The $100 System Review: The PLR System rebooted

the-$100-system-logoJohnny Ganoza launched The PLR System in late 2015.

Through a two-tier matrix cycler, The PLR System affiliates gifted cash payments to eachother.

The PLR System never took off, collapsing shortly after launch. Now Ganoza has re-purposed The PLR System domain to launch a new opportunity, The $100 System.

Read on for a full review of The $100 System MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

DFRF Enterprises Ponzi kingpins flee US for Brazil

dfrf-enterprises-logoFollowing in the footsteps of Carlos Wanzeler, two top investors in another major US MLM Ponzi scheme have fled the country for Brazil.

In 2014 Wanzeler fled the US on the eve of pending criminal charges. Wanzeler is wanted by US authorities for his involvement in TelexFree, a $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

Now Wanderley Dalman and Eduardo Silva, two top investors in the DFRF Enterprises Ponzi scheme have also fled. [Continue reading…]

5 Dollar Leveraging System Review: 9 tier matrix cycler

5-dollar-leveraging-system-logo5 Dollar Leveraging System launched earlier this month and name Randy Garrard as owner of the company.

Garrard first appeared on BehindMLM last year as the owner of Residual Income In a Box (RIIAB).

randy-garrard-residual-income-in-a-box-adminThrough RIIAB, Garrard (right) funneled people under him in various MLM underbelly schemes.

Alexa rankings for the RIAAB website suggest the scheme is in decline, which has likely prompted the launch of 5 Dollar Leveraging System.

Read on for a full review of the 5 Dollar Leveraging System MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Herbalife FTC settlement announcement by end of the week?

herbalife-logoAn end to the Herbalife investigation to the FTC might finally be in sight, following a report that a settlement might be announced tomorrow.

Citing an unnamed source “close to the matter”, the New York Post are reporting

an announcement of a deal could come as soon as Wednesday, although the agreement is not final and could still fall apart.

“I do not believe the FTC is requiring a substantial change in the business model,” a source close to the matter said.

Herbalife has, though, agreed to pay a hefty fine, the source said.

Details of the settlement “could not be learned”. [Continue reading…]

Bonofa owners arrested in Germany

bonofa-logoFollowing “months of investigation”, on May 19th 126 search warrants were issued on locations across the German states Saarland and Saxony.

Additionally arrest warrants for violations of the German Banking Act were issued for four individuals in particular, believed to be the owners of Bonofa.

Following a massive operation involving 1200 agents, Detlef Tilgenkamp (63) from Saarbrücken, Thomas Kulla (54) from Riegelsberg, Gernot Fuhr (60) from Wallerfangen and Martin Böhm (38, CEO of Bonofa) were arrested. [Continue reading…]

The Perfect Circle Review: $70-$799 recruitment scheme

the-perfect-circle-logoThere is no information on The Perfect Circle website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Perfect Circle website domain (“”) was registered on the 26th of April 2016, with James Platzer listed as the owner. An address in Leobersdorf, Austria is also provided.

Despite this, The Perfect Circle website states that an “official kick off” will be held on ‘1st of July 2016 (in) New Delhi, India‘.

Things get even more suspicious when you consider The Perfect Circle identify themselves as a Singaporean company in their website footer:

All Rights Reserved By The Perfect Circle PLC Singapore.

Back in Europe, Alexa currently estimate that 61% of all traffic to The Perfect Circle website originates out of the Czech Republic.

Promotional videos on the official Perfect Circle website are available in English, Hindi and Czech.

Austria, India, Singapore or the Czech Republic. Take your pick.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin hire Symbol Media Group for Ponzi promotion

onecoin-logoThe elephant in the room regarding OneCoin’s upcoming “CoinRush” event, is the yet to be announced venue.

Despite not knowing where in London the CoinRush will be held, OneCoin are charging affiliates up to €200 EUR for tickets.

Unconfirmed word on the grapevine is that top OneCoin downline group, “One Dream Team”, were first to announce the venue as Wembley Arena;


Wembley Arena is a 12,500 capacity indoor stadium in northwest London.

coinrush-london-venue-not-announced-onecoin-leadersOne Dream Team’s announcement was premature, with OneCoin top investors later claiming the venue had yet to be chosen.

Whether this means OneCoin approached Wembley Arena management and were later turned down is unclear. OneCoin corporate have maintained radio silence on the issue.

What we do know is One Dream Team house some of the highest earning investors in the scheme. They have access to OneCoin management so it’s strange they’d rush to announce incorrect information.

As the CoinRush event draws closer, OneCoin yesterday announced the launch of a “CoinRush London” website.

Aimed at providing OneCoin investors with information about the upcoming event, the “location” section of the website is marked “to be announced”.

The footer of the website reveals the site was designed by DotSlave, a “web design and development” company.

The CoinRush London website domain however is registered to Yuliana Nakova of “Simbol Media Grup” (English name: Symbol Media Group).

Symbol Media Group are a Bulgarian-based public relations firm, of which DotSlave is a component of.

Interesting… [Continue reading…]

The Rush Opportunity Review: All In One Profits feeder

the-rush-opportunity-logoThere is no information on the Rush Opportunity website specifically identifying who owns or operates the business.

The company simply states on its website that it is being run by “The Dream Chasers” ‘in conjunction with All In One Profits‘.

The Rush Opportunity website domain (“”) was registered on the 23rd of December 2015, with Amos Brazan listed as the owner. An address in the US state of Tennessee is also provided.

amos-brazan-admin-the-rush-opportunityOn his Facebook page, Brazan (right) claims he ‘started working (as) Co Founder of The Dream Chasers Inc.‘ also in December of 2015.

Prior to launching The Rush Opportunity, Brazan was an affiliate with World Team Builder.

World Team Builder was a downline builder for anonymous admins to feed affiliates into shady MLM underbelly schemes.

Launched in June of 2015, World Team Builder collapsed a few months later in September.

Given The Rush Opportunity funnels participants into All In One Profits, it appears Brazan was heavily influenced by his time in World Team Builder.

Read on for a full review of The Rush Opportunity [Continue reading…]

OneCoin literally a relaunch of the BigCoin Ponzi scheme

onecoin-logoA few weeks ago we ran a story examining the murky origins of OneCoin.

Billed as a new MLM cryptocurrency lead by Ruja Ignatova, who claims she has no MLM past, we published an abundance of evidence suggesting otherwise.

Through further research and the investigative efforts of BehindMLM reader OzDelphi, we can now provide you absolute confirmation that OneCoin was a simple relaunch of the BigCoin Ponzi scheme before it. [Continue reading…]

Youngevity file for injunction, Wakaya file own lawsuit

youngevity-logoThe spat between Youngevity and Wakaya Perfection continues.

Since our initial article covering Youngevity’s lawsuit, Wakaya has sought to strike various counts in Youngevity’s complaint. Youngevity has hit back by filing for a permanent injunction.

Separately, we learned that Wakaya Perfection has filed its own lawsuit against Youngevity. They actually got in first, filing six days before the Youngevity complaint.

In their lawsuit Wakaya Perfection had sought a temporary restraining order against Youngevity, but the motion has since been withdrawn. [Continue reading…]