2019 wasn’t a good year for Tom McMurrain.

In March 2019 CMDX was on the verge of collapse, prompting McMurrain to beg for $100,000.

Then in August CMDX was dumped from the only public exchange McMurrain was able to get it listed on.

After that CMDX went into stagnation and effectively collapsed.

On June 1st 2022, McMurrain acquired the domain “databank.me”.

On August 2nd CMDX’s old website domain was redirected to DataBank, and McMurrain rebooted his failed crypto grift.

Read on for a full review of DataBank’s MLM opportunity.

DataBank Corporate

Tom McMurrain (right) is a convicted felon who’s MLM claim to fame is being a top US earner in OneCoin.

OneCoin was a $4 billion Ponzi scheme. It is considered one of the most notorious MLM scams of all time.

Being a top US earner (OneCoin’s stint in the US was brief), McMurrain sits mid-tier among OneCoin’s scammers.

The Ponzi side of OneCoin collapsed in January 2017. McMurrain quickly abandoned ship and by May had launched CoinMD.

CoinMD’s business model was essentially:

  1. give Tom McMurrain money for worthless CoinRewards Ponzi points
  2. something something healthcare
  3. everybody loses money except Tom McMurrain

CoinMD collapsed in March 2019, prompting McMurrain to reboot as CMDX. Now the grift was “monetizing personal information”.

CoinRewards were replaced by CMDX and U$D tokens, otherwise the business model was the same:

  1. give Tom McMurrain money for worthless CMDX tokens
  2. something something personal information
  3. everybody loses money except Tom McMurrain

CMDX collapsed much quicker than CoinMD did. McMurrain let it sit idle until a few months ago, which brings us to DataBank’s launch on or around July 2022.

DataBank’s Products

DataBank doesn’t have a retail offering but does offer a free tier.

Users sign up for free, complete a “HealthStyle profile” and receive $280 worth of DataRewards (DBME) tokens after 12 months.

The MLM side of DataBank has no retailable products or services.

DataBank’s Compensation Plan

DataBank affiliates sign up and purchase DBME tokens. DBME tokens are then used to pay for subscriptions.

DataBank don’t disclose the internal DBME conversion value but do price their subscriptions in USD equivalents:

  • Prime – $75 annual subscription, receive $550 worth of locked DBME over 11 months
  • Bronze – $550 annual subscription, receive $1260 worth of locked DBME over 10 months
  • Silver – $1100 two-year subscription, receive $3070 worth of locked DBME over 9 months
  • Gold – $3300 three-year subscription, receive $8210 worth of locked DBME over 8 months
  • Platinum – $5500 five-year subscription, receive $13,350 worth of locked DBME over 6 months

Note that DBME obtained through subscriptions is locked for the term of the subscription (12 months to 5 years).

The MLM side of DataBank pays on recruitment of subscription fee-paying affiliates.

Recruitment Commissions

DataBank affiliates are paid in USD and DBME when they recruit new affiliates.

Specific rates aren’t disclosed but here’s the two examples DataBank provides in their compensation documentation:

  • recruit a Prime affiliate and receive $75 plus $50 in DBME (note $75 is the total subscription amount paid, I’m not sure if that’s a typo in the documentation)
  • recruit a Silver affiliate and receive $550 plus $50 in DBME

Going off Silver, recruitment commissions appear to be 50% of subscription fees paid and $50 or more of DBME.

Residual Commissions

DataBank pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Every Monday DataBank tallies up new subscription volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid 10%, capped based on how much they’ve paid in subscription fees:

  • Prime tier affiliates earn up to $250 in residual commissions a week
  • Bronze tier affiliates earn up to $550 in residual commissions a week
  • Silver tier affiliates earn up to $1100 in residual commissions a week
  • Gold tier affiliates earn up to $3300 in residual commissions a week
  • Platinum tier affiliates earn up to $25,000 in residual commissions a week

Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and flushed. Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

Matching Bonus

DataBank pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.

The Matching Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

DataBank caps the Matching Bonus at four unilevel team levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid out on residual commissions earned across these four levels as follows:

  • Bronze and Silver affiliates earn a 10% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and level 2
  • Gold affiliates earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2 and 20% on level 3
  • Platinum affiliates earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2, 20% on level 3 and 25% on level 4

Note that to qualify for the Matching Bonus, a DataBank affiliate must have earned at least $400 in residual commissions for the week.

This requirement locks out Prime tier affiliates from the Matching Bonus.

Joining DataBank

DataBank affiliate membership is tied to a subscription:

  • Prime – $75 for 12 months
  • Bronze – $550 for 12 months
  • Silver – $1100 for 2 years
  • Gold – $3300 for 3 years
  • Platinum – $5500 for 5 years

The more a DataBank affiliate spends on their subscription the higher their income potential.

DataBank Conclusion

Not surprisingly, DataBank’s business model can be summed up as:

  1. give Tom McMurrain money for worthless DBME tokens
  2. something something personal information
  3. everybody loses money except Tom McMurrain

Whereas CMDX and U$D were ERC-20 tokens, for DBME McMurrain has migrated over to BEP-20.

Be it ERC-20 or BEP-20, these tokens take a few minutes to set up at little to no cost.

Although “personal information” is still the grift, outside of the token investment scheme free users and affiliates can receive more DBME by completing various tasks.

This side of DataBank is grouped under “SuperWallet” branding.

Considering McMurrain generates DBME at little to no cost on demand, “tasks for DBME tokens” is essentially busy-body work.

On the back-end McMurrain locks up acquired DBME, meaning the only money to be made is via recruitment of new affiliates. This is your classic pyramid scheme.

As we’ve seen with CoinMD and CMDX, there’s nothing to cash out when tokens are released because the tokens themselves are worthless.

To that end DataBank appears to be set up to help McMurrain’s CoinMD and CMDX victims offload their token bags onto new victims.

When a new affiliate signs up, they pay an existing token bagholder through DataBank’s backoffice. The bagholder affiliate then transfers tokens from their own stash to the new recruit.

As to the actual value of DMBE, on a recent DataBank webinar McMurrain bemoaned one of his victims selling 50 million tokens for $38 ($0.00000076).

On the probability DataBank will flop once the window to dupe new victims with a name-change dries up, McMurrain is already setting up his next grift:

Crypto and forex trading, over a shady Telegram group… groan.

“MySignal” will be available to Silver and higher tier DataBank subscribers.

MySignal funnels DataBank affiliates into Smart Income, a crypto and forex trading platform with its own marketing plan.

Not surprisingly, Smart Income also offers investors access to automated trading bots.

Smart Income is set up through a shell company in Connecticut. Tom McMurrain and Smart Income owners Eric Kipperman and Che Shiva are all based out of the US.

Neither DataBank, Tom McMurrain, Smart Income, Kipperman or Shiva are registered with the SEC.

Interestingly enough in researching Smart Income I came across the company promoting Meta Force.

Meta Force is part of Lado Okhotnikov’s Forsage Ponzi schemes.

The SEC filed suit against Okhotnikov and ten Forsage scammers for securities fraud back in August.

MetaForce collapsed last month. Last I checked in Okhotnikov is trying to get some MetaForce NFT nonsense off the ground.

Under the ruses of “”smart contract”, smart trading” and “smart staking”, Kipperman and Shiva funnel Smart Income participants into various crypto scams:

  • Swapnex is a collapsed Boris CEO Ponzi scheme
  • Pinaki is a collapsed “trading” Ponzi scheme
  • Decentra is a Dubai based Ponzi scheme run by Mexican national Jonathan Sifuentes (Sifuentes is laying low following a securities fraud settlement with Arizona last month)
  • XDefi is a “staking” crypto Ponzi scheme built around XDEFI tokens

Be it straight investment into DBME tokens or indirect investment into Ponzi schemes through Smart Income, math guarantees the majority of participants in Ponzi and pyramid schemes lose money.