Diamond Jubilee 7, also known as DJ7, operates from two known website domains:

  1. diamondj7.info –  registered by “Diamond Jubilee 7” on November 23rd, 2021
  2. diamondj7.com – privately registered on June 13th, 2021

Heading up DJ7 is creator and CEO Maxsam Madume.

On FaceBook Madume goes by Wamambo Maxsam.

Madume claims he was “born in Zimbabwe and now based in United Kingdom”. Assuming he’s still in the UK, this means DJ7 is operated from the UK.

Madume has been promoting fraudulent investment and gifting schemes since at least 2016:

FutureNet started off as an adcredit Ponzi cycler in 2014. Following multiple reboots, FutureNet owners Roman Ziemian and Stephan Morgenstern were arrested in late 2022.

Other Ponzi and gifting schemes Madume has promoted include DataBank, CoinMarketBull, Girali, Ikonbot, Forsage, SuperOne, Doubleway, Eagle Bit Trade and Mass Cryp.

Read on for a full review of DJ7’s MLM opportunity.

Diamond Jubilee 7’s Products

DJ7 has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Diamond Jubilee 7 affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, DJ7 affiliates make gifting payments to other affiliates.

Through their participation in DJ7’s gifting scheme affiliates receive ad credits.

These ad credits can be used to display advertising to other DJ7 affiliates.

Diamond Jubilee 7’s Compensation Plan

DJ7 affiliates purchase gifting positions in tron (TRX).

DJ7 uses a 2×3 matrix structure to coordinate gifting payments between affiliates.

A 2×3 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them.

These three positions form the first level of the matrix.

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

The third level is generated in the same manner and adds an additional eight positions to the matrix.

Positions in each matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates.

Buy-ins from the third level (8 positions) are paid to the position at the top of each matrix. Once full, the top position “cycles” out and two new 2×3 matrices are created from the two second level positions.

There are three matrix gifting tiers in DJ7. Payments across the tiers are detailed below.

DJ7 Suprelite

An initial 300 TRX initial buy-in purchases ten positions in a DJ7 Superlite matrix tier.

There are two DJ7 Superlite tiers.

Cycling out of the first DJ7 Superlite matrix tier

  • pays 38 TRX
  • generates a 40 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume and
  • generates a new DJ7 Superlite tier 2 position

Tier 2 of DJ Superlite operates in the same manner as tier one – with the exception that two personal recruits are needed in order to cycle out.

Cycling out of the second DJ7 Superlite matrix tier

  • pays 260 TRX
  • generates a 1600 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 32 new DJ7 Superlite tier one positions and
  • generates 3 new DJ7 Lite matrix tier positions

DJ7 Lite

There are two DJ7 Lite tiers.

Cycling out of the first DJ7 Lite tier requires five personal recruits and

  • pays 80 TRX
  • generates a 400 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 3 new DJ7 Lite tier one positions and
  • generates a new DJ7 Lite tier two position

Cycling out of the second DJ7 Lite tier requires five personal recruits and

  • pays 1040 TRX
  • generates a 3200 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 8 new DJ7 Lite tier one positions and
  • generates 8 new DJ7 Classic matrix tier positions

DJ7 Classic

There are four DJ7 Classic tiers.

Cycling out of the first DJ7 Classic tier requires ten personal recruits and

  • pays 120 TRX
  • generates a 600 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 3 new DJ7 Classic tier one positions and
  • generates a new DJ7 Classic tier two position

Cycling out of the second DJ7 Classic tier requires ten personal recruits and

  • pays 1230 TRX
  • generates a 2400 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 7 new DJ7 Classic tier one positions and
  • generates a new DJ7 Classic tier three position

Cycling out of the third DJ7 Classic tier requires ten personal recruits and

  • pays 5520 TRX
  • generates a 9600 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume
  • generates 24 new DJ7 Classic tier one positions and
  • generates a new DJ7 Classic tier four position

Cycling out of the fourth DJ7 Classic tier requires ten personal recruits and

  • pays 74400 TRX
  • generates a 76,800 TRX fee for Maxsam Madume and
  • generates 16 new DJ7 Classic tier one positions

Withdrawal Penalty

DJ7 withholds 30% of all affiliate withdrawal requests. Withheld funds must be used to purchase new matrix positions.

Non-Qualified Cycle Payments

DJ7 takes gifting payments not paid to non-qualified affiliates (affiliates who fail to meet recruitment requirements), and place it into a “Golden TRX Pot”.

The Golden TRX Pot is paid out monthly to DJ7’s top recruiters.

Joining Diamond Jubilee 7

Diamond Jubilee 7 affiliate membership is tied to a 300 TRX gifting buy-in.

Diamond Jubilee 7 Conclusion

DB7 markets itself as the

World’s First Unique Closed Matrix Advertising and Crowdfunding Concept.

In reality DJ7 is a cookie-cutter illegal gifting scheme, with tacked on adcredits. This is neither a “world first” or “unique”.

Gifting schemes are illegal. For evidence of that we need look no further than the FTC’s case against Blessings in No Time. And the SEC has clarified that adding adcredits to fraudulent schemes doesn’t make them legal.

Maxsam Madume (right) has come to the realization realizing running gifting schemes is far more profitable than participating in them.

In DB7 specifically, this can be seen in the admin fees Madume skims off the top of each cycle. That’s on top of the phantom admin positions Madume has, which were entered into DB7 at no cost.

As for the crowdfunding angle, participants in a gifting scheme paying each other isn’t crowdfunding. The key differentiating factor is people buying into a gifting scheme on the expectation of profit.

This isn’t how crowdfunding works. If I crowdfund a project, I’m not going to earn money by recruiting new participants.

As with all gifting schemes, Madume as admin of the scheme, early joiners and top recruiters will receive most of the TRX gifted in.

For Madume specifically, as admin of DB7, this occurs through phantom admin positions. These positions are added before DB7 launches, and cycle cycle up to the DB7 Classic tier first.

DB7 Classic is where the majority of TRX gifted into DB7 is hoovered up by Madume, early DB7 participants and top recruiters.

And this of course happens at the expense of the rest of DB7’s participants, the majority of which are mathematically guaranteed to lose money.

As it stands it appears DB7 has collapsed already at least once:

DB7’s latest reboot was launched in June 2023. Gifting reboots are typically subject to diminishing returns, with only the small group who have profited seeking out new victims.

Unless you’re keen to sign up and lose money to an already collapsed illegal gifting scheme, avoid.