Sam Lee’s VidiLook Ponzi scheme has collapsed.

Withdrawals have been disabled pending a baloney exit-scam, which sees Sam Lee sell Vidilook to… himself.

Following Vidilook seizing invested VDL Coin and slashing daily returns for non-recruiters a few days ago, VidiLook entered crisis mode.

Sam Lee’s answer to that is coming up with a baloney ruse, through which his StableDAO Ponzi platform will acquire VidiLook.

As per a message pushed out through VidiLook’s social media channels a few hours ago;

Today, VidiLook requested our support towards helping their paid subscribers.

Having independently listened to the needs of subscribers and executives, we at STABLE DAO decided to guarantee going concern (Ozedit: ???).

To protect users, StableDAO intends to fully acquire VidiLook subject to due diligence.

StableDAO’s due-diligence will see the company perform an open-ended timeline audit of VidiLook.

And naturally VidiLook withdrawals will be disabled while this takes place.

As I understand it VidiLook withdrawals have been disabled since last week anyway.

The obvious elephant for anyone with half a brain is that Sam Lee owns both StableDAO and VidiLook. VidiLook launched in early 2023 as StableDAO’s second Ponzi spinoff.

StableDAO’s “acquisition” and “audit” of VidiLook are baloney. Sam Lee is just buying time to further separate VidiLook investors from their money and clean up any paper trails.

Beyond that there’s not really much more to say. Sam Lee is a serial Ponzi scammer doing Ponzi things.

Between HyperCash, HyperCapital, HyperFund, Hyperverse, HyperOne and HyperNation, anyone expecting otherwise deserves to be utterly ridiculed at this point.


Update 23rd April 2023 – VidiLook has announced it has disabled over 10,000 investor accounts.

KYC has also been implemented to further screw VidiLook investors out of withdrawing funds that don’t exist.


Update 17th May 2023 – Sam Lee claims he’s stopped funding VidiLook V1 withdrawals.