Xifra Lifestyle has collapsed. Investors report withdrawals problems beginning late April.

Now the Ponzi scheme is purportedly gearing up to reboot as Decentra.

As reviewed here on BehindMLM, Xifra Lifestyle was a simple 200% ROI Ponzi scheme.

The scam was run by Brazilian national Jonathan Sifuentes, who is believed to have ties to Mexico and the US (Texas).

Xifra Lifestyle itself represents it is based out of Mexico.

Last September, Mexican authorities issued Xifra Lifestyle a securities fraud warning. This was followed up by a $49,321 securities fraud fine on December 8th.

Eight days later on December 16th, the domain “decentrauniverse.com” was registered.

Decentra began earlier than that though. During a November 2021 marketing event in Cancun, Xifra rolled out Decentra University pseudo-compliance:

Speaking of cryptocurrencies, XIFRA made a surprise announcement on Sunday 21 that they were working on having their own token, although this would not go live until December 2022.

Another service, Decentra University, was announced during the event. It is an educational service that will include training material in various areas and will start with a good catalogue of content related to new technologies, such as Blockchain and artificial intelligence, both fundamental pillars at XIFRA.

Within the contents of the Decentra platform, there is an important highlight, which is the EXCLUSIVE leadership and personal growth mentoring by John Maxwell.

That original plan appears to have now been abandoned, in favor of rebooting Xifra Lifestyle through Decentra entirely.

Decentra marketing began to be pushed out as early as March 2021:

Now Xifra Lifestyle investors are pushing the marketing angle of Decentra “absorbing” Xifra Lifestyle:

As above, this brings with it the claim that Xifra Lifestyle’s Ponzi, through Decentra, is “registered and Compliant in the USA”.

This is a load of baloney. A search of the SEC’s Edgar database reveals neither Xifra Lifestyle, Decentra or Jonathan Sifuentes are registered to offer securities in the US.

While baloney, Michael Anderson’s claim above isn’t surprising.

Xifra Lifestyle investors have been falsely claiming the company is legal in both Mexico and the US for months.

Decentra represents itself as a defi blockchain bro company run by persons unknown. It is in fact a continuation of Xifra Lifestyle, run by Jonathan Sifuentes.

The Securities Division of the Arizona Corporation Commission filed a securities fraud application against Sifuentes in 2020.

The application pertained to past Ponzi activity by Sifuentes, dating back to 2017.

I want to direct you to this quote from Sifuentes in the ACC’s application;

Sifuentes also told offerees and investors at a presentation in Sosa’s office that MTCoin was a great investment and that he had personally made lots of money already.

He also stated that the federal government had no control over the company because they were using an independent company for their money accounts, making the investment very low risk, he never described any risks.

Decentra is Sifuente’s “independent company” for Xifra Lifestyle. He’s living out the regulatory fantasy he never got to execute with My Trader Coin.

As part of that fantasy, Sifuentes appears to have moved himself, Xifra Lifestyle and Decentra to Dubai.

Dubai is the MLM scam capital of the world. Moving there puts Sifuentes out of reach of US and Mexican authorities, enabling him to continue defrauding consumers.

In April 2022, Sifuentes, appearing in a YouTube video titled “The XIFRA / DECENTRA UNIVERSE Story Documentary 2019-2022“, claimed he was “the most highest paid guy in the industry of network marketing”.

I’m the highest paid guy in the industry.

If you take seven guys from BusinessForHome and you add what they’re making, that’s what I’m making a month.

Based on marketing videos on Decentra’s official YouTube channel the Xifra Ponzi scheme will be run alongside Decentra’s membership scheme.

Decentra charges $99.95 and then $34.95 a month or $349.95 annually, for access to various services (a travel-booking engine, Decentra University etc.).

All payments within Decentra are made in bitcoin, with Decentra pitching an 88% annual ROI investment scheme:

Names of note within the MLM industry who have hitched their wagon to Xifra, include Shane Morand and John C. Maxwell – both US citizens and, unless I’m mistaken, US residents.

Shane Morand is one of the co-founders of Organo Gold. Morand left Organo Gold after a botched attempt to pitch crypto scams to distributors.

Morand resurfaced in late 2021 as a crypto bro pitching Trujivan, a Tycoon69 Ponzi trojan horse.

That appears to have fallen through, with Morand continue his crypto fraud journey with Decentra.

To fully live out the MLM crypto Ponzi dream, Morand relocated to Dubai a few months ago:

John C. Maxwell is a frequent speaker at MLM events. He appears to have gotten involved with Sifuentes a while back.

Maxwell’s name and image are being heavily used to insinuate Xifra Lifestyle and Decentra are not Ponzi schemes committing securities fraud.

Maxwell’s LinkedIn profile places him in Florida.

While it should be obvious changing the name of your Ponzi scheme and pretending it runs itself to avoid regulation is ridiculous, this is where the MLM crypto space is at.

Toss in Dubai and all that’s missing are new gullible investors to keep the original Xifra Lifestyle Ponzi going.

Based on representations from Xifra Lifestyle investors…

…the Decentra Xifra Lifestyle Ponzi reboot is scheduled to kick off on May 29th.


Update 10th May 2024 – Following Decentra’s collapse, Jonathan Sifuentes has turned up at the Mavie Global Ponzi scheme.