Wiseling has received a securities fraud notice from the Securities Commission of the Bahamas.

It should be noted what the Wiseling collapsed last month. The Ponzi scheme’s CEO, Matias Lappo, has been outed as an actor from St. Petersburg.

As per the SCB’s 19th March notice;

It has come to the attention of the Commission that an entity referred to as WISELING may be conducting activities that are either registrable/licensable or illegal under one or more of the Acts.

The Commission hereby advises the public that WISELING and its agents/representatives are not registrants of the Commission and has not made application for registration with the Commission.

Therefore, any conduct of registrable activity by this entity, its agents/representatives, in or from this jurisdiction, is a violation of one or more of the Acts. If this entity, its agents/representatives alleges to be compliant with the Commission they are committing an offence and are liable for criminal prosecution and/or regulatory sanctions under the relevant laws of The Bahamas.

The SCB is the Bahamas’ top financial regulator. The above notice is the equivalent of a securities fraud warning in other jurisdictions.

Wiseling launched late last year and promised affiliate investors daily returns of up to 3%.

Since Wiseling’s collapse there hasn’t been any significant developments.

A reload scam was uploaded to a .CO.UK domain but, presumably after fleecing investors gullible enough to send more money, disappeared after a week or so.

With Wiseling believed to have Russian origins, it is unlikely those behind the Ponzi scheme will be brought to justice.