Divvee Review: $9.95 a month for access to discounts?

divvee-logoThere is no information on the Divvee website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Divvee website domain (“divvee.social”) was registered on the 8th of December 2015, with Allen Davis listed as the owner. An address in the US state of Utah is also provided.

As per a Divvee marketing video, Allen Davis is the CEO of the company. Why this information is not provided on the Divvee website is unclear.

allen-davis-ceo-divveeDavis (right) has a legal background, which is reflected in his positions within the MLM industry.

As per Davis’ LinkedIn profile, he has served as

  • General Counsel, VP of Operations and Chief Compliance Officer for Neways (1997 to 2006)
  • General Counsel and VP of Operations for Trivani (2006 to 2010)
  • CEO of Qnique (2010 onwards)
  • General Counsel and Chief Operation Officer for ForeverGreen International (2012 to 2015)
  • General Counsel for TruVision Health (2015 onwards)

Davis ran his own law firm between 2011 and 2015, with Divvee his second stint as an MLM executive.

Davis’ former company Qnique (body wraps) appears to have been shut down. None of the companies’ websites were responsive at the time of publication.

Read on for a full review of the Divvee MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

SEC accuse Faith Sloan of lying & wasting time

telexfree-logoBack in April Faith Sloan demanded the release of $30,800, currently frozen as per a preliminary injunction granted in May, 2014.

Having previously had a similar motion denied by the court, the SEC’s response to Sloan’s latest filing can be paraphrased as “nothing has changed since”.

That didn’t stop Sloan going gangbusters and invoking all manner of irrelevant caselaw and constitutional rights, which the SEC have now responded to bluntly. [Continue reading…]

Paid Rocket Review: Two-tier matrix cash gifting

paid-rocket-logo“Richard Stevenson” is identified as the Founder of Paid Rocket on the company website. No information other than Stevenson’s name is provided.

The Paid Rocket website domain (“paidrocket.com”) was registered on the 21st of March 2016, however the domain registration is set to private

Richard Stevenson is a good candidate for a generic Anglo-Saxon sounding name, so I’m flagging it as a potential false identity.

Languages provided on the Paid Rocket website include Spanish and English. Updates on the Paid Rocket Facebook page also appear in both languages.

Alexa currently estimates that some 58.2% of traffic to the Paid Rocket website originates out of Spain. Colombia is the second largest source of traffic at 12.4%

This suggests the Paid Rocket admin is probably based in Spain. “Richard Stevenson” as represented on the Paid Rocket website likely doesn’t exist.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Swisscoin Review: 25 to 15,000 EUR Ponzi points investment

swisscoin-logoIf the name “Swisscoin” conjures up dejavu, it’s because BehindMLM reviewed “SwisCoin” back in October, 2015.

Swisscoin appears to be an unrelated company, despite the near identical name.

Whereas Swisscoin don’t appear concerned about potential confusion between the two opportunities, SwisCoin have published the following clarification on their website:

Recently we have noticed some duplicate projects in the market which have been started with similar name like “Swisscoin” hit the internet and being spread by certain people.

That project only has a login page so far. It has nothing to do with our project and people who designed it (are) trying to confuse everyone and use “swiscoin” as name of real crypto currency to attract people to invest money into their project.

Kindly be aware of such fake projects!!!

As noted above, the Swisscoin website is currently nothing more than an affiliate signup page. If you Google pages available on the site however, we learn the following from Swisscoin’s Terms and Conditions:

The following terms and conditions are part of each distributor agreement between the EURO SOLUTION GMBH, Ruessenstrasse 12, 6340 Baar, Kanton: Zug, Schweiz, represented by its CEO Mr. Werner Marquetant (hereafter: SWISSCOIN) and the independent and autonomous distributor.

Despite the Swiss address and name of the company, the Swisscoin Terms and Conditions instead make multiple references to German law.

SWISSCOIN treats any content stored on the servers by distributors as third-party content, as defined in the German Tele Media Act (TMG).

The company also only accepts German residence permits as proof of identity:

SWISSCOIN reserves the right to require from distributors, or the applicant in the case of registration by a legal person or partnership, that they prove their identity before any commissions are paid or any services are delivered.

Identity can be proven with a photocopy of the individual’s identity card or passport, or a German residence permit, and must be supplied within 2 weeks of the request.

Swisscoin banking also appears to be conducted in Germany:


The Swisscoin website domain registration also lists an address for Euro-Invest Consult GmbH in Leipzig, Germany.

The default language of the Swisscoin website is German, and while German is a national language of Switzerland, I suspect the company is infact being mostly operated out of Germany.

That said a Wener Marquetant does show up on LinkedIn, with the profile listing his location as Kanton Aargau, Switzerland. Whether this is the same Marquetant as Swiss Coin’s however is unclear.

In an official Swisscoin marketing presentation, Marquetant claims to be a Swiss citizen. I did try to research background information on Wener Marquetant but nothing came up.

Read on for a full review of the Swisscoin MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Scott Miller violating TelexFree preliminary injunction?

telexfree-logoScott Miller was a top investor in the TelexFree Ponzi scheme.

For his part in scamming TelexFree victims out of $3 billion dollars, a preliminary injunction was granted against Miller on February 14th, 2016.

The injunction is part of a civil class-action against several top TelexFree investors. The injunction freezes any ‘assets, including, without limitation, any money, stocks, bonds, jewelry, vehicles other personal property and real property‘ owned by Miller.

You would think such an injunction would cripple Miller’s business activities. As per an email Miller sent out on May 5th however, apparently it’s still business as usual. [Continue reading…]

Go Luck Review : Resurrecting the USFIA amber Ponzi corpse

go-luck-logoThere is no information on the Go Luck website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Go Luck website domain (“ezgoluck.net”) was registered on the 14th of October 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Despite the Go Luck website being entirely in Chinese, Alexa surprisingly estimates that over half of the traffic to the domain originates out of France.

Various Go Luck affiliate marketing presentations cite the company’s headquarters as Hong Kong (China), which is likely where the admin(s) of Go Luck are operating from.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

JamesBux Review: $1 micro Ponzi

jamesbux-logoThere is no information on the JamesBux website indicating who owns or runs the business.

As per the JamesBux FAQ, only the following vague marketing pitch is given:

Who we are?

We are a group of experts in revenue sharing programs. We put all our efforts because you have good results with us.

We learn of Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Jim Rohn. We want that you can live internet lifestyle.

The JamesBux website domain (“jamesbux.com”) was registered on the 25th of April 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

At the time of publication Alexa estimate that 47.3% of traffic to the JamesBux website originates out of Spain. This strongly suggests that the JamesBux admin is also likely based out of Spain too.

Of note is that the JamesBux website is hosted on a private server. This server was also used to host SureAdsPay.


SureAdsPay offered affiliates 160% returns on their investment. Launched on or around February 5th, by February 18th SureAdsPay had collapsed.

In social media marketing material for the scheme, an individual named “Shon Chris” claims to be the SureAdsPay admin. I did try to source additional information on Chris but came up short.

There are a few loose end leads however nothing concrete to link Shon to JamesBux.

In any event, the collapse of SureAdsPay is likely the reason JamesBux is now launching. It’s essentially a reboot of the earlier failed scheme.

Read on for a full review of the JamesBux MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Quick Cycler Review: $5.75 matrix cycler Ponzi

quick-cycler-logoThere is no information on the Quick Cycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Quick Cycler website domain (“quickcycler.com”) was registered on the 20th of March 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

An individual identifying themselves on social media as “omclub” claims to be the admin behind the opportunity.

Many people have been asking me to start a new program since Super 2 x 7 was closed so here it is.

I am the Admin.

Omclub goes by the name of John Williams, however I was unable to confirm this independently. An earlier e-commerce venture run by Omclub suggests he or she might be based out of Malaysia.

Omclub first appeared on BehindMLM as the admin of the referenced Super 2×7 matrix cycler Ponzi scheme. Launched in mid 2014, Super 2×7 collapsed in November, 2015.

Wrote Omclub at the time;

It is with regret that 2 x 7 Matrix has been forced to closed due to lack of funds and lack of support from the members.

Prior to Super 2×7 Omclub launched Our Matrix Club. Our Matrix Club launched in 2012 and promised affiliates $680 ROIs on $5 investments.

The scheme collapsed in 2014.

Earlier this year Omclub launched M2M Funds (“m2mfunds.com”), a cash gifting scheme masked as crowdfunding. M2M Funds collapsed shortly after launch, so now we have Quick Cycler.

Read on for a full review of the Quick Cycler MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Liberty Reserve founder sentenced to 20 years in prison

liberty-reserve-logoIn what I believe is the first case of a payment processor founder being criminally charged since I started BehindMLM, Arthur Budovsky Belanchuk, founder of Liberty Reserve, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. [Continue reading…]

10x Recruiter Review: Three-tier affiliate recruitment

10x-recruiter-logoThere is no information on the 10x Recruiter website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The 10x Recruiter website domain (“10xrecruiter.com”) was registered on the 1st of April 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

A marketing video on the 10x Recruiter website is hosted on a YouTube channel bearing the name “Randy Thomas”.

Further research reveals 10x Recruiter affiliates crediting Thomas with having come over from HopRocket (travel):


The 10x Recruiter Terms and Conditions suggest the company is being run out of North Carolina in the US:

The exclusive jurisdiction for any claim, controversy, lawsuit or resolution of any matter relating to or arising under any 10X Recruiter Terms and Conditions or Policies shall be North Carolina, USA.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]