Polaris Media Group @ BehindMLM

Polaris Media EMC asked to attend Scientology courses

Since writing about the public connection between Scientology and Polaris Media Group a lot of accusations and claims have been thrown around as the discussion ran hot. There’s been a lot of claims made and from what I gather the revelation of the link, which up until only recently hasn’t been publicised with any concrete [Continue reading…]

Polaris Media distributors still misleading Australia

Since Liberty League changed over to Polaris Media Group there has been much talk and insistence by Polaris supporters that Polaris is now truly about the retail products and building a retail business for yourself. Gone are the days of promised incomes, building a sales pyramid and luring people into the business opportunity with misleading [Continue reading…]

Polaris Media Group publicly linked to Scientology

Since I started blogging about Polaris Media Group, one of the more unbelievable claims I’ve heard has been that Polaris is simply a front for Scientology. Some of my readers have claimed the allegations have been flatly denied by Polaris executives and others claim that Krider and co. don’t attempt to hide their Scientology links [Continue reading…]

Two people die while attending ‘The Secret’ event

We utilize the principles taught in the movie The Secret and teach people how to apply them to their life and business. The above statement is taken directly from Rachel Oliver’s UXL website and is fairly stereotypical of the connection between James Arthur Ray’s ‘The Secret’ book/movie and Polaris Media Group. In fact ‘The Secret’ [Continue reading…]

Is the ACCC going after Polaris Media Group?

Over the past few weeks I’ve been in communications with various associates (ex and current), the QLD and NSW office of fair trading and have suspected that something has been building behind closed doors. I can’t prove or confirm my suspicions at this stage but I thought I’d put together what I’ve observed and heard [Continue reading…]

Figuring out the Polaris Media Group compensation plan

Ever since the Polaris Media Group launch, Polaris distributors and the general public alike have been trying to get their heads around the hugely complicated compensation plan. There’s been emails, tables, diagrams, conference calls, videos and even a recently announced EMC (the guys who make all the money) Aussie tour between the 18th and 22nd [Continue reading…]

Polaris Media hire Wilkinson PR for crisis management

With the official launch of Polaris Media group just hours away, it seems the company has gone into a massive scale crisis management. Things haven’t gone as smoothly as the company’s head honchos would have liked. Polaris Media Group advisors are running around issuing legal threats, the NSW government have declared Liberty League to be [Continue reading…]

Polaris Media Group Advisor threatens to sue OzSoapbox

With the Polaris Media Group launch just around the corner on the 9th of September, it seems some advisors have had enough of being called out on their scam. Understandably tension appears to be high as all sorts of wild accusations and claims fly in the days before the company’s launch. This evening the following [Continue reading…]

Polaris Media Group in denial over Liberty League scam

With the recent NSW Office of Fair Trading press release going out yesterday there’s been a bit of an awkward silence over at the Polaris Media Group camp. You’re trying to sell a scam that’s worked previously but now even random prospects are starting to ask some very uncomfortable questions. So what do you do, [Continue reading…]

NSW publicly lists Liberty League as a pyramid scam

Despite months of telling you it wasn’t a pyramid scheme, telling you to trust the EMC marketing committee, lying to your faces and declaring bloggers like myself to be posting “unconfirmed information and opinions” (Tony Rush)…, Today the NSW government finally went officially public with its findings: