Bitcoin Vault securities fraud warning from the UK

Bitcoin Vault has received a securities fraud warning from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority.

As per the FCA’s August 26th Bitcoin Vault warning; [Continue reading…]

CFTC’s EminiFX fraud case stayed pending crim proceedings

The DOJ has secured a stay of the CFTC’s civil EminiFX fraud proceedings. [Continue reading…]

Eco and Greenchoyce relaunches Ponzi, now targeting PH

The GreenChoyce Ponzi scheme has collapsed again.

The former Crowd1 Ponzi scammers behind the scam have rebooted as Eco and Greenchoyce, this time targeting the Philippines. [Continue reading…]

WorldOTC collapses, pulls “regulators!” exit-scam

The WorldOTC “click a button” app Ponzi has collapsed.

WorldOTC withdrawals have been disabled, and an a “regulators!” exit-scam has been deployed. [Continue reading…]

NewAge files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy (Ariix & China)

NewAge filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on August 30th.

The filing affects subsidiary MLM companies Noni by NewAge and Ariix. [Continue reading…]

QNet pyramid scheme fraud warning from Bhutan

QNet has received a pyramid scheme fraud warning from Bhutan.

As per the Office of Consumer Protection’s August 26th warning; [Continue reading…]

Lyoness’ accounts frozen in South Africa, Ponzi lawsuit

Two civilians have managed to get Lyoness’ bank accounts in South Africa frozen.

As reported by MoneyWeb on September 1st; [Continue reading…]

Zenith patent mess deepens after Vietal Nutrition steps in

Zenith formulator Vietal Nutrition has provided Awakend with a prepared statement explaining the origins of the supplement.

The move follows Awakend failing to be transparent about the origins of Zenith supplement, leading to ongoing uncertainty. [Continue reading…]

Mag Markets collapses, wipes accounts for reboot

The Mag Markets Ponzi scheme has collapsed.

On August 28th Mag Markets Support informed investors it was wiping their accounts. A reboot was also revealed. [Continue reading…]

MetaForce collapses, funds “frozen” while Okhotnikov stalls

MetaForce, Vladimir “Lado” Okhotnikov’s latest Forsage reboot, has collapsed.

Investor funds are “frozen” and Okhotnikov is stalling for time. [Continue reading…]