Zukul Review: Recruitment & soon to be ad-credit Ponzi?
Zukul launched in 2014 and is headed up by founders Jeremy Rush and Michael Bloom.
On his Facebook profile, Rush lists his location as London in the UK. I did find a LinkedIn profile for a Michael Bloom involved in “YouTube Video Production” also in the UK, however I’m not 100% sure this is Zukul’s Michael Bloom.
In any event, despite Zukul appearing to be run out of the UK, Zukul’s provided corporate address is a PO Box in British Anguilla.
Anguilla is a known tax-haven, offering little consumer protection via a lack of local regulation and strong corporate privacy.
Of the two Zukul founders, Jeremy Rush (right) is far more prominent in Zukul marketing material.
Rush operates a YouTube channel, with videos uploaded prior to Zukul’s launch marketing MMO Cashout ($10 to $99 a month recruitment scheme), Penny Matrix ($7 a month recruitment scheme), DS Domination (dropshipping), AdExperts ($400 recruitment scheme), AdHitProfits (125% ROI Ponzi scheme) and Banners Broker (Canadian Ponzi scheme).
Read on for a full review of the Zukul MLM business opportunity.
The Zukul Product Line
On the Zukul website there is a link labeled “IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN AS AN AFFILIATE ONLY — CLICK HERE”.
Upon clicking the link a visitor is provided with details of Zukul’s compensation plan.
The only way to join Zukul would appear to be through the purchase of a monthly product subscription:
- Beginner – $19.60 a month
- Intermediate – $54.50 a month
- Advanced – $272.50 a month
This indicates Zukul has no retailable products or services, with this further supported by certain components of the Zukul compensation plan only made available with an Intermediate or Advanced subscription.
Bundled with Zukul’s subscriptions is access to a library of online marketing tools.
The Zukul Compensation Plan
The Zukul compensation plan pays a commission on monthly subscription fees, with commissions paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
How much of a commission is paid out is determined by how much affiliates in a unilevel team pay in monthly fees:
- Beginner – $10 on level 1, $5 on level 2 and $4 on level 3
- Intermediate – $13 on level 1, $5 on level 2 and $4 on level 3
- Advanced – $55 on level 1, $25 on level 2, $10 on level 3
In addition to the above commission payouts, Zukul affiliates also receive a 50% matching bonus on earnings by personally recruited affiliates.
Finally the Zukul compensation plan material mentions a ‘Multilayered Passive 10 Level High Funnel available for Intermediate and Advanced levels only‘. No further specifics are provided.
Joining Zukul
Zukul affiliate membership appears to be tied to the purchase of one of three offered monthly subscriptions:
- Beginner – $19.60
- Intermediate – $54.50
- Advanced – $272.50
Only Intermediate and Advanced subscriptions are provided access to the full Zukul income opportunity.
Jeremy Rush’s MLM history speaks for itself, with Zukul appearing to offer up more of the same.
Absent a retail offering, Zukul’s bundled marketing tools are irrelevant, with the opportunity paying out on the recruitment of new affiliates.
In effect, Zukul’s marketing tools wind up used to market the Zukul opportunity, with there being little to no external use.
Legitimacy could be professed via separation of the business opportunity, however this would have to be more than just a token “free affiliate membership” offering.
As it stands, affiliates pump $19.60 to $272.50 into Zukul, on the expectation they’ll be paid when they recruit others who do the same.
Profits are reoccurring every month based upon the total number of Members in your funnel.
The higher subscriptions are incentivized with access to the “10 level funnel”, mixing in an additional “pay to play” element.
The lack of information available regarding Michael Bloom is somewhat suspicious, but perhaps the most alarming aspect of the business is the upcoming release of the “Zukul Ad Network”.
As far as I can see there’s no mention of the network on the Zukul website yet. I myself only became aware of it after I clicked on a Jeremy Rush YouTube video titled “Rev Share” (uploaded January 12th, 2016).
“Rev share” being code for a Ponzi scheme in the MLM underbelly, naturally my interest was piqued.
Some of you looking at this video will probably know that I’m talking about revshares.
If you do know what I’m talking about, you’re actually fed up with this industry because the companies keep moving the goalposts.
One minute they’re trading in the states and then they can only trade in Europe. One minute they’re using Paypal to pay you and the next minute they’re not.
And if you’re fed up with all that rubbish and you want something different … well, stay watching because I’m going to do you a little presentation.
I want to introduce you to the Zukul Ad Network.
Rush’s presentation goes on to detail an opportunity that sounds suspiciously like what Banners Broker offered:
You can actually place your banners on our website and our network of websites.
Most marketers today fail because they can’t do one thing, and that is recruit.
Well, we’ve eliminated that because you can also buy your downline.
Rush claims the Zukul Ad Network is currently in prelaunch, and stops short of explaining how participating affiliate’s will be paid.
On a Zukul webinar also uploaded on January 16th, Drew Burton reveals a bit more about the Zukul Ad Network business model:
I don’t like the word “revshare” or y’know what other people call it and stuff like that, but… we’re putting together something that is very, very, very similar to a revshare … because it does deal with packs and yknow, you buy packs and make money and all that same stuff that we all love.
The ad-credit model is one of the most prevalent online Ponzi scheme ruses today, with Zukul appearing to be gearing up to launch their own.
Any recycling of funds invested by affiliates and then paid out to affiliates based on how much they themselves have invested, will see Zukul join the plethora of ad-credit schemes out there.
From recruitment to what now looks to be a Zukul-branded Ponzi scheme, mark my words: This isn’t going to end well.
Sounds like they are giving people what they expect to earn from.
“rev share packs”
Why reinvent the wheel?
Jeremy reminds me of uncle Fester from the Adams family. It’s going to be hard trusting the guy.
I must say that I have through the years thought very highly about your reviews. I joined Zukul on December 22, 2015 after doing a fair amount of due diligence on the company.
After reading this review, I have lost the respect I once had for this site. The lack of understanding that you have of this business is prekindergarten. I always thought you guys took a professional approach but now know that is not the case.
You have so little understanding of this business that it does not deserve to be honored with a response other than to state that this was a very amateurish review.
Do you homework. There are folks that rely on you to at least make an effort to report the truth. This review is not an accurate or factual representation of the truth.
Would it hurt to simply ask Jeremy Rush about his business rather than report falsehoods.
This is one of if not the most transparent business I have ever been involved in so if you wanted to report the facts and the truth, you have mountains of data at your fingertips. This review is a disservice to your readers.
David, I see you judge a book by it’s cover. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
^^ Paragraphs and paragraphs of “waah”, but not one assertion as to how the review is inaccurate.
And good luck with that, seeing as it’s based on Zukul’s compensation plan.
Right, so we’ll just file this in the “BehindMLM is aweso-OHNOES THEY REVIEWED MY SCAM!” basket then.
Keith Rhodes has clearly not done his full due diligence on this outfit.
I am not infallible but I did the best I could to determine the truth and the facts about this company.
When You combine the Knuckehead Jeremy Rush with his Characters like Bart “The Fart” Janseen, you have the real makings of a comedy.
Its funny how the same cast of characters just keep producing one Bad Film after another (Adexperts, MMO Cashout, Penny Scamtrix,)
A recent post on Facebook had Bart discussing how he felt like it was like being in at the start of Google or Facebook when they first came to origin.
Funny, How would he know??? He certainly would be running another Guaranteed Signups Scam (Penny Matrix, Adexperts,etc.) that Zukul also offers.
And on the Guaranteed Signups that they offer for other companies I believe…. was just conversing with a lady who bought her Guaranteed Signups back in October.
They may be guaranteed but you may also end up getting them when your old and crusty and probably wont remember ordering them.
Long Live BehindMLM!!
You couldnt make it up and now they have launched Zukul Gold which involves you amongst other things of joining the Dubious Karatbars outfit. And paying out bigger fees for new membership levels.
That pretty much confirms they are just a recruiting funnel.
Real MLMs abhors other MLM companies. Usually make affiliates sign non-compete non-cross-recruiting agreements.
Real MLMs abhors other MLM companies. Usually make affiliates sign non-compete non-cross-recruiting agreements.
I just wanted to add one last entry. I have been doing my best to investigate Zukul and Jeremy Rush since 12/22/15 when I first was told about this business.
What I have determined through independent investigation is that the 100% satisfaction guarantee that this company has in writing and Jeremy Rush has stated live online more than 50 times, has been honored in 100% of the request.
So if this is a scam, not 1 single person has lost any of the money they have invested with this company to date.
(Ozedit: Offtopic whinging removed)
Hay guys, I met this great guy Madoff today. He convinced me to mortgage my house and invest it in his great opportunity.
He showed me a satisfaction guarantee that I wouldn’t lose my money which seemed totally legit.
Satisfaction guarantees don’t negate a business model.
And whinging about errors and then failing to point any out when pressed? Yeah, good one scammer.
So anyone that disagrees with you is a scammer. Nice edit. DO NO HARM. That is what I try to live my life by. Is that a scam?
(Ozedit: Either point out the errors you claim exist or you’re full of shit. It’s that simple.)
No. But anyone who participates in ad-credit Ponzi schemes is.
No idea and couldn’t care less. We’re discussing Zukul here.
PS. Ponzi schemes ruin lives. Do no harm my ass.
LOL, PS. I have never been involved in any ad-credit business. I agree Ponzi schemes ruin lives. Can we agree you have not done any real research on Zukul?
Never mind let’s just agree that I am full of shit. That will make you feel superior.
Zukul Ad Network = ad-credit Ponzi scheme.
Zukul itself is little more than a recruitment-driven scheme.
This is based on their business models. Whatever guarantees you’ve received to the contrary are toilet paper.
@Keith Rhodes
Ok, I’ll agree too that you are full of shit.
A scam can have 100% guarantee refund too. I recall that Zeek offered 100% refund of the money put in (not money ‘earned’) when it shut down various countries in Eastern Europe with zero explanation a couple months before it went kaput.
Not much of an indicator on scam or not.
This review is missing so much information I don’t think the guy who wrote it understands the Zukul business plan at all… Or any of the other income streams (which he hasn’t even mentioned because he probably doesn’t know about) that Zukul already has or are planning on introducing… Lol! (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
What you add to a recruitment and/or ad-credit Ponzi scheme is irrelevant.
In other words… No matter how much lipstick you apply, a pig is still a pig.
Hello most of the members in Zukul use their good marketing products, and this generate most of the income in the company. I think you should investigate better, because this is a serious business.
From a proud member of Zukul and GSU
Therein lies the problem.
Oz: You can refer all I say and not take away the important part…The marketing tools are the fantastic products of Zukul. Hopefully Jeremy will put some resources to stop your lies…
Just because you don’t agree with the conclusion doesn’t mean they are lies.
That kind of black and white thinking is typical of fanatical extremists, of which you’ve become. Enjoy your brainwashing echo chamber, i.e. Zukul.
The only important part is Zukul’s business model. Anything else is irrelevant.
And calling out a recruitment scheme and ad-credit Ponzi business model as such is not “lies”.
Feel free to explain why paying affiliates to recruit new affiliates isn’t chain-recruitment. Ditto using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors not being a Ponzi scheme.
Now the suckers on MMG forum are touting how this must be real and legit because Jeremy Rush shows his face on the Google Hangouts. I can’t believe the way some people think!
That is how most of the people on MMG roll their income in. They hop from the latest new scam to the next.
Each new launch is the next income producing thing that will last for years.
Research for them goes as far as the hype the owner puts in his videos.
What I know for SURE is I was shown a Zukul ad offering guaranteed signups. Then I was asked to sign up via someone’s lead capture page. Then fed the Zukul ad speil.
I don’t waste my time sitting through videos without GOOD reason. I expect people to be LITERATE or hire someone who is to do their ad copy.
Well to make a long story short I was interested because they promised guaranteed signups. Then I READ where THERE IS NO GUARANTEE as to when you get signups!!
That right there scam enough for me! You pay for “guaranteed signups” with no guarantee as to when you will actually GET them, if ever!
Along with there being no guarantee these signups will pay for even ONE month – never mind that they will stay subscribed long enough to pay for the months and months you will have to STAY subscribed if you expect to ever get them!
Then too is the COST of these “guaranteed signups”.
There is simply NO GUARANTEE that these “guaranteed signups” will be worth the money you will have to pay and pay in order to actually get them.
Nevermind the scams within this scam that there is no product – only membership.
And then REVENUE SHARES – ugh, ugh, UGH!!!
Just want to follow the diskussion and se what happens after 1st of April.. =)
Se you on the OTHER side guys!
David 1.april here we come;) I’m so happy I can get Financial free before 2017. It’s GUARANTEED:)
BustaScam, you are correct sir…I fell for this “GSU” also and the time frame… you forgot to mention that you are also paying $50 every month waiting for those Guaranteed Signups…
What I saw was it was taking about 120-150 days to get 1 direct… Do the math to build a 10,500 member downline, lol.
Another note, if you have ever seen the “hangouts”, why is Uncle Fester always in a hotel room? And the 2% pitch is another good one, js.
Now if the signups are “guaranteed” but WHEN you get them is NOT… What on earth about them IS guaranteed?
It looks like the only “guarantee” is that you Will pay for them!
Otherwise, just WHAT is guaranteed??
The question that keeps running around my head is: “Who are you going to complain to if the so called “guarantee” turns out to be not worth the paper its’ written on or the electrons needed to produce it”
A “guarantee” is only as good as the word of the person making it, ESPECIALLY if that person is somewhere far away.
I am now not sure that you are a credible source of telling things as they are.
I have been around this industry for many years and with respect your review has a somewhat biased view of this business, you are of course entitled to your views. But might I suggest you actually join it to test it.
After all you can request a refund if you don’t like it as Jeremy Rush is quite adament that if anyone is not happy then go look for something else.
You know as well as I do that most Rev share business owners are invisible & hide behind the website a bit like you do alough i mus admit (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)
Unlike you I have done due diligence on zukul and zukul ad networks, if you had then I would say your view would be quite different.
You are doing your self and your readers a diservice by not reporting the honest truth so go join zukul ad networks, test it, if not happy go ask for a refunD and the company will be more than happy to oblige.
1. There is no bias when it comes to math and the flow of money.
2. You don’t need to join a Ponzi scheme to identify one. Anymore than you need to taste a dish when the ingredients list tells you what’s in it.
Like every other ad-credit MLM scheme, Zukul Ad Network shuffle newly invested funds to pay off existing investors. That makes it a Ponzi scheme.
It is somewhat concerning that someone with “many years” experience cannot readily identify a Ponzi scheme. Or were you referring to the Ponzi industry to begin with?
Oh yes & David’s comment “Jeremy reminds me of uncle Fester from the Adams family. It’s going to be hard trusting the guy” that is an immature comment maybe you could post that comment in utube then we can all see what you look like!
Like I have said of Oz go join, test it and if you don’t think it is for you request a refund, thint you would be stupid to do so bUT each to their own i guess.
I doubt you will see a business owner more transparent and says it how it is, keeps members informed and in person and not hide behind a website.
Again, you don’t need to join a Ponzi scheme to identify one.
Nor does the transparency of the owner matter. Zukul Ad Network could be run by a sheet of glad wrap for all it matters, by virtue of its business model it’d still be a Ponzi scheme.
For somebody who claims to have been around the “industry” for so many years, you are showing a remarkable degree of naivete if you include the transparency of an owner in your criteria before joining an online opportunity.
Think about the amount of “transparency” shown by Bernie Madoff, Charles Ponzi, Andy Bowdoin, Paul Burks, Charles McKnight and you’ll quickly realize the only important criteria to a potential member / investor lies within the mathematics involved, NOT in how much information you are allowed to see by the public face of the business.
Ah, the typical “you can’t know it until you try it” guy.
So morticians have to die first? Cops have to be criminals first? Doctors have to get sick in their specialty first? Do medics need to get shot first to treat gunshot wounds?
Please continue repeating your nonsense and make a fool of yourself. You’re doing a GREAT job showing off the intellect of someone who spent “several years” in the “industry”.
People are spreading a rumor that if you jump off a tall building without a parachute, you’ll go splat. I don’t believe it.
You appear to be a thrill seeker. Would you be so kind as to try it and tell me how that works out for you?
I have been a member of ZUKUL since Oct 2015 and it is saving lives as we speak. Jeremy Rush has tirelessly been on hangouts week after week, giving out prizes and gifts as well as explaining in detail about what ZUKUl is trying to accomplish.
What YOU FAILED TO POINT OUT IN YOUR REVIEW was the fact that Jeremy RUSH LIKE THE REST OF US GOT BURNT BY Banners Broker and other sites and he admits to these failures ON CAMERA in the hangouts.
Also there are tons of proofs of earnings all over social media and tons of testimonial videos, including mine. I am an ordinary work at home lady (tHat doesn’t make me 100% stupid and delinquent btw) and ma finally making decent money from a company that has it’s own in-house programmes and is creating also spots in the ZUKUL FUNNEL generated from profits form sales of other digital products.
YOU ALSO FAIL TO METNION that Jeremy RUSH is a successful affiliate marketer and traffic GFuru and knows how to make money without making money off of us. He is actually teaching US how to make money for once.
You really need to review your review again because it is totally inaccurate and biased.
Ad credit Ponzi schemes saving lives?
Is that an upgrade from TelexFree’s “changing lives”?
Well let me put it bluntly then: By starting your own ad-credit Ponzi scheme you are all fucking morons.
Evidently morons without any shame, as now you’re going to scam people just like you got scammed.
As to the other crap I “failed to mention”, none of it matters.
Jeremy Rush could be the pope, Zukul’s Ad Network is still just an ad-credit Ponzi scheme.
Zukul Ad Network uses newly invested funds to pay off existing investors. What needs to be rewritten?
OH I forgot to mention, yes I had to pay several months for some of my GSU’S but now am already way in profit and residual income..
It ws well worth it.. Every 30 days now for an only 50 usd cost I will be earning a min of 394 bucks plus rising as I got 30 packages woot toot!!!! That’s just payment below for 15 of them..
Available to Withdraw: $0.00
Pending Balance: $394.40
LOL I will come back in a month from now and give you teh Queen’s waive, obviously, you are just a hater who doesn’t like to see others succeed.
Looks like you have been burnt by MLM and you are just doing these reviews to get it out of your system, good luck with that but you have lost the plot because you are misinforming others and not posting all the correct details of HOW ZUKULADNETWORK ACTUALLY works.
Bloody hell, a fountain of Ponzi cliches this one.
So we’ve got haters, you’ve been burnt in MLM, claims of misinformation yada yada yada.
Everything except you addressing the fact that Zukul Ad Network uses newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, making it a Ponzi scheme.
Zukuladnetwork is (Ozedit: using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors) .. THAT IS A PONZI lol.
The only “obvious” thing here is you’re stealing from people who joined after you and you don’t care
HINT: Take your “pending balance” down to your bank manager and ask him how much it’s worth in the real world.
I am not stealing anything actually..I pay for products and services and get a portion of the profits, also even people were not around to join Zukul, ZUKUL would never run out of generating so called ad spots in our funnel because it sells products and services OUTSIDE of zukul itself.
Actually Jeremy has products selling on clickbank, jvzoo and other places which are not even affiliated to ZUKUL and instead of keeping that for himself he is splitting that with us..
Now I don’t get that if that is called stealing then I think you need your head examined lol.
Oh and when I get my funds next month I will come bck and show you once it’s sitting nicely in my bank account that’s if I am not too busy spending it!
You don’t need to write a wall of text to describe Zukul Ad Network.
The use of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors makes Zukul Ad Network a Ponzi scheme – it’s that simple.
You steal newly invested funds, that’s how a Ponzi scheme works.
Your pseudo-compliance mumbo jumbo is wasted here. Didn’t work for AdSurfDaily, won’t work for Zukul Ad Network.
Jeremy can do what he wants. As long as Zukul Ad Network uses newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, it’s a Ponzi scheme.
No doubt. Shameless theft via Ponzi scheme, it takes a certain type.
Just do me a favor, come to a few more of the hangouts with an unbiased clear head.. You might actually benefit from it and redefine your review. Have a good day. I am off to the beach ta ta..
Why? Will that change the fact that Zukul Ad Network use newly invested funds to pay off existing investors?
Why do I need to redefine my review? Has Zukul Ad Network stopped using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors?
Best of luck with the scamming.
You need hardcore evidence before labelling people thieves and scammers, you could get sued..
Zukul Ad Network’s business model sees them use newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.
What more proof does anyone need?
lol. wacky scammers
And you could get charged with accessory to fraud. So?
You’re still really low on the ladder, only in for a few months. Most of your “pending balance” are probably not even in your pocket (or your bank) yet, and you already sound like a “true believer”.
You may want to look up what happens to the “big” winners in Ponzi schemes, and what are “clawback” lawsuits. I’m sure the Crown Prosecution Service will gladly explain it to you… if you bothered to ask.
As you said, “you don’t know what you’re talking about”… So why don’t you go ask someone who really does, instead of talking with people who you insist know nothing?
That would be the best possible outcome.
Zukul / Jeremy / Jeremys’ lawyer standing up in court and explaining how Zukul works and why it’s not a ponzi.
Never happen, though.
I wouldn’t call the lady who already seems vested in this a scammer. She evidently doesn’t realize what she is involved in perhaps now at least she will have something to think about.
If anything she is one of those whose lives could be ruined. As you said Ponzi’s ruin lives.
It’s those who know, don’t care and continue to their involvement with these schemes that should be shamed. Otherwise, I agree with the review. Cheers.
eleftheria michaelides = definition of stupid.
Let me guess… Eleftheria Michaelides is yet another name for Eleftheria Yan, Ellie Yan, Qibucks Yan? Would you be married to a co-scammer named Lazaros, perchance?
Anyone who continues to justify their participation in a Ponzi once it’s pointed out to them is a scammer.
I see the same rev share scheme as all the others that develop “issues” in the long run.
The main gist is to post Zukul ads in multiple social media sights to get more particpants to do the exact same thing. This keeps the door revolving in perpetuity.
As Oz pointed out, in the grand scheme of things it’s the same ol’ collect money from one group of members to pay it to the new group of members and so on and so forth.
There’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that many aren’t aware of.
So Zukul collects money from GSU and money from banner ads.
Participants are required to not even purchase any of the banner offers. Just click on them and move on to the next one.
Time will tell how long Zukul lasts.
Except it doesn’t, because people willing to invest in a Ponzi scheme is a limited pool.
As long as Zukul use newly invested funds to pay off existing investors, nothing else matters.
Time has nothing to do with it. Zukul Ad Network will collapse when they run out of newly invested funds, same as any other Ponzi scheme.
Aren’t you making an assumption that population of Earth is infinite? Or are you including aliens we haven’t met yet?
I am proof Zukul is a scam.. Joined at the end of January 2016, bought 2 GSU’s.
As of my last day.. May 31, 2016.. I have received NO GSU’s, I repeat ZERO Signups, I did get 2 spillovers and 1 advertising banner to fill a spot.
Even Uncle Fester said himself in a Hangout that he couldn’t get enough people to fill the orders, yet he was keeping the $50K plus to advertise something else.. like ZAN.. which I do believe also sells GSU’s…
Want me to go on? Can’t makes my BP rise….
Definite scam!
Joined mid Jan 16 but no gsu to date. A bit naive that I joined but glad to be out now.
When I first joined I asked on the fb group where I could find written guarantee – I was duly lambasted.
Not only a scam but the deployment of new streams was a joke. Zukul gold went belly up within weeks as accounts were locked due to non compliance. Gold has never been mentioned since.
Zukul ad network server died on day of launch 85000 pre launch sign ups resulted in just 1000 active members!
The hangouts offer great comedy value though.
I feel sorry for those in there who don’t realise what’s happening and have utter contempt for those the top who do and continue to make the money!
Yes Peter, have you also been watching the beginning of the end of ZAN too?
Also that all the post are from ZAN site and not actually withdrawals and people are so excited about a massive 4200 people in ZAN after 2 months… lol.
Hope you saved all your info, gonna make for a great review… Can’t wait to see what all the big players are gonna say after Fester Screws them too…
I am an affiliate of ZAN and it is the worse Rev Share on the planet! The members boast about earnings and post their screenshots on the FB group, but the reality is that they cannot withdraw any of their earning from the Rev Sharing!
All earnings go into re-purchase and pending. However, to withdraw your earnings the money must be in pending for 28 days and then it is transferred to Available balance! Absolute BS!
The above practise is unheard of! Scam or no scam, at least you can withdraw money with most other Rev Shares whilst they are still running!
With ZAN you’ll have to defer all your expenses for 28 days and then go into arrears & a court room
Just wanted to mention Lazaros is my Father and he has prostate cancer and he is just an ordinary member of zukul and I pay his monthly fee as a gift from a daughter to her father. So kindly keep him out of the convo please.
If you want to bash anyone, you can bash me but I am not going to let anyone defame my dad just because he has a zukul membership. He doesn’t deserve that and if you guys did so much research on me you would see from my fb profile that my husband is Chinese.
I earn 500 a month from zukul now, it may not be huge but it pays the rent and I withdraw it via paytoo debit card. So before spreading fud and accusing my father that he is a scammer and saying I am married to him, check the FACTS.
@Yu Blueit I hope you or your family are not suffering from cancer, this is NOT FUNNY! SO KINDLY leave my father out of this!
Surely what they are doing now is not legal. Taking money from the ZAN and using it to put virtual spots inside the funnel of ZUKUL?
Lots of members of ZAN have nothing to do with ZUKUL, why they should pay for the failing GSU system over there?
This is a bigger ponzi than even OZ predict. Something needs to be done about this!
You are so right seymore, almost…because ZAN after 3 months only has 4400 members and people are dropping out of ZUKUL daily.(Except for the ones that bought 20-50 GSU’s, now they are stuck!)
Thinking about starting a board betting when ZAN will fail…$10 a spot….lol
Surely what they are doing now is not legal. Taking money from the ZAN and using it to put virtual spots inside the funnel of ZUKUL?
Lots of members of ZAN have nothing to do with ZUKUL, why they should pay for the failing GSU system over there?
The owner Jeremy take his profit and put it in Zukul. This is great
What is the problem? I see why people like you don’t make any money online…
Probably Very Illegal, but since Rush doesn’t live in US, can’t be touched.
There’s a few controlling factors with Zukul, GSU, and ZAN that I learned expensively.
1). They give NO time frame on GSU’s. Therefore they can say it could take 2 years to put direct signups under you in Zukul and ZAN.
2). And you can’t signup people on your own because everyone is in the “One Link Family” promoting the same link. It’s all buffalo dust….
You guys are so full of bull its unreal.
I’ll just say this one thing : If Zukul is a scam, show me proof of one person that didnt get paid what they earned OR someone that asked for a refund and didn’t get it, anyone?
Zukul Ad Network is a Ponzi scheme because it uses newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.
Whether you and your scamming buddies get paid or not is neither here nor there. All Ponzi schemes pay out as long as new suckers sign up and invest.
@Jo, that’s the whole point.. Show me someone that is not part of the upper level players that did get paid.
I didn’t get paid because I didn’t earn a dime. Same in ZAN, the people that are trying to nickel and dime their way into money, are gonna be disappointed.
If money isn’t coming in, they can’t pay, period. Where are those 4600 members gonna get paid from? That 1 or 2 members a day that’s joining?
Thats right, ignore my question about ZUKUL and start whining about ZAN, did i ask you about ZAN?
I’m not instested in your whining, I’m still waiting on some proof of someone that got scammed in ZUKUL?
If you are not happy in Zukul .. have you asked for a refund and didnt get it?
What an interesting concept.
It’s not a scam until someone loses money, Eh ???
Sorta like: “Running across the freeway at peak hour isn’t dangerous until someone gets hit”
Good luck with that strategy.
By then it’d be too late to do anything about it other than “I told you so”. Not that you’d ever believe it any way.
Zeekheads were still telling each other “SEC had no case, SEC secretly admitted it’s all bogus, Burk’s attorney sold him out, there’s secret files proving Zeek’s innocent” months after SEC and USSS moved in and shut the whole thing down.
And Zeek’s in the US, where the law can get to him. Where is Zukul REALLY being ran out of, hmmm? Did you read the fine print when you joined? Did it say if you have problems, you have to sue a mailbox on an island you never heard of?
So uh what, turn a blind eye to Ponzi fraud perpetrated by the same company?
Zukul, as per its business model is a recruitment-driven pyramid scheme.
Once again, whether you get paid or not in a pyramid scheme is irrelevant to the fact that it’s a pyramid scheme.
No retail sales = scam.
Well another hang out and the stink of desperation remains. This time there is a proposal the those who bought multiple gsu should only get one fulfilled until everyone gets at least one.
Then jeremy explained very badly about changing commissions, waffled on about clocks which I defy anyone to understand – I am sure he makes this up on the fly!
Finished with more guff about promoting and getting entered into a prize draw – it seems doing your 2% is no longer good enough. They want more! So whatever happened to their 98%? Google ad campaign!
Meanwhile self appointed ‘coach darren’ continues to bellow and threaten removal from the group of anyone that posts anything that isn’t remotely positive.
This is dying before our eyes. Feel sorry for those pumping money in for no return, but angry at those at the top table.
….. meanwhile jeremy continues his tour of the world!
@ Peter S.
Thanks for the update Peter. I No listen to their “buffalo dust’ hangouts. But when you promise GSU’s and can’t fulfill a promise, of course it’s not gonna be their fault, so they are gonna change the rules, AGAIN… But you know, Jeremy doesn’t care…
He’s got his money, but all the other big hitters that are branding themselves with Zukul will go down like Cruz..There are some that was smart and got out…
Its a complete disaster and the cult like one link family members seem to be oblivious.
That self acclaimed Coach Darren is a joke of a leader. Never heard of him before this, his poorly made website looks like it’s made on weebly. I don’t know about you but I don’t follow anyone who can’t even be bothered to brand themselves properly.
He’s telling other people they shouldn’t be joining other revshares but its ok for him to be in 3 lol. His passive aggressive posts in the group are so manipulating & the zukul zombies lap it up.
Since this meeting they had in NYC, they’ve started trying to implement changes. They’ve stripped the fb groups of the admins because they can’t be trusted to delete posts which express disappointment (probably because they too feel the same way). Even the social media leaders have stepped down their duties.
Now they’re going to change the rules about GSU’s – what does this tell you? Its not working. You don’t fix something that’s working.
Yes agree tally I have been away a couple of weeks but returned and picked up on a different atmosphere.
Even the normally ‘super excited’ Bart seems to be struggling to generate some faux enthusiasm (sign posted by the massaging of his jowells).
Kevin has reappeared, I assume to get all emotional about fb posts (can’t confirm as I never watch his bit).
Marcus (CEO of the never going to happen blog site) seems to have gone missing as has John (right time, right people, right place).
Unfortunately for the majority this is wrong time, wrong people and wrong place.
I noticed there was a suggestion from the leaders that the number of hang outs should be reduced / stopped. First Steps perhaps of shrinking into the background and disappearing.
Zukul new promo (doesn’t add up)
From Darren Durham:
Maybe I’m just confused…
Wow! So clueless!
#1 You do NOT have to pay ANY monthly fees to become an affiliate.
#2 You CAN earn through the Compensation plan whether you are a paid member or a FREE member.
If you pay the monthly fee, each level provides you with more marketing tools which you CAN customize to promote ANYTHING you choose.
Autoresponder – you can customize your autoresponses
Banner Creator – you can customize your banners.
Landing Page Creator which is also fully customizable as well. And a mountain of other REAL Marketing Products.
Not to mention Zukul pays the hosting fees for all of this!
And Guaranteed Signups – In Reality you are not paying for people. Your Payment is used for the company to promote your link for you to get an actual product sale.
ZUKULADNETWORK – Not a Ponzi (Like just about every other rev share out there. A Pomzi relies on new people to pay old people. That is why most crap out and fail…because they are always trying to pay 200% with 100% of the money – it does not work!
Zukul Ad Network is a REAL revenue share – they share 80% of the revenue – 10% as a sponsor commission -10% back into Zukul to further expand the business
Ponzi’s are always showing members earnings that they don’t have.
Meaning total sales for the day is $1,000,000 but add up all member accounts earnings and it comes to $1,500,000.
Zukul Ad Network Example: $1,000,000 in sales – add up member earnings and it comes to $800,000
hmmm what does that mean? it means the money members see in their accounts is money that Zukul Ad Network actually has.
And the advertising – it is not only shown to other members, it is also displayed on other Publisher websites as well.
Anyone complaining about earnings READ THIS…
#1 – Your Purchase is Advertising credits – Use it for Advertising
this is NOT an investment
#2 – clearly stated – earnings are NOT guaranteed
#3 – revenue changes from day to day so don’t expect the same % everyday (thats what causes other rev shares to fail)
#3 if you didn’t earn for 5 days because your lazy ass is sitting on the couch waiting – WAKE UP! You are not sharing revenue for doing nothing! View 10 ads every 24 hours – share the business
I have been marketing online since 2008 – from 2008-2011 my lazy ass wasn’t making big money because I wasn’t doing shit!!
2011 I got off my ass and started promoting and doing what I was supposed to do! I was… wait for it… Marketing!
If you people didn’t waste your time complaining in these places – you could be marketing a business and getting the results you want to get!
Monthly fees are required if you want full access to the comp plan.
Whatever else is optional is irrelevant, it’s pseudo-compliance.
When “revenue” = newly invested affiliate funds, you’re using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors. This makes Zukul Ad Network a Ponzi scheme (like all the other ad-credit scams).
Pseudo compliance garbage (just like every other “revshare”)
#1 purchases don’t pay a ROI, investments do
#2 guaranteed earnings are irrelevant, using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors = Ponzi scheme
#3 the rate of ROI % has nothing to do with Zukul Ad Network being a Ponzi scheme or not
#4 busy-body work has nothing to do with Zukul Ad Network being a Ponzi scheme or not
And the fact that you’re still pushing Ponzi schemes like this is disgraceful.
@ OZ
Well said OZ, but let’s not blame Paul, he has been brain washed like all the Zukulites.
Even he said he’s been “marketing” since 2008 and his idol ends up being Jeremy Rush.. that speaks for itself!
closed loop ‘advertising’ is not advertising.
lol @ people paying for the Zukul tool suite, the tools are absolutely useless.
I was there for about 2 months and nothing worked. The best tool they had was the fb ninja (certainly not worth 50 dollars) which no longer works.
I highly doubt even more than 5% of zukul members use the tools. Let’s not kid ourselves this is about the money and nothing more – just as OZ says it’s all pseudo compliance.
I requested my money back from Zukul because I have bought 18 GSU but have no signups yet (Jan 12,2016).
Have no adspots that were also guaranteed. But I see all these big shots vacationing all over the place with our hard earned money but they can’t refund your money that you’ve invested in the company.
Jeremy says when this company started, “if you don’t want to stay in you can ask for a refund”. Now they don’t refund your money or if they do it takes a long time to get you money back.
It will go to ZAN (sometime) then I have to get it from ZAN and don’t know if I can do that.
They are playing games with the refund requests now.
They say they are not paying the refunds through Paypal any longer. They are asking for JVZOO Transaction ID’s when they know there are none, so they don’t have to pay the refund.
I have two months of payment.
They have always paid the two months, now they are saying that they will pay only one month.
The credit card transactions are all that I have. They worked before (the credit card transactions), now the admin has become stubborn.
Here is a copy of chat:
Ponzi schemes run out of money long before they run out of excuses.
The sad thing is people expect to money to be there when ever they decide to withdraw or cashout.
Look before you leap into these things people.
Terrence is right. Just look at yet another new scheme Jeremy is adding to Zukul. “Zukul Clocks” which is basically a cycler.
Another illegitimate program to generate more income (for him, the leaders and the lucky first few members).
The Zukul Zombies again lap it up thinking THIS is the thing that will change their lives. Why don’t they realize that yet AGAIN they are handing over money to fund Jeremy’s travels and to aid his wife get pregnant via ivf.
Yet again, the same poor 2000 people will be handing over their money in droves and the cycler will grind to a pitiful halt within days.
Just like the GSU’s, the non starter karatbars venture, zan ptp’s… Many hundreds of thousands have been spent but very few are making anything back but instead of have to exercise eternal patience and keep putting their hands back in their pockets lol.
The difference between this company and other ponzi’s is… The admin seems to invent tireless ways to get new money out of the old suckers.
The Zukul Clocks will blow your socks off
Tick tock Now Free members will earn 1$ per Facebook post.
We will take over Facebook with our Army
This is NO Buffalo Dust
Financial free NeXT summer.
What you all are gonna get is banned from Facebook for spamming. Good luck.
Yes but what jeremy did not explain very well was where was the money coming from to pay this £1 per fb post! Oh yes the ‘social pot funded from the clocks! And who funds the clocks – oh yes the members!
Back in the day this fine leader boasted of a war chest of $500 k ready to spend on a Google ad campaign! Surprise surprise this never happened.
Neither will this latest marketing nonsense, neither will all the ad spots arrive that he promised, neither will gold, neither will the blog system………neither will …..
lol John they keep pushing back the deadline for financial freedom huh? What happened to financial freedom in 2016.
Has no one yet noticed that as soon as Jeremy has bought in a new scheme, its all about the next one?
I have a dear friend like this, she suffers from ADHD and perhaps a little autism. As much as I adore her, a leader she doth not make.
(Ozedit: Offtopic ass-kissing removed)
You are doing your readers a disservice by not doing your research beforehand. I realize there are fraudulent companies out there and it’s beyond wise to be cautious and skeptical.
I also get that on the outside, Zukul may appear to be similar to other companies you may be familiar with. At first glance it is common for people to make assumptions.
(Ozedit: Derail waffle removed)
Adcredit opportunities where newly invested funds are used to pay off existing investors are Ponzi schemes.
Feel free to point out how Zukul using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors isn’t a Ponzi scheme.
SOME people make uninformed assumptions.
Other, on the other hand have enough education, experience and common sense to thoroughly research and understand before they jump in with both feet.
So what exactly was misrepresented?
You can have a difference in opinion, but stay on topic. Else, you’re just buttsore when you’re caught going off a tangeant.
If they were paying off existing “investors” (there are no investors or investments in Zukul Ad Network) with newly “invested” funds I’d have to agree with you. But they are not.
I hope this video (I just edited now for you) sheds some light on where you have made your misjudgements. Please point me in the right direction if you feel like this completely on topic video detracts from this conversation.
I watched the video…
A few years ago I would have taken the time to point out the obvious problems with this scheme.
I did that so many times with oh so many people, it was not possible to get them to listen. Eventually I got burnt out on trying…
These days, I just think, “Anyone that falls for this is just another math challenged sucker”.
It is sad that so many people get ripped off and that it happens again and again and again – as Mark Twain said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Do you seriously think by not calling what people are doing “investing” Zukul can sidestep the law ??
@ Evan
Well of course Fester is gonna say it’s not a Ponzi… kinda like Killiary saying ” I didn’t intend” to get those men killed in Benghazi, or I don’t “lie”. All the while pocketing millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
Be Aware! Rush is not a dumb man…but Numbers can be manipulated and usually are to keep suckers adding wealth in the leaders pockets.
…and “trust”…
It could be that Rush is a moron when it comes to math abilities and actually believes his own nonsense.
The only thing you need to trust is the Math.
If you deposit funds through Zukul Ad Network and receive more than you deposited, that’s an investment and you are paid a ROI.
If said ROI is paid out of subsequently invested funds, it’s a Ponzi scheme.
You are free to explain how using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors isn’t a Ponzi scheme, but don’t post marketing spam here.
You know you people make me laugh. I have been a member of ZUKUL since the 1st August 2014. every time I hit that withdraw button ZUKUL pays out every time one of my members pays I get the correct commissions.
I just find it amazing how quitters and people who don’t even join a company can say it is a Ponzi and a pyramid. Fuck I would even bet half of you don’t even know what a Ponzi and a pyramid is.
(Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempts removed)
I have proof that for 2 years and counting The ZUKUL brand has been a sustainable working business. so I challenge you to do this.
Every time a Online business folds check back with Zukul because I can guarantee ZUKUL will still be here still be paying and still be getting bigger. Mic Dropped!
What’s amazing about it? If “quitters” can work out that using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors is a Ponzi scheme, why can’t you?
What’s actually amazing is denial in the face of compelling argument against financial fraud. But hey, so long as you’re making money right?
Zukul Ad Network’s revshare business model hasn’t been around for two years. And even then, there’s nothing sustainable about paying out greater than 100% ROIs from newly invested funds.
Checked out what happened to Traffic Monsoon lately?
so when will you be jumping off the new Freedom Tower, unaided, to prove to us one really wouldn’t die when they hit the street?
You cant even get the figures right. (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed) THIS REVIEW IS APPALLING.
And what figures would those be? Every BehindMLM review is based on a company’s compensation plan (accurate as at the time of publication).
I lol when I see these zukul zombies daring to wander from their safe space on fb (no coach darren to protect them)… They make some pathetic strawman argument and run away again.
You know its a scam but you have invested far too much in Jeremy to give up now.
I just joined recently at the intermediate level for $50 then noticed that I needed to buy all the soft wares, when clearly the marketing makes it seem like the membership allows you access to these without having to spend more money. Very misleading
Lucky for you, you can still get a refund…
Yes this is just a waste of time. I have over 200 in ZAN and haven’t made a cent back yet.
I just got out of zukul because I wasn’t getting any signups and it took almost a month to get my money back.
Yes they say they are making money but now they are getting paid to post which means they don’t have many people left because many got their refund from zukul and got out before this thing collapses.
Yes many are making some money but it won’t be long when all will come down.
Jeremy is nothing but broken promises. He gives money away that isn’t his and he was going to put another program to make money in zukul (JZOO) but it never materialized.
He is a bunch of buffalo dust.
Victor has the right idea. If you are still in ZUKUL and wondering what to do. Get your refund now. The house of cards is coming down.
If you are reading this review because you’re considering putting money towards Jeremys travel/ivf fund. Don’t do it.
Don’t fall for this getting paid to post nonsense, it won’t last. Why? Because its going to be funded by YOU and all the other members investing in this luke warm Zukul Clock scheme – which will grind to halt as quickly as the GSU’s (launched 31st Oct – still struggling to fill November 2nd orders) and Zan PTPS (Launched 1st April – still not done filling 1st April orders).
Abort mission! Don’t listen to the failed chump “coach” Darren, it ain’t called quitting if the ships doing down. It’s called saving your a$$.
I almost fell asleep getting to the end of this crying session by everyone! Geezzz.
Rev share/ advertising is NOT an INVESTMENT! You are NOT Guaranteed to make a dime. You are NOT INVESTING your money.It’s a GIFT if you get ANY profit.
You have just as much a chance of losing your money in the stock market, but that’s all legal, right?
You BUY advertising! You BUY it, and your money is spent. That is IT.
You advertise your product and look to get sales, If you make a profit on the side with the rev share, then it’s a bonus, NOT a GUARANTEE!
Any rev share is NOT a ponzi, because you are only getting profit from money that EXISTS, if there is no profit, you don’t get any.
It is if you deposit funds on the expectation of a >100% ROI.
Purchases don’t pay a >100% ROI, investments do.
Lol pseudo-compliance lol.
Stock markets are regulated and don’t use newly invested funds to pay off existing investors as per an advertised ROI.
Newly invested funds != profit.
Using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors = Ponzi scheme.
Any more Ponzi cliches you want to toss out?
So you joined this just to advertise or because they offer you “revshare”?
You can be honest and just say its the “revshare”. Where does that money come from?
All members that are buying so called “ads” expecting a part of the “revshare” just like you.
Lets remove the “revshare”. Would you even join to place one ad on the site at all?
I suspect no one would.
In the real world no advertising site owes you a share of their profits from how many ads sold. Your profits should be from who buys from your ads you place plain and simple.
Around here the code for ponzi is “revshare”.
The more so called “ads” everyone buys if they use them or not – the money goes to pay you directly.
Lets stop trying to fool yourself it is something else other than a ponzi. If no one spends no money gets paid to anyone.
What motivates people to buy ads over and over – the “revshare” not their profits from their ads. Ads are just the useless product you ponzi players use to cover up the scheme.
Whether its guaranteed or not is irrelevant. If you share in profit, you are an investor. Even if you only receive a bonus you are an investor.
Its the hope or expectation of receiving a return on your money that makes you an investor.
If you hope or expect to get a “gift” its an investment.
I DID fall alseep before I got to the end of your crying session.
Closed loop advertising is not ‘advertising’.
Real revshare looks like owning stock in Google selling to third parties… not a circle of friends playing hot potato with a fifty dollar bill. Lol.
Yes Gary Hullfish you are GIFTING – gifting Jeremy Rush some IVF treatment and a world tour.
Other than that you’re actively participating in a ponzi. Look at what is going on with Traffic Monsoon for further foreshadowing of whats to come for you and the other suckers.
yeah. now he will say you all are ‘haters’ and ‘losers’ with a ‘sad life’ for sitting here telling him he’s participating in a ponzi, while he’s sitting plump from stealing money from people.
OZ I don’t know if its worth your time but the Zukul compensation plan has changed.
Well, not so much changed but they’ve added 3 more funnels into the mix, $10, $25 and $200 funnels. Not that there is any page on the Zukul website documenting any of this but rather the latest hangouts cover it all.
More endless recruitment/spamming one link nonsense in a bid to make the failed Guaranteed Sign Ups work.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Must be desperate for funds at the higher levels I guess.
Well there is increasing dissent on the zan Facebook group. People complaining they are not earning and those who have can’t get their money out!
Elsewhere we are having a re launch of gold. Let’s hope it goes more smoothly than the previously aborted attempt.
No sign of clocks and paid to post seems to be on the back burner now they have had the marketing boost of every one posting to get their Facebook accounts ready!
And uber exuberent Bart has disappeared.
Zukul Gold coming soon. This will be like 7 circles, with only 12 people in your downline.
GSU will be delivered with in 24 hours. You have to check out this, it’s superb
Anytime Jeremy needs a bit more money he launches a new scheme to rinse the same small group of eternal optimists. Luckily with every new scheme more of the older members wisen up.
I doubt zukul gold will raise much money. Especially since most of them are now in other ventures with Prem Johal. The guy who JR bought into pimp the original gold flop karatbars venture.
Also wheres Bart Jansen gone from hangouts. Did he and JR have a fall out lol?
Zukul is now holding refunds hostage for 10-14 DAYS.
I had $45 PENDING; now it shows only $8.88 available.
I tried PAYTOO Credit Card, the transaction did not go through; now, I have to wait 2 to 3 Business Days for them to remove the hold, which should be this Monday.
My renewal fee is due on 10/15/2016, a Saturday.
This mix up is causing me to come out of pocket $150.
1.) $50 which was PENDING in Zukul Wallet.
2.) $50 for the PAYTOO transaction hold to be lifted.
3.) $50 to stay in the funnel.
My chat with Zukul here:
Zukul stole my money.
I had $45 “PENDING” and now it’s not there.
I contacted Skype support.
I received message:
They deposited the $50 refund back into the account.
The left a mesage (details below):
I thanked them; I thank you all too!
I joined Zukul funnel a few months ago. I fell for the Funnel hype. I was in the $10 & $25 funnel. Grand total i made from both funnels. $15…. with only 3 signs ups in $25 and 1 in $10 funnel.
What they don’t tell you is that you have to promote like hell and spend $100’s of dollars on solo ads to get your referrals under you.
Now they are marketing their Zukul Gold which follows the same principles of the funnels. lol I’m not falling for that scam.
Thumbs down for the dishonest marketing. IF they would have been upfront about the costs of filling the funnels i would have never bought any. Guess thats why they did not because they would not get many sales.
I already know it’s not a get rich quick scheme. How is simply making $100 per month getting rich? lol $15 in two months is a joke. That’s how the customer service personal explained themselves. “Well, its not a get rich scheme”. NO SH&T SHERLOCK. lol
Zukul will not refund the GSU purchased in September of 2016.
Zukul is becoming somewhat confusing. I have been refunded on all GSU’s except the one from September of 2016.
Zukul refunded the GSU from October 2016. I have $50 in the account; I should have $100 with the refund from the GSU purchased in September of 2016.
Zukul is now saying things that are more confusing than ever.
Zukul is saying that the only GSU that I purchased and that was refunded 3 times was the GSU purchased in September of 2016.
How can that be?
There is September and October, that is only 2 months; I have not purchased the GSU for November yet.
There is no way they could have refunded the GSU from September of 2016 three times.
Here are my invoices: buildyourabundance.com/zukuli.png
Here are chat details:
I am a real person with real experiences in Zukul and Zukul Ad Network. I have used a pseudonym because Jeremy Rush has shown again and again that he is revengeful and spiteful.
If he knew my name, he would close my accounts. He has closed other accounts for less than I will say.
I recruited many really good people into Zukul because I saw a community of individuals who were willing to work and had paid into an advertising pool in order to bring in new members through the program called “Guaranteed Signups” (GSU).
That advertising pool reached many thousands of dollars, but Jeremy could not convert advertising into sales. At first, he bragged about the size of the advertising budget. Then he became silent about it.
I really don’t think that Jeremy set out to scam the members. And, for sure, there are some members who are making a lot of money. More than that, a few are draining the system, leaving less and less for more and more of the other members.
This dynamic comes from a man who claimed to want to change the Network Marketing Industry to be more fair for all, not just those at the top.
I think at the core of the problems at Zukul are incompetence, an inflated ego, and a vision too big for him to implement. Jeremy has surrounded himself with those who repel members who are more intelligent and competent.
As the membership keeps dwindling, the inept leadership keeps trying new tricks and programs. Programs that keep the members broke but feed Jeremy and his friends.
The Zukul products are Internet Marketing tools, all of which I have found to be lacking. It seemed that hardly anyone noticed when the tools were unavailable for a month.
Zukul Ad Network has not attracted fresh money for many months. The only fresh money coming into it now seems to be the adpacks awarded in $100 winnings to members who show up to the live hangouts or say nice things in Facebook posts.
There is no way of knowing if the $3000 awarded each week come from Jeremy’s personal pockets or from Zukul, like what might remain of the advertising budget. Much of the advertising budget has diminished because of the refunds members have requested for non-fulfillment of the GSUs.
Some of those who will fall prey to the upcoming Zukul.gold will prosper if they get in first (and Jeremy will see that his friends are the ones who get in first), but others will never make the promised money. Now, HERE is a Ponzi scheme!
I know behindmlm dislikes Ponzi schemes, and calls nearly every program a Ponzi. I am more neutral on Ponzies because (Ozedit: Offtopic derail attempt removed)
I am far less neutral about lying, stealing, not accounting for members’ money, manipulating funds, publicly ridiculing members, blaming other companies for things that Zukul has done wrong, stacking the deck to benefit select individuals … these are the kinds of activities that matter to me.
Irregularities are glaring in the back office of both Zukul and ZAN that make a so-called, run of the mill Ponzi pale in comparison.
And, yes, I am also part of the problem. I am a member who has retreated instead of speaking up (after many months of giving my time and skills). After more than a year, I make almost no money in either Zukul or ZAN. I am part of a large silent majority displeased with the results.
These are my opinions, which I offer without animosity or apology.
These are one and the same. There’s no such thing as an honest Ponzi scheme that doesn’t steal from people.
Sounds like Zukul Ad Network is working as intended then.
Anyone who launches a Ponzi scheme scams people from day 1.
In your opinion, what are the differences between Zukul and a deliberately orchestrated ponzi / pyramid scheme.
From a distance, it appears you still haven’t quite accepted the fact you’ve been right royally conned from the moment you joined.
This company will be very famous for UK scammer Jeremy Rush his Russian connection is new Zukul Gold launch for promote Eagle Aurum.
Direktor of Russian mafia scam Swiss Golden is Ksenia Kreger and Elena Kadatskaya who fail to bring Russian mafia company Swiss Goldne to Europe and America so now they try change modus and with Spanish company Eagle Aurum for help front of Russian mafia.
You can find all same names on youtube search by names Zukul Gold Swiss Golden Eagle Aurum Elena Kadatskaya Kelly Velasco Kesnia Kreger Jeremy Rush Gonzalo Fernandez Alexander Sirota all same scammer all do russian mafia money launderings.
Elena is boss of Alejandro Argilla and also Jeremy Rush for Zukulgold is new way to bring Russian mafia to make UK ponzi and go for americans money. its all scams.
Search for Elena Kadaskaya on Facebook she is main woman of russians mafia with swissgolden and eagle arum and all this stupid dumb americans fall for british language charming Jeremy Rush.
stupid people think he own company but just another ponzi for criminal money laundering bloody russians mafia i ask for my GSU refunds than support now telling em f*ck off
This Statement shows that I have paid 7 times but have been refunded only 5 times.
September is missing, was paid then just disappeared. I just purchased the GSU for November.
Part 1: buildyourabundance.com/zukul1.doc
Part 2: buildyourabundance.com/zukul2.doc
I paid the GSU for November 15th, 2016 as shown here: buildyourabundance.com/zukulinv.png
Oddly enough, Zukul says that they have no record of me purchasing a GSU on November 15th, 2016 as shown here: buildyourabundance.com/zukulgsu.png
Well, fast forward to today and most people now KNOW Jeremy Rush is a liar and a thief!!!!!!
STAY AWAY from JR and his puppets (the ones you see in the hangouts videos). We have a FB group where you can post and seek advice ONLY if you’ve been a victim of Jeremy Rush’s many shiny objects (loaded with buffalo dust).
No need to feel like a donkey
MANY of us have called our CC company and disputed the charges (because JR refuses to refund us!), as well as filed complaints with the proper authorities in HIS COUNTRY!
You CAN do something about this con artist former plumber, now thief!
lol Jeremy clearly rustled by the facebook group where former zukul members are organising charge backs and reporting him to the SEC and FTC.
His hangout today focuses on him threatening THEM with legal action rofl.
Don’t take any notice people, his company is illegal. If hes asking anyone for legal advice it will probably be like his support team which consists of his sister and zukul weirdo John Way. IE: someone down the pub that took an A level in LAW.
Welcome with open arms any legal representation of jeremys contacting you, so you can have a frank conversation about jeremys business model, guarantees and why his companys PO BOX is based in Antigua.
Also on the hangout, jeremy needs to wipe his tears about someone calling Bart a Bastard on a fb post…
yes i know, how very could they… I’m not sure how anyone is going to get over that but seriously save your tears Jeremy for whats coming. Its crumbling and we have the popcorn at the ready.
The numbers were changed in my Statement.
I requested a refund of $50 and $10 from the funnels.
In order to keep me from receiving the entire refund, numbers were changed from positive to negative.
Next to “Topup with PayToo for $10.88” it shows +$7.71 in this
Next to “Topup with PayToo for $10.88”, it shows “+$7.71” changed to “-$42.29” in this statement:
This was done to create “+$17.71” instead of “+$60”
This is definitely a ponzi scheme. I was in over a year a lost all money I spent.
My advice is BUYER BEWARE or STAY AWAY don’t join any thing that is related to ZUKUL or you will lose out.
Jeremy is not transparent it is a facade and if you don’t listen to me tell you the truth, then you will have to learn the hard way. Please just don’t get involved.
Agree with you Jim Roberts Have lost $3000 with this scammer. This guy needs taking down.
This evil man Jeremy Rush has robbed stolen and cheated over eight hundred thousand dollars from people for his guaranteed signups scam.
I personally have lost $3000, stay away from this man and anything he does he should be in prison.
No Products? (Ozedit: No retailable products != no products. Strawman arguments removed.)
Tell us, Mr Yeager just how many “products” you can sell by working only the fifteen minutes a day claimed on your Zukul blog ???
This Zukul is still around? I once got involved with this but not really, meaning I joined but did not promote it or believe in anything they claimed.
I promoted many things before but not this. I always believed it was a scam from the moment I saw “guaranteed signups”. But then it became pretty hyped and popular and my brother loved it and wanted me to join.
Against my better judgement, I did so reluctantly for this reason only, and even tried out these so-called GSUs. I bought 4 of them and when nothing came of them after about 3 months, I got refunded for all 4 of the GSUs plus the monthly memberships I had paid for up until that time – waiting for GSUs to come through.
During the time I was waiting, I attended a couple of hangouts and found them to be hypey, non-sense where Mr Rush just kept telling people to “Stay in, or else you will lose your position and not make money” etc, etc…
I did not like this at all and knew I was getting out of that crap completely. After I got my refund that I had previously requested, which, still early in this game, happened pretty quickly, I never had a thing to do with Zukul ever again and advised my brother to leave this one alone too, which he eventually did.
My brother claimed he liked the products at the time but he was also a new marketer whereas I was not – and I knew the products were junk.
This was many months ago now and I have never heard of Zukul Clocks, the new funnels, this new gold launch, etc, etc until I read this forum, so all I can say is, “Wow – can’t believe they are still at it!”
I was especially saddened to read that they stopped honoring straight refunds too.
Yes Zukul is alive
Been around for 2,5 years now
Gsu deliveries goes slow…
The new system Jeremy came up with is Padlock Income. A done for you system to plug into… I don’t know if the GSU will be delivered…
Oh man, I said some very cringey things. Thank you to all the people that had good intentions and tried to forewarn me.
I learned a lot from this experience of blindly trusting some random person on the internet with my money.
Thanks for coming back to provide an update. Glad to hear a lesson was learnt.
Zukul is dead and Jeremy Rush should be in jail. Fu****g scammer. I hate that as*.