Late last year OmegaPro registered its OMP Money shell company with the FCA.

Presumably following an internal investigation, the FCA has now cancelled OMP Money’s registration.

As per the FCA’s deregistration, OMP Money

is no longer registered with the FCA as an E-money agent of a regulated firm, and can no longer issue electronic money or provide payment services.

It is believed OmegaPro used OMP Money and the FCA registration to open banking channels.

In a marketing video that surfaced last September, OmegaPro co-owner Andreas Szakacs referred to OMP Money as “a bank”.

In that same marketing video, Szakacs presented OMP Money LTD’s FCA registration as a regulatory triumph.

[0:20] The most important thing I want you to do is to go to the FCA register.

At the FCA register you can search for OMP Money and see that we are regulated by the FCA.

This would be something unique I would say for our industry and I’m so happy to finally announce this.

OmegaPro and its 200% ROI Ponzi scheme wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the formation of OMP Money. Nor was it disclosed to the to FCA.

Since the FCA took action, OmegaPro has disabled access to OMP Money’s website:

In addition to the FCA, OmegaPro has had regulatory run-ins with Spain, France Belgium and Peru.

Possibly in an attempt to detract attention away from its ongoing regulatory issues, on June 3rd OmegaPro announced Ronaldinho as an “official brand ambassador”.

In the marketing video linked above, Ronaldinho can be seen visiting OmegaPro’s Dubai office.

OmegaPro being based out of Dubai is no coincidence. With little to no regulation and very few extradition treaties, over the past few years Dubai has emerged as the MLM scam capital of the world.

Ronaldinho himself is no stranger to MLM Ponzi schemes.

In September 2019 Ronaldinho emerged as the face of 18K Ronaldinho, a Brazilian MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

After receiving his cut Ronaldinho, whose financial troubles are well documented, split from the Ponzi scheme a month later.

18K Ronaldinho collapsed in February 2020.

Based on Alexa traffic estimates, OmegaPro is currently being heavily promoted in Japan, Colombia and Nigeria.

Ronaldinho’s recruitment is likely an attempt to further break into the South American market.


Update 13th December 2021 – The FCA has reverted OMP Money’s registration suspension.

The FCA’s OMP Money license page reveals OmegaPro has linked the shell company to Viola Money (Europe) Limited, another shell company also registered with the FCA.

OmegaPro itself is not registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction.


Update 31st January 2022 – OmegaPro has lost its OMP Money shell company license again.

Viola Money (Europe) Limited has also had restrictions placed on it by the FCA.