My Advertising Pays sues VX Gateway for $59.6 million dollars

While scammers are happy to defraud the general public out of millions of dollars each year, turns out they themselves don’t like being scammed.

Yeah I know, shocking… [Continue reading…]

Sport Social Market Review: Bitcoin based virtual share trading

sport-social-market-logoSport Social Market provide no corporate contact details on their website.

The Sport Social Market Terms and Conditions however state the company is owned by “YOKA TÉCNICA S.L” and that the agreement is bound to the ‘legislation and jurisdiction of Barcelona, Spain‘.

Yoka Tecnica is a Spanish corporation who cite their primary business as the “development of recreation, entertainment and investment”.

toni-freixa-rafael-moya-sports-social-market-cofoundersThe Sport Social Market website identifies Toni Freixia (President) and Rafael Moya (CEO) as co-founders of the company. Presumably the two also co-own Yoka Tecnica.

Freixia has a legal background with a practice that specializes in Civil, Merchant, Procedural and Sports law.

Freixa doesn’t appear to have an MLM history, which is where Rafael Moya comes in.

In 2013 Moya was promoting the Lucrazon Global Ponzi scheme. He seems to have taken a break from MLM after Lucrazon Global collapsed in 2014.

Read on for a full review of the Sport Social Market MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Perfect Matrix Cash Review: $2.50 chain-recruitment scheme

perfect-matrix-cash-logoThere is no information on the Perfect Matrix Cash website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Perfect Matrix Cash website domain (“”) was privately registered on October 2nd, 2016.

The official Perfect Matrix Cash Facebook markets the opportunity using the Nigerian Naira. Alexa also currently estimate that 84% of all traffic to the Perfect Matrix Cash website originates out of Nigeria.

The admin referral link used to promote Perfect Matrix Cash on the group is “oluseunsina”.

Further research reveals this referral link belongs to Charles Aladesiun, who identifies himself as “one of the admin [sic] of Perfect Matrix Cash”:


Aladesiun, who is based out of Nigeria, appears to have been scamming people in Ponzi schemes since at least 2012.

Recently Aladesiun was promoting the FutureNet Ponzi scheme. He also promoted the Helping Hands International pyramid scheme in 2014.

In April of 2015 Aladesiun launched Touching Lives International, a daily ROI Ponzi scheme. By July Touching Lives International had crashed.

Rather than admit he’d run out of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, Aladesiun came up with the following story:

Last night i was robbed by Armed Robbers and my system and Phones are all gone.

They contain all the site login details. But hope the hosting company can help retrieve them.

Touching Lives International never came back up.

Read on for a full review of the Perfect Matrix Money MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin now laundering funds directly through affiliates

onecoin-logoOneCoin’s ongoing banking problems have taken a sinister turn, with the company potentially shifting criminal liability onto some of its affiliates. [Continue reading…]

Turbo Cycler 2016 Review: Three tier bitcoin cash gifting

turbo-cycler-logoThere is no information on the Turbo Cycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Turbo Cycler website domain (“”) was registered with bogus details on November 21st, 2016.

Note that another Turbo Cycler was launched back in 2012 by Peter Wolfing. A cash gifting scheme with a monthly fee, Wolfing’s Turbo Cycler has long-since collapsed.

As far as I can tell there’s no relationship between Wolfing’s Turbo Cycler and the 2016 opportunity bearing the same name.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Cache Crowd Review: Four-tier bitcoin cash gifting

cache-crowd-logoThere is no information on the Cache Crowd website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Cache Crowd website domain (“”) was privately registered on November 7th, 2016.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Get Profit 365 Review: $5 in, $10 out Ponzi scheme

get-profit-365-logoThere is no information on the Get Profit 365 website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Get Profit 365 website domain (“”) was privately registered on October 3rd, 2016.

The official Get Profit 365 Facebook group lists two admins, Nelson Ferreira and Tessa Mittelman.

Both these accounts are suspicious. The Nelson Ferreira has had no content posted to it since 2014 (a profile photo change).

The Tessa Mittelman updated the profile photo in October and then promptly began spamming MLM underbelly scams.

Prior to October, the account had no content published on it since 2008.

These are symptoms of bought accounts rather than genuine Facebook profiles belonging to real people.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Infinity DailyWin Review: Invest in vouchers, get a 135% ROI?

infinity-dailywin-logoThere is no information on the Infinity DailyWin website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Infinity DailyWin website domain (“”) was registered on August 5th, 2016.

Andre Heber of You-win Network is listed as the owner, with an address in Roseau, Dominica also provided.

Further research reveals this address actually belongs to IBC Lab, who provide offshore incorporation services in Dominica.

It appears Infinity DailyWin exists in Dominica in name only.

As for You-win Network, the company website domain (“”) is currently parked.

andre-heber-founder-ceo-infinity-dailywinOn his LinkedIn profile, Heber (right) cites his location as Hong Kong. This is probably where Infinity DailyWin is actually being operated from.

Other than that, no information on Heber is publicly available.

Heber lists his spoken languages as English and Spanish.

Alexa currently estimate that over half of traffic to the Infinity DailyWin website originates out of Spain. This appears to be the company’s primary market.

Read on for a full review of the Infinity DailyWin MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

10xGreener Review: Three phase $270 cash gifting

10xgreener-logoThere is no information on the 10xGreener website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The 10xGreener website domain (“”) was privately registered on November 5th, 2016.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

The 1 Dollar Thing Review: Three-tier matrix chain-recruitment

the-1-dollar-thing-logoThe 1 Dollar Thing website identifies “Doc Lett” as owner of the company.

Doc Lett (aka Ken Lett and Kenneth Lett) is based out Alabama in the US and first appeared on BehindMLM’s radar through Phase 4 Global back in 2012.

Phase 4 Global bundled travel discounts with a a recruitment-driven matrix cycler.

In 2015 Lett returned with another Ponzi cycler, 2by2 For You.

A few months ago Lett launched Iguana Biz, yet another matrix cycler.

Despite only launching July, Alexa traffic estimates for the Iguana Biz website suggest the scheme has already collapsed.

This has likely prompted the launch of The 1 Dollar Thing.

Read on for a full review of The 1 Dollar Thing MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]