OneCoin reveals new CEO, Ventsislav Zlatkov
He looks like a Boris CEO. He sounds like a Boris CEO. But OneCoin’s latest executive appointment isn’t a Boris CEO.
Following in the footsteps of his predecessors, Ventsislav Zlatkov is more of a puppet CEO.
Zlatkov debuted on a January 8th OneCoin livestream aimed at Chinese investors.
Zlatkov didn’t appear in person bur rather crossed in live “from Europe”.
Despite nobody knowing who he is, Zlatkov claims he’d been “working closely” with OneCoin through 2021.
During the last months, my work was mainly focused on the successful launch of the new DealShaker platform.
Early on in his speech, Zlatkov did managed to throw shade at the DOJ, whilst simultaneously vowing to rope more suckers into OneCoin;
I strongly believe, that with professional well-planned work (and) our shared productivity and ideas, we will become irresistibly attractive for many potential clients, and invincible for our opponents.
Zlatkov finished up by promising January 2022 would be “the most important” for OneCoin.
I fell asleep as Zlatkov blabbed on about DealShaker, but jolted awake at the mention of a new cryptocurrency.
We will set up necessary conditions for a successful public release of our cryptocurrency.
All in all Zlatkov spoke for about five minutes, 98% of which was meaningless corporate-speak.
The rest of the forty-seven minute stream was dedicated to convincing OneCoin investors that DealShaker was viable.
Kinda amusing seeing as DealShaker launched almost five years ago. There was an attempt to reboot the first flop in 2019 but that didn’t go anywhere.
At some point the DealShaker domain was abandoned. The reboot is hosted on the “” domain.
You’ve got the same eclectic selection of random products, primarily targeted at the SEA region.
The majority of products available are in the food, beverage and supplement categories.
Moving on, Zlatkov claims he’s
willing to contribute to the company development with my professional skills and previous knowledge.
As per Zlatkov’s OneCoin resume, he’s based in Bulgaria and…well the rest of the document is pretty vague.
Over the past decade Zlatkov has apparently worked in sales, finance, cryptocurrency and now OneCoin.
Naturally other than OneCoin, no other company names are provided.
BehindMLM readers have dug into Zlatkov’s past and revealed he owns two failed companies that owe millions in taxes.
One can imagine millions in taxes might just be the leverage needed to convince someone educated to front OneCoin.
But that’s just speculation.
Zlatkov’s official OneCoin position prior to CEO is “Senior Analyst and Financial Advisor”.
Other than assisting executives with hiding money they’ve stolen, I’m unclear on why OneCoin needed one of those.
Looking at the bigger picture, Zlatkov is what he is. Another puppet who speaks passable English, can wear a suit, is passably articulate and can read off a script.
Most importantly Zlatkov is a Bulgarian national. As long as he doesn’t travel outside of Bulgaria he’s untouchable.
Maybe a quick trip to Dubai or south-east Asia every now and then (but not Thailand).
Update 19th February 2025 – After accomplishing not much, Ventsislav Zlatkov has bailed.
Sintoneks debt issue is a bit unclear. Here it looks like there’s only about 117k euros tax debt left:
According to Stoyanov, most of the debt has expired as the creditors have failed to collect it after many years.
Here is another figure: “Total debt” which is about 5 million euros. I’m not sure how valid these figures are. I’m trying to get more info from Stoyanov.
Debt of VENTSISLAV IVOV ZLATKOV on November 30, 2020:
Unfortunately no currency is mentioned. Are these Bulgarian levs or euros? 1 lev corresponds 0.51 euros.
^ Levs naturally as it’s Bulgaria. But November 30,2020 is over a year ago.
On the fraud portal there are two links to My virus protection program does not open the page:
Does the website now contain infected code? Do other antivirus programs show the same warning?
Virus total did NOT detect any malicious code at except I found 3 detections on and
Potentially reporting Phishing, potentially a false positive.
Has anyone else noticed that the BS counters on DealShaker have been abandoned.
A sudden drop from over a fortune of logged in users to only 102!
6 comments? Onecoin is well and truly dead.
Very far from it still. They are preparing for the Colombia Bogota event. It’s been a bit quieter in the beginning of the year, but I’m expecting it will change soon.
In the mean time there has been new Dealshaker launch party in China:
and in Romania:
OneCoin hasn’t been quiet if you look their BTC wallet activity.
In a month (16 Dec – 16 Jan) their main crypto address ( received 28.57 BTC (c.a 1 073 000 €) with around 650 transactions. The sum includes some bigger purchases from crypto exchanges such as this 3 BTC buy from Okex, i.e likely laundering the proceeds of their fiat activity:
During the same period, their other main address ( received 12.32 BTC (c.a 463 000 €) with 185 transactions. This also includes some bigger fiat-crypto money laundering transactions such as this 2 BTC buy from Binance:
They still keep pooling the criminal proceeds from those two accounts mentioned above to the same address ( sometimes using couple of intermediary account transfers but ultimately end up to “8mk”. (The third known address 39Str2fCZkrBGaxNCC2qzwpPfprq1PKiBz has gone largely inactive during past months.)
They also continued their new habit of moving large chunks from the “8mk” account to the new address “super-pooling” address. Of Dec 26, they moved 44.6 BTC from “8mk” — with some intermediary steps — that ultimately ended up to this address:
This “uhk” address now holds over 161 BTC which means that that someone now has most of the recently generated “OneCoin eggs” in one basket. And if law enforcement gets the guy who controls this address, they will be able to seize much of recently generated OneCoin criminal proceeds.
@ Stevie
Here are today’s numbers:
For comparison: The old DealShaker had about 135,000 registered businesses:
As a reminder, Ruja Ignatova wrote on August 23, 2016:
@ Melanie
Ruja was apparently as unable to count as she was out of touch with reality.
The latest domain summary from old DealShaker on
For comparison, the data from October 2021:
Terrible news for AMAZON, Alibaba, eBay and other online retailers worldwide! How will Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma react?
57 logged-in users!
Rather interesting that one of the largest shopping countries in the world cannot participate in DealShaker or the OneEcoSystem; YET they are the largest shopping mall in the world.
My God that was painful to watch. It is hard to believe that anyone is buying this load of crap they are pedaling.
Bezos is obviously building rockets because DealShaker has taken over.
Earth ecommerce belongs to OneCoin now. Amazon 2.0 in space!
New video on Vietnam DealShaker channel.
I don’t understand the language, but we all know the fraudulent woman in the video!
The full contact details of these scammers from Vietnam:
Today’s motivational video featuring Mai Loan (“Blue Diamond”) and other OneCoin scammers:
18 OneCoin scammers contact addresses in Vietnam on this website:
The operator is called Nam Anh:
Which Vietnamese understand the Spanish language? Today this video by and with Raul Edmundo Pazos Medina (DealShaker Global Director) was uploaded by the Vietnamese group “E-commerce in Vietnam“:
Perhaps this article explains why OneCoin uses Binance so often:
Funny video from December 2, 2021.
A month later, on January 3, 2022, the OneCoin scammers in Sofia wrote this:
The video is from the very active scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama, who is constantly asking for donations:
Erick Rueda, Panama, DealShaker Country Manager:
We know that there were always massive problems with the so-called CoinSafe. An old screenshot from my archive:
I see CZ getting indicted and going down like the other rogue payment processor CEO bros we’ve seen taken down over the past decade.
As much as we crap on how slow MLM related litigation is, payment processor regulatory litigation tends to be even slower.
Crypto Scam Alert in India of January 17, 2022 regarding OneCoin:
The “Contact Moderator” button in the new DealShaker has no function!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis receives his next paycheck in OneCoin?
His website is
Should we notify the governor of this lie? Perhaps he is suing the notorious liar and cheater Syed Muhammad Muzammil Gilani, demanding damages or other compensation?
Wait till AK Automation Technologies discovers New York and Florida are in the same country.
Addition to comment #17
There is also a regional DealShaker in the Philippines:
More DealShitter from other countries:
– = maintenance mode active
– (Romania) = is active and online
– = is active and online
– (Panama) = is active and online
– (Ecuador) = is active and online
– (Ukraine) = is active and online
– (Bangladesh) = is active and online
– = is a consulting site for DealShaker Mexico.
There are numerous DealShaker groups from different countries on Facebook.
IMO today’s OneCoin “historical most important ever” corporate event in Bogota was actually the most amateurish ever.
There was not even the promised White Paper presented. Just some BS roadmap talks. Not much people and the energy was of course very low.
Surprisingly there wasn’t any presentation about the new alleged blockchain.
Yet another disappointment for the believing members.
The original stream address is below, but it may disappear due to the music copyright claims, like Friday’s opening ceremony stream.
Here are the event’s most “significant” speeches on Saturday.
The new CEO Ventsislav Zlatkov actually speaks more fluent Spanish than English which was the biggest surprise of the whole event probably.
Anyone want to buy ONE token? ONE token is a new channel on YouTube with three videos.
How trading should work is described in detail under this video:
I suspect that someone here wants to start a new scam.
Playback of yesterday’s top chat (just a snippet):
Wild speculation but this may not be so surprising if one considers that background people of OneCoin are often Taki’s people.
Being fluent in Spanish comes handy in these cocaine trafficking circles. Same with Italian, which Mr Zlatkov seems to master.
And Colombia is also pretty natural place for OneCoin event considering that Taki associated building in Sofia has gotten a nickname “Colombian embassy”, as this article claims:
(The title of the articöe “Taki’s people disappear like Meto Illiyanski” may have relevance to the Ruja’s fate too.)
@Semjon, I was thinking the exact same, but of course there’s no direct proof yet that he has been previously connected to Taki and Ventsi the Fox, until now that he is the OneCoin CEO..
His internet/social media history is empty and work history is unspecific.
Somekind of Taki’s “clean reputation” guy certainly comes to mind. But no proof yet.
Sunday’s Bogota event day seemed to include a panic decision to read the whole hastily put together “White Paper”, by the CEO which was extremely agonizing to listen to, and it was agonizing for Zlatkov to read it. In fact they interrupted him at one point, and held a “dance moment” to give him a bit time to gather himself..
There doesn’t seem to be anything really surprising in the White Paper, lots of it didn’t even touch OneCoin, but was basically some general more or less bullshit.
Of course it included typical idiotic lies, like that the OneCoin price is formed by supply and demand..
The token multiplying and splits weren’t of course explained at all, as it must be difficult to explain something which is just a pure fraud system.
They claim that they will make their new blockchain public after 12 months.
But of course, putting a ponzi shitcoin to a blockchain doesn’t make it magically have 3.8 Trillion euro market-cap which the Bulgarian criminals write on their MLM website, or any real value at all for that matter, so nothing changes in that regard.
Vladislav Velkov kept basically the same blockchain presentation as in December.
Ah yeah, found out that the announcer is a Bulgarian artist called Niki Manolov, who apparently nowadays works for these criminals.
I wonder if Niki Manolov is related to the former manager of One Network services, Kristyan Manolov.
Bad news for the organizers and scammers of the event in Bogota. Yesterday’s recording no longer exists.
Three comments from yesterday’s chat. M S Ali wrote the best one:
Martin Micromaailm has claimed:
Camelia Marc from Romania, “Diamond” in Cristi Calina’s team, has claimed:
Wow! Gigantic! This woman will soon be in the Guinness Book of World Records!
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda from Panama has on his channel a recording from Bogota that is 9 hours and 6 minutes long.
WMG not even interested in collecting revenue. Just straight up nope to any association with OneCoin lulz.
We should not forget that in March 2018 Konstantin Ignatov also spread his lies in Bogota.
The video is of poor quality, but the text below is more interesting. Partial quote:
OneCoin/OneLife top MLM leader and Dealshaker Uganda country manager Mwambusya John [Mwangutsya] has been arrested!
He is suspected to have defrauded Ugandans from different parts of the country of over Sh3 billion (€764k).
Here’s Daniel Leinhardt’s video which tells about the backgrounds leading to his arrest:
Mwambusya John had his own show on COINCast TV. This screenshot is from March 2020:
The channel on YouTube:
An old comment by Mwambusya John on the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov:
Mwambusya John on Instagram:
His website is no longer accessible. Allegedly, he was the CEO of Crypto Bridge Africa LTD:
The former imprint:
Thanks for the research. Going through this now.
How many people attended the event in Bogota? More than 100? More than 200? Christi Calina from Romania claims:
Ventsislav Zlatkov and Luca Miatton from Italy (right) in Bogota:
Dr. Angela Merkel was German Chancellor for 16 years. Now she has found a new job. I expect that she will become the new CEO at OneCoin:
She has already announced that the OneCoin price will increase in 2022:
The future of OneCoin is secured! Haters, critics and doubters will be silent. The OneCoin success story continues – to the bitter end:
PS: More videos with Angela Merkel and other politicians (Donald Trump, Xi Jinping etc.) on this channel from Multan in Pakistan:
A recommended video with 229,483 views. 46 minutes long, unfortunately in Romanian. But it can be seen that OneCoin is being warned.
OneCoin scammer Cristi Calina stars in this report by Antena 3 from Romania.
OneCoin scammer Thanh Duong (“Thanh OC”) shows an old graphic in a video from yesterday.
This is a number from late 2020. Currently only 37,863 merchants are registered.
Addition to comments #35 and 37
The second video from Bogota is no longer blocked.
OneCoin scammer Grithin Tumwesige from Uganda commented:
Doesn’t Grithin Tumwesige read newspapers? At least three Ugandan newspapers have reported that top Ugandan scammer John Mwambusya has been arrested. See comment #39 by WhistleBlowerFin and
OneCoin scammer Grithin Tumwesige from Uganda on LinkedIn. His profile description is funny:
He probably works for Coca-Cola Sabco Pty Ltd and in his spare time he is an advisor to Bill Gates…
Addition to comment #27
Is the Italian DealShaker dead?
Unfortunately I can’t help because there is no contact address on the website.
I urgently need cheap spaghetti, tomatoes and mushrooms. I have to buy in Italy because the inflation rate in Germany is currently 5.3 percent! Am I starving now?
The following graphic by Raúl Pazos Medina shows that the shopping cart remains empty if someone does not have any OneCoins:
Only (!) OneCoin is a stable currency without inflation:
Corvin Obrayan Valder Amir asked yesterday:
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda – DealShaker Country Manager Panama – replied today:
Erick Rueda was personally in Bogota. If he doesn’t own the whitepaper, it probably doesn’t exist. (see comments!)
I suspect most OneCoin believers don’t even know what a white paper is. OneCoin scammer Santendra Kumar Saini uploaded the following video:
I just quote four comments:
The translation of the white paper into national languages will not change this.
The video confirms that OneCoin does not own a public blockchain:
How do I become a millionaire? OneCoin scammer Camelia Marc from Romania explains it in this video. If I buy a combination of three “education packages” for only 19,390 euros, I can reach the sum of 1,067,598 euros!
Camelia Marc alone. After her, Cristi Calina continues to lie.
PS: Who can quickly lend me 19,390 euros?
Ali Rizwan is another OneCoin scammer from Punjab in Pakistan:
He called his channel on YouTube “One Revolution“:
On October 13, 2018 he uploaded this video:
That confuses me! The OneCoin scammers in Sofia should number their “white papers”…
His last video from January 31, 2022:
This is not really new! Ruja Ignatova and Karl Sebastian Greenwood announced the same bullshit in May 2015 in Dubai:
Here the official start date for everything was mentioned and shown:
Dian Dimitrov, the alleged blockchain auditor, was also on the stage:
The full video:
I defy anyone to diagram that sentence. In ANY language.
OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India produces videos like an assembly line:
In a very short video dated January 31, 2022, he confirms in English:
Does he give reasons for the delay?
Two comments in Hindi:
Satendra Kumar Saini also uses the name Begram Singh. More details here:
I thought the Plovdiv big show was a disaster, but Bogota managed to make it look exciting.
The lack of enthusiasm, content and number of people attending was an embarrassment. All the claims how wonderful and exciting it was fell on deaf ears to those watching online.
When you have to cajole and beg people to applaud and only get a modicum response was pathetic. Their presentations were so exciting that watching paint dry seemed more exciting.
This is running out of gas. The enthusiasm is not there, and no matter how hard they try, they are not going to get it back. It is dying and the only question is how much longer can they pretend this is not happening.
All the videos were painful and boring to watch, and a total waste of time. I think the fat lady is ready to sing on this turkey.
@ Lynndel
You shouldn’t call this “lady” fat! When a photographer uses the wrong lens, they don’t produce beautiful images. Here is a proof:
OC will never die. Even if the servers are switched off there will still be believers and it will cary on like MMM did long after anyone rational had moved on.
The UK network appears alive again. Amazing
Addition to comment #53
On January 9, 2019, three months before the arrest of Konstantin Ignatov, the OneCoin scammers in Sofia circulated the following press release:
Three years have passed since then. How long do we have to wait?
Most videos on TV8 Mongolia channel have few views. A video featuring massive lies about OneCoin was a striking exception despite being only 2 minutes long:
A Mongolian woman and Kari Wahlroos co-presented the scam. Inclusive AurumGoldCoins securely stored in Dubai!
My personal conclusion: When gold or gold bars are shown in a video, the greed of many people is aroused. It doesn’t matter what country people live in.
Unfortunately, many Mongolian people have become victims of this scam. I will tell more about it.
Right! An example. After Ventsislav Zlatkov’s long speech, Cordel “KingJayms” James demanded:
Note: This is a new video by OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama:
Ventsislav Zlatkov has been talking for more than an hour about a “white paper” that doesn’t exist. Of course that was extremely difficult…
Not perfectly researched, but worth mentioning:
Addition to comment #61
O’NEIRA asked under today’s video:
The responses from OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE:
To summarize: Nothing will happen again in 2022!
Addition to comments #51 and 55
The OneCoin scammers in Sofia are getting more outrageous. Or does the Indian scammer Satendra Kumar Saini collect the fee of 44.64 euros?
The video shows that a fee of 44.64 euros is charged for such a transaction:
Satendra Saini started his own scam on
The photos on his website repeatedly show posters with “DealShaker” and “Locoupons”. Apparently he acts as a “mediator” and collects commissions for it?
Three comments:
Caution! In principle, Satendra Saini deletes all critical comments.
A photo of this notorious scammer:
Addition to comments #50, 51, 55 and 61
I’m not waiting a year or more for the ominous “White Paper”. BehindMLM should create its own cryptocurrency. How this works is described in detail here:
The table of contents consists of 15 items:
In a kind of “instruction manual” on how to create your own cryptocurrency, the author also comments detailed on the subject of WhitePapers. Partial quote:
PS: If Oz doesn’t launch a new cryptocurrency, I will do it myself! Who is faster?
Was Ecuador’s OneCoin scammer Raúl Pazos Medina a teacher in the past? In this video he explains the One Ecosystem with a green felt pen. Just ridiculous and primitive at the same time. This reminds me of my time at school 65 years ago…
If my information is correct, the “Tycoon” package costs 5,500 euros. Why is this scammer asking for 6,900 euros? Does he collect the difference of 1,400 euros himself?
930 coins multiplied by 42.50 euros result in a total value of 39,525 euros. That’s a fantastic return – if it were true…
Raúl Edmundo Pazos Medina (DealShaker Global Director):
M. Shereef from India claims OneCoin is not a scam in a video dated February 8, 2022.
Apparently he also knows Indian OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini who claims Indians can buy cars and 40% can be paid with OneCoin:
Video from February 12, 2022:
In the text below the video, M. Shereef gives his website and phone number:
More details about Satendra Kumar Saini in comments #51, 55 and 64.
Addition to comment #64
Another dubious offer from India, recommended by OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini today:
Note: The offer in this video is from the old DealShaker. Here is his current offer:
LOCOUPONS is mentioned six times in the Terms & Conditions! Partial quote:
Who collects the processing fee of 10%? Satendra Saini in whole or in part?–new-car–4FDBC62BB6
PS: Apparently the Indian scammers are reading along here. A screenshot of the Terms & Conditions was unfortunately not possible due to copy protection.
Only 3.8 trillion? Obviously you don’t know the current numbers. OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India names 4.3 trillion on January 16, 2022! You should research more carefully…
Satendra Kumar Saini should watch this video from India on January 4, 2022 with 452,976 views and 15,987 likes. Pushkar Raj Thakur speaks of a $15 Billion Crypto Scam:
What happened now? In one of his scam videos, Satendra Kumar Saini from India recommended to buy a TATA SAFARI XZA+ 7S Gold:
I mentioned the video in my comment #68. Satendra Kumar Saini quickly responded and removed the video:
Now he warns against it!
Why? Have I discovered a scam?
@Satendra Kumar Saini
When are you going to delete the next videos? Tomorrow? You should delete the whole channel because all videos contain lies and cheating!
Do I understand this in the right manner? Only those who buy Locoupons can allegedly pay for their car with 40% ONE?
Of course, Satendra Kumar Saini didn’t answer the following question:
The domain was registered on December 25, 2020:
But the website lied like this:
We know a common saying in Germany: “Lies have short legs!”
When was LOCOUPONS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED established? 2018? 2019? 2020? No, on November 25, 2021:
Locoupons executives are two well-known OneCoin scammers. Roshan Devkumar Choubey (left) and Sarang Sanjay Pattalwar (right) with former Master Distributor Simon Le from Vietnam:
In his current LinkedIn profile, OneCoin scammer Roshan Choubey from India does not show a photo:
In the past, Roshan Choubey has used various photos that never showed him himself. From a video with very poor quality I cut out this screenshot:
If you want to watch this video, you have to lower your head 90 degrees to the left from minute 1:30!
If OneCoin IMAs wants to fund their cash wallets, do they have to deposit Bitcoins? This is very cumbersome. Why aren’t euros accepted? If OneCoin killed Bitcoin, all Bitcoins are worthless…
This is what OneCoin scammers support in Sofia wrote to OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India:
The text was shown in this video:
^ Yeah OneCoin doesn’t have any traditional banking accounts in use anymore at least for casual members, not even for package buys.
Of course any OneCoin member with brains should ask why, but at least the idiotic believing members don’t question anything, so the Bulgarian OneCoin criminals do what they need to do and use btc.
Addition to comment #72
The second Managing Director of LOCOUPONS – Sarang Sanjay Pattalwar – in this video on the right:
To his left is the well-known OneCoin scammer “Dr.” Sulistya Putra from Indonesia. Putra was DealShaker Country Manager Indonesia. Apparently he switched to cheating with Crowd1:
Or did Sulistya Putra start a scam of his own? I read in a video from January 25, 2022:
On his private YouTube channel, this Indonesian scammer revealed what he dreams of every night?
Every reader who has 39 seconds should watch this very important video!
“Flase tokens”? Ventsislav Zlatkov means, among other things, this YouTube channel: ONE token
He is mentioned by name in this video from February 1, 2022:
Apparently the scammers are from Russia:
Dr. Petar Kirilov – Todor Andreev – Yordan Petrov – Nevena Georgieva – Ivan Kirov
Dear sirs, where can I get some of these FLASE TOKENS?
On a more serious note, hasn’t OneCoin been banging on about “false information” since before Ruja disappeared? Ken Labine anyone?
Maybe Labine changed his name to Lbaine, taking on a flase identity.
I’ll see myself out…
Addition to comment #74
What does OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India recommend in his latest video? I don’t understand the Hindi language.
Only 200%? Too little. I expect more.
OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India is spreading another infamous lie!
I have read the report and quote the most important passages:
Addition to comments #21, 36, 50, 61 and 63
Erick Rueda, DealShaker Country Manager Panama, confuses me! His video from September 16, 2021:
His video from January 9, 2022:
Where did Ventsislav Zlatkov hide DealShaker version 3.0?
OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India announces the following live video for tomorrow:
Addition to comment #27
Apparently the Italian DealShaker will not start anymore. Since the launch of DealShaker 2.0, the website reports:
War has been in Ukraine for three weeks. Yesterday, OneCoin scammers Yuri and Alexander Sulima uploaded this short video:
PS: The portal is still available.
Addition to comment #84 is available again. The portal is managed by Gabriele Martini with these contact details:
Gabriele Martini on pinterest:
The scam started as OneCoin. Then OneLife followed. Then One EcoSystem followed. What’s next?
Is the European Union making progress? I’m reading now:
Video from April 1, 2022. What new lies is the Trinidad and Tobago scammer spreading?
Mai Loan (left) has removed two critical comments on her “Vietnam DealShaker” channel. Of course not the following comment by Loan Doan:
Mai Loan’s contact details:
@Melanie from Germany –
This is the opposite of “progress.”
Besides imposing a feeble new regulatory barrier designed to counter bitcoin’s proposition for a self-sovereign, censorship-resistant, borderless, peer-to-peer, (semi-private) financial communication network; it instead creates a chain-link-fence ‘dam’ facade to hold back “liquid” technology.
This particular Regulation, concocted by the same legacy banking mentality responsible for inflating, diluting and devaluing our currencies, will instead open the flood gates to greater security vulnerabilities, attack vectors and data breach.
Such regulation, as currently structured, maintains an anti-democracy pathway, further aligning itself with ideologies of a “surveillance state.”
While some Regulation within crypto may be socially prudent, specifically when it comes to centralized service organizations/ projects, this is a wildly overbearing, blanket approach and privacy intrusion!
In addition to “blockchain forensics” arising as its own analytics industry, Banking and Exchange compliance protocols such as SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports), CTRs (‘Cash’ Transaction Reports [for larger deposits/ withdrawals]), watch-lists , etc., are already prevalently instituted and employed. Selling or transferring unregulated and unlicensed securities is already legally defined.
This isn’t about that. Here we’re seeing a new form of Regulatory capture which imposes compliance barriers on newer and novel entrants into this nascent space.
These measures will result in stifling innovation and will further lead to additional licensing hurdles designed to favor big business.
Bad move, EU!
Well, Vietnam is the country targeted for growing whatever name OneCoin is going to use going forward. King Jayms did a video and you need a barf bag to get through it. For those that can stomach it, here’s the link:
Oh and the white paper is going to dispel all the lies told about OneCoin and it is going to show it is real and the steps going forward with OneCoin. Going to be a big event in Vietnam in July and he is begging the people in Veitnam to recruit, recruit, recruit NOW! Hmm, wonder where I have heard that mantra before? (That’s sarcasm in case anyone didn’t know it).
They must really be hurting for new money. Anyone buying this line of BS deserves to lose their money. Sorry have to go gag after watching this video.
Can anyone who knows the US Federal system please comment.
Does perjury and breaking the terms of a cooperation agreement void the agreement – as I would expect – or does that need a court or some other official process?
If you break your 51K and don’t get the benefits thereof, can other inmates ever know that you cooperated?
Assuming that since Madoff got Medium Security, despite his age, and because of the scale of the crime, is this likely to happen to Scott, Armenta, Greenwood and Ignatov?
Keyword White Paper. Do you know this video?
Vladislav Velkov is the new DealShaker Global Manager:
Former DealShaker Global Manager Raul Pazos Medina from Ecuador is now just LATAM AMBASSADOR, along with Maribel Martinez:
DealShaker right now has a single logged-in user. It sat at zero for most of the afternoon.
Whatever this twit Velkov does can only improve it.
Bad news from Finland. The MuroBBS forum is closed. In this forum, the OneCoin scam was reported on more than 800 pages. Partial quote:
Oh no. I did follow the OneCoin thread there back in the day. And IIRC, some of our OneCoin readers came over from MuroBBS too.
I remember it being explained as a popular forum in Finland I think it was.
Typically speaking a forum isn’t that expensive to keep going. Costs are even less if the forum is in decline.
I wonder what the actual reason for the closure is… given their keeping the more popular sections open, I’d guess it’s moderation/admin time.
Addition to comments #55, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 80, 81 and 83
Now it’s gonna be fun. Latest video by OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India:
His “disclaimer” is new! Regardless, he also claims in this video:
Addition to comments #64, 68, 71, 72 and 76
Is a scam portal? YES! Here is the proof. The following email address is given on the website:
My email to the Indian scammers could not be delivered:
Of course, the contact form on the fraud portal does not work either. It shows the following message:
Also, the scammers no longer sell cars that can be paid for 40% with OneCoin. The section is completely empty:
Those who want to call the scammers will also be disappointed. Telephone numbers are not mentioned:
Addition to comment #76
Massive promotion of the OneCoin scam on Instagram by “Dr.” Sulistya Putra from Indonesia:
Sulistya Putra (left) with Konstantin Ignatov:
Sulistya Putra by itself:
Embarrassing video with Ventsislav Zlatkov and Mai Loan (Vietnam):
I watched only part of the video and understood that OneCoin has the best blockchain in the world…
BTW, a real “CEO” should be better dressed!
Quiz question: Which of these websites does “CEO” Ventsislav Zlatkov know? – ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT – no longer exists – no longer exists – no longer existes – parked for free by – 403 Forbidden – 403 Forbidden – 403 Forbidden – is for sale! – is for sale! – is for sale! – is for sale! – is for sale! – is for sale! – runs in a continuous loop without content – registered by Vladislav Velkov, but not online yet – exists and is highly recommended!
Addition to comment #98
Is OneForeX registered as a European trademark?
OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India claims so in this video from April 2022:
Registered since 10/11/2017 – EUTM expiry date: 26/07/2027
Registrant: Power Holding Corporation, Somerset (Great Britain). Dissolved on August 6, 2019:
Representative names: Ivanka Pakidanska and Iliyana Marinova from Sofia.
Their website:
Last publication: 10/06/2021
OneAcademy was also registered as a trademark until January 2018:
Another ridiculous trademark from the UK company Power Holding Corporation Limited that no longer exists:
Registration date 28/11/2017. – Expiry date 26/07/2027.
Did Ruja pay the two women from Sofia – Ivanka Pakidanska and Iliyana Marinova – with OneCoins or with real currency?
Addition to comment #27
Is there a DealShaker in Russia? Yes, I found website and I wanted to buy cheap Russian sunflower oil, gas and wheat there. Unfortunately, this is not possible because no products or services are offered. Why not?
But I found this:
With polar bears or without?
Quoting from the web archive:
My opinion: DealShaker Russia is dead!
Unfortunately I have to correct myself. DealShaker Russia is not dead after all. Quote from today’s newsletter:
Addition to comment #13
DealShaker 2.0 launched in January 2022 with ~36,000 merchants. Today, five months later, there are only 43,576 registered merchants.
This section has been completely removed:
Here is a screenshot from April 5, 2022:
Here is today’s screenshot:
The number of logged-in users fell from a maximum of 283 in January to less than 10 in April. A shameful development!
Addition to comment #106
DealShaker Russia on YouTube:
The last video is 2 1/2 hours long:
Participants were Vladislav Velkov (Global director of DealShaker), Cordel “KingJayms” James, Georgi Georgiev, Raul Pazos Medina, Cristi Calina, Franca Cavaggioni, Alla Valieva (new DealShaker Country Manager Russia) and some merchants who offered products.
Alla Valieva, the new face of DealShaker Russia:
Addition to comments #21, 36, 50, 61, 63 and 82
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama talks again about a possible IPO:
Fatima Khan from Pakistan asked:
Response from Erick Rueda ONE:
The third blockchain? Ruja Ignatova personally announced in July 2016:
Erick Rueda ONE also mentions a new “value” of the OneCoin between 66 and 96 euros in the video here:
Addition to comments #94, 102 and 108
Vladislav Velkov (Global Director DealShaker) spreads incredible lies in a new video.
The infamous lies begin here:
Of course, Vladislav Velkov doesn’t mention that DealShaker currently only has 44,187 registered merchants worldwide:
But the merchants from Vietnam alone are said to have sold 114,176 coupons in five months, generating revenues of 9,630,000 euros!
I can’t see how many merchants have registered on
After that, Vladislav Velkov tells what should be possible on the DealShaker portal in the future. As always with OneCoin: “Coming soooooooon“.
PS: OneCoin scammer Marian Murphy from Galway (Ireland) is enthusiastic as always and commented:
Uploaded by OneCoin scammer Thanh Duong (“Thanh OC”) from Adelaide, Australia.
Addition to comment #87
It’s been a month since the announcement but I don’t see any new brand, no new logos, no new network…
I propose the following logo because it corresponds 100% to reality:
Addition to comments #98 and 103
Video from April 2022:
OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini from India answers simple questions wrong!
Jim Parichha wrote:
Satendra Kumar Saini replied:
I would give Jim Parichha correct answers. The man looks dangerous…
By the way, the domain name is for sale for only 1,999 euros!
Of course, Satendra Kumar Saini does not answer other important questions. An example:
Addition to comment #63
New video from OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama:
I don’t speak Spanish and I’m wondering what this means:
Do scammers in Sofia want to switch from an ETHEREUM blockchain to a TRON blockchain?
Is Panama the new Dubai?
Or is Dubai the one catching up?
I do speak Spanish and it is a tutorial on how to deposit euros in the (so called) One Ecosystem (via CoinPayments)
They still claim to be a fintech, hmmmm
Before CashFX Group Panama was just a dodgy jurisdiction you set up shell companies in, like the UK.
Dubai definitely has made itself for appealing as a hideout for scammers.
Addition to comments #21, 36, 50, 61, 63, 82, 109 and 113
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama spreads new lies. Video from today:
The offer on DealShaker:–80-cash-en-todas-las-cadenas-de-supermercado-del-pas-este-cupn-tiene-un-valor-de-10-dlares-de-consumo-21DD67CEA9
And who is DealShaker Country Manager of Panama? Erick Rueda, of course! Also, only 20 coupons are offered, valid until August 1st, 2022.
Addition to comments #13 to #16
I hope that Jeff Bezos has read this. His leadership in global online commerce is in jeopardy!
Do any of our readers know what drugs this scammer with the pseudonym “one” is using? I suspect a mix of cocaine, marijuana and crystal meth combined with daily brainwashing…
Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, was quicker and has been accepting OneCoin on his platform since June 2016:
PS: I do not guarantee the truth of this statement!
Addition to comment #117
A ridiculous video from Panama. OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE explains how an ecosystem is formed.
Yesterday Erick Rueda ONE uploaded this video:
“Captain” Cordel ‘KingJayms’ James speaks English and starts here:
Two comments by Erick Rueda ONE below the video:
The last comment irritates me! I quote from a newsletter of October 23, 2014, when Ruja Ignatova proudly announced:
Erick Rueda ONE must be mistaken! The OneExchange will celebrate its 8th birthday in October 2022! No one needs a second Exchange!
OneCoin does not need a third blockchain either! Ruja Ignatova launched the second blockchain on October 1, 2016! Has Erick Rueda ONE forgotten all about it?
PS: This comment contains ironic and sarcastic tones.
Addition to comment #94
What do I have to do to become a “Black Diamond” in the OneEcosystem? Cheat as many people as possible? This woman has done it!
Maribel Martinez from the Dominican Republic has made a career for herself. She is now “Black Diamond”, Ambassador and DealShaker Country Manager:
Her speech on September 9, 2022 with English subtitles:
Video from January 29, 2021:
Which “exchange” is Maribel Martinez talking about? OneCoin does not have one, although it was announced in a newsletter at the end of 2014:
Addition to comments #21, 36, 50, 61, 63, 82, 109, 113, 117 and 119
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama announced four new apps in a video today:
The term One Vita is new. I read that for the first time today. Erick Rueda says that this is an anti-aging product. It is offered 50% with ONE and 50% with fiat money. The buyer then sells it 100% for fiat money on the regular market…
PS: I’m not sure I got the translation right.
On September 24, 2022, an event took place in Quito, Ecuador. A video of OneCoin scammer Eric Rueda ONE from Panama:
One of the speakers was top Finnish scammer Tommi Vuorinen, who is now Ambassador EMEA. Did he forget his obligatory hat in Finland?
Under the video OneCoin scammer galaxy1 asks:
Erick Rueda ONE replies:
Did Tommi Vuorinen run out of Scandinavian elderly people and the disabled to scam?
The EMEA economic region includes Europe, Middle East and Africa. Tommi Vuorinen finds many more victims there than just in Finland or Scandinavia. But I don’t think Tommi Vuorinen will travel to Arab or African countries. The title Ambassador EMEA is just as worthless as the OneCoin.
There has to be a special place in Hell for Tommi scamming people in Africa.
Does he get to go to Uganda now and visit orphanages like Ignatov did and then help make more orphans by ripping off ordinary people and driving them into bankruptcy that evening? Like how Hye did in Ghana and Ricketts in Malawi?
I hope Tommi gets to have to keep his hat on in the fiery pit.
Addition to comments #96 and 97.
The Finnish forum in the web archive with 891 pages:
Addition to comment #27
Since June 2022 there is a second DealShaker on the website – a full copy of the official DealShaker on the website
The content is identical, including the small number of 51,704 registered merchants.
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE from Panama warns about the Facebook account of “CEO” Ventsislav Zlatkov. He believes that the account is fake.
A screenshot from his video:
The same screenshot on Facebook from October 27, 2022:
The source on Facebook:
With this video Erick Rueda ONE documents impressively that he has no personal contacts with the fraudsters in Sofia! All contents of his videos are fictitious.
I would have asked Ventsislav Zlatkov directly, by phone or email, if this is his own account or a fake.
My personal opinion: Yes, Onecoin Zlatkov Ventsislav on Facebook is a fake account.
Too many question marks.
Addition to comment #17
The Vietnam DealShaker scammers mention the following email address on YouTube:
I tried to reach the Vietnamese scammers by email. The result:
“Black Diamond” Mai Loan (left), the head of the Vietnamese gang, obviously does not want to be reached!
The channel with 432 videos and 4,740 subscribers:
Addition to comment #85
Former OneCoin scammers Yuri and Alexander Sulima from Ukraine are now following former OneCoin captain Cordel James (aka King Jayms) and Fred Fok into the next scam called
Since June 23, 2023, these two scammers have uploaded six videos, but only five are listed:
Funny is this video with the title:
The YouTube channel @YuriiAndAlexander has existed since April 2016 and has 6,680 subscribers. All videos for the OneCoin scam were removed or were not listed. Moreover, these two scammers from Ukraine have always disabled the comment function.
In November 2019, OneCoin scammers Yurii and Alexander Sulima (or Sulyma) from Ukraine claimed they bought a new VW Touareg and paid for it with worthless OneCoins!
The seller (left) was called “ONELIMOUSINE777” in the video.
7,603 OneCoin believers watched this video and probably believed the lies of the two Ukrainians. The (fake?) DealCoupon mentioned 1,231.16 ONE as the purchase price, analogous to 36,750 euros.
This video was also not listed and could not be commented. I discovered the link at a German Facebook scammer (Agentur Werner Steinhart) on Facebook.
Oz wrote:
The success story continues! As of November 25, 2020, DealShaker had 132,227 registered businesses:
Today, this terrific success portal already has 59,570 registered businesses. How was this enormous success possible? I ask for a plausible explanation and I think, Jeff Bezos should copy this business model.
132,227 to 59,570 registered businesses is a tremendous success story!
I suspect if one tried to verify each of the businesses the figure would drop even lower. More success!
The highest number of registered businesses I found in my archive was 145,128:
Sensational announcement from yesterday’s newsletter!
When will the pizza be delivered if I order one today? Will it still be warm when it arrives in Germany?
Hahaha. I wonder how hard the franchisee’s arm had to be twisted to get them to eat the loss.
Nobody is investing in OneCoin so if I had to guess this is a family member of an existing bagholder.
OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE (aka LUXORTV) from Panama has already announced this “fantastic” offer from Cali in Colombia in this video from August 5, 2023:
Then Erick Rueda ONE claims:
With such absolutely unrealistic visions, Erick Rueda ONE attracts more and more visitors to his channel. Currently, he already has 12,700 subscribers.
Merchants who accept 100% ONE for their products or services are very quickly bankrupt and can no longer buy overpriced “educational packages”. Erick Rueda ONE knows the problem, because he begs for money under every video!
I will serve and enjoy my pizza from Colombia on fine mahogany furniture from China. I found a very good deal on DealShaker.
Everything together costs 2,941.9939 ONE. That corresponds to only 125,034.74 euros. A real special offer!
Who translates the Deal Specific Terms & Conditions for me? Most sellers on DealShaker contain unpleasant surprises!
What the seller’s name is and where he has his business, I can’t tell either:
How much does the transport from China to Germany cost? Because of the high humidity on a ship, only an airplane is an option. I don’t like sitting on damp chairs.
Item only available in mainland China, apart from some regions with unfavorable climate conditions, made by order, read everything properly before ordering – that’s the gist of that list. Part 5 includes seller’s phone numbers, contact via SMS or WeChat.
Seller appears to be in charge of a furniture factory in Linhai.
Many thanks!
New fairy tales from Panama. OneCoin scammer Erick Rueda ONE claims:
This is pure madness! Only 59,952 registered merchants sell their products every second….
On the YouTube channel of Indian OneCoin scammer Satendra Kumar Saini, customers who have bought or invested on DealShaker repeatedly report that they have been scammed. Two examples:
In addition, buyers from India repeatedly complain about unreasonably long delivery times, even though they have already paid for the purchased products.
What idiot buys gold bars or gold jewelry on DealShaker today? It has been known for years that most Indian gold dealers are scammers.
Comments from this video: