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Cheri Beth Bowen settles Forsage fraud with SEC

Cheri Beth Bowen has settled a securities fraud lawsuit brought against her by the SEC. As alleged by the SEC, Bowen stole “at least” $303,000 through the Forsage Ponzi scheme.

PSA: TelexFree claimants are being targeted by scammers

TelexFree victims participating in the Trusteeship claims process are being targeted by scammers. On September 6th the US Bankruptcy Court for Massachusetts published the following order:

CFTC drops Hague service on Steynberg, now publication

After signalling its intent to serve Johannes Steynberg through the Hague Convention last month, the CFTC has now asked for permission to effect alternate service. If granted, the CFTC will serve Steynberg via a Texas newspaper and the Supreme Court of Texas’ website.

Success by Health Receivership insolvent, funds running out

The Success by Health Receiver’s Tenth report reveals the Receivership is insolvent As of July 31st, 2022, the SBH Receivership has $1.85 million in liabilities. The problem is there’s only $15,548 left in the bank.

Bitcoin Vault securities fraud warning from the UK

Bitcoin Vault has received a securities fraud warning from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. As per the FCA’s August 26th Bitcoin Vault warning;

CFTC’s EminiFX fraud case stayed pending crim proceedings

The DOJ has secured a stay of the CFTC’s civil EminiFX fraud proceedings.

QNet pyramid scheme fraud warning from Bhutan

QNet has received a pyramid scheme fraud warning from Bhutan. As per the Office of Consumer Protection’s August 26th warning;

Certificate of default entered against John & JonAtina Barksdale

The SEC has secured Certificate of Default against John and Jonatina Barksdale. Following personal service on John Barksdale on June 20th and service via email on Jonatina on June 30th, response deadlines kicked in for July 11th and July 21st respectively.

Ormeus Global fugitive John Barksdale turns up in Dubai

Dubai’s crime community has welcomed a new fugitive into the fold; John Barksdale. Barksdale recently celebrated his birthday at a local karaoke bar. Vitaliy Dubinin was in attendance, and shared footage of the event on FaceBook.

OneCoin’s Christopher Hamilton a step closer to US extradition

OneCoin money launderer Christopher Hamilton will be extradited from the UK to the US.