DayPaid Review: $10 to $100 ad-credit based Ponzi scheme

daypaid-logoThere is no information on the Day Paid website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The DayPaid website domain (“”) was registered on the 3rd of June 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Alexa statistics currently estimate that 46.1% of traffic to the Day Paid website originates out of Romania (29.6%) and Spain (16.5%), suggesting one of these two countries is likely where it is being operated from.

My bet would be on Spain or someone from Spain living in Romania, as the Day Paid website defaults to the Spanish language (even if English is selected).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Global Currency Coin Review: GCCoin cryptocurrency

global-currency-coin-logoGlobal Currency Coin launched in September of 2015 and are based out of Poznań, Poland.

The company operates in the MLM cryptocurrency niche and is headed up by CEO and Founder, Jan Pasboel.

As per Pasboel’s Global Currency Coin corporate bio,

he has 24 years of experience in various industries, including general management of Business operations, Product Development, Strategy implementation, Production, Investment and Corporate development.

After being a World business traveller and entrepreneur for several years he moved abroad 15 years ago. He has created multiple successful companies and projects in several countries worldwide during these years.

One of his first foreign companies was established in 1991 and operates to this day just 24 km away from the Eiffel Tower.

Another company of circa the same age is located in Hamburg and currently it is being prepared to be part of our GCC Group concept.

jan-pasboel-founder-ceo-global-currency-coinDetails on the companies Pasboel (right) has purportedly been involved in are not provided.

Among various companies conducted by him there is also a production company manufacturing materials for hospitals and the hygiene sector, started from scratch in Poland back in 2002.

Another adventure was 6 years in Japan creating a marketing company and educating a segment introducing new technology, while learning another culture.

While managing multiple companies spread all over the globe, Jan has made couple of thousands flights together with over 2 million km driven in cars worldwide.

I was unable to put together an MLM history on Paboel, suggesting that Global Currency Coin is likely his first MLM venture.

Read on for a full review of the Global Currency Coin MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Daniel Filho consents to custody, criminal case continues

dfrf-enterprises-logoDespite a recent telephonic announcement in which an individual, purported to be Daniel Filho, declared he “hope(s) to be free very soon”, a hearing has seen Filho remanded to the custody of the US Marshals Service.

Filho had the option to oppose detention but instead waived his right to do so. [Continue reading…]

Zeek Reciever sues Gerry Nehra for over $100 million

zeekrewardsIn what is probably one of the more anticipated Zeek Rewards clawback efforts, Gerry Nehra is now being held accountable for his role in the $850 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

Filed on September 21st against  Gerald P. Nehra, Nehra and Waak, Gerald P. Nehra, Attorney at Law PLLC, Richard W. Waak and  Richard W. Waak Attorney at Law PLLC, the Receiver’s lawsuit is part of ongoing efforts to ‘recover damages for the harms incurred by RVG‘.

Zeekler has been focused on compliance since last year when the company hired the Nehra & Waak law firm to review every aspect of the Zeekler program to ensure all was in compliance.

Rex Venture Group was the parent company of Zeek Rewards, who Gerry Nehra very publicly represented. [Continue reading…]

Judge rejects “no case to answer” motion in uFun Club case

ufunclub-logoFlimsy legal defences such as “personal development pyramid schemes should be legal” might sound laughable, but there’s always a chance a Judge somewhere might permit it.

Thankfully, Chief Justice Patu isn’t one of those Judges. [Continue reading…]

Why is Vemma going into liquidation?

vemma-logoNews broke yesterday that Vemma had entered into voluntary liquidation in Europe and Australia.

The move left us scratching our heads, as it was only late last month the decision to permit Vemma to restart business operations was met with much gusto.

Now, through filings in an ongoing dispute between Vemma and the former court-appointed Temporary Receiver, some insight is gleaned into why Vemma has abandoned these markets. [Continue reading…]

USFIA preliminary injunction granted, Receiver permanent

usfia-logoFollowing consent by Steve Chen, a preliminary injunction was granted against USFIA and related entities on the 6th of October.

The preliminary injunction makes the conditions of the previously granted TRO permanent, which

  • freezes Steve Chen and USFIA’s assets
  • establishes a Permanent Receiver
  • prohibits Chan and USFIA from destroying evidence (destruction of documents) and
  • requires Chen and USFIA to provide the SEC with detailed accounting records within 30 days

Pending the outcome of a trial, Chen and USFIA are also prohibited from [Continue reading…]

Vemma FTC pretrial conference scheduled for Dec 14

vemma-logoIn the leadup to Vemma and the FTC squaring off in court, a pretrial conference has been scheduled for December 14th.

Attorneys for both sides are required to appear in person, with there being no telephonic appearances permitted. [Continue reading…]

Vemma EU and AU collapse, in liquidation

vemma-logoThings appear to be on the rocks for Vemma’s business operations in Europe and Australia, with news breaking yesterday that both entities are in liquidation.

Liquidation is the process whereby the assets of a corporation are realised in an orderly manner and the proceeds distributed among creditors of the company in satisfaction of their claims against the company.

Any surplus funds are returned to members. On finalisation of the liquidation process, the company is deregistered and consequently ceases to exist.

As of yet there hasn’t been an official announcement from Vemma’s headquarters in the US, so we’re working with what little we’ve been able to glean our of Europe and Australia. [Continue reading…]

Trustee: TelexFree fraud tops out at over $3 billion dollars

telexfree-logoStephen Darr, the court-appointed TelexFree Trustee, submitted a report earlier this year identifying TelexFree was a $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

With TelexFree’s bankruptcy proceedings on hold, Darr has submitted another damning assessment.

The guarantee of an astronomical return on the initial investment without the requirement to sell any product created perverse incentives for Participants.

Participants opened multiple User Accounts for the sole purpose of leveraging their fictitious profits, without the need to sell any product or recruit any individuals.

Some Participants appear to have invested a substantial portion of their life savings into the scheme seeking to quickly triple or quadruple their investment.

Participants opened hundreds of User Accounts, ultimately resulting in an exponential rise in the number of User Accounts.

In Darr’s latest report, he reveals the TelexFree’s Ponzi empire processed over $3 billion dollars. [Continue reading…]