Against All Odds Review: Dan Putnam reboots LurraLife w/ NFTs

Against All Odds operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.

The company is currently in prelaunch (recruitment only), as evidence by its website:

While it’s not disclosed on Against All Odds website, BehindMLM can confirm Dan Putnam is behind the company.

Putnam is joined by “co-founders” Travis Martin and JC Martinez.

Putnam (right) owns B-Epic, B-Eco and the recently launched Govvi fuel tabs opportunity (suspected based on exclusivity representation).

Putnam is also a serial Ponzi scammer.

The SEC sued Putnam and Angel Rodriguez, his partner in crime, for securities fraud in 2020.

Through various scams, the SEC alleges Putnam and Rodriguez defrauded consumers out of at least $12 million. The case is still playing out.

Travis Martin was a LurraLife executive. LurraLife was a reboot of O2 Worldwide, a pyramid scheme owned by Putnam that collapsed in 2019.

On July 19th Putnam announced he was “merging” LurraLife with B-Epic.

That apparently didn’t last even a month. For reasons we’ll dive deeper into in the conclusion of this review, Against All Odds is essentially a LurraLife reboot.

JC Martinez is/was B-Epic’s Vice President of Sales.

Putnam is based out of Utah. It is assumed Against All Odds thus also operates from Utah.

Read on for a full review of Against All Odd’s MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Samuel Ellis & Sarah Theissen settle Forsage fraud with SEC

Forsage scammers Samuel D. Ellis and Sarah Theissen have settled fraud allegations made against them.

The allegations were made in a lawsuit filed by the SEC, alleging Forsage was a $300 million Ponzi scheme. [Continue reading…]

NovaTech FX securities fraud warning from Russia

NovaTech FX has received a securities fraud warning from the Central Bank of Russia. [Continue reading…]

Meme Club Review: Meme fad marketing Boris CEO Ponzi

Meme Club provides no credible company ownership or executive information on their website.

Supposedly Meme Club is headed up by CEO “Patrick Meier”.

Meier appeared in a Meme Club marketing video, uploaded to their official YouTube channel on July 26th.

It’s the usual rented office affair, with Meier exhibiting an eastern European accent.

I wasn’t able to pin down a name but can confirm the man playing Meier is a Russian actor.

Last September the actor playing Meier attended a film course graduation ceremony.

The actor playing Meier wasn’t one of the graduation students. He appears to have spoken at the ceremony, which was organized by ANO “Festival Direction” and the St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinematography. I’m not sure which organization the actor was representing.

St. Petersburg is a city in Russia, which tracks with the vast majority of Boris CEO videos being produced from Russia.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Meme Club provides incorporation details on its website.

Meme Club Limited was incorporated in the UK on May 8th, 2022.

An MLM company operating or claiming to operate out of the UK is a red flag.

UK incorporation is dirt cheap and effectively unregulated. On top of that the FCA, the UK’s top financial regulator, do not actively regulate MLM related securities fraud.

As a result the UK is a favored jurisdiction for scammers looking to incorporate, operate and promote fraudulent companies.

For the purpose of MLM due-diligence, incorporation in the UK or registration with the FCA is meaningless.

Meme Club’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on May 17th, 2022.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Arrested IM Mastery Academy leaders in Spain named

Back in late March we learned several IM Mastery affiliates had been arrested in Spain.

At the time names of suspects were not released. At the time “Awaken Dreamers” was the top Spanish IM Mastery Academy downline.

A follow up report from El Pais confirms Awaken Dreamers leaders were among those arrested. [Continue reading…]

Sytrex Trade Review: 200% in 7 days Ponzi scheme

Sytrex Trade fails to provide company ownership or executive information on its website.

Sytrex Trade’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on June 15th, 2022.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Sytrex Trade provides incorporation details for “Bitt-X Limited” on its website.

Bitt-X Limited was incorporated in the UK in 2018. The shell company was dissolved in July 2018.

Regardless of whether Bitt-X Limited even has anything to do with Sytrex Trade, an MLM company operating or claiming to operate out of the UK is a red flag.

UK incorporation is dirt cheap and effectively unregulated. On top of that the FCA, the UK’s top financial regulator, do not actively regulate MLM related securities fraud.

As a result the UK is a favored jurisdiction for scammers looking to incorporate, operate and promote fraudulent companies.

For the purpose of MLM due-diligence, incorporation in the UK or registration with the FCA is meaningless.

Despite only existing for just under two months, on its website Sytrex Trade falsely claims it was “founded in 2015”.

On Sytrex’s homepage there is an embedded plugin chart that sources data from “”. If we right-click the chart, we can see the default plugin language is set to Russian:

This strongly suggests that whoever is behind Sytrex Trade has ties to and/or is from Russia.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Govvi Review: Lance Conrad reselling Xtreme Green fuel tabs

Govvi fails to provide company ownership or executive information on its website. A corporate address in Utah is provided.

Govvi’s website domain (“”), was first registered in 2015. The private registration was last updated on April 18th, 2022.

A search on the WayBack Machine reveals the domain was for sale in late 2021. This suggests April 2022 is when Govvi’s owners took possession of the domain.

The current Govvi website appears to have gone line on or around June 2022.

It’s not linked from their website but Govvi has an official YouTube channel.

On June 10th, 2022, a video titled “Govvi Q&A” was uploaded to the channel:

In the video Lance Conrad identifies himself as Govvi’s CEO. Conrad is on the right, sitting on the left is Govvi’s President of Central and South America, Roberto D Celaya.

In Govvi’s marketing documentation, Conrad further cites himself as Govvi’s founder.

BehindMLM first came across Lance Conrad in 2017, as part of the Divvee executive team.

At the time Divvee was getting into securities fraud through Ryze, a company owned by serial Ponzi launcher Travis Bott.

Later in 2017 Divvee was rebooted as Nui. When Conrad left the company is unclear.

After Divvee Conrad went on to sign as Master Distributor of B-Epic.

Possibly due to language-barriers, I wasn’t able to establish whether Roberto Celaya has an MLM history.

Why Govvi doesn’t provide executive information on their website is unclear.

Read on for a full review of Govvi’s MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

FVP Trade securities fraud warning from Canada

FVP Trade has received a securities fraud warning from Quebec, Canada.

As per the Autorite des Marches Financiers’ warning; [Continue reading…]

EvoRich Ponzi resorts to selling “radical transformations”

EvoRich founder Andrew Khovratov was arrested in Russia back in April.

Shortly after, Bob Ultee stepped in as the saviour of the Ponzi scheme.

Across April and early May, this saw investors funnelled into Ultee’s bobcoin scheme.

In mid May a possibly intoxicated Ultee smashed his allegedly speeding lambo into the back of a Peugeot 107.

Anyway, here’s how BOBC is going…

Now, in a desperate attempt to keep the EvoRich grift going, the Ponzi scheme is selling “radical transformations”. [Continue reading…]

It’s Only 5 Review: $5 in $30 million out matrix cycler Ponzi

It’s Only 5 is a matrix cycler that represents it is based out of Detroit, Michigan.

It’s Only 5’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on March 19th, 2022.

Heading up It’s Only 5 are co-founders Elton and Sarah Potts, and John and Lisa Arnold.

As far as I can tell, both the Potts and Arnolds are relative nobodies in the MLM industry.

Earlier this year Elton Potts and John Arnold Sr. were promoting B-Eco:

That doesn’t seem to have panned out.

Last year Potts was promoting crypto scams on Telegram:

He also fell for the iHub Global HNT mining grift:

Here’s how that’s going:

Potts and John Arnold Sr. created the FaceBook group “Survive and Thrive” back in November 2021.

Arnold Sr. also fell for the iHub Global grift, which is probably where he met Potts.

It’s Only 5 also names Guillermo Joya as its Training & Media Manager.

Joya is a serial promoter of MLM Ponzi schemes. These include CashFX Group and Cloud Token:

The Potts are based out of Michigan. The Arnolds are based out of Texas. And the Joyas are based out of Colombia.

Read on for a full review of It’s Only 5’s MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]