Skyway Capital Ponzi rebooted as Unitsky String Technologies
Founder Anatoli Unitsky has announced Skyway Capital is being rebooted as Unitsky String Technologies.
In a press-release issued on November 24th, Unitsky stated
due to various circumstances, the company returned to its historical name.
BehindMLM has been tracking the Skyway Capital Ponzi scheme since 2016. I’ve never heard of “Unitsky String Technologies”.
The rebranding also coincides with Anatoly now going by “Unitsky” instead of “Yunitskiy”.
Consistent with Unitsky’s bizarre representation that Skyway Capital has nothing to do with his Skyway Technologies company (despite them all being the same company), Unitsky claims the reason for the reboot is to
dissociate from those investment funds whose activities may mistakenly include the functioning of our engineering organization, which has nothing to do with attracting investments carried out around the world using the SkyWay brand.
You can see this at work in the press-release. Just a few paragraphs down, Unitsky goes on to state:
Everyone knows that the main part of the investment that went to the development of string transport by Unitsky String Technologies Inc. was attracted under the crowdinvesting scheme, through some fund companies independent from the developer company and non-affiliated with it, networks of business angels and enthusiasts who worked within the framework of partner programs offered by fund companies.
Such a financing model has demonstrated a high level of efficiency and allowed to pass a long way in technological development and product creation within a short time.
However, it has also led to some other consequences, due to the fact that in many countries there is no clear legislative framework for crowdinvesting, which is regarded as an investment mechanism with increased risks.
In this regard, the financial regulators of some countries have issued warnings about the possible danger of investing in a number of fund companies that used the word and brand “SkyWay” in their names (First SkyWay Invest Group Limited, Skyway Capital Ltd, Sky Way Invest Group).
Skyway Capital doesn’t operate as an investment fund, it’s called a “crowdinvesting scheme”.
Said “crowdinvesting scheme” attracted the attention of regulators, but they don’t know what they’re talking about because “crowdinvesting” totally isn’t an investment.
Anyway, we’ve changed our name now so give us more money?
Over the years Skyway Capital has received fraud warnings from Estonia, New Zealand (2018 and 2020), Greece, Germany, Slovakia, the UK and Spain.
Rather than acknowledge fraud and admit Skyway Capital is a Ponzi scheme, Unitsky states;
The fact of such a warning, of course, does not indicate the dishonesty in the actions of these companies, but it cast a shadow on the SkyWay brand itself, and also negatively affected the brand of the developer of string transport – Unitsky String Technologies Inc.
Looking forward, following the failed “train in a paddock in Belarus”, “train in a sand lot in Dubai” crypto misadventures and “moon train” marketing ruses, Unitsky’s next marketing ploy is cargo transport.
We are now entering the market with our urban passenger complexes. Cargo solutions will be the next.
A pre-stressed string-rail overpass (the most difficult and expensive in them) will be exactly the same as in passenger transportation.
We have already demonstrated loading and unloading terminals. It remains to make small improvements, and we will be ready to offer these complexes to the market.
Then – probably the most difficult and one of the most promising areas – high-speed transport and infrastructure complexes (speeds up to 500 km/h).
If everything goes as planned, we will be able to bring them into the world market by 2025.
If new investment plans and an accompanying Unitsky String Technologies compensation plan is released, BehindMLM will publish a full review.
Till then, the real take-away here is that Skyway Capital has been running its Ponzi scheme on the basis of passenger monorail technology.
Despite testing commencing in 2015, to date not a single commercial Skyway Capital train system exists anywhere in the world.
Plenty of investor losses though.
That’s a good joke. UST has never build a single meter of track that could handle full sized containers.
They have never build a single peace of the transport unit( they call them Unicont). But they offer the the Emirate Sharjah to build a transport line for containers to the port of Khor Fakkan.
That’s minimum 130 km but there are big mountains so Unitsy needs tunnels. On the other hand, Sharjah don’t need this because Ethihad Rail will opening a railway from port of Jumeira over Sharjah thru the whole Emirates.
The Port of Jumeira is less than 20 km away from Khor Fakkan. So why should Sharjah pull out $ 1.3 billion of there pockets if there is already a solution?
The next big thing is a track in Dubai. Unitsky had make a MoU with the RTA of Sharjah 2 years ago and now they have to bid for this projekt.
Of course it’s not what Unitsky really want to do, so we can expect that his company makes an offer that has no chance to get recognised.
The engeniering company that is in charge for this project has a good reputation and knows how to handle Scammers.
Oz, current name shall be probably reference to the brand name they had used in period 2005 – 2015: STU (which probably stands for “String Technology – Unitskij”.
Btw – these archived STU web pages are source of lot of fun!
(Ozedit: corrected UST to STU)
That crypto scam adventure cru didn’t work out. People complaining all over social media. Blame the affiliates and move on with another name..
Wonder about Evorich ugpay group unitex… Can we expect a namechange soon?
Lots of Dutch in Marsja van Kilsdonk team. She keeps promoting this scam. Living in Ibiza spending victims money. Report that lady to the police.
Correction: not UST, but STU (bloody autocorrections) was the name of the first Unitskij’s investment trick.
Mentions about STU are on the Web Archive in period 2008 – 2011 (my bad).
Some popular quotes from this site (2008):
Oh wait… we have 2021 today… and this technology was ready in 2008? And developed since 1977? No commercial results within 13-14 years since it was ready? No real results within 44 years since beginning of development??? OMG!
Under the brand SkyWay (2018):
Sounds feasible and legit. 😉
Who’s got it? Three years are over!
Never shown.
LOL! Good reason to invest (into the opportunity failing for 36 years)!
One good thing about it… there seems to be handful of “wink wink, nudge, nudge” hints to identify absurdity of the project for non-brain-dead investors.
Sorry for those brain-deads.
Translation: We’ll be asking for more money and delivering nothing. Stand by for more lame excuses in 3-4 years, though.
If anyone is visiting here wondering if there is anything to this “string-based” transportation system, let me assure you: there is NOTHING. It’s 100% a scam, touting pie-in-the-sky technology ideas that are utterly impractical, nay, impossible.
Their “brilliant idea” is a stiff monorail that is very thin and light. There is neither material nor process that can do such a thing. Do not fall for the line that “pre-stressed” is a process that can make it happen; it isn’t. Pre-stressing has been in use since the late 19th century; its strengths and limitations are well-known to the industry. Unitsky or Yunitskiy or whatever he calls himself hasn’t invented something revolutionary; he’s a crackpot at best, a huckster at worst.
This whole thing reminds me of Solyndra; another company founded on a ridiculous concept. This is not to say Solyndra was a Ponzi scheme, but it was a dumb idea that gained traction with non-professionals who didn’t know any better, right up to the US Government itself. Solyndra touted their tube-shaped solar photovoltaic collectors as “fluorescent tubes in reverse!” which is brain-dead, but tickled the ears of unsophisticated investors and politicians. But science won out over slogans, and Solyndra imploded, leaving lots of egg on a lot of faces.
More recently, we have a similar situation with Theranos, a company that promised to be able to run sophisticated analyses on merely a drop or two of blood, instead of multiple test tubes. Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes conferred with college professors who told her her ideas were most likely impossible, but she plowed on anyway, raking in a lot of investment cash and delivering pretty much nothing. Investors were blinded by what they saw as forward-thinking, when it was actually impossible dreams.
The point is, don’t turn your money over to people just because they can tell a good story. Any engineer (which I’m) can tell you why the string transport system cannot possibly work; don’t throw away your money on these crooks.
STU? I can see why Yunitskiy renamed it Skyway then.
hello Sir Oz is Vention Token from the Philippines legit?
The ENGINEERING company Skyway String Technologies has changed its name to Unitsky String Technologies, you idiots.
Skyway String Technologies == Skyway *
It’s all the same scam. Always has been.
Discover uScovery(dot com)!
How many “investors” knowing about Unitsky’s business monopoly game he financed with there money?
Looks like some new shell companies. New names, fresh coat of paint, new web sites registered using NameCheap proxy.
Same old nonsense content from SW &. That guys want to stay here as long as possible.
Here are so manny wrong informations. Is this lobby or just people who are not well informed?
Unitsky group have contract with Sky World Community (SWC) SWC is agency for crowdfunding with mlm methods what is common used in other businesses.
Unitsky is general designer of skyway transport and he dont collect money. That job is on SWC . SWC offering to investors “Convertible loan Agreement”.
In several countries is issued warning for citizesns, not against company what developing transport . This warning is created because there is still no enough law regulations for crowdfunding and as it say “ it may be scam” If they use SWC to invest.
By the way Unitsky group have full support from side of Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation park. Look on their web page and youtube channel . You will see often support in videos and on web page.
Do you think that Arabs are totally naive and they are investing in fake technology?
Lawl. Unitsky Group == Skyway *
Same Ponzi. Always has been.
None of the regulatory warnings pertain to crowdfunding. They pertain to securities fraud, which Unitsky Group and Skyway commit because they’re a Ponzi scheme.
Normally legitimacy via association isn’t a thing but that’s doesn’t apply to the UAE. Anything MLM related there is illegitimate.
The Arabs arent naive. Skyway is paying rent for the area in their technology park (as any other company that has an office there has to), so they are happy that money is coming in.
As long as SW pays the rent everyone is happy, why should the Arabs even care?
Lol skyway can even make a youtube video with the claim that they will build the starship enterprise next month and nobody would throw them out of the area.
Can’t stop laughing:
“Portions of Euroasian Rail Skyway Systems Holding Limited (ERSSH)”
After UST/Skyway trys to re-enter the Indonesian market, everything went’s a little bit downhill. The scammers are trying to convince a gouverneur to sign some fake-contracts but somebody has warned him later that Skyway is illegal.
The Gouverneur likes his job, so he was a little bit outraged. Now SWC/Skyway makes an awkward attempt to weasel out of this PR disaster.
This post clearly states that the scam-victims are only “owners” of portions of an empty postbox in the BVI. No management, no office, no financial reports, nothing is known about ERSSH.
I take it “UScovery DMCC Dubai” is yet another shell company Skyway/SkyWorld has incorporated? Also “uSky Transport” from that second link.
Looks like they otherwise tried to pull the “look we signed some bullshit contracts with the Sheiks” bit they did in Dubai a few years ago, but this time in Indonesia.
That second link is classic Ponzi pseudo-compliance. Either you’re registered with financial regulators or you aren’t.
Lol. Pretending people aren’t investing into a passive investment scheme doesn’t fool regulators.
Do we have any confirmation Heru Budi Hartono is shaken up? Sounds like it’d be worth a write up.
I don’t have a direct confirmation who has respondet, but the complaint was send direct to his office adress.
What me makes wonder is this stupid reaction from Unitsky. He could simple ditch this and go to scam somewhere else.
The UScovery DMCC is one of Unitsky’s spinoffs to bring more of his own people into the UAE. The DMCC is the deluxe version where you get a bunch of working visas included.
They don’t have anything to sell so far, so it’s possible this company does money laundering with a lot fake contracts.
The Indonesian authorities taken some action against Skyway. Now the scammers are forced to put “sorry guys” videos on youtube. Statement -> Skyway is still illegal in Indonesia!
The videos from comment #18 are taken down now.
Another fun with Skyway comes in form of a webinar from Mr.Sukhodoev(SWC-Management). Almost everything is b.s. in this transcription.
Something special that makes hope for some fun in the future:
About to get involved. But scary!!
Another illegal security offering from the Skyway gang.
It’s the uTerra(humus) Unitsky has claimed he invented it.
A deeper look provides us with the name of Vladislav Chumak. Is he the “inventor”, Unitsky’s sockpuppet or his business partner?
Long story short. If this plant can produce this outstanding profits, why they find nobody to offer them these $20 million to much better conditions?
I mean, they build the plant in the UAE where you can find a lot of people who are looking for such investments.
More profitable than Apple and than running the show for Vietnamese,Kirgise and Indian peasants?
There was a little bit more in case of the Indonesian adventure.
From the latest webinar of the “SWC Development Director” Alexey Sukhodoev:
TL;DR: A Skyway Ponzi promoter in Indonesia was taken into custody. A bribe was paid and the promoter was released.
Now they are knowing the price-tag and trying to take advantage from it. Let’s hope these corrupt Indonesians sign a contract with Scamway. They deserve it 🙂
Follow up from post #19, “SWGT Smart World Global Token”.
So far i can find only a post on RSW Telegram site and a short video on youtube. It exists another SWGT on youtube that has nothing to do with our Skyway scammers.
A little bit deeper now. Seems nobody runs this company. shows 3 videos so far. website registration is private.
And what about Uscovery DMCC operating out of Dubai and Sharjah. UAE?
Suspicious. How are they paying, 600,700,1000 engineers. Number varies constantly.
Not suspicious. They are lying about how many engineers. It is just numbers on the screen to make people believe they are a legal and legitimate business. Just like all their other claims are total BS.
No matter if 600 or 1000 engineers, the performance of these people is ….lame. And on the last 3 visiting tours of the Vietnamese scammers in Minsk the only people “working” in the offices are some part time actors scrolling awkward with the mouse wheels, not able to use proper the demo mode of the software. Every time they presented the same 6 year old CGI models.
And if you think about Uscovery DMCC. The whole Unitsky enterprise has NO products to sell. From what generates this company the money to pay the employes?
Nothing is better than the good old lie! Now Unitsky’s minions talking about new (the first) projects and the number is ………over 100.
Some minutes later in the video Mr.Saretsky says in India alone there will be 200-250 projects and so on.
Interisting of course is, that on the same channel but 2 videos later they still can’t name a single project. It’s all secret and the international transport mafia and some evil governments and jews or whoever.
News also from the scam-army front. The “CEO” or RSW Maxim Ysip is back. After 2 years in hiding he popped up in a new video. Only notable thing in his 1 hour interview is, that RSW will undergo a rebranding in 2024. New name will be MICRON marketing(company).
RSW was the first scam company Unitsky has installed for Skyway. The other two are SWC and the in 2019 closed SWIG.
With all that woowoo with rebranding and lying about “projects” what can the victims expect in 2024?
At least one thing, Unitsky’s New Years Speech 😉
How many lies will he tell his fans this time?
To remember, in 2021 he told us he has 4 commercial projects. In 2022 he told us he has 10 commercial projects and now really over 100 and not a single one can be shown?
The first commercial contract for an Skyway track is signed
This guy Claudio Zolla is the main actor in an real estate fraud called Nueva Lima. He also want’s to be vice president of Peru in 2021 but failed. All what i found ist that this Nueva Lima project hasn’t any permission to build anything. So far after 8 years of “construction” there are some futuristic chicken stables, 100m streets and an cheap cardboard house. No electricity, no water and no seawedge system. There is absolutely NO need for this Skyway project!
Looks like this fake contract with uScovery DMCC in Dubai is an attempt from Zolla to get the money out of Peru.
Maybe some readers here with Latam background can write more to this guy and his attitudes.
The end is near?
Combined with the new uTerra humus scam, it make sense for Unitsky to close the books in one rush and do the run.
“15th stage of string transport funding”
Fifteen reboots? Who on earth is falling for this nonsense in 2024?
On the new websites from SWC and RSW the carribean shell companies ERSSH and GTI Inc. are no longer visible.
Would be no surprise if they had vanished. The marketing in the social media for this Scam has dropped dramatically.
This guy Claudio Zolla, Skyway’s hope in Peru is gone? I mentioned him in comment #31. He founded in Dubai a DMCC fake company and shortly after another company in Panama.
Than he run his real estate gamble “Nueva Lima” in full throttle mode with tons of postings on Facebook and several Zoom meetings.
His Facebook account is now quite and no other signes from him.
RSW, one of the two remaining money collecting organisations for Skyway has some trouble with there website.
At least they posted it. So far, the site is down since yesterday.
uSky Tech. Another shell company from Unitsky, but this time in the USA!
The whole trash talk on youtube makes no sense. Why he wants to build his high speed test track now in the USA where prices for land are sky high and wages for workers are 10fold as high than in Belarussia or the UAE?
Only to buy time with another unfinished test track. He can’t even finish his test tracks in the UAE or Belarussia as planned because lack of money.
Seems he needs only some new places on earth for money laundering. I wondering from what country his passport was wenn he traveled recently to the USA. Mayby from Cyprus?
Where we getting “Unitsky travelled to the US” from? I see two Russians sitting in a room with trees outside.
Belarus if I had to guess but could be anywhere. No reason for it to be the US, not worth the risk (can rando Russian nationals even fly into the US at the moment?).
That’s the point, no proof at all for his USA adventure. Only entertaining the crowd. Same with talking about fantasy projects in India and Indonesia. None has seen the reality so far.
Meanwile his main company UST runs out of steam. Only $9 Mio. revenue in 2023 with a total loss of $9 Mio. sounds not amazing.
Faceless shell company makes bold claims.
(GTI Inc. is the “company” that is the so called “fund” who feeds Unitsky’s scam imperium. Of course there is no office, no management and no owner declared. The site is anonym registered …of course.)
On June 25, 2024, this video was uploaded but not listed on the official SWC | Sky World Community | International YouTube channel!
Evgeny Kudryashov in the video:
Alexey Sukhodoev in the video:
This message was previously distributed in writing.
Recently SWC and RSW making some changes in their disclaimer/risk-warning section. Reading this is more than funny. Special for Russian “investors”:
“This material do not constitute a public offering or advertisement of securities in the Russian Federation and may not otherwise be publicly distributed in Russia. The Securities are not and will not be registered in Russia and are not intended to be “placed” or “publicly traded” in Russia.”
The next big show of SWC (Sky World Community) will be held in the Hilton Hotel Prague (CZ) on Novembre 2nd.
Comes a little bit as a surprise because Czech and surrounding countrys are stone cold death since years for this scam.
Mayby some native language speakers can ask the authoritys if this illegal business will be tolerated?
Ah and €45 entry fee for the show has to be paid!
A video about the Nepali version of Skyway called Podway. Are they only copycats or is Unitsky involved? Over 200k views in just 2 days.
Say good by to High-Speed transport. Unitsky tells the crowd(funders) that GTI Inc. will no longer fund his uFlash side scam and the people who invested in Skyway will hold only 5% of everything this High-Speed stink will create.
Of course, 5% from nothing is and stays nothing but the crowd isn’t amused. Some month ago Unitsky says in an interview that UST Inc. has less than 100 employes left.
Unitsky seems to scramble all money that is left(see SWGT Token) and reduced running costs before he closed the business.