TelexBit Review: TelexFree Ponzi rebooted with bitcoin

telexbitRight off the bat, TelexBit reveal they are connected to TelexFree:

It was founded in 2016 by a group of entrepreneurs who believed in the project of a renowned marketing company which was founded and directed by James Merrill, which injustice had their operations suspended, even without any irregularities.

Using a similar system, but combining the work the renowned encrypted currency Bitcoin, appears as a giant of Multilevel Marketing with consolidated plan and sales services lead customers save with national and international connections.

TelexBit claim to be registered in Nassau, Bahamas and provide a British Virgin Islands corporate registration number: 1805406.

It’s a safe bet that TelexBit has no physical presence in either the Bahamas or BVI.

Gary R Harrison is identified as the founder of TelexBit, however no further information on this individual is provided. Whether or not Harrison actually exists is unclear.

The TelexBit website domain (“”) was registered on the 3rd of August 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

Of note is that the TelexBit website is hosted in Brazil and all official documentation from TelexBit is also on Portuguese.

Additionally, the TelexBit affiliate agreement states:

Compliance with the provisions of this GENERAL REGULATIONS for all TELEXBIT (affiliates) is subject to Brazilian law.

All of this strongly suggests that whoever is running TelexBit is based out of Brazil itself.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

James Merrill’s criminal trial postponed to late October (TelexFree)

telexfree-logoAmid a flurry of filings aimed at suppressing evidence collected against him, James Merrill’s criminal trial has been delayed.

Initially slated to kick off on October 3rd, Merrill’s trial is now scheduled for October 24th. According to the case docket, Merrill’s trial is expected to wrap up in late November.

As to Merrill’s suppression motion, Judge Hillman has taken the matter and all matters related to the filing under advisement.

Stay tuned…


Footnote: Our thanks to Don@ASDUpdates for providing a copy of Merrill’s criminal trial case docket.

SendViper Review: Email marketing suite & chain-recruitment

sendviper-logoThere is no information on the SendViper website naming who owns or runs the business.

The SendViper website domain (“”) was registered on the 9th of January 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

As per the SendViper Terms of Use:

If you have any questions or comments about these Terms of Use (the “Agreement”), please contact Monster Clicks LLC d/b/a SendViper, a Wyoming limited liability company

michael-smith-cofounder-sendviperFurther research reveals Monster Clicks LLC is headed up by Founder & Chief Visionary Strategist, Michael Smith (right).

The Monster Clicks website describes their SendViper brand as a “passive earnings hub”. Monster Clicks itself is a lead generation company.

SendViper appears to be Smith’s first MLM venture as an executive.

Read on for a full review of the SendViper MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

WCM777 Receiver’s 10th Interim Report (2nd quarter, 2016)

wcm777-logoAs per her duties as court-appointed Receiver of WCM777, Krista Freitag filed her tenth Interim Report on August 19th, 2016.

The tenth Interim Report spans the second quarter of 2016 and provides updates on recovery of funds, PMX Jewel’s flawed diamonds, the settlement with Phil Ming Xu’s family and the investor claims process.

In no particular order, highlights from the Freitag’s report are detailed below. [Continue reading…]

uBox CEO Roscoe Umali sentenced to 18 years+ in prison

ubox-logoRoscoe Umali first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar in early 2015, as the CEO and President of uBox.

uBox was part of the brief MLM streambox craze. The company marketed devices that accessed copyrighted content uBox didn’t hold the rights to.

In April 2016 Umali was arrested for morgage fraud. The DOJ alleged Umali was the ringleader of a $3.8 million dollar mortgage scam.

Umali plead guilty to the charges and was sentenced on August 18th. [Continue reading…]

Mega Holdings Review v2.0: Still overpriced web hosting

mega-holdings-logoBehindMLM first reviewed Mega Holdings (also goes by Mega Holding) back in 2014.

I was recently contacted by a Mega Holdings affiliate and advised that the compensation plan had significantly changed since then.

Today we take a closer look at the Mega Holdings opportunity as currently offered. [Continue reading…]

Traffic Monsoon investment pseudo-compliance exposed

traffic-monsoon-logoOn August 27th Sunil Patel is hosting a “revolution day” for Traffic Monsoon affiliates.

[0:11] The revolution day is a day for all the members to meet, okay. I want all the members around the world to meet up in Brighton.

In his revolution day announcement video, Patel encourages attending affiliates to create banners for the event.

[1:41] You can make a banner.

Now, very strict, what you’re gunna write on the banner has to be something in the lines of “we are not investors”.

[2:27] The main theme is “we are not investors”. This is not a money doubler, “we are not investors” is the most important thing guys.

Patel is adamant Traffic Monsoon is not an investment opportunity and that he is not an investor. [Continue reading…]

Traffic Monsoon affiliate threatens to sue the SEC

traffic-monsoon-logoSunil Patel describes himself as a “serious businessman” who “lost so much money” in the MLM company ACN.

Patel claims to have been an ‘entrepreneur for nineteen years‘, a book author and owner of ‘a personal brand worth millions‘.

[10:30] I’ve had top coaching from Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Richard Branson.

Yet despite these “credentials” and nearly two decades of experience, Patel was unable (or simply refused) to identify Traffic Monsoon for what it is.

[18:02] I joined Traffic Monsoon on the 9th of September 2015 … I am an official Traffic Monsoon presenter.

[10:49] I would not have come into this business (Traffic Monsoon) if I thought there was even a millimeter chance of a Ponzi.

[16:25] I am not a person who just woke up and joined Traffic Monsoon because of a some banners.

I done my research. I met Charles when he came to London. I met Immy, I met all the leaders of Traffic Monsoon and I trusted them.

What Patel “thought” Traffic Monsoon was doing when it used newly invested $50 deposits to pay existing investors a $55 ROI is a mystery. [Continue reading…]

Traffic Hurricane: Ernest Ganz launches Traffic Monsoon Ponzi clone

traffic-hurricane-logoThere is no information on the Traffic Hurricane website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Traffic Hurricane website domain (“”) was registered on August 16th, however the domain registration has been set to private.

Further research reveals top Traffic Monsoon investors Sharon James naming Ernest “Ernie” Ganz as the owner of the company:


Like James, Ganz (right) was a top earner in Traffic Monsoon. Two weeks after the SEC shutdown Traffic Monsoon for being a $207 million dollar Ponzi scheme, Ganz was tied to Traffic Monsoon Plus.

Traffic Monsoon Plus was launched as a Ponzi clone of Traffic Monsoon. Ganz denied he had any official involvement in the scheme but it appears the same cannot be said of Traffic Hurricane. [Continue reading…]

Did OneCoin just lose their Deutsche Bank account?

onecoin-logoOver the last 24 hours reports have emerged that suggest OneCoin may have lost their Deutsche Bank account late last week.

OneCoin affiliates have confirmed that Deutsche Bank has been removed as a deposit option from the OneCoin backoffice: [Continue reading…]