OnPassive @ BehindMLM

OnPassive announces first service available to affiliates

Coming up on three years of prelaunch stalling, OnPassive has announced its first actual product made available to affiliates. It’s a far cry from the promised AI marketing suite that was supposed to cHaNgE tHe WoRlD!

Ash Mufareh still stalling OnPassive launch after 2.5 years

OnPassive has been in prelaunch now for roughly two and a half years. To this day, gullible “founders” who shelled $97 for positions still have nothing to show for it.

WSA withdrawal problems, victims funneled into OnPassive

We Share Abundance is using KYC to withhold affiliate withdrawal requests. Victims of the Ponzi scheme are also being funneled into Ash Mufareh’s OnPassive pyramid scheme.

Ash Mufareh pulls GoFounders Onpassive “workaholic” exit-scam

After collecting GoFounders fees for almost a year, Ash Mufareh has told affiliates he’s taking their money and quitting.

OnPassive Review: GoFounders four-tier matrix pyramid scheme

OnPassive is currently being marketed via a “GoFounders” prelaunch website. Both the OnPassive and GoFounders website domains were privately registered in mid 2018. The OnPassive website is currently a placeholder that claims “Only Qualified Founders Accepted in Prelaunch By Invitation Only”. A video on the GoFounders prelaunch website presents Ash Mufareh as OnPassive’s founder. On [Continue reading…]