “Miss Onelife” – seems to be an upcoming event to blow some fire on this scam again.
OneCoin Big Leaders Conversation Leaked (190721)
OneCoin Big Leaders Conversation Leaked.
They are trying to explain the current context to the OneLife members.
– Mr. Moniruzzaman, (Blue Diamond, GLG, Inner Circle) &
– Mr. Asad Kibreya (Blue Diamond, GLG, Inner Circle).
(Also Franchise for Uganda, Kongo, Rwanda and Sri Lanka)
Source: Khaled Masur
So, according to the recording, both Blue Diamond leaders, Moniruzzaman and Asad Kibreya stopped promoting OneLife MLM…
SO let me slowly digest this. OL has lost most of Africa, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, to Arthur. B’cos these guys cannot trust the Bulgarians?!
You promise, you don’t deliver it catches up with you, sometimes you have to hide, sometimes you in jail in NY. Sometimes even peeps of this calibre walk away. Nice.
Attention, an important message from Sofia!
Details of the Exchange and THE central bank are not mentioned in today’s newsletter. It is unbelievable that THE central bank is delaying the so long announced exchange so extremely!
Ruja could buy THE central bank with the stolen billions. Why does not she do that?
@Melanie from Germany
Who is sending these emails? Do you know if they come from a specific email address or person?
I am surprised they are still pushing this, giving OneLife has to be on life support at this point
I’ve only heard rumblings, nothing concrete to report on.
@ Melanie from Germany,
Is the central bank stupid? Never advise its country folks to participate in onelife.
That’s why U can’t see the drastic boom in onelife new members especially in Bulgaria.
With my four weekly onelife new members update record, the average growth of onelife new members was about 0.5 to max 2 persons only /day/ country.
Is the exchange open trustable?
There is more than a good chance that their alleged dealings with the central bank is a total fabrication.
Their weekly “updates” in the form of modernist poetry show how serious they are — at this pace I bet the weekly update for week 69 will be a transcript of “Waiting for the Exhange”, based on a play by Samuel Beckett. 🙂
Quite unlikely that any central bank would destroy their reputation by associating with OneCoin fraud. (Other than perhaps central bank of some crime embedded pariah/pseudo-state like Transnistria which doesn’t have a reputation to begin with.)
Some banks may have very lax due diligence/AML/anti-terrorism standards, and could be fooled by a monstrous shell company structure that hides their association with the OneCoin criminal enterprise, but I think that even that is somewhat unlikely.
In the few months from late 2016 to early 2017 when OneCoin previously had an exchange, the infamous XcoinX, it was registered to CIH Central Limited, a company apparentlty based in Seychelles.
Some notorious tax haven like that may be temporarily fooled to host the OneCoin exchange.
And it’s funny that OneCoin pimps are confused as to who is the current leader of OneCoin.
The answer is clear: the CEO of One Network Services Ltd is, according to Bulgarian business register, is Angel Rumenov Boyadzhiyski.
Duncan and other should talk directly to him/her, not Veselina. He is the one who has recently signed documents for the company. 😉
Would be nice to know does Angel Rumenov Boyadzhiyski have any actual say in the company, or is he just a stooge.
What the leaders seem to imply is that Veselina is making decision, even though she shouldn’t have such an official position in the company to do so.
Thks for yours info.
@Semjon Can I connect to you privately somehow? There’s some thing I’d like to discuss.
Preferably by email. This is the only venue I write — or am anyhow connected to — OneCoin related stuff. I don’t have accounts on any other platforms — other than Twitter, which I’d like to keep reserved for my other interests.
I can perhaps contact you, if the email address revealed in the post #138 is viable.
I have been wondering who is paying the bills and salaries and how; and where is the money coming from? For anyone other than Konstantin, there would have to be a POA signed by him authorizing access to the bank accounts. Since his arrest was a surprise, there wasn’t one in place prior to his trip to the US.
Did he sign one from jail authorizing Veselina the authority of the bank accounts to pay the bills and salaries, is it Angel Rumenov Boyadzhiyski, or is Ruja somehow handling the bank accounts from her hiding place?
The belief is she took all the money out and it is no longer in OneCoin/OneLife. The only money in OneCoin/OneLife is what they are getting from new signups which is pennies compared to the heyday of OC/OL.
I am so glad this is the most transparent company ever. Aren’t you?
@Semjon yeah you can use that in post #138.
Wonderful! Love this connection. Good luck, guys.
The OneCoin cheater Asad Kibreya has deleted his Facebook account facebook.com/AsadOLN/?
Nobody should forget that this scammer has met several times with the founder of the OneCoin scam, Ruja Ignatova:
Here is a look at the criminal activities of OneCoin scammer Asad Kibreya in autumn 2018:
His other Facebook account facebook.com/mohammad.kibreya.5 is still available.
The following photos show the OneCoin cheater Asad Kibreya and some of his victims. How many of those present did he personally lure into the OneCoin scam?
What is the purpose of the OneCoin scammer Moniruzzaman Munir with this nonsense? 😀
The photos are gone, but I can not read any posts. Still present are a list of his friends and subscribers.
The OneCoin fraudsters from Austria have published this on Facebook, but do not name a source. Only the names “Asad” and “Munir” are mentioned. This of course means the cheaters Asad Kibreya and Munir Moniruzzaman.
@ Melanie. Don’t go to them because they’re a scam?!!! And OneLife invited the “CB” or “central bank” for a visit for because people who are part of a government visit OL and not the other way around.
They are quite right, “This is impossible”.
Say what you want about Arthur, his exchange is legitand that must burn Sofia’s @$$.
My personal theory is that Arthur has better coffee and biscuits than they do in Sofia so the “CB” prefer to visit him in South Africa
In the Class Action Lawsuit Berdeaux/Grablis against OneCoin Ltd, Ruja Ignatova, Konstantin Ignatov, Sebastian Greenwood and Mark Scott, the Court (Judge Valerie E. Caproni) has approved the selection of Silver Miller and Levi & Korsinsky, LLP as Co-Lead Counsel.
She has also set the following deadlines:
1. No later than August 2, 2019: Lead Plaintiff must file an Amended Complaint with a caption amended to reflect the Court’s selection of him as Lead Plaintiff, along with any further amendments which Lead Plaintiff may wish to make.
2. No later than September 6, 2019: Defendants must Answer or otherwise respond to the Amended Complaint.
3. No later than October 4, 2019: If Defendants move to dismiss the Amended Complaint, Lead Plaintiff must file either a Second Amended Complaint or an opposition to the motion(s) to dismiss.
4. No later than September 12, 2019: parties must submit a joint letter of no more than five pages addressing the following in separate paragraphs:
– brief description of the case, including the factual and legal bases for the claim(s) and defense(s)
– any contemplated motions
– prospect for settlement.
5. On September 20, 2019: Initial Pretrial Conference (“IPTC”) at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 443 of the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, New York, 10007.
The complete Order document can be downloaded via:
Prepare your popcorn!
Some OneCoin scammers suspect or know that there will NEVER be an exchange at OneCoin. To reassure the OneCoin believers, this is spread on Facebook (partial quote):
And who wrote this nonsense? The guy is called Ferdinand L. Budiyasa, he lives in Indonesia and cheats there together with Sulistya Putra:
Here, Ferdinand L. Budiyasa announces that OneCoin scammers can earn $ 2,000,000 a month – like former OneCoin scammer Juha Parhiala:
Week 12 update, and again not signed, and I quote:
Looks awfully like Week 10 & 11 updates doesn’t it. Just a few words changed here and there to make it look new and fresh. I especially loved how it is the agencies they are dealing with that are at fault for things not moving forward quickly, not them.
But the real question the faithful should be asking is why the CB would have to visit Sofia and Sofia not go to them to meet? But more importantly who would they be meeting with in Sofia? I am so glad that OneCoin is the most transparent company ever.
A bank account, a company name and an e-mail address without name of the OneCoin fraudsters from Taiwan:
The complete address of the “company”:
The following names are mentioned as directors: Sanjay Shah and Rinki Sanjay Shah.
The Facebook group facebook.com/groups/Taiwan2019/ works closely with the OneCoin scammers from Mongolia.
The OneCoin scammer Boonchai Chantarokorn (“Blue Diamond” and GLG member) from Thailand was presented with a separate photo:
Of all the participants in the Formosa Summit 2019, this woman, whose name I can not read, stood at the head:
@ Melanie. That must be an old pic. By the time Taiwan had happened “Duncan” was already the dirtiest word in the OneCon dictionary!!! The lady in question is Hannah Han. I think I saw her name in a video of an event [since removed from YT] in S Korea
New lies from OneCoin scammer Cristi Calina from Romania:
“Experts from OneLife Romania”? Of all the jokes I’ve heard this week, this was the best! 😀
I guess the Romanians didn’t get the latest update because it would have mentioned this great event going to happen.
Instead they are complaining that the agencies they are working with are dragging their feet and of course they need the CB to come to Sofia to check things out.
Under a video with Simon Le from Vietnam, Kabirul Islam from Manchester asks the following question:
When will Simon Le answer this question? Probably sooooon… 😀
Kabirul Islam should read the comments of Tammy Gondara. She is telling the truth!
>NBI is the National Investigation Bureau issued the clearance certificates and send to CB in soft copy.
Are they making this stuff up as they go along? Googling NBI it seems they have one in Finland, Philippines and Albania. So is it any of these central banks? 🙂
And what’s the deal with an “European license”? 2 applications for licenses have already been submitted and are currently being processed, that only leaves 26 to do? Or 25 soon.
I guess they can throw Brexit into the mix to prolong it further.
Is there really no one left at the steering wheel to make a proper exit? Launch the coin on a crappy pump-dump exchange for pre-trade, let it crash and burn and watch it become irrelevant while skulking off.
No blockchain = no coin to launch.
The OneCoin scammers from Austria are spreading fake news again, this time from Azerbaijan:
Which dealer supposedly sold these cars? Mr. Unknown? 😀
And which OneCoin believers allegedly bought and received these cars? Names are not mentioned, so only unknown!
And who staged everything? Of course the Master Fraudster Distributor Simon Le from Vietnam!
That’s right. From the court documents we know that they in fact sold more OneCoins than there could have been in existence. They don’t have any book keeping they could use for a public exhange, only numbers written to people’s accounts.
Very much the same thing Charles Ponzi had with the original Ponzi fraud: Daniel Gallagher – the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts – commissioned Edwin Pride to audit the Securities Exchange Company’s books. The effort was made difficult by the fact Ponzi’s bookkeeping system consisted merely of index cards with investors’ names.
Supplement to comment #113
Robert Anderson from Minnesota is now writing on Facebook:
Even today’s newsletter is as boring as a newspaper from the last week. 🙁
In the announced, so-called “Incentive program” successfull leaders receive no real items such as watches, jewelery, handbags, cars or travel, but only worthless education packages! 😀
I think OneCoin has tried multiple times to create some kind of blockchain based system.
Perhaps the earliest indication of this is from late 2016 with their attempt to hire Bjorn Bjercke to do some blockchain magic on their SQL server “trashy coin” ponzi system. (https://behindmlm.com/companies/onecoin/blockchain-dev-onecoin-using-a-sql-database-script-to-generate-coins/)
About one year ago, they tried to build something around ERC20. (https://behindmlm.com/companies/onecoin/onecoin-reveals-ofc-cookie-cutter-erc20-smart-contract-token/)
And most recently, Duncan’s “farewell report” indicates that after Konstantin’s arrest, Sofia has tried again to come up with something blockchain based:
BTW, it’s hilarious that in the latest (week 12) edition of the kafkaesque “Exchange platform weekly summary”, they are saying that “small details” are still waiting to be cleared out such as… approval of the whole bloody coin itself by “the Central bank”! You can’t make this shit up:
So, even in their own mythology, OneCoin has not yet been green-lighted by “the Central bank” — even for a “temporary permission”, “to start setup and operation”(whataever that means).
Au contraire! If you are a serial scammer, those are worth of thousands!
You see, when you receive a 5530€ Tycoon package, you need one (1) gullible investor you can sell it to and you will make 5530€ of profit.
Normally with the 10% network bonus you would need to dupe ten (10) gullible investors.
Setting up a random altcoin blockchain and launching it on an exchange is trivial. The problem is of course that the blockchain will not contain all the coins from the backoffice booked in a way that you could see your own holdings.
Launch a generic altcoin blockchain with pre-mined coins on an exchange.
Tell people some BS about KYC or whatnot as reason that they cannot see their coins in their account. “The coins are in the process of being transferred pending yadayada confirmation from CB”.
Sell coins on the exchange, doing the old pump and dump, encouraging people in the networks to buy.
Eventually the coin will tank.
Sorry, the business failed due to low demand, bye bye…
SwissCoin did a similar exit but managed to introduce a “hack” that created a lot of ghost coins and then handed over the project to a new partner who subsequently fell out with the scam originator.
We live in a terrible world. Ruja’s fantastic vision of wealth for all is deliberately destroyed by some contemptible villains?
Would anyone comment on this nonsense? 😀
Melanie, I don’t know about “sail forward”. I prefer this wording, “lets (sic) fail forward to give justice to all who deserve”.
Nobody “joined OC” because of the KleptoQueen’s greatness or foresight. They joined because it was easier to sell than other MLM at the the time and the BitCoin craze was happening.
This person is impoverished that they cannot even afford to use capital letters for proper nouns.
They are talking about Duncan Arthur and his wanting OC’ers to join his new coin that is about to launch.
But someone needs to ask this person just exactly what is everything you need because of OneCoin?
You’ve got pretend coins, a promised exchange for the past 5 years that still hasn’t happened, a crappy DealShaker platform that less than 2% of all members use, crappy educational material, and empty promises of great wealth. Yep, a great vision.
Unbelievable, what this OneCoin cheater Peter Walsh is giving off for a mental thin whistle!
Ruja Ignatova, convicted serial cheater, gets cheated by more serial cheats in the sequel!
And this dogfott Walsh complains that Ruja, which has run away with millions, is now also being cheated!
Could it be that Walsh hasn’t collected enough booty yet?
Is he the only cheater who has not cheated the cheaters enough?
Message from OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel, “Black Diamond”, GLG member and UAE Franchise Holder:
New Fraud Event on August 1 and 2, 2019:
As usual in Russian-speaking countries, another woman is the organizer: Nadezhda Menshikova from Krasnojarsk:
The OneCoin scammer Nadezhda Menshikova on Facebook:
When will the self-proclaimed “Cryptoqueen” get her third baby? I can see that she has become a mother twice already!
Video from January 20, 2017:
Video from January 12, 2019:
I expect the next birth in January 2021. After each birth Ruja goes on maternity leave and has no time to meet with the director of THE central bank. That explains the constant delays with the exchange!
Have you ever heard anything about mother Ruja’s husband, the “lawyer Dr. Björn Strehl”?
Or did he run away too? Together with the “Cryptoqueen”?
@eagle eye
You know his company Matunos GmbH in Neu-Isenburg?
Real estate is ideal for money laundering on w.w.w.matunos.de 😀
This is currently being distributed on Facebook:
For various cryptocurrencies including OneCoin:
The serial scammer Peter Walsh recommends the scam portal mahalvan.com/index.php/2019/03/08/onecoin-exchange/
There it says among other things: 😀
Some interesting comments from OneCoin victims posted on BFH:
Via email:
Supplement to comments #131 and #133
Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan gets nervous. Now he offers another account with 6,213,862.96 ONE, but he does not name a prize.
In some Facebook groups his offer has been deleted without comment.
6,213,862 ONE? Isn’t that like… 3 “Ultimate Trader” packages? (That he would have paid 118,000 EUR for each.)
How is it possible that someone is able to make 354,000 EUR and still doesn’t have enough common sense to do his due diligence before buying into a pyramid fraud?
On Facebook, I read that many idiots financed their educational packages with loans from the bank.
In addition, groups have formed that have bought packages together – for example, so-called power packs.
It’ll be fun if they can not agree on what they want to do with their worthless packages in the future. 😀
Nothing new on any of the OneCoin dockets as I write this.
BREAKING: In the Class Action Lawsuit an Amended Complaint has been filed yesterday.
The former Head of OneCoin Legal and Compliance, Irina Andreeva Dilkinska, has been added to the list of Defendants!
– David Pike, served alongside Defendant Scott as a director of MSS International Consultant (BVI)
– Nicole J. Huesmann, attorney that assisted Scott laundering the OneCoin Defendants’ fraud proceeds.
Unfortunately in the Amended Complaint Dilkinska’s family name is constantly misspelled as “Dilinska”.
In the past her name was Irina Andreeva Teneva.
Example: tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=14AEF840EDB1279CE46D1428A15ABE0FDACE40EED5AB9756B3D49C826BAC025F
@Onecon Squad Sofia – thanks for the update 🙂
The noose is tightening. More arrests coming soon. Invest in *Orville Redenbacker.
*not financial advice
The country of Zambia warns against ponzi scams. mentions Onecoin: cryptohamster.org/sec-%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82-%D0%BE%D0%B1-%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2-2/
They made the same misspelling I did several times here in BehindMLM.
Somewhat unlikely that they read this platform and its comments section, but I just hope that I didn’t contribute to the embarassing mistake. 🙂
On the contrary I think it’s very likely they read the comments here. Lots of info.
But of course they should double check all the spellings anyway..
There is also a download possible.
What’s up in Sofia, the headquarters of the OneCoin scam? Is THE central bank burned down? I miss the weekly lie report #13 from yesterday on progress for the exchange announced for years …
Here is a quote from the Lies Report of week 11:
Which police department has created this “report”? How much money did Ruja pay for this “report”? Has THE central bank received a copy of this “report”? 😀
Thanks Tim. Reading in Russian an African regulator warning against a Bulgarian Ponzi lulz.
I found this – seczambia.org.zm/notice-on-crytocurrencies/
It’s dated August 1st but the actual warning and article itself is a 2018 rehash.
Because last Friday the weekly report with the running number 13 did not appear, the serial cheater Peter Walsh published again today the report from the 26th of July for week 12.
The signature of Konstantin Ignatov on a worthless certificate for the OneCoin fraudster Anastasia Kobtseva:
shouldnt a cryptoqueen be able to be on the interwebs anonymously, why wouldnt you.
hey ruje, where is u at 😀 ur so fucked.
Nothing on the dockets today. Will check again at the end of the week.
I see that the civil claim action has been developed and many more names are identified including alleged assistants to Mark Scott to Irina Dilinska as Head of Compliance and Legal at Sofia and about 100 or so Senior Affiliates in USA.
The latter presumably being the Leaders who ran groups in the Us which was a very serious mistake as they were not allowed to trade there. I hope they all get a visit from the FBI as part of the investigations. or are they leaving soon.
The list includes Tom McMurrain who has already spent years in jail for previous scams so he hopefully will be arrested shortly.
Yet still OneCoin and its variants are advertising Exhibitions in Bali Indonesia so the authorities really do need do get their actions together.
UK do not seem to be taking action or Ireland where Scott set up some Companies with Dilkinska and were advised of these arrangements through the Bank Of Ireland at least 2 years ago.
Well done America (and Italy).
Attention, warning! Serial fraudster Peter Walsh makes a bomb explode on Facebook! Not an ordinary bomb, but the ultimate truth bomb! 😀
Why does the notorious liar Peter Walsh write the name of Ruja, the biggest female cheater of all time, always small? If Ruja reads that, she will immediately suspend his accounts. 😀 The self-proclaimed “Cryptoqueen” is entitled to write their name big and bold: RUJA IGNATOVA
Supplement to comment #54
Another offer from Malika Belarabi. Now she is trying to sell 5,019,263.48 ONE.
Of course they applied for “international law”.
That’s why they are having so much interaction with “the central bank”.
@ Niente: with the OneLie network there is never any shortage on reporting from the frontline on the war for stupidity. A plague on them and their houses.
What do Kristalina Georgieva and Ruja Ignatova have in common? They were born in Bulgaria. But a new video on YouTube tries to give the impression that both women are pursuing the same goals. Does Kristalina Georgieva also sell worthless education packages for a lot of money? 😀
The man who can be seen from 0:22 in the video, of course, is the former OneCoin cheater Kari Wahlroos.
What has happened to the serial liar Igor Krnic?
I have not seen any posts from him for quite a while on the Onecoin forum… do you think either he is not being paid anymore by Onecoin or he has come to the conclusion that it was a scam after all?
The OneCoin scammer Debesh Roy from Bangladesh is looking for some moderators for his closed Facebook group Onecoin-Onelife:
The group has 436 members and was created in December 2018 by Debesh Roy:
The future moderator should be able to lie and cheat. As in all Facebook groups for the OneCoin scam. I am therefore not suitable for this job. 🙁
The next date in Konstantin’s case is going to be earliest in September. There was supposed to be a status conference in August 16, but:
It sounds like Konstantin’s lawyer is going on a vacation. Konstantin might have recommended Bulgaria or Dubai to him. 🙂
And Konstantin himself has propbably adapted well to prison life, so he don’t mind rotting in his prison cell a little bit longer with no progress in his case .
The OneCoin scammers from Austria are currently writing on Facebook (partial quote):
Of course, a source for this claim is not mentioned again!
Malaysia’s OneCoin scammer Kevin Areson appeals to OneCoin idiots worldwide:
Yes, the DealShaker is extremely popular! 😀 To fake the statistics, the OneCoin idiots should log in, even if they do not want to search or buy anything.
Supplement to comment #210
Debesh Roy from Bangladesh has already found a moderator. It’s Belarabi Malika, the woman desperately trying to sell millions of worthless OneCoins! See comments #54 and #205
On Facebook, Malika Belarabi writes:
Okay, but we should back up a copy of her photo: 🙂
The OneCoin scammers from Austria report that it is currently not possible to log on to onelife.eu. Is that known?
At least I could log in from Finland without any problem.
It seems they have fixed the blockchain simulator, it now creates 1 block / minute and timestamps them to the current date. (Previously it was lagging a week behind the real world.)
Watch out! Important information for all OneCoin idiots! 😀
Even in Argentina, the OneCoin scammers are still very active. Obviously, selling tickets for fraud events can make more money than selling educational packages. And who collects the entrance fees between $ 500 and $ 1,500? It’s these five scammers:
Which of these two title lines is valid? 😀
OneCoin or LifeCoin? Will the Bulgarian fraud currency get a new name? In an idiotic article on mdenews.online I found the term LifeCoin – together with the well-known DealShaker:
The article also mentions the “Diamond” Gabriela Basco from Argentina mentioned above. Does anyone of our readers understand the nonsense that’s being spread?
I quote Donald Trump:
I quote the OneCoin cheater Lê Simon Quốc-Hưng from Vietnam, better known as Simon Le:
Which leader should we follow? Is it necessary to grow OneLife again? Is the biggest network of all time just a balloon that has burst?
Terrible news from Sofia! The Wonder Wheel is on vacation. Or was stolen. It is not mentioned in today’s newsletter! 😀
US vs Konstantin Ignatov next status conference set to September 6, 2019 at 10:15 am local time.
Comment on Instagram next to a photo by Konstantin Ignatov:
Circulating on the wold wide webs, particularly, fb:
this text is just… sad. I feel like most people dont know what a search engine is made for.
how else can this happen for such a long time, a simple query gives all the hints on OC, doesnt it?
OneCoin and its top scammers conditioned their victims to distrust any external sources of information.
Most MLM scams operate in this manner.
Just a joke or a serious question? 😀
The dream dancer Sarkawt Qadir Husain from Irbil in Kurdistan states on Facebook that he works as an English teacher. Actually, teachers should recognize a scam like OneCoin …
These and other lies are under this video on YouTube:
Anyone who lures new merchants into the DealShaker receives additional (but worthless) tokens: 🙂
In memory of! On June 11, 2016 Ruja boasted:
Source: onecoin.eu/uploads/media/default/0001/01/c4a8a3dec7aa823e9e9342dc3b71f89fe47e2d79.pdf
Today, three years later, there are only 893,506 merchants missing from the announced million.
Well, the No answer was partly right. Ruja is in hiding and a fugitive from justice so she is not in jail, but K is.
So you get to answer yes and no and both are the right answer.
Greece’s OneCoin scammer Dinos Bakalis is announcing a new scam event in Panama scheduled for September 20-22. The poster mentions “ODT Mastery Summit“, the scam portal by Jose Gordo.
What role is Jose Gordo currently playing in the criminal OneCoin/OneLife organization?
Wow! Where can one buy the optimism of OneCoin scammer Dinos Bakalis from Greece? On DealShaker? When buying large quantities with discount? 😀
As early as June, a Finnish newspaper published a very detailed and interesting article about the OneCoin scam.
The article names many names such as Tommi Vuorinen, Ruja Ignatova, Sebastian Greenwood, Juha Parhiala, Carl J. Danhammer, Vesa Keskinen, Kari Wahlroos and Konstantin Ignatov.
Interesting is this statement to Sebastian Greenwood:
This confirms the assumption that Sebastian sings like a canary.
The article also mentions the older scam with BigCoin.
The German Audi seller Steven Wagner announces for many months that he will deliver new cars that can be paid with OneCoin. He calls this the “PROJEKT AUTOHAUS” (project dealership).
Of course he has never delivered a single car!
A week ago, Steven Wagner returned to Facebook and started a poll.
Reminder: Steven Wagner works closely with the German serial scammer Gunther Triebel!
Serial cheater Peter Walsh explains the serious difference between BitCoin and OneCoin. Short Summary:
“The price of BitCoin is going down soon, the price of OneCoin is stable!” 😀
What good is the OneCoin idiots a stable price if nobody wants to buy the worthless OneCoin? Millions of OneCoin are offered for sale on Facebook – without reaction!
Malika Belarabi offers her worthless OneCoins on many Facebook pages, attracting low prices, but nothing happens! 😀
Here are just three offers:
10 days ago two OneCoin scammers founded a new Facebook group. 🙂
The group already has 535 members. The two founders are
1. The well-known OneCoin scammer Henrique Machado from Lisbon, who proudly presents these photos on Facebook:
2. An anonymous guy called “Silem Konstantin“. His Facebook account is a fake, nine days old.
A miracle has happened! Today’s newsletter calls the word “Exchange”!
Anyone who has expected real news will be disappointed. Only a small part of the report will be published from week 15, which was distributed last Friday.
LOOOL: From ex-Onecoin (Unaico, SiteTalk, ITel Global Group, GII Corp, T6 Poker, entertainment Express, Cloud Horizon, Welmont Capital, etc) scammer, Kenny Nordlund:
Ormeus accepts OneCoin now, apparently?
“Altcoin 50/50 Promotion – NOW with Conversion Link for OneCoin”
SOURCE: mailchi.mp/wantageone.com/wantage-one-connects-11th-of-august-2019
Wantage One Special Altcoin Promotion welcomes OneCoin
After successfully implementing Ormeus Coin, CBG Token and LEOcoin, we now officially welcome OneCoin to Wantage One’s Special Altcoin Promotion.
Since OneCoin is not on blockchain, our IT department has developed a very smart conversion link to transfer OneCoin into Resq Token that can be used to obtain the various Altcoin 50/50 Packages.
How does the “Special Altcoin Conversion Link for OneCoin” work?
Simple, just follow these eight steps:
1) Go to your WantageOne backoffice
2) Go to My Account
3) Click on Convert to Resq tokenand the Wantage One’s Altcoin Promotion pops-up
4) Accept the Disclaimer of the WantageOne’s Altcoin Promotion
5) Fill in the Amount of your OneCoin you wish to convert into Resq token (Think about the packages you want to buy, the possibility to upgrade within 30 days and the Resq token you wish to use for buying vouchers that you can sell)
6) Please upload a proof of your coins identification. Submit a printscreen of your OneCoin backoffice proving you posses the amount of OneCoin you wish to exchange into Resqtoken
7) Please upload your profile identification. Submit a printscreen of your OneCoin backoffice proving you are the owner of the OneCoin account
8) Press Save and Support will add the Resqtoken manually to your account after your request has been approved. This process may take up to 48 hours, but daily practice learns that this usually happens same day
What does Wantage mean that OC is not on a blockchain? OC clearly claims it has a blockchain. Seems Wantage knows something the OC believers don’t know.
The OneCoin fraudsters from Austria announce that the price of OneCoin will soon increase:
The fictitious price may rise, but the real value of the OneCoin remains at zero!
Supplement to comment #233
German Audi seller Steven Wagner founded a new, closed Facebook group on July 31, 2019:
During the registration it is pointed out that this group has nothing to do with the OneCoin scam. Truth or lie?
His stillbirth “Projekt Autohaus” involved 26 participants from different countries. Most of them are just small OneCoin fraudsters, with two exceptions: Gunther Triebel and Hansjörg Oberrauch.
Supplement to comment #187
On August 19th, I received three e-mails via Facebook that Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan is again offering worthless OneCoins for sale:
Of course, I immediately clicked on the links to buy 2,138 million OneCoins at a fantastic low price: 😀
Unfortunately, that was not possible, because the offers of Muhammad Ishfaq were deleted by the administrators very quickly:
Why did Muhammad Ishfaq remove his photo on Facebook? We should know what a proud OneCoin Millionaire looks like! I had his photo saved – maybe a public prosecutor is interested in him? Or the Pakistani tax office?
Great news! Finnish prosecutor will bring OneCoin related tax fraud charges against four people and money laundering charge against one person, for crimes happened in Vasa between 2015-2018. The trial will begin in November 28th this year.
Continue reading at pktechblog.com/onecoin-ownership/
Supplement to comment #243
Source: tivi.fi/uutiset/tv/abce24f7-3fc8-4988-abca-1591d5fd566f
The Finnish trial is absurd in a sense that the money that has been made came through a criminal activity. And yet the trial is for the taxes that have been left unpaid from the said criminal benefit.
Every now and then I feel that Finland and Bulgaria are not really all that different.
Remember Al Capone was convicted Not being a crimelord, But not paying tax of the money he made in criminal activity.
Thanks for the heads up guys.
Exactly if you can’t take them fast enough one way, take them for tax fraud, but make them bleed hard enough.
The penalty should go up 3x 5x 10x the money they made/stole. Set an example for the next countries to come.
In some countries it will only be money, in some tax fraud leads to prison sentence.
The OneCoin scammer Krisztina Makkáné Németh from Hungary proudly announces:
Anyone lured by Krisztina Makkáné Németh into the OneCoin scam should know her contact details:
Two quotes from a short video (10 minutes), allegedly with the OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel:
I realize that there will be another delay of 9 months? Also on Facebook is referred to the “9 months”.
@Melanie, no, they talk about “9 months strategy after the exchange launch”. The purpose is basically once again assure members that an exchange is coming “very soon”(tm).
Long video (99 minutes):
This is only a partial quote. All lies and fairy tales can be read here:
Why is mega-cheater Lê Simon Quốc-Hưng (“Simon Le”) from Vietnam reporting a second-rate event in the Russian city of Tolyatti?
Noteworthy here too, as always in Russia: 16 women follow the OneCoin scam, but only one man! How can this be explained?
I am impressed! The financial revolution promised by Ruja will actually take place. Sometime in this century, the exact date will be communicated soon. 😀
Moussa Mehadji looks to the future positively! 😀
The OneCoin cheater Moussa Mehadji in the picture (right):
Othis is a French commune with 6,702 inhabitants. Now the OneCoin scammers Julien Zerbini, Kevin Moreira, Moussa Mehadji and Johann Boiteux are looking for new victims even in small towns?
The entrance to Othis Grill Pizza was free. So all in all a loss for these four cheaters?
“Dear members and idiots,
This week, we have not come up with new lies! We are really sorry. Nobody needs to be sad or disappointed. Please read what Satendra Kumar Saini just wrote on Facebook. That will comfort you!”
The scammers from Austria spread a different version. Is that more credible? 🙂
Again a primitive attempt to lure people into the OneCoin scam. Shown is a dashboard with this information:
The posting is only 7 days old – but the dashboard shows as a price for the ONE 7.86 EUR! So here’s a dashboard promoting the price, which was valid from November 25, 2016 to March 8, 2017!
Another new date, when the exchange will definitely start! 😀
Noureddine Otmane Pacha calls the 15th of September:
The source is, as always, dubious. The blogger is a notorious liar. I will check that later.
Wiki article from Korea manipulated to spread fake news and propaganda by Onecoinist contributing scammer(s):
Mary Mone, obviously a victim of OneCoin scam, wrote a remarkable comment on Facebook two weeks ago.
The comment is on this page:
Now it’s getting ridiculous! No joke! That’s what the OneCoin idiots have been waiting for: 😀
On Facebook is constantly complained that the support of OneCoin / OneLife does not answer. Here is just one example of many:
Meanwhile it is impossible to reach the support. I wanted to test this today on Ruja’s scam portal oneforex.eu/en/help/. I could not ask a question because I was told:
Since there is no imprint on the fraud portal oneforex.eu, nobody can contact the scammers in Sofia.
We all know that the DealShaker has no future. This has obviously recognized Mathias Ribe, because I received the following email today:
The closed Facebook group “DealShaker” existed since January 16, 2017 and has 10,564 members. All old content has been deleted.
Speculative, but found something called “OneCoin Equity Token”, ERC20 based, and created less than three months ago with supply of 120 billion tokens (the magical OneCoin number):
Could this be something that they are planning to show to the regulators in order to get the licence?
Also, the week 16 edition of the phantasmagorical “Exchange platform weekly summary” has still not been published. Cultists are getting worried and restless. Perhaps worth noting, that the week 15 edition stated that:
If this has any basis in reality, it might be that the authorities finally realized who they are dealing with, and brought police to the meeting with them. 😉 That might explain the silence.
The following scammers will participate:
Peter Hjelte – Fred Fok – Sooula McCormick – Sayid Abdi – Marco Vassanelli – Dilbar Mirsaitova – Dusan Torbica
I do not understand the technique, but I read the following:
The same amount. Is that a coincidence?
Not a coincidence but does not have to be directly related either.
In both cases the number comes from the alleged “cap” of the nonexistent OneCoin blockchain – 120 billion coins.
Terrible news is spread on Facebook! 😀
Without Wonder Wheel, the world becomes dark and sad for the OneCoin believers. And those who have not bought a power pack in time will die stupid and uneducated.
The OneCoin scammers from Cambodia fool with old photos new activities. The “Projekt Autohaus” by German car salesman Steven Wagner is dead!
This picture was posted on Facebook on August 26th:
And when did the photo actually come about? At the DealShaker Expo in Novosibirsk on the 20th or 21st of October 2018!
Probably the other published photos are old. A photo shows Konstantin Ignatov – and is known to be in detention since 6 March 2019.
Thess Haban, OneCoin miner … Onelife member … OneAcademy learner …, demands:
When one car dealer goes, two more step up!
From Suriname we have two dealers, both offering multiple deals:
And of course Kralev Cars still tries with few deals:
We know that Petar Kralev of KRALEV CARS LTD is a nasty fraudster.
Originally he offered eight coupons – and sold nothing.
Later he reduced the same offer to four coupons – and they were allegedly sold? 😀
Interesting information regarding the OneCoin scammer Habib Zahid:
Supplement to comment #268
The webinar of yesterday as a video.
A quote from the video:
Another “External Auditor”? What’s his name? Dian Dimitrov? Semper Fortis Ltd.? Atanos Lazarov? S Systems Ltd? Dence GmbH? I remind you, what Ruja Ignatova claims:
Are old lies and fairytales repeated now?
@ Melanie. How dare you question the auditors. I have reported you to the “Central Bank” and they will be coming to your house for one of their “side visits”! I warn you, you dare act out of the “Ecosystem” again and I have the “European Authority” teach you some manners!
Now this is hilarious!! Good one Stev. Now do you mean when you said teach her some manners it was going to be manners of speaking?
The problem is the “believers” will believe you meant it. Still laughing.
Important message from Sofia!
Does anyone know an idiot who wants to buy ONE? 😀
@ Lynn. The Sofia Management Office notes your insolence. As per the weekly OL newsletter anyone offering anything “fancy” without approval from the “Central Bank” is ILLEGAL. Your OneCoin will now be frozen.
As you don’t have any, we showing our ethical business acumen will give you some but freeze them. Unless a communication comes from us, it is disruptive and injurious.
I assume no liability for the accuracy of this information! 🙂
A new scam event in Vietnam from 26 to 29 September 2019. Officially announced on onelifeevents.eu:
In the list of announced speakers I miss well-known names like Jose Gordo, Habib Zahid, Muhammad Adeel, Luca Miatton, Cristi Calina, Dinos Bakalis, Mariana Lopez de Waard, King Jayms, Kamran Hye, Mark and Miki Nishiyama, Julien Zerbini, Denis Murdock etc. 😮
The tickets cost 200, 330 or 450 euros.
Part quote from facebook.com/uncharted.khan/posts/2388357967918292
Another DealShaker again? Did Ruja approve this? 😎
I’m warning about a person who calls himself “Nelly Diamond” on Facebook. This person does not exist! The real name of “Nelly Diamond” is Nelia Müller, a well-known OneCoin cheater from Linz in Austria.
A week ago, “Nelly Diamond” participated in a discussion on Facebook, but her comments are unfortunately not visible:
Source: facebook.com/OneLife.OneCoin.TeamOesterreich/
Nelia Müller (“Nelly Diamond”) has deleted all content in her Facebook account facebook.com/nelly.diamond.792:
I have been watching the criminal activities of Nelia Müller since 2015. She belongs to a team from Austria and often cheats together with Manuela Schartner and Thomas Pfeiffer:
Nelia Müller (“Nelly Diamond”) and the serial cheater Udo Carsten Deppisch:
How did we miss this: Just noticed that OneLife Network Limited has been struck off Belize business register since December 2018!
If you do Belize business register company search on “One Life Network”(notice the empty space), you can see that the company is in “inactive” state.
I think they lost their licence once before in 2017 but regained it later, but now it seems that they lost it for good.
Nevertheless, the OneLife.eu website still declares that it’s Belize based. Everything in OneCoin world is a lie and illusion — for nine months OneCoin pimps have been working for a ghost company.
Maybe there’s a waiting period between the first and second notices?
Here is the first notice, it’s about month earlier:
So the reason appears to be a resignation of register agent. Whoever it was, he/she/it probably got scared when FBI called or read about Mark S Scott… Pretty strange that Veselina & Konstantin didn’t bother or manage to do anything to save the caompany.
All IMA contracts were with the Belize company. The legal implication for the struck off may be that the contracts are nullified.
Have the networkers been notified about changes to the company they signed contracts with?
Or does/did the struck off mean that it was removed from the Belize company register altogether?
If so, it was only a temporary and they got it re-instated, but, As I said, it can be currently found on the register, but its status is “inactive”.
I’m not sure what the “inactive” means, I assumed that can refer to “struck off” companies.
Ahsan Adverd from Lahore in Pakistan wants to sell 3,589 worthless ONE. This is not unusual and happens daily on Facebook. Much more interesting are the following comments:
Apparantly, being struck off from Belize business register doesn’t mean that entry gets deleted but that it gets the status “inactive”.
I took tens of random samples from both 2018 and 2019 Belize company struck off list, and every struck off company could be found with the official business registry search service, in “inactive” state. (Only caveat I could think of with my “stuck-off = inactive” conlusion is that either most of the struck off companies get restored but end up somehow in “inactive” status — which is unlikely — and/or I got extremely unlucky with my inference method.)
Try it yourselves. The ONE LIFE NETWORK LIMITED is found on page 196 of the 2018 Struck off list:
If, like it seems, OneLife is being struck off, they are operating illegally. Belize International Business Companies Act Chapter 270 says:
(p. 101-102 ; ibcbelize.com/pdf/cap270.pdf)
Is the registered agent Ally Professional Services LTD, which called Oz on May 30, 2017?
Please read the entire comment at facebook.com/groups/447999482063079/
Supplement to comment #259
The scammers from Austria lied!
The ****** Exchange platform weekly summary ****** for week 16 and week 17 have not been published.
The last report was distributed for week 15 on August 16, 2019.
America is afraid of OneCoin? 🙄
I regularly read this and other nonsense on mahalvan.com… 😉
You’re a glutton for punishment 😀
The OneCoin scammer Raul Pazos Medina raves about Konstantin Ignatov:
Ruja showed her new, original OneCoin baby on August 30th. The third? 😮
I have to agree that it is painful looking at all those scammmer’s denial of truth posts, but I’m so glad that Melanie is keeping track of and saving everything for future OneCoin “Wall of Shame” projects!
Individual members no longer believe in the lies and fairy tales propagated by OneCoin OneLife scammers:
Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan launches a new attempt:
Most sales ads by Muhammad Ishfaq are deleted in the Facebook groups. Here’s an example I received by email:
Supplement to comment #295
Is the serial cheater Peter Walsh reading my comments? Two hours ago he published the same text:
share-your-photo.com/23f4a886cc (part one)
share-your-photo.com/9a8be6e3e2 (part two)
The original text is from July 2019!
The idiots are not dying. Many pray for the arrested Konstantin Ignatov, others thank Ruja for being cheated.
Nhoun Sopheak from Korea writes:
OneLife Black Diamond and Master Distributor Jose Gordo & OneLife Black Diamond Mariana Lopez de Waard are leaving OneCoin/OneLife now and started a new MLM “opportunity” called Apex.
Mariana Lopez de Waard posted a quote from the Apex promo material to her Facebook page.
Here’s one Apex brochure page. Notice the same Jack Ma quote and style as in Mariana’s FB post (in spanish here):
Apex spanish webinar slides:
Why are they mentioning KUVERA on that brochure? Would it be a subdepartment of KUVERA or just a name change as anyone knows KUVERA is a scam as well?
Or is it just because they partner with SAFEtek and Investview.
It would be the next logical step for those scammers to go from a fake coin token scam to a forex scam.
Looking at the guaranteed return they offer seems a bit like the GTInet deal. Again offering unregistered securities so the USA won’t go officially for them.
Sorry, I forgot the screenshot:
Even the dreamers do not die out. Benjamin Larsonneur from France dreams this crazy dream: 😮
APEX? That could be a problem? 😮
The companies certainly do not want to be associated with an (obvious) fraud?
Does someone know what happened to Martin Mayer alias Matschhirn on Tour?
No more videos on his youtube channel since weeks, maybe they arrested him in Italy?
@Santa Maria
What should “Sir Mudbrain” 😛 from Vaduz in Liechtenstein report? He is waiting for new lies and fairy tales from Sofia, but they do not arrive. He no longer offers anything on DealShaker. And on w.w.w.continuum.li it says only:
You could call him and ask when the Exchange finally opens. Here is his phone number:
martin meyer ist noch immer aktiv…nur ist er in seinen letzten videos nicht mehr so sicher…..
@Santa Maria
I don’t know if these are the latest but here are Mayer’s videos from last week, Tuesday and Wednesday:
martien meyer ist noch aktiv….. letzter beitrag war am 29. august…
There must be a new playlist, this link youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz6lBlCNUzw3iXiamh1hCFixTylcbVU2x does show only videos till no. 534…
Do anyone Know where i can find the new playlist from matschigen aka Mama?
I need to See his latest comedy Videos…I wanna laught!
English only please.
@oz….martin meyer is still telling his funny storries… youtube.com/watch?v=WGnev9cOC8Q&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR33Ga6BwTtgDQbHouEo8eE4tsfDRxkv-yo4qNuuaXLhqFZOYe5GXWpn9-8
He is realy a good actor… the problem is that he realy belives waht he is talking….
@Santa Maria
@Mr yosie locote
I also do not know the current playlist of the brainless idiot Martin Mayer. But the OneCoin scammer Werner Steinhart regularly links to new videos by Martin Mayer on his Facebook account facebook.com/AgenturWernerSteinhart/
Werner Steinhart from Stuttgart in Germany is also sick in the head. 😳 From where I know this? I viewed his private Facebook account facebook.com/werner.steinhart. A typical conspiracy theorist.
you can also see the videos on facebook Martin Willhelmer-Dealshaker from Austria and Hans Hell from Austria…
Coins have not been safe in the so-called “CoinSafe” since May 2018! I read this regularly on Facebook, but also in the forum of Igor Krnic:
Sometimes the coins are displayed again, but the interest is missing. The scammers in Sofia do not get this problem under control. Is there a workable solution now? Yesterday’s newsletter said:
A brand new manual – only for two months? 😮
Ok, I found the missing videos. So he and his Italian friends (Luca Miatton and his down line) are still active and continue to promote onecoin all over Europe, babbling something about central EU institutions which gave an official license to onecoin for opening an exchange.
The official page of onecoin is still not available (at least from Italy), so I couldn’t look it up there…
new video from mama: youtube.com/watch?v=PcMTj9IaYj0&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR197MdIFfPQykXNvfIKeKCbpNKymHhnxvMIHJfGjw8j6QaEVDE74G8Jt4I
onecoin will be worldcurrency… if you have bitcoins you have to change first in onecoin that you can change in fiat… his brain is very interesting…
Ooooooohhh my God!! This OneCoin cheater in love with himself!! You can’t bear his brainless gossip any more!!
“Official Statement“? Wow! I am totally surprised! 😮 Why does not the anonymous writer name a source?
An “official statement” should come from Sofia, but from Sofia comes only hot air in the form of “newsletters” that contain no news. A well-known OneCoin scammer on YouTube complains about this:
For communication belongs to the ordinary OneCoin idiots also a functioning, fast and up-to-date support. I regularly read on Facebook that the so-called “support” has ceased its activity or gives idiotic answers. Often they are general phrases (text modules), not individual answers. Also documented are waiting times of up to six months!
The OneCoin idiots have been waiting for this important news worldwide! 😛 The OneCoin scammers from Austria are currently reporting:
A completely wrong decision by the managers of Burger King! Bitcoin has no future, because Ruja has promised to kill the Bitcoin:
For the OneCoin idiots:
Burger-King has accepted BITCOIN since 1917 in some branches in Russia and the Netherlands.
The BITCOIN … but never and nowhere the ONE-COIN fraud!
cool during world war 1 they had bitcoins..
What is OneCoin? I have read something that explains the OneCoin very briefly and very well. OneCoin is like WESTERN UNION – but cheaper! 😉
“They haven’t enough money”? That must be a mistake! The “unbanked people” have bought and paid worthless education packages for a lot of money.
PS: This is only part 1 of a longer quote. It gets even funnier!
The unknown scribbler could also have shortened that: “Guys, buy on DealShaker! Only there you can buy worthless things with the worthless ONE.”
I would like to know what this guy smokes. Or drink. Or has he been bathed too hot as a baby? 😮
To sum up, everything I learned during my studies in business administration was wrong! Totally wrong!
It was a bad mistake for me that I did not buy educational packages from Ruja.
I will never be able to participate in Ruja’s financial revolution in my life because I was too stingy. I am ashamed! 🙁
For 24 hours (German time) no one writes more meaningless or enlightening posts in the forum of Igor Krnic. What happened? 🙄
Bye Bye Jose Gordo, says Onecoin:
Jose “bolsa” Gordo appears to take with him several of varying ranks in the collapsed scam:
– Marianna Lopez de Waard
– Omar Villalobos
– Dinos Bakalis
– Jabier Perez
– ...others?
^Igor banned at least Flatrate..
But nothing really happening. Onelife kept another webinar today. More empty hype talk. The alleged exchange is still waiting for many things… So members will be still waiting in ‘coming soon’ state. 😀
Friday will be an interesting day, as there’s Konstantin’s case status conference in New York.
Gorgeous! Fantastic! Wonderful! 😛 I have bundled the 1,070 “comments” from flatrate into a single photo:
Maybe you can help me in another thing. Yesterday I saved the following link:
Today I can not reach the site anymore. “Unfortunately, this content is currently not available”
Will I be blocked or has the page been deleted completely? Who owns the account?
Corrections #325 and #326: of course the year 2017 is meant. Excuse me!
OneCoin cheater Rana Sohaib from Pakistan yesterday uploaded a new video:
On the left side, several phone numbers are shown by Habib Zahid and other OneCoin scammers:
Another Onecoin SCAMMER Arrested Today in Thailand ON VIDEO:
SOURCE: siamblockchain.com/2019/09/05/onecoin-leader-arrested-in-thailand/
I’ll be on this one in a bit.
OneCoin cheater Jose Gordo has posted a video.
I can not understand what he said.
This is supposed to be the report for week 18, which can not be found in the forum of Igor Krnic:
Leaked: OneCoin company staff list from September 2016, when OneCoin was at its most popular stage.
Many of the names have left OneCoin long ago and new ones not on the list have joined the company since then. But interesting anyway.
Not many cryptocurrency related personnel… 😀
Yeah, no cryptocurrency personnel but there is… — surprise surprise — a SQL analyst. 😉
Disappointing that there is no Head of Security listed. According to DoJ he was “a large scale international drug-trafficker”
But given his background, they probably didn’t dare to officially list him as an employee anyway.
BTW, Here is a rare footage of the former OneCoin COO Momchil Nikov mention in the list:
Incredibly awkward presentation in bad English so no wonder he wasn’t seen publicly after that.
Momchil Krasimirov Nikov has also been a manager in various Bulgarian companies ralated to OneCoin and Ignatov Crime Family. See:
Yep, I remember and know maybe 50% of these people (I quit this scam September 2015).
I want to say a few things about the “main” players and the atmosphere in this company.
Momchil was ridiculously unsuitable for the position of COO since he knew nothing at all; I will not even comment on his terrible English. He could never answer my questions. Period.
Krum (is he now the CEO or COO?) was weird and rude, not a person who can be a manager, but was actually one of the nicest guys there.
Irina, she was kinda sneaky and dufficult to read. The CFO was a woman who had no idea what it meant to be a CFO, she was made because she was “cheap”; Ruja hated wasting money on people.
Boyka was the HR manager for years, and even though she knew what was happening and the horrible working environment, she continued to find people for the company who were later humiliated and treated like trash.
I also remember Teresa Videnova, who was sth like a “spy master”. She personally spied on me and my SM accounts and reported back to Ruja and Momchil, which later led to their firing me because “I didn’t fit the team”.
Never have I ever seen a company like that, and my two-month experience was like going through hell.
Each one of them dederves what they got/will get.
Complement to the comments #54, #205, #214 and #234
I do not understand that. The exchange will finally start on September 15th 😉 , but Malika Belarabi is still trying unsuccessfully to sell her worthless OneCoins on Facebook:
I have already mentioned that Malika Belarabi has deleted all contents of her Facebook account.
Only the photo changes frequently, here is an older one without sunglasses:
Complement to comment #233
Even the German Audi seller Steven Wagner does not believe that the exchange will start on 15 September!
Reminder: The German idiot Steven Wagner started his group “Projekt Autohaus” in October 2018!
3,546 other idiots have hoped to buy new cars from Steven Wagner, which will be paid for with the Bulgarian miracle currency ONE.
Complement to comments #274 and #275
Petar Kralev, the dubious car dealer from Bulgaria, gets active again. Little confidence creates this step:
After doing that, he started bragging:
An Update: Two months adjournment in Konstantin’s case due to “massive discovery” and because “there is a separate case going on” (presumably referring to Mark S Scott case).
Many Facebook groups promoting and supporting OneCoin scams are now promoting other “business opportunities”.
Strangely, this is allowed by the administrators. Of course, huge profits are promised here too – to compensate for the losses with OneCoin? Here are just a few examples – in reality, there are many more!
It hurts to read such pointless crap!
Only a OneCoin cheater can think up such a piece of shit!
Interesting timing. Just 3 days after Mark’s case is to start. Wonder if K and Sebastian will be a witness?
It was supposedly the civil case that contributed to the “delay”:
Called Jose Gordo, Mariana Lopez de Waard and Dinos Bakalis. Allegedly, hundreds of Diamonds will follow. 😮 😀
Unfortunately, there is always the same problem (when leaving these scammers from the fraud system OneCoin/OneLife):
Not a single one of these scammers turns to serious work, but all of them (see the initiators and whippersnappers of the first years after they had ripped off millions) go to the next scam!
And the same thing starts all over again.
This is so funny when you take into account that in order to get bailed, Konstantin Ignatov tried to minimize and belittle his role in the scam as best as he could by claiming that he was practically just a coffee boy for Ruja, who is the true mastermind to be blamed.
From Konstantin’s bail motion documents:
So The Great Helmsman and Sarcificial Lamb Konstantin was — per his own defense! — in reality just lowly assistant, and claiming otherwise is making “fanciful allegations”.
Such a great leadership accountability and heroic sacrifice! 😉
What civil case? There are only criminal cases involved with OneCoin: Konstantin and Mark Scott. I think InnerCityPress got it wrong on that point.
I believe civil case refers to the class-action.
April Fool’s Day today? 😮
New video from the scammers from Australia:
The screenshot shows the Serbian fraudster Dusan Torbica, a close friend of Igor Krnic:
Also interesting: The German television (ZDF info) yesterday showed a revealing reportage. Title:
The report is in the media library and can be accessed at any time. It is frightening how closely the Serbian state and the Serbian mafia work together. Is the mafia also involved in OneCoin?
Complement to comment #345
Ordinary OneCoin accounts are obviously not for sale. Now Malika Belarabi starts a new attempt with a beautiful account!
A few hours later, the same account is no longer beautiful:
Why does not anyone buy this wonderful currency, which is constantly rising in price?
Quote from a very long article:
Of course, this article also repeatedly mentions THE central bank. So I ask the second question:
Which central bank from which country is meant?
The central bank of Germany is the DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK, which has not yet responded to my request.
How long will these three cheaters still laugh?
Left to right:
Lê Simon Quốc-Hưng or Simon Le
Konstantin Ignatov or Konsti Keks
Habib Zahid or Habib Abdul Rehman
Four weeks ago, the scammers from Sofia wrote on Facebook:
A guy named “Walter Apollo” replied:
It’s important to name and shame the people who worked for OneCoin — a multi-billion dollar criminal fraud with ties to Eastern European organized crime & narco-trafficking — in key positions.
These people should come clean of their past work for OneCoin if they don’t want their reputations to be destroyed.
The OneCoin company staff list from September 2016 that WhistleBlowerFin linked in message #341 names Ivan Slavkov as the “head of the IT” of OneCoin.
I’ve made some investigations, and think I can shed little light who IVAN RUMENOV SLAVKOV is.
Here are the Bulgarian companies Mr. Slavkov is assosiated:
He is/was manager and/or owner in various companies mostly in IT and media (Novinite media Group assiociated outlets; sever.bg and sporta.bg) business but he also has a travel agency company, Getaway Ltd / ГЕТАУЕЙ ООД (getaway.bg).
As well as being the head of IT in OneCoin, he is associated with OneCoin and Ignatov crime family via company called Sporta.bg OOD (tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=200106201), which happens to be a popular Bulgarian sports news outlet, which happens to be part of Novinite Group.
Currently he has no leadership or ownership role in the sporta.bg company, but he was a company’s founding partner in 2008 and manager until June 2015.
In June 2015 he sold all his Sporta.bg shares to One Network Services Ltd., and Veska Ignatov (the matriarch of Ignatov crime family) became a co-manager of sporta.bg soon after.
Veska is still a co-manager of sporta.bg and ONS Ltd continues to own half of the company shares (the other owner and manager is NIKOLA HRISTOV NIKOLOV). Do Bulgarian sport fans know this?
He is co-manager and co-owner in IT company OBJECT.BG Ltd (website: object.bg/en). According to company’s portfolio page, the company has made websites to probably all Novinite media group related outlets, including Veska’s sporta.bg.
Currently he is also a co-manager and co-owner of IT company VM5 Ltd. / ВМ5 ООД (website: vm5.eu).
The company ID that VM5 Ltd. currently has was previously associated with sever.bg, a local media news outlet that Mr. Slavkov founded and lead in 2009, and which is also part of Novinite Group. (tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=104690069)
Here is a github profile of Mr. Slavkov which includes his picture: github.com/ivanslavkov
It’s unknown if he he is still in anyway associated with OneCoin. However, It’s quite unlikely that he is.
The current OneCoin head of IT supposedly somebody named Stanislav who was preceded by Momchil Angelov who disapparead in early 2018 when police raided the OneCoin office in Sofia …
Many self-proclaimed “experts” spread long articles on the Internet about the upcoming Exchange. I quote an idiot who wrote on September 2, 2019:
This jumbled scribble spontaneously reminds me of the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein, who in his idiotic videos always speaks of Ruja’s announced IPO.
If now an official IPO should start, the superfluous website onecoinico.io could be deleted? 😛
The most important information from today’s newsletter:
1. When the exchange begins, remains a mystery. 🙁
All OneCoin idiots who are now disappointed can still play with the Wonder Wheel! For hours, days, weeks: 🙂
On various websites, I read that the Exchange is supposed to open next Wednesday.
A new Facebook group for the OneCoin scam:
Yes, you will go together into the future … how many of your fraudulent leaders into prison!
new video from martin mayer: youtube.com/watch?v=8mEVA4TIYtI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3WUmyLfmXEexCSq8mjoA5Qu2ypWS6wgIgpmRzc4I2-lDuzqIJN5uHVIYk
exchange is comming soon, but you only can chang 10.000$ per month… he is realy crazy…
Like… Tomorrow?
No. Just usual BS circulating in the network.
I would follow that new FB group created by Adeel and Habib Zahid to filter at least that low level member BS news out.
Complement to comment #363
The German “Central Bank” – DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK – today responded to my request. Important is only this single sentence:
Ari Widell published a new article, which shows threats from OneLife Black Diamond Habib Abdul Rehman aka Habib Zahid on Facebook stating:
“Ari it’s time for you to hide or we will find you”
“You must be found by network”
“Let’s see after 10 days where will you be and what you will have in hand to write abuot this project”
Any possibility to make an article about Habib Zahid’s threats?
“Ari it’s time for you to hide or we will find you”
“Threat is small word for you”
“You must be found by network”
“Let’s see after 10 days where will you be and what you will have in hand to write about this project”
^ This is absolutely unacceptable towards us critics from a top leader of a huge million+ network of people, urging the network to go after Ari by saying “hide or we will find you”.
Not sure I’m feeling a separate article. Zahid seems like another Ken Labine.
Good for laughs but surely nobody takes these clowns seriously?
@Oz, Black Diamond Habib Zahid is now Top #2 of OneLife leaders. Only Simon Le is a bigger name in OneLife, now that Jose Gordo is gone for good. Simon Le and Habib Zahid are the only Master Distributors left…
Ken Labine was nobody in the network hierarchy, only a loud screaming voice.
Habib Zahid has a huge downline and massive amount of members still listen to him.
Another good information that could be published is that OneLife is not registered in Belize since December last year, so all IMAs have a contract with an unregisterd company.
I’m just hesitant to feed into the “us vs. haters” rhetoric. It’s a blatant, albeit crude, distraction from the legal proceedings and fact that OneCoin is going nowhere.
@Oz you have a point there, granted.
It looks to me like OneLife top leaders are preparing for a failure and are looking for good candidates to blame – of course the reason for failure would be the “paid haters”!
A good example is this recent post by Habib Zahid. Not a word about US investigations and legal process, but “paid haters” are the ones who are thretening to kill their “great project”.. 😀
A separate mention goes to BehindMLM, Business for Home, and me.. 😀
The funny thing is, as you know, BusinessForHome was promoting OneCoin until Ruja stopped paying the bills and/or DagCoin slid into Ted’s DMs.
Oh and with Labine, it wasn’t so much being a nobody in OneCoin as it was recognizing the same behavior in Zahid.
Back in Labine’s day it was “one v. one me in a livestream bro”, because OneCoin kept delaying public listing and commissions stopped.
Zahid’s rant is because of different reasons but the underlying motivation is the same.
Konstantin’s in jail and we’re all fucked? Let’s pick up dem pitchforks and go bash some haterz bois!
Funny but like Labine, nothing more than popcorn fodder.
Highest ranking female in Onecoin, Marianna Lopez de Waard’s exit video (is both in Spanish and English):
SOURCE: youtube.com/watch?v=6cKldsh8jxo&feature=youtu.be
By thee look of her and emotion of the video, you’d almost be tempted to think the FED’s just froze her bank accounts that morning.
Probably not though.
Mariana in that video looks looks worried. It’s like a hostage video. She has nice new teeth
What was before on BFH the Onecoin promotion is now Dagcoin promotion.
All the time they have a rank promotion they are published and Igor as well as his wife are featured speakers next weekend at the EU Direct selling event in The Netherlands. A reason more not to attend I believe when you put former onecoin scammers on stage.
But we are always running behind the facts to be honest. While we talk and fight against onecoin, they are with Dagcoin or Futurenet or Melius getting millions in their pockets.
Some of the biggest names in onecoin are now doing exactly the same in those companies and they are like gods and highly respected.
Believe who can.
What day is today? Wednesday? Okay, then this message is important to all OneCoin idiots: 😀
The credible source: 😉 myhealthbest.com/2019/09/Xcoinx-Exchange.html
Habib Zahid’s outburst is most likely “all bark, no bite”. (And probably made in the heat of a moment, after snorting a long line of “Taki’s finest”. 😉 )
They are desparate, and it would be another nail in the coffin, if the cultists actually carried out any violent acts.
OneCoin is already mired in mafia tie / criminal organization allegations, and Zahid’s thug antics only add to the current PR catasthrophe.
They ought to be more careful since the FBI/DoJ is out to get them, and therefore even a RICO charge may not be too far away.
(Zahid and other OneCoin scammers should find this meme, featuring another SDNY defendant, relevant and painfully funny: youtube.com/watch?v=pP4NZO57toQ )
Zahid’s threats probably fulfill the criteria of some “incitement to crime/violence” criminal statute, so if they are to be taken seriously (which I doubt), I suggest to consider alerting London police.
His threats seem to be aimed at critics more broadly, even though Zahid singles out Ari.
And if I interpret his garbled ramblings correctly, they are preparing a some kind of report attacking OneCoin haterz/traitors…
If things keep to the script we can expect a lot more of this nonsense in the coming months and years. It’s all about saving face from here on in
It looks like Chief Excuse Officer Igor Krnic has run out of excuses. He just posted this farewell message on his forum:
This looks like a capitulation. Igor Krnic has surrendered. The evil “haters” have won. 😛
The defenders of the OneCoin scam no longer had any arguments. They just poked and insulted, but never delivered real evidence.
Now the OneCoin idiots, who still believe in a future with OneCoin, have to look for a new home? 🙄
Here is the today’s OneLife webinar exchange update video: youtu.be/pNMyWhIEH-k
Where is the progress ?
– No transaction verification shown in any blockchain
– No exchange trading screen shown
– Only a coin transfer using a hash address (same as the potato quality video many months ago)
– No new progress to the potato quality video from May showing also this coin transfer
Potato quality exchange video from May: youtu.be/p7hm37ZoD0w
Watch both videos. Nice (no visible) progress OneCoin! 😆
“Coming soon”
A couple of years ago someone also involved in shady “business opportunities” told me that Igor Alberts is the real owner of BFH and made his good friend Ted Nuyten the “official” owner.
Did not think much of it then, but BFH did a 180 on Onecoin at the same time as Igor’s switch to Dagcoin.
As Igor Krnic’s farewell message shows, he was never fully able to come into terms with the reality, and that denialist cult-mindset maintained a firm grip on his mind.
Wasn’t his position after seeing the shocking DOJ documents something like: “Well, looks like it all started out as a cynical scam, but surely The Corporate must have by now done something to make it all right and legit”?
Or, to make a somewhat unfair analogy (for Elizabeth Holmes), to Igor OneCoin is like the Theranos -project, but in reverse. (My understanding is that Theranos started out as an earnest vision they initially tried their best to make into reality, but when it turned out to be absolutely impossible, Holmes tried to cover the failure and scam the believers/investors with cynical frauds, lies and dirty tricks).
And the Igor’s final excuse is a funny one. It’s not strange at all that complex financial crime cases with major global aspects and sophisticated criminal actors take time.
US authorities have been investigating OneCoin at least since March 2016 (see page 1 of Mark S Scott’s Search Warrant document). Securing grand jury indictments, search warrants, guilty pleas (supposedly with the scam’s co-founder), etc. is “literally no progress” at all for Igor?
And bear in mind that we know publically only a fraction of what’s DOJ up to; for example, there currently remains close to ten sealed documents in the case docket. And I wouldn’t be surprised if more will soon appear as the Feds now finally have began to analyze the material seized from Scott…
Yep, nothing really new compared to old exchange video.
It caught my attention, that the value of ONE in the video seems to be 1 ONE = 100 USD
I don’t know what to make of it, but it’s certainly odd that the coin “value” has almost tripled and it’s not shown in EURs. So they have not even bothered to localize the damn thing or hold on to the official coin value myth.
The developer/demonstrator with the made up name (see: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustermann) is supposedly from German speaking world…
@ Semjon: it’s more likely that they were sloppy. Whether it’s a BC or a merchant platform, a video keeps the sheeple happy & selling. There is no reason the exchange should be any different
Igor Krnic appears to have little grasp on how regulation works in practice.
By virtue of its business model, OneCoin is a Ponzi scheme. You can’t “fight scam” when you are the scam.
I suppose any Wednesday is as good as the other? Let’s try again next week. 😀
Numerous authorities worldwide are looking for Ruja Ignatova. This search will be unsuccessful because Ruja has changed her name? I quote:
“Dr. Roja Anatova” has also released the latest figures from her criminal network, which are impressive: 😮
This proves that even in outer space you can pay anywhere with ONE. Of the 190 million countries, only 194 are on Earth.
The OneCoin scammer Henrique Machado from Portugal commented the video in a different way.
You should not be so critical. The OneCoin idiots are looking forward to their new toy after the Wonder Wheel! 😛
It has been brought up before, but I think it should be emphasized more, that as well as being a ponzi-pyramid scheme, OneCoin is also very much a bait-and-switch scam.
They bait people with giving an impression about investing into a cryptocurrency but they switch the investement being about education.
This is why there has always been amibiguity and schizophrenia about what OneCoin really is: FinTech company, payments company, MLM company, education company or whatever company.
I think the more the scammers feel the heath from law enforcement, the more the education aspect gets emphasized.
Sebastian Greenwood’s last appearences in the scam are great examples of this — see his “seriousness & funeral atmosphere” speech from November 2017: youtu.be/Pu5O2u_FwEg?t=2308 .
If we go by this heuristic, one might suspect that King Jayms is on his way out of the scam, because he has been so vocal about the education aspect in his recent appearences. 😉
Every time the OneCultists repeat the shibboleth from compliance department that “it’s not about investment”, they must feel a good deal of cognitive dissonance in their tortured minds.
If they really believed it, they shouldn’t care so vigorously about the legitimacy of OneCoin’s payments & FinTech aspect.
Like Sebastian implied in the video, it’s not the existence of OneCoin blockchain or trading the coin on exchange that makes them rich, but the vast human capital they achieved through OneAcademy education.
For this reason, cultists shouldn’t be disappointed if the OneCoin Exchange 3.0 never launches.
They bought only education — and that’s exactly what they got!
Vietnamese and Congolese grandmas who bought expensive education packages should be ready to conquer the FinTech world with their amazing skills acquired from OneAcademy if Veselina’s “Pimp my MySQL server” Exchange never happens.
@ Semjon: At the rate people are changing their names on social media (Habib et al), massively deleting content and not marketing or deserting to Gordo (who couldn’t run a bath, let alone a network, let’s be honest), it’s tickets.
Hemmingway said you go broke slowly first, then very quickly. Welcome to Stage II.
@ Oz: I’m really looking forward to the review of Gordo’s “Apex”!
Does anyone know this website? Is there a connection with the “Exchange” of OneCoin?
That’s a red herring (Does that mean anything in German?), a false lead.
Via Benefits used to be called OneExchange, it operates in the healthcare provision niche, owned by a large insurance company.
No doubt a scam in its own way, but not OneCoin related.
Okay thanks. I think you mean a decoy or bait? (German: Lockvogel or Köder)
Complement to comments #391 and #392
The OneCoin scammer Benjamin Larsonneur from France writes:
Google suggests “Ablenkungsmanöver” which sounds good to me.
It’s definitely not the literal translation, as referring to a health care company as a medium sized edible sea creature of a certain color wouldn’t make any sense, now would it?
Congratulations on your unermüdlichkeit 🙂
OneCoin/OneLife Blue Diamond leader Mark Nishiyama has just posted a Facebook video hyping that OneCoin exchange opens this month.
Here’s a Youtube backup:
If they are really going to launch something this month, I suspect it’s going to be a some kind of “soft launch”(of a soft launch).
If they truly were only weeks away from opening, then one would have expected the video they put out this week to show some progress compared to the video from May.
It was dubbed an “exchange video”, but in reality it was a “wallet video”.
After all, it only showed how ponzi coins were moved from OneLie BackOffice to the (alleged) exchange platform wallet. It didn’t show even a glimpse of the exchange or trading interface itself — there were no buy/sell buttons, price graphs, etc.
And in last week’s webinar, the scammers put out a list of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies that will be traded on the exchange.
The list had something like 20 different cryptocurrencies and 50 fiat currencies. Yet in the video — as well as their own ponzi coin with manually determined price — the wallet featured only two cryptocurrencies (BTC and ETH) and three fiat currencies (USD, EUR and Philippine Peso).
The real currencies didn’t even show any saldo, indicating that they have actually integrated them to their platform.
My guess is that, if something is going to happen this month, it’s probably something that allows them “kick the can down the road” once again, to milk some more money from the idiots.
Perphaps something like that they launch a feature that allows members to move ONEs to the wallet.
The trading etc. will be in “coming soon” status — and probably will stay that way forever.
Of course they are not going to launch anything this month, probably not even this year.
The OneCoin scammers from Austria are still in doubt:
a.k.a. “echo chamber”
For the OneCoin idiots, even bad news is good news!
Below this screenshot asks the OneCoin idiot Farman Elahi from Edmonton:
The serial fraudster Peter Walsh answers:
That sounds believable. Or does someone disagree? 🙄
The brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“MaMa”) from Vaduz in Liechtenstein becomes active again.
Note: Martin Mayer still dreams of an IPO! 😀
Here he announces a lecture in Zurich:
50 Euro entry fee for fairy tales, lies, rumors and unproven claims? 😮
How do “haters hijack the actual date of release”?
You’re either going to release something or you’re not.
An ancient video that could be of interest to all prosecutors in the world was uploaded to Facebook.
The video shows all the scammers who were involved in the OneCoin scam from the start. Not just the serial cheater Udo Carsten Deppisch!
The guy is NO idiot! I would not pay any real money for worthless OneCoin accounts! 😛
Obviously Malika Belarabi has sold him one of her accounts with 3 million or 5 million ONE and received no money. 😀
Does anyone need a new lantern from Switzerland?
Costs only 2,700 euros. In cash, 540 euros must be paid, for the rest, the seller accepts worthless ONEs.
The purchase is easy, but the delivery makes problems:
I assume that the regular price of this lantern is 540 euros. Does anyone live near Dottikon and can check that?
The merchants who sell on DealShaker will never be successful if they do not take over the transport of the goods themselves.
Which buyer accepts conditions like SELF ORGANIZED SHIPPING or REDEEM AT LOCATION as they are custom on DealShaker?
In the now closed forum of Igor Krnic, the notorious liar “flatrate” has always claimed that he bought goods on DealShaker and received packages. But he has never proved it. Because it was a lie!
Interesting comment posted by Habib Zahid to Facebook 3 hours ago. He seems to be preparing for the inevitable..
The narrative seems to be that “haters” destroyed the project and OneLife members didn’t fight back enough..
@ WhistleBlowerFin: he’s a good little minion who can’t think for himself so he’s doing what Ruja suggested “take the money and run and blame someone else”.
In the German MLM Forum mlm-infos.com is regularly claimed that a terrific business opportunity has been destroyed by “critics”! With this excuse, the fraudsters try to find culprits.
Other excuses are: “The authorities are giving us trouble” or “our website has been hacked” or “the tax office has blocked our bank accounts” etc. Notorious cheaters have a lot of imagination.
If you have not been lied to today, you should read this comment by OneCoin scammer Henrique Machado from Portugal:
Will Henrique Machado also bring FREEDOM to Konstantin Ignatov, Mark S. Scott and Sebastian Greenwood? Then he would have to do magic … 😛
An idiot named Ahsan Adverd from Pakistan wants to buy OneCoin accounts! Some offers are already available …
More sales offers are available on this page:
Strange. 🙄 14 days ago Ahsan Adverd wanted to sell 3,589 worthless OneCoins …
People, arm yourself! Now the OneCoin crusade begins! The unbelievers need to be enlightened.
After a long break, the controversial :gerlachreport returns and also deals with the topic OneCoin:
With a claim that Ruja has been found:
Interesting or should I say entertaining, because Gerlachreport is very unreliable source.
We know that the :gerlachreport does not detect carefully. My comment was not a recommendation, just a hint!
Older articles in the :gerlachreport were sometimes better researched and corresponded to the truth.
Thank you for your compliment. 🙂
I regret that only a few readers write comments on the subject OneCoin and OneLife here. I am now 70 years old and write more than most younger readers here. That should change.
PS: In the past, I have always enjoyed reading anjali’s comments. Too bad that she / he does not write anymore. 🙁
What’s the link for the video? I could not find it on the FB page you referenced.
Gerlachreport seems a shady mess to me.
I don’t know if it’s just my incompetence, but I can’t find practically anything about the current background company of the Gerlachreport, Newsroom LLC/ NewsCox Inc, if a such company even exists.
I can’t connect Mike Inslay, the “Chairman of the Newsroom / NewsCox Executive Board”, to any real person with appropriate professional backgroud either. I can’t see the names of the reporters/writers either.
There is a strange news site called “morgenposts.com” , run by NewsCox LLC, which somewhat reseblmes gerlachreport in visual/techincal style too.
If you look at its contact site, you can see the domain “hellber.com” in an email adress. And when you visit the domain, you discover that “HELLBER GROUP is a Multinational Conglomerate Holding Company headquartered in Dubai, UAE”.
Strangely, there seems to be no real names/persons associated with the Hellber group. In fact, there seems to be no independemt indication that Hellber Group even exists.
All in all, very strange — to say the least!
Even mentioning Gerlach Report only helps OneCoin in their narrative that “bloggers and yellow media want to make money by writing lies about OneCoin”.
In my opinion Gerlach Report shouldn’t be mentioned at all by real critics. Gerlach has already shown that they can’t be trusted and they practically only give bullets to OneCoin scammers in their efforts within the network to smear all critical writings about the scam.
I don’t see it that way:
although many articles about OneCoin in the :gerlachreport were a bit exaggerated and badly researched, a lot of people read these reports.
I think that the :gerlachreport made many people aware of the OneCoin scam for the first time and kept them from shoving their money into the butts of those scammers.
And many who had already fallen for the OneCoin scammers were discouraged from recruiting more people for this scam system.
Conclusion: Even bad or exaggerated reports can have a good side!
OneCoin cheater Julien Zerbini from France announces a new scam event in Ecuador on October 25, 2019.
The following scammers will be present:
Quini Amores – Aaron Sanches – Zammy Renteria – Raul Pazos – Luis Segura – Julien Zerbini
In addition, is lured with an international speaker. His name? “Surprise” 😀
The tickets cost 40 or 150 what? Dollar? Euro? ONE?
This recent, open Facebook group “ONECOIN EXCHANGE/UPDATES OFFICIAL CHANNEL”, seems to have become the official Facebook update page of OneCoin,having a similar named Telegram group.
It’s pretty interesting how much cry there is about the “haters” at this point, not only from Habib Zahid, Dusan Torbica, etc.
But there’s also someone from the OneCoin Sofia office using an anonymous recently created profile “Victoria Nicola”.
BBC informed recently the Sofia office about the coming BBC radio series about OneCoin, and asked a comment.
The only response was a public facebook post by “Victoria Nicola” to the FB group pointed above.
According to our info, “Victoria Nicola” can’t be Veselina Valkova as she can barely speak english.
“Victoria Nicola” is most likely the current OneCoin Head of Marketing Lyubomira Bozhinova, who is the best english speaker in the OneCoin Sofia office, and who also was “Clementine” in a recent OneLife global webinar.
Her email is lyubomira.bozhinova(at)onelife.eu
Didn’t have time to check her social media accounts yet.
Why only in Cambodia? Did Ruja buy the Central Bank of Cambodia? 😮
I protest against this decision! Donald Trump would say, “America first!” I say, “Germany first!”
Yes, the video is available. Here is the start screen:
Thanks, but I was wanting the actual video URL so I could watch it. I did not see the URL for the video on the page.
“Current status”? No, a brazenly lie!
The article is from 12th September. But the article states:
My conclusion: Lying also has to be learned. 😛 Primitive scammers like the operator of this blog will never learn it.
The scammers from Austria remind of who invented the OneCoin scam:
Excuse me, but I do not understand your question. 🙄 Do you mean this link?
Here is her appearence in a webinar: youtu.be/jN2noTfhqYM?t=4031
This “Clementine” got introduced as an Estonian IMA. For a random IMA she surely knew a lot about internal corporate affairs, like that Alexander Palvov, now in Bycoi, used to be a OneCoin employee.
It’s funny that criminals liker her are so scared of being associated with OneCoin’s toxic brand with their real names, that they must tell these brazen lies to cover their identity & background.
Perhaps it’s about staying true to the Ruja’s original vision about “telling people shit”. 🙂
She didn’t introduce herself, give full name or anything, she just went on to do some pathetic and absurd damage control over the three hour long webinar that shook the network. Or mostly she just attacked Duncan’s team and project, and didn’t really address anything of substance.
But at least she read my notes about the webinar because she very clearly read some sections straight out of them — she even repeated my typos. 🙂
YES, this is what I was wanting. Thank you!
New business idea of Muhammad Ishfaq from Pakistan. Because complete OneCoin accounts are obviously not for sale, he now offers shares:
Yep, it was clear from the first moments that “Clementine” was OneCoin “corporate” and not any random IMA from Estonia. Heh.
Hey Lyuba, why you didn’t want to introduce yourself, and chose to lie to the members who you are?
Head of Marketing and you want to stay anonymous in webinars and Facebook, and lie to member who you are Lyuba? What’s up with that..
No Head of Marketing of a legit company would act like that.
I’m not getting into defending Duncan’s project, but Lyuba’s report was total bullshit also. For example Duncan’s coin is based on Multichain, which has been in development for years.
Ari Widell has written an excellent comment:
Scammers like Habib Zahid, Dusan Torbica, Quini Amores and Tommi Vuorinen will be happy to read this comment. 😛
Quote from March 2017:
Quote of January 9, 2019:
Quote from today:
Source for the three quotes is the Bulgarian fraud portal onecoin.eu, so an official source.
The OneCoin scammers from Austria propagate the final victory. 😎 Like Adolf Hitler in the spring of 1945!
Célia Féteira from Portugal thanks Konstantin Ignatov for successfully cheating on her:
Célia Féteira with the crook Kari Wahlroos, a former OneCoin cheat:
Célia Féteira should find something a little more useful to do with her life, like counting her ceiling tiles or similar!
I see Igor Krnics forum has been shut down. Anyone got any info on this?
Happened a week or so back. He left a dummy spit message. Blahblah “haterz” etc.
This is funny. OneCoin scammers are now blatantly falsifying the Federal Bureau of Prisons -screen, claiming that Konstantin will be released on October 5th. 😀
Needs to be pretty desperate scammer already to do this:
Everybody can of course see that Konstantin’s release date is still UNKNOWN.
Find by number: 77737112
Find by name: Konstantin Ignatov
Chief Excuse Officer Igor Krnic from Serbia has closed his forum with this post:
The OneCoin scammer Henrique Machado from Portugal explains how every idiot succeeds. Without education, without knowledge, even for people with an IQ between 0 and 10.
Is this a mathematical formula, scientifically proven? Can individual parameters be changed? I have zero percent talent but two percent luck … 😎
Dusan Torbica writes on Facebook:
(I wonder why the corporate worker “Victoria Nicola” didn’t write the message herself. 😉 )
Like the WhislteBlowerFin in comment #420 and Ari Widell’s blog post referenced in comment #446 suggested, the remaining OneCoin scammers seem to be preparing the ground for “blame the haterz & take the money and run” exit plan.
The message above is in line with that hypothesis.
yes, it’s true: you’re a paid hater, troll, defamator, etc. In a comment on onecoin-debate.com this has been described in detail.
I am innocent because in the German language the above terms are male!
An example: hater means “der HASSER” in the German language, if it is a man – and hater means “die HASSERIN” in the German language, if it’s a woman. 😛
PS: Would you please tell me who pays you? I also want to earn some money with my comments. 😎
Here’s my prediction for the next corporate update regarding the Onecoin exchange:
Anyone can see from Dusan Torbica’s update that now it’s all about shifting blame and delaying the inevitable.
This has to be intentionally misleading wording.
There isn’t a regulatory authority on the planet where you submit your business model for approval to list on third-party crypto exchanges.
Torbica has to be referring to an exchange itself, which obviously is only an “authority” unto itself.
That’s assuming there even is an external exchange. Although these days you can find any dodgy exchange to list a dodgy token on so who knows.
OneCoin/OneLife Black Diamond Master Distributor Habib Abdul Rehman aka Habib Zahid has just announced leaving OneCoin/OneLife on his Facebook page.
Seems that now even Master Distributor Habib Abdul Rehman / Habib Zahid has resigned from OneLife / OneCoin:
“Witch Hunt in the 21 Century” has become “Sitting Duck Hunt in the 21 Century”
Yes, it is true – the current newsletter begins with these striking words!
What follows is sobering and disappointing:
Who writes the weekly newsletter? A commercial apprentice in the 1st year of training?
“Lichtenstein“? I’m desperately looking for this country, but Google does not find it. Lichtenstein is a small town in Germany with about 9,000 inhabitants. Are they all franchisees now?
Google asks me if I could have meant Liechtenstein? What should I answer? Obviously, there is a very small country in Europe with this name. The reputation of this country is conceivably bad, because people settle there who do not want to pay taxes. So a tax haven. Is that the reason why the brainless idiot Martin Mayer (“MaMa”) lives in Liechtenstein? 🙄
“Deutsche Franchise“? Will the newsletter now be bilingual?
Here’s the Facebook link. Habib Zahid leaving OneCoin/OneLife:
Does that only affect me?
Clemant J Obafemi has already prophesied on September 8, 2019, that cheater Habib Zahid or Habib abdul Rehman will soon flee from the sinking OneCoin Titanic:
@Melanie, you have been most likely blocked by Habib Zahid. Try opening the link in Private Browsing mode or sign out from Facebook first.
BBC podcast series about the OneCoin scam has started:
“Introducing The Missing Cryptoqueen”
This is only a very short introduction, with some familiar voices 😉
Registration is required, but free.
I wonder what exactly is Zahid referring to when he gives “personal circumstances with many surrounding issues” as the reason for his resignation?
It might be noteworthy that he mentions the date 6th March as his last expo and event. As we know, that was the day when Konstantin Ignatov was arrested.
It’s also interesting, because it’s yet another lie because he took part at least in the OneLife Verona event in July.
So he now seems to be trying to downplay or hide his involvement in the scam, especially during the time period after Konstantin was arrest and DOJ court documents became public.
At least Jose Gordo (and Duncan Arthur) tried to tell everyone how risky it is continue scamming now that the Feds have smelled blood.
Veselina Valkova has done nothing to address the legal morass they are in — and it’s very irresponsible for it might have dire consequences for people still involved.
Hungarian speaking OneCoin scammers brag how they have managed to modify the hungarian OneCoin wikipedia page for their likings.
Maybe someone can do something about it. 😉
Fred Fok – Cristi Calina – Stanislav Gorin – Anita Jemeljanova – Luca Miatton – Simon Le – KING Jayms
Now Habib Zahid’s resignation message is gone. He hasn’t commented why he deleted it.
There is also talk that while he resigned from MD position, he is still an IMA.
From (Muhammad Adeel’s) Telegram group :
MAMA still belive the exchange comes in sept/oct…in this video you can see hin with his team in the back…
Who are these dumbasses praying to?
Tell me what god condones stealing money from people through Ponzi schemes?
OneCoin/OneLife GLG Peter Hjlelte urges believer members in Telegram to report one of the bigger OneCoin related Facebook groups (Sebastian Greenwood OneCoin Inspiration, where critics can post freely) for hate speech in order to get it closed.
For your rhetorical question, a section from a famous poem might serve as an apt answer.(What is a ponzi scheme but a “cannibal dynamo” 😉 )
Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks!
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!
Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!
Dusan Torbica from Serbia spreads the latest lies from Sofia?
Affan Khan, who learned the cheating of Muhammad Adeel, has released a new video:
Well Dusan is urging all the OC’ers to file a complaint with the BBC podcast:
Never mind they won’t listen to it, just file a complaint.
It is going to be interesting to see just how many complaints the BBC actually gets from the OC’ers.
My gut is telling me not as many as Dusan thinks they are going to get. And the fun begins.
Has anyone ever visited OneLife Church? Open daily! The usual bible has been replaced by Ruja’s education packages, which can be bought in the church. 😉
Well, Habib Abdul Rehman has responded to his resignation letter as MD. He had this to say, and I quote:
Anyone know what the heck he is talking about? Sounds as if he is still an IMA, or is just doing a CYA; but I would be guessing.
I have known it, MaMas anal-lyse Team are only stinking stupid pigs…
@Mr yosie locote
That is not correct! If you do not understand something, you should keep your fingers off the keyboard. 😉 The OneCoin scammer Werner Steinhart writes about the nonsense of Martin Mayer:
The BBC podcast series about OneCoin that starts on Thursday 19 September is made by professionals.
Some quotes:
Oh boy. I certainly hope they realize it’s nothing more than another MLM scam, this time using cryptocurrency instead of voip, bids, surfing, or soap as it’s lure.
Sounds like half-assed damage control. Rehman wants his Ponzi pie without the victim liability.
Just to clarify. Rehman/Zahid’s message that Lynn quotes in comment #481 is from September the 11th. I think it was a response to rumours circulating at that time speculating he was quitting the scam.
He responded to the rumours with fire and fury & fighting spirit, as the message and threats he made against haterz back then testify.
But, alas, it was a short-lived burst of arrogance, and the rumours were on to something.
He announced his resignation from MD position about a week later he posted that “Habib Planning to Quit like Others did in Past?????” message, on September the 17th. It’s very funny.
The scammers from Austria have published a list of merchants offering goods or services on DealShaker. The list contains 120 names.
The list draws a wrong picture, because many of the mentioned merchants offer on DealShaker nothing more. Interesting is the fact that the name of the cheater who created this list is not mentioned:
W. G. are the initials of Wolfgang Grein, a well-known fraudster in Austria, who has twice gone bankrupt. As a “financial advisor”! Now he is trying to rehabilitate himself with the OneCoin scam. His companies were:
AKS GREIN Finanzdienstleistung GmbH and VKV Finanzvorsorge Consulting GmbH
His website w.w.w.aks-grein.at is no longer available.
Currently the OneCoin cheater Wolfgang Grein offers on DealShaker old catalogs for Swatch watches – for 98 euros: 😮
Wolfgang Grein has already stated in the past that he could deliver cars. He is a notorious liar and cheater.
The Austrian newspaper w.w.w.meinbezirk.at wrote on 17 October 2018 including:
A blurred photo of Wolfgang Grein, who calls himself “The Speculator”. This designation suits him!
New video on the YouTube channel of OneCoin cheater Muhammad Adeel:
Scammers like Henrique Machado from Portugal use a new hashtag: 😀
Although OneCoin is banned in Germany, brainless imposter Martin Mayer (“Ma Ma”) is planning a scam event in Schmitten, a city in Germany, on October 5, 2019:
Audiences or journalists or plainclothes police are undesirable! It is a closed event! Without coupon no entry! 😮
Really funny. 😛 What is Martin Mayer afraid of?
BBC Sounds launches its “The Missing Cryptoqueen” podcast series with 2 episodes!
The Missing Cryptoqueen Episode #1 – Dr Ruja
The Missing Cryptoqueen Episode #2 – The Bitcoin Killer
Thanks for the links Fin, I was dreading having to sign up.
Impressed with the access. It’s like BehindMLM on a budget. Surprised Alberts agreed to be interviewed.
The second episode at the pier was interesting. Looking forward to the next episodes.
It’s indeed really well made podcast series.
The Corporate spokesperson “Victoria Nicola”(aka OneCoin Head of Marketing Lyubomira Bozhinova aka fake-Esonian-IMA “Clementine”) has already issued a response:
LOL at “Victoria Nicola”.
Hey Lyuba,
It’s a FACT, that OneCoin dictates its own ever increasing fake price on its BackOffice and sells packages which generate coins many orders of magnitude cheaper than it shows in BackOffice, implying profit = PONZI.
More over, OneCoin has been asked 5 FRICKING YEARS to show any evidence that it has a real crypto and real legit blockchain where transactions are recorded, and it has been unable to show absolutely anything like that. In 5 years nothing. Instead members have accounts which can be freezed and coins taken away.
Veselina, Lyuba.. it starts to be over for you and the scam company.
Everybody spread this link for maximum coverage.
BBC Sounds – The Missing Cryptoqueen radiodocumentary:
Thanks to BBC-program, difference btw SQL & blockchain is clearer. Thks.
Attention, current warning! On Facebook, a scammer tries to steal worthless coins! Does anyone know this man? 😀
Is this Onelife-BBC.pdf known?
(link removed, refer #502)
Any criticism of OneCoin / OneLife is unjustified. It’s always about fake news. How this works is explained here:
(Ozedit: suspicious link removed)
I haven’t seen it. Also that link asks me to login.
Does this link work?
Kalina Marinova from Sofia demands: 😀
Facebook requires you to login to see the page and download the .PDF
Please search for this comment by Peter Hjelte in the group facebook.com/groups/2419062874855382/
The PDF includes seven pages.
Right, but link with URL lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Onelife-BBC.pdf does not look like page in facebook space. Without further investigation, I would not put my FB login there.
Melanie, link facebook.com/groups/2419062874855382/files/ seems to be OK.
When I put this link: myhealthbest(removed) and I hit enter, I got 3 security messages pop up on my computer.
Since I have strong security software, I received warnings telling me not to visit the site. The warnings I got were: Site not secure, It could have malicious code/Trojan, and It may contain virus or ransomware.
DO NOT VISIT. It made no difference if it was in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Edge.
You might want to run a security check on your computer to make sure you didn’t pick up any virus or malware from visiting the site. Also was wondering if anyone else got these type of error messages or any message error not to visit the site?
Thanks Melanie, got a copy.
The BBC clearly gave OneCoin until September 16th to respond, and stated that any response would be included in the podcast series (the 16th seems to be a production deadline).
OneCoin, as usual, are being disingenuous. As you can see, they’ve tried to apply their social media approach to an actual legitimate business.
The end result is what’s left of OneCoin corporate comes off as a group of disorganized unprofessionals.
I’m not going to cover the responses because they’re basically non-answers.
Jesus Christ. Show the blockchain for public verification or just shut the fuck up already. The SQL database gig has been up since early 2017.
Also the responses appear to be cherry picked. Given the central theme of the podcast, it’s highly unlikely the BBC wouldn’t have included “Where is Ruja Ignatova” when giving OneCoin a right of reply.
I got an SSL certificate warning so out of an abundance of caution I removed the link.
Mark Scott’s also trying to get more evidence suppressed. This time his videotaped post-arrest statement.
Indeed if it’s all on video should be an easy decision either way.
Scott’s motion was filed on September 20th, the DOJ have yet to respond.
The next joke from Austria: 😀
Nobody just searches for “OneCoin”. The next letter, here “B”, gives quite different results:
börse = stock market
börsengang = initial public offering
betrug = fraud or scam
All new documents (Numbers 124 and 125) can be downloaded for free from the Court Listener RECAP Archive:
Great stuff, especially the partial Transcript of Mark S. Scott’s Post-Arrest Interrogation, Document Number 125 – Attachment 1 / Exhibit A.
We don’t think that this is the case.
Page 2 of the 7 page PDF with BBC questions and OneCoin answers (link in this post: https://behindmlm.com/companies/onecoin/bbc-podcast-explores-ruja-ignatovas-disappearance/#comment-414693 ) contains a screenshot of the OneLife Support ticket system that looks genuine and complete.
It contains 6 “allegations” that all have been answered in subsequent pages.
Fair enough. Definitely a question I would have put on there though.
OneCoin received that request on the 5th of September. They had plenty of time to front a OneCoin executive for an interview.
Absolutely no excuse, except “we’re full of shit and we know it”.
What is the main reason for the very bad reputation of OneCoin? In this comment it is explained: 😮
The guy who formulated this rubbish is called Osaretin Hope, who lives in Italy and runs the Facebook page facebook.com/onecoin.hope/ for the OneCoin scam:
Also on his “private” Facebook account facebook.com/hopewealth.mmm he advertises with his registration link for the OneCoin scam.
This is a good try for sure. But I read the transcript of the interrogation video, and I think the Government can argue that Scott didn’t make an unambiguous request to have a lawyer.
On one occasion Scott describes an inner conflict of wanting to be transparent and having a lawyer present. He resolves this by saying “I can speak to you a little bit, I mean, yeah sure, that’s okay. I’ll say stop, and we stop. ”
He never used this clear language to convey his will to stop. His two other supposed lawyer requests seem to be if-statements, and therefore arguably not clear requests.
Indeed he did not use the agreed “stop” word.
Usually the Government, Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman’s team, submits a swift response, probably tomorrow, Monday 23 September, already.
The OneCoin idiots are waiting for the exchange, but the scammers from Sofia are again recommending the idiots to use their worthless ONEs on DealShaker.
The Serbian OneCoin scammer Dusan Torbica can only spread fairy tales and lies, but answer no questions!
Yeah I got the same impression from the transcript. He didn’t explicitly end the interview.
He just uhmmed and ahhed about contacting a lawyer for when they took him in.
Even then there’s not much in the interview, except the little bit about Ignatova and what is presumably money laundering related transfers.
Interesting that Scott knew from the get go they went after him for money laundering. I suppose you can’t play dumb if that’s literally where your mind went immediately upon questioning.
Well, in fact… it’s not very useful example and comparison from both of sides (you Melanie so as OneCoin supporters) and it does not prove anything.
Google search indicates, but in fact does not reveal popularity of searched term… you should use “Google Trends” or Alexa instead.
And by the way – Google search results (and autocomplete suggestions) are user specific – it is based on a mixture of global “popularity” of searched term together with user’s individual profile (interests, search history, location, past communication content etc.)
It’s better to use Google Trends (OneCoin as a theme):
…or Alexa to see the popularity of web domains used by scammers (and thus efficiency of their scamming:
(free version shows popularity record only for last 90 days).
Here you can exactly see what you, Melanie (and me), like to see… decline of OneCoin’s popularity. 😉 But… too late and still not dead.
@Mr. Czech
Of course you are right. I just wanted to point out that it is idiotic to enter only the term “OneCoin” in a search engine.
The scammers from Austria said a few weeks ago on Facebook that a company in Spain had been assigned to clean the Internet. The posting should obviously prove that the “purge” has taken place. 😉
I’m looking for deals every day on DealShaker. Today I found this special offer from Greece:
Gorgeous! I love special offers. 🙂 My joy was over quickly after reading the general terms and conditions of Vasileios Sarikas:
Now I’m angry. No, I will not go to Greece to refuel there.
If I do not write anything in the next few days, nobody has to worry. I’m flying to Thailand and will drink two cups of antique coffee there. I only pay 0.17 ONE. A real special offer.
I have to hurry, because there are only 94 coupons available. Before that, I have to buy an umbrella from DealShaker if it rains in Songkhla. Seats are obviously not offered? 🙄
PS: Does anyone know how much the ticket costs for the flight? 🙄
Today’s newsletter does not contain any information about the announced exchange!
Of course not. They have to use an IMIA’s FB page to post any updates about the exchange that are unsigned and just reportedly from Corporate.
This way if the authorities try to come after them they will say they didn’t have anything to do with them and it was the work of rogue IMA’s and not officially from OC Corporate.
OC is never at fault. It is always the fault of rogue IMA’s that have caused all their problems for OC and have given it a bad reputation. OC is as pure as the wind driven snow.
You’re just a hater and want to see OC fail. You are just twisting facts to try to make OC look bad, cough, cough. Giggle, Giggle.
I wonder is it just a coincidence that the “Exchange User ID” in the new OneCoin wallet system is in same 8-4-4-4-12 digit format as in the BigCoin wallet ID?
BigCoin – youtu.be/RqoSiHD_DGk?t=739
OneCoin – youtu.be/pNMyWhIEH-k?t=219
BigCoin was the beta version of OneCoin, that apparently lived as small separate scam couple of years after Ruja and Sebastian left it, but both could share the same ponzi-system DNA under the hood…
Should be since the “backoffice” was built for Sebastians company Colsdaq (if i remeber correctly), coldsaq later got transeferd to ruja and was for a time the “offical” onecoin company (registerd in gibraltar).
Wow, I’m impressed. Ruja’s private laptop has mined more than 70,000,000,000 ONEs? Without blockchain? 😮
That is new. Authorizers must be very cautios? Why? Are the dubious authorizers afraid of paid haters? 😛 Yesterday, this list was posted on YouTube:
The OneCoin scammer Mauricio Echeverri from Colombia in the picture:
Can confirm “hyperproject project” and “European authorizations” are completely bullshit terms.
Yes, you are. Indeed. 😉
For the planned fraud event in Da Lat in Vietnam from 26 to 29 September 2019, the fraudster Habib Zahid is still announced as a spokesman:
Was the poster printed incorrectly? Maybe the cheater Habib Abdul Rehman flies to Vietnam? The similarity is striking! 😮
Because the DealShaker is so fantastically successful, this campaign has been launched! 😮
Yes, the OneCoin scammers know how to successfully fake statistics. It’s enough to call the DealShaker! Nobody has to buy or sell something. 😀
Let’s not forget about this big webinar:
It seems to be a common pattern that they build upon existing corporate structures. COOLSDAQ-OneCoin Ltd was a one example of it.
The CryptoReal Investments Trust Ltd. was another corporate stucture that was taken from BigCoin/Prosper Inc to OneCoin. Ruja’s role in BigCoin scam seemed to be the role of a “CryptoReal lady”.
Ruja told her victims that the Trust was supposed to be “an unique investment vehicle” by which Prosper club memebers who held BigCoin ponzi-tokens could turn them into CryptoReal shares. (See: youtube.com/watch?v=T7L6AdMQEcM)
Needless to say that it was a big (planned) failure. Money vanished to Ruja’s/Seb’s robber’s cave. Years later Ruja/Sebastian turned CrypoReal into OneCoin related investment trust.
They bought an oil field from Madagascar under CryptoReal. (This archieved version contains the press release: web.archive.org/web/20190205054120/http://www.cryptoreal.com/en/)
The trust appeared in Mark Scott related court document because DOJ descibes how it was used to launder OneCoin related criminal proceeds to benefit Sebastian Greenwood:
(Mark S Scott Search Warrant document, p. 23-24)
I’m not aware how/if it was used in OneCoin, but an another Ignatov crime family related corporate entity that was reserved for BigCoin was BigPay Ltd.
Sebastian role in BigCoin scam seemed to be the the role of a “BigPay boy”. BigPay was supposed to be “the next generation of online payments” that will bank the unbanked (sounds familiar eh? See youtube.com/watch?v=rjAo4TkP7r4).
Ruja used her existing Bulgarian company MB Kepital by renaming it Bigpay Ltd.
In June 2014 Ruja’s right-hand Tsvetelina Lekova registered a domain “bigpayment.co”(wa-com.com/bigpayment.co), but I find no indication that the BigPay platform Sebastian presented in the video ever went online.
BigPay Ltd was liquidated in late 2015 by Veska Ignatov who was also its manager; Artefix Europe Ltd, a central Bulgarian OneCoin company owned its all shares. (See: tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=201744388).
BigPay was probably a dead-end that got replaced by OnePayments Ltd (Ruja’s old Rila Kepital Investments renamed).
OnePay used to be central part of the OneCoin scam but is now all but forgotten.
Although onepay.eu is still online, I’m not sure if it’s functional. The Bulgarian company behind it was liquidated in late 2017 (See: tr.bivol.bg/view.php?guid=201744356)
In comment # 304, WhistleBlowerFin wrote:
Is this a pure coincidence or do you see connections?
The names are pure coincidence — there is no connection between MLM-Apex and the Apex mentioned in the court documents.
I think the Apex in the court document refers to this entity: theapexgroup.com
The whole private equity business is dodgy as h*ll, but got to give Apex credit because when they discovered a possible connection to OneCoin (Irina Dilkinska’s onecoin.eu email address), they raised alarms and started an enhanced due diligence process.
Scott terminated the contract with Apex, because he couldn’t carry on with his OneCoin-deceit:
(Mark S Scott Search Warrant document p. 24-26).
The directors of FENERO TRADENEXT HOLDING LIMITED in Dublin were Mark Scott and Irina Andreeva Dilkinska.
Obviously, this company does not exist anymore, because I’m reading:
Who dissolved the company? Irina Dilkinska? In my opinion, it may not have been Mark Scott.
This document – an “Order to Show Cause by Ruja Ignatova” – has been filed in Ruja’s Case Docket today.
For the first time it explicitly shows the involvement of:
– Irina Dilkinksa, former Head of OneCoin’s Legal department and (former) owner of B&N Consult EOOD. In other documents we have seen, she was called “CC-3” (Co-Conspirator)
– Frank Ricketts and Manon Hubenthal, representatives of several “International Marketing …” companies, that laundered money for the OneCoin scheme.
Subject of this Order:
The order seems to be about attorney-client privilege, the judge orders affected parties to assert it within 10 days.
I think this should smoke scammers out of their holes, if they want to defend themselves.
The Court will probably make it public via press release so that they can see it on internet. And good thing that there is now a official OneCoin facebook group, somebody should post it there also so that finds it way to “the corporate”.
And Oz should do an article on this — it’s well known that folks at the Sofia office are avid readers of BehindMLM. 🙂
Did we miss this one: When I searched Manon Hubenthal, I discovered an article from February this year stating that him and Frank Ricketts were wanted in Tanzania regarding apparent OneCoin related crimes:
Cheers mate. I’ll be checking the dockets today.
Stayed up way too late last night tinkering #RIP
Re. Tanzania, I’d heard of problems there but no verifiable specifics. Two western OneCoin promoters were arrested and briefly detained IIRC.
@Oz – it was Daniel Grenon (“the other” Canadian)) and Tanzanian leader with the most wonderful name ever, which is really fun to say, “Judicate Greatness.”
This was at the December 17, 2016 event in Dar we Saleem, which two of the StinkyLiar brothers were supposed to headline, but pulled out of “with a cold,” on very short notice.
Coincidentally, the last of Onecoin bank accounts, this one under IMS Intl. (IIRC), at Bank of Tanzania, had just been shut down on or around November 30, just 2 1/2 weeks prior, thereby creating “heat” around that event.
Grenon stated that he was interrogated by 2 police representatives from The World Bank, who said that “tens of millions had been frozen” in that account, and (the two from World Bank) were also investigating IMS accounts and had visited said banks in both Singapore and Germany, specifically.
The 2 World Bank officers (/officials?) said that they’d left numerous messages, phone calls and emails to (OneLife Network) and Ruja looking for answers (presumably an explanation explaining how these funds were not a blatant money laundering / fraud operation).
Grenon had one call. Called Aron (or Christian?) Steinkeller, who promised, “spare no expense, we’ll get you out.”
After what Grenon described as a horrified night in a single cell and no sleep with at least 40 (scary) imprisoned local detainees or criminals (unrelated to OC), OneLife Attorney flew in early and managed to bail him and Greatness out of jail for $10K apiece.
Grenon said he boarded the first plane out and literally kissed the tarmac upon arrival on his home soil. Consequently, he soon left OC and began promoting Ed Hartley’s WCT(?) in Vietnam very son thereafter.
Funny side story:
Steinkellers we’re listed on the event flier as “Black Diamonds,” while he and Greatness as “IMA’s.”
As the story goes, someone notified local police of their coming because they misinterpreted “IMA” for “IMS” – which was apparently known to be associated with the massive bank account freeze by Bank of Tanzania just half-a-month prior.
Ahh yeh, Grenon. Geez, feels like he’s been popping up everywhere of late.
Quote of April 30, 2015:
Quote from today:
Did I miss or overlook something? 😮
For five years, the OneCoin idiots are so comforted: “Coming soon!”
Now I read regularly on Facebook: “Be patient!”
An example of the fraudster Henrique Machado from Portugal:
“OneCoin needs time, it just born“?
Stupid question: What does “just” mean in Portugal? 🙄
Bulgarian used car dealer Petar Kralev again offers new cars on DealShaker. 50% of the purchase price must be paid in euros. In addition, KRALEV CARS LTD complements its offerings as follows:
Already knew?
A new proof of the fact that MLM works only with idiots!
The answer to the idiotic commentary by Krisztina Makkáné Németh is worth reading!
Very grateful, Krisztina Makkáné Németh quotes OneCoin cheater Simon Le from Vietnam:
If stupidity was causing pain, all OneCoin idiots would only buy painkillers on DealShaker. Pharmacies would make millions in sales! 😀
For many wee