Powerline Profit Review: $37 cash gifting

powerline-profits-logoThere is no information on the Powerline Profit website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Powerline Profit website domain (“powerlineprofit.com”) was registered on the 11th of February 2014, with a “Jim Carpenter” listed as the owner. An address in the US state of Nevada is also provided.

Carpenter got started in MLM in the 1990s. As part of his marketing pitch, Carpenter frequently references his “top earner” status in World Profit:

As Worldprofit’s Top Dealer since 1998, I can tell you, without a doubt, this is the absolute best online business on the Internet.

Under the guise of selling marketing tools and lead generation, World Profit back then appears to have been primarily about affiliate recruitment. You sign up, pay a fee and then get paid when you recruit others who do the same.

jim-carpenter-powerline-profits-cash-adminIn 2009 Carpenter (right) left World Profit, with the following statement issued to explain the departure:

I left the Company where I had been the TOP Earner & TOP Recruiter for OVER 10 years. Actually, they changed their compensation plan,dramatically reducing my income.

I could no longer stay there They actually made the changes several months before I left, so I started looking for something else.

After leaving World Profit in 2009, Carpenter  went on to join EZ Wealth Solution, a cash gifting scheme run by Ron Walsh.

Back in 2011 Carpenter launched his own gifting scheme, “The Daily Mega Wealth Creator System” (yes, that was the actual name of the opportunity).

The Daily Wealth Creator System saw affiliates make $20 to $3400 payments, which in turn qualified them to receive the same payments from affiliates they recruited.

This was followed up by EZ Daily Cash Generator in 2012, another scheme which saw affiliates gift eachother between $47 to $1497.

Earlier this month Carpenter launched 250CashClub, another “member to member” gifting scheme.

In 250CashClub, participants pay a $250 fee, which then qualifies them to receive $250 payments from participants they recruit.

Your prospects will be sending you $250 via PayPal or other arrangements that you have with them. Remember, you get paid DIRECTLY from your New Member!

And that now brings us to Powerline Profit.

Read on for a full review of the Powerline Profit MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Profit Advertz Review: $5-$100 five-tier matrix subscriptions

profit-advertz-logoThere is no information on the Profit Advertz website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Profit Advertz website domain (“profitadvertz.com”) was registered on the 5th of April 2015, with a “Kamil Kayahan” (below right) listed as the owner. An address in Muğla, Turkey is also provided.

kml-kyhn-facebook-profile-profit-advertzA Twitter account linked off the Profit Advertz website bears the account name “kmlkyhn”, appearing to belong to Kayahan himself.

Further research reveals a Facebook profile under the same pseudonym (above right), claiming to be the administrator of Profit Advertz.

Kamil-Kayahan-admin-profit-advertzNote that the location cited in Kayahan’s Facebook profile differs to that of the Profit Advertz domain registration.

Other income opportunities advertised on Kayahan’s Facebook profile timeline include 4 Corners Alliance Group (matrix-based pyramid scheme) and FutureNet (six-tier pyramid scheme).

Profit Advertz would appear to be Kayahan’s first MLM venture as an admin.

Read on for a full review of the Profit Advertz MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Million Dollar Cycler Review: $10-$97 Ponzi investment

million-dollar-cycler-logoThere is no information on the Million Dollar Cycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Million Dollar Cycler website domain (“million-dollar-cycler.com”) was registered on the 19th of March 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

EmGoldex on Central Bank of Malaysia investment blacklist

emgoldex-logoThe Central Bank of Malaysia are the primary financial regulator for the Malaysian economy.

As Malaysia’s Central Bank, Bank Negara Malaysia promotes monetary stability and financial stability conducive to the sustainable growth of the Malaysian economy.

Part of those duties sees the bank maintain a

a list of companies and websites which are neither authorised nor approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BNM.

EmGoldex, a gold-based Ponzi scheme, was added to that list on the 10th of April 2015. [Continue reading…]

Pro Travel Plus Review: Seth Fraser & travel recruitment opp

pro-travel-plus-logoThere is no information on the Pro Travel Plus website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Pro Travel Plus website domain (“protravelplus.com”) was registered on the 12th of January 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals Seth Fraser credited as the CEO of the company. Why this information is not available on the Pro Travel Plus website is not clear.

Fraser’s past MLM ventures include Freebie Force (2007), That Free Thing (2011) and Uneeqlee (2013).

seth-fraser-ceo-pro-travel-plusMore recently Fraser (right) was credited as a “Field Leader” in Kannaway.

As per a Kannaway News blog post dated October 15th,

Seth Fraser: Why I Sold My Company and Joined Kannaway

I’ll admit it. I never really cared enough about a true “product-based” relationship marketing company to join one before.

And here’s a weird twist to the story:

I had *never* joined any relationship-marketing company as a distributor before.

One of the things that always held me back from joining ANY company as a distributor…….the trust factor.

When you’re no longer “the guy” that makes the decisions, one of the most difficult things to do is have faith and trust in the people you are working with side by side, and I wasn’t sure I would ever find a working environment that was suited to me for that reason.

Evidently those trust issued appear to have prevailed, with Fraser ditching Kannaway earlier this month.

When we were in our pre-launch phase, we had a very unique person fly in to town, a gentleman by the name of Seth Fraser.

He had launched a few different relationship marketing companies and had a strong team of leaders that came to the table with Kannaway.

After spending some time getting to know him, we made the decision to bring him in to our corporate team. The results of that decision helped us to create a strong team that has helped provide the BEST product line ever created to the masses!

We appreciate the efforts that Seth has provided toward creating this life-changing movement that is helping improve thousands of lives.

Seth has been offered a position as the CEO of another company and we wish him the best in his new venture.

That “other company” is of course Pro Travel Plus.

Interestingly enough who offered Fraser the position has not been publicly disclosed. Who owns the company remains a mystery.

Of note is that a recent Pro Travel Plus presentation was co-hosted by Fraser and Lee Friedman.

Friedman’s position within the company was not disclosed, but his name appears as the owner of the domain “ptpmember.com”.

This domain is used to provide services and bookings to affiliates through the Pro Travel Plus backoffice.

Earlier this year Friedman was promoting Nerium International on his Facebook profile. Whether or not he is still a Nerium affiliate is unclear.

Read on for a full review of the Pro Travel Plus MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Malaysian police contacted about uFun Club on April 16th?!

ufunclub-logoDespite being put on the Central Bank of Malaysia’s blacklist last June, uFun Club has continued to flourish in Malaysia.

Local regulators and authorities have yet to take any action against the company, with officials as late as last Friday claiming they were yet to receive information from their Thai counterparts.

Police are still waiting for their Thai counterparts to contact them on investigations into a Malaysian businessman over alleged cheating cases involving more than 100,000 victims worldwide.

Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigations Department deputy director (intelligence and operations) Senior Asst Comm Datuk Jalil Hassan said Thai police had yet to contact his department for assistance in the case.

Now a leaked email has emerged, suggesting that Malaysian authorities were infact first contacted back on April 16th. [Continue reading…]

WorldVentures an “illegal business” in Malaysia

world-ventures-logoPrior to a regulatory investigation into the company in late 2014, WorldVentures in Malaysia boasted a purported 20,000 strong affiliate-base.

Things began to unravel in September though, when local Malaysian media began to investigate the scheme.

A reporter from The Rakya Post attended a World Ventures recruitment meeting, with around fifty other people in attendance.

Their conclusion?

WorldVentures is “a money game”. [Continue reading…]

Zeek Receivership’s 4th Quarter 2014 Fees & Expenses report

zeekrewardsIntended to be a summary of the financial status of the Zeek Receivership as of December 31st 2014, the Reciever’s latest fees and expenses report nonetheless provides us with some new tidbits of information.

The report comes in at thirty-one pages in length, with much of what is presented having already been reported on here at BehindMLM (check our Zeek Rewards archive articles between October and December 2014).

Due to the size of the report, for simplicity’s sake I’ve broken it down into new information under various subheadings below. [Continue reading…]

Default judgement sought against Gilmond & Napier

zeekrewardsFollowing the denial of motions to dismiss clawback litigation filed against them, Trudy Gilmond and Jerry Napier have ceased co-operating with the court-appointed Receiver.

In response, Zeek Rewards Receiver has now requested the court enter default judgement against both of them. [Continue reading…]

Thai police seize more uFun assets, Ponzi party in Malaysia

ufunclub-logoThe regulatory reaction to uFun Club in Thailand and Malaysia couldn’t be any more different.

Thailand cracked down on the $1.17 billion dollar Ponzi scheme over two weeks ago.

Since then millions of dollars have been seized, along with various properties and other assets.

It’s expected that funds seized and raised from the sale of ill-gotten assets will be used to compensate victims of the scam.

Efforts to halt the uFun Club Ponzi scheme in Thailand are ongoing, with the latest action seeing regulators seize a condo and Lamborghini Gallardo belonging to Rathawit Thiti-arounwat.

Various documents (evidence) and a 1.5m tall safe box were also recovered. [Continue reading…]