familyfuncycler-logoThere is no information on the FamilyFunCycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The FamilyFunCycler website domain (“”) was registered on the 10th of April 2015, with a “Chavez Walcott” listed as the owner. An address in Barcelona, Spain is also provided.

Further research reveals the address provided to belong to a hotel “W Barcelona”, who appear to be the only business on the street listed in the FamilyFunCycler domain registration.

I’m doubtful the FamilyFunCycler is being run out of a hotel, leaving a question mark as to the legitimacy of the domain registration information provided.

The name Chavez Walcott also appears to only exist in conjunction with FamilyFunCycler marketing material.

Of note is that an official FamilyFunCycler Facebook group is linked off the company website, revealing a closed group with three named admins; Goran Krstic (Serbia), Reena Saju (India) and Marie Queen (Spain).

A persusal of Krstic’s Facebook profile reveals marketing material for DigAdz (collapsed Ponzi scheme).

Reena Saju is promoting Super 2×7 (matrix cycler Ponzi) and Marie Queen AdMaximo, which she claims is “a clone of” the My Advertising Pays Ponzi scheme.

Queen has also recently promoted Super 2×7, AdBizCentral (120% ROI Ponzi scheme), Club9xAds ($3 micro Ponzi), BigBangCycler ($10 subscription-based matrix Ponzi), Success Cycler ($25 subscription-based matrix Ponzi), Massive Wealth Cycler ($17 micro subscription Ponzi), Bring The Bacon Home (short-lived Ponzi scheme that collapsed earlier this year), Unison Wealth ($35 matrix subscription Ponzi, has collapsed once already), Union Cycler ($2.50 micro Ponzi) and Cycles 24/7 (cycler-based Ponzi scheme).

Marie Queen seems to be the most active of the three, and being based in Spain would be my guess as to who is behind FamilyFunCycler. Or at least likely working closely with whoever is.

Read on for a full review of the FamilyFunCycler MLM business opportunity.

The FamilyFunCycler Product Line

FamilyFunCycler has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership with the company itself.

The FamilyFunCycler Compensation Plan

The FamilyFunCycler compensation plan sees affiliates invest in $24 matrix subscriptions.

Each matrix subscription generates a $3 matrix position daily for seven days.

These $3 positions are passed through a series of matrix cyclers, with commissions paid as other affiliates fill positions in the matrices.

FamilyFunCycler use six matrix cyclers in total, with each requiring three positions to be filled in order for the position to “cycle” out have a commission paid.

Commissions paid in each of FamilyFunCycler’s matrix cyclers are as follows:

  • Matrix 1 (positions cost $3) – pays out $2 and cycles into Matrix 2
  • Matrix 2 – pays out $3 and cycles into Matrix 3
  • Matrix 3 – pays out $7 and cycles into Matrix 4
  • Matrix 4 – pays out $15 and cycles into Matrix 5
  • Matrix 5 – pays out $23 and cycles into Matrix 6
  • Matrix 6 – pays out $25

As a position makes its way through the six cyclers, funds are withheld at each cycle. These funds are put into a “repurchase balance” and must be reinvested back into FamilyFunCycler:

  • Matrix 1 – $1
  • Matrix 2 – $4
  • Matrix 3 – $4
  • Matrix 4 – $14
  • Matrix 5 – $20
  • Matrix 6 – $20

Referral commissions are also paid when recruited affiliates cycle out of the matrices, with commissions paid out down two levels of recruitment:

  • Matrix 2 and 3 – $1 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles
  • Matrix 4 – $3 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles
  • Matrix 5 – $5 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles
  • Matrix 6 – $7 when a personally recruited affiliate cycles and $2 on level 2

Joining FamilyFunCycler

Affiliate membership with FamilyFunCycler is free, however affiliates must invest in at least one $24 matrix subscription in order to participate in the income opportunity.

As such, the defacto minimum cost of FamilyFunCycler affiliate membership is $24 (the cost of one subscription).


Leave alone whether Chavez Walcott actually exists, the admins of the FamilyFunCycler Facebook group alone are more than familiar with the MLM underbelly.

And that sets the backdrop FamilyFunCycler was conceived against.

On paper FamilyFunCycler operates as a six-tier Ponzi scheme, with each $3 investment generating an eventual $75 ROI.

This ROI is paid out of subsequently invested affiliate funds, with nothing marketed to or sold to retail customers at any time.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once newly invested funds dry up FamilyFunCycler will find itself unable to meet it’s ROI obligations.

Being a cycler-based scam, FamilyFunCycler’s collapse will manifest itself by way of the matrix cyclers stalling. The mandatory re-investment of funds will put off the collapse a little while, but inevitably taking in $3 on the promise of a $75 ROI (2500%) isn’t sustainable.

Typically in a subscription-based cycler, this happens after the first wave of subscriptions expires (in this case, seven days).

Usually at that point nobody except the admin and their buddies have turned a profit, with everyone else waiting for their original positions to cycle.

That doesn’t happen because there’s no new money entering the system, and the scheme collapses.