OmegaPro appears to have reached critical mass.

Following a bonus investment promotion, the Ponzi scheme has now rolled out its own crypto token exit-scam.

Rather than be honest about owning it, OmegaPro frames its Pulse Token as a partnership with Pulse World.

Pulse World has been created through Pulse, a failed crypto project run by crypto bro Mehdi Cherif.

Launched in January 2022, Pulse originally intended to be a crypto music streaming platform through Pulse Music.

A disclaimer on Pulse World’s website suggests Pulse also did or intended to offer gambling;

By accessing any betting, gambling and casino (“Gambling”) Services on our Platform, you acknowledge that there is a high risk of losing your funds due to the nature of such services.

Following acquisition by OmegaPro (the specific financial arrangement hasn’t been disclosed), Pulse World has now jumped on the metaverse grift bandwagon.

It’s the same schtick every other MLM crypto Ponzi has used. Buzzwords, pretending VR is some revolutionary business idea – all to get you to invest and keep the gravy train rolling.

Technology wise XPL is a worthless BEP-20 shit token. These take a few minutes to set up at little to no cost.

Both Pulse World and Pulse Token (XPL), mark OmegaPro’s transition from forex securities fraud to full crypto securities fraud (OmegaPro has always solicited investment in cryptocurrency).

This transition sees OmegaPro now offering 320% returns on XPL token investment.

OmegaPro is selling XPL token investment packages for between $100 and $50,000.

The official pitch is invested in XPL tokens are locked away for 16 months, paying a return of 0.246% to 0.329% a day.

All of this hinges on “number go up”…

…which isn’t going to happen long-term because nobody outside of OmegaPro gives a crap about another Ponzi shit token.

Historically we’ve seen this time and time again when an MLM Ponzi launches their own token, hence the initiation of OmegaPro’s exit-scam.

XPL investment only pays returns in XPL tokens, which costs OmegaPro nothing to generate out of thin air. No word on the forex investment plans transitioning over to XPL payouts. That’s coming if it hasn’t already been implemented.

The exit-scam kicks in when new investment dries up and OmegaPro’s ROI liabilities, which grow exponentially over time, are such that a collapse is triggered.

At that point bagholders, i.e. OmegaPro affiliates, are left holding a Ponzi shit token they can’t do anything with.

Other recent OmegaPro developments include a debit card, obtained through an unnamed dodgy merchant.

The VISA cards have been rolled out to OmegaPro’s top investors and recruiters, making it easier for them to withdraw what’s left of invested funds.

The shell company and dodgy merchant OmegaPro are defrauding VISA through remain unclear.

The latest MLM industry figure to fall for Dubai Ponzi money is A.K. Khalil.

Coming over from Jeunesse (which seems to be a recent trend as rumors of an ACN acquisition swirl), Khalil signed on a OmegaPro’s COO “a few weeks” ago.

Khalil joined Jeunesse after his own MLM company, Cloud 9 Life, flopped in 2021. Khalil’s stint as Jeunesse’s President Of Global Field Development lasted just under a year and a half.

Khalil, who claims he’s “not that smart”, has been in MLM for twenty-three years. Intelligence aside, that’s long enough to know OmegaPro is a Ponzi scheme.

Khalil describes OmegaPro, a scam in which the majority of investors will inevitable lose money, as “the greatest opportunity before us today”. Times must indeed be tough.

Khalil joins Eric Worre and Les Brown in sabotaging their personal and professional reputations for a quick buck.

OmegaPro’s XPL token has been introduced following a 30% reduction in website traffic over September and October 2022.

For an MLM Ponzi scheme this coincides with a reduction in new investment.

To that end, OmegPro XPL token investors are capped at withdrawing only 10% of the daily ROI paid out. Presumably existing forex investment plan withdrawals have also been limited.

With respect to regulation, OmegaPro is operated from Dubai by Andreas Szakacs (Sweden), Mike Sims (US) and Dilawar Singh (Germany).

Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world, so don’t expect any regulation there.

To keep the Ponzi going for as long as possible, OmegaPro avoids the US and focuses on scamming third-world countries.

SimilarWeb currently tracks OmegaPro pillaging Columbia (42%, down 34% month on month), Argentina (18%) and Mexico (8%).

OmegaPro recruitment in France and the Netherlands (Igor Alberts notwithstanding), appears to have collapsed.

Outside of Dubai OmegaPro has caught the attention of financial regulators.

Thus far OmegaPro has received securities fraud warnings from Peru, Congo Republic (multiple arrests), Spain (two fraud warnings), Mauritius, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Nicaragua, France (added to fraud blacklist twice) and Belgium.


Update 30th December 2022 – OmegaPro has completed its collapse exit-scam. A reboot through Broker Group has been announced.