companies @ BehindMLM

Nimbus Platform Ponzi rebrands as Syncord following arrest

The Nimbus Platform Ponzi scheme rebranded to Syncord on November 6th. The rebranding follows the arrest of former CEO Andrea Zanon in Spain last December.

BlackOxygen Organics cops $7.5 mill class-action judgment

BlackOxygen Organics and owner Marc Saint-Onge have copped a $7.5 million class-action default judgment.

Holton Buggs files to dissolve The Traders Domain Receivership

Holton Buggs has filed motions seeking dismissal of the case against him and dissolvement of a court-appointed Receiver.

Hong Kong loses $2.8M to “click a button” app Ponzi in a week

Hong Kong consumers have lost HKD $22 million to “click a button” Ponzi app scammers in a week (~$2.8 million USD). As reported by the South China Morning Post on November 12th, one hundred and fifteen Hong Kong residents fell victim to the “fake orders” Ponzi ruse.

Flow Traders Review: Quantitative Trading “click a button” Ponzi

Flow Traders, aka Flow Trader and FT Quantify, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. Flow Traders’ website domain (“”), was registered with bogus details on October 16th, 2024. Flow Traders has already attracted the attention of financial regulators. The Central Bank of Russia issued a Flow Traders pyramid fraud warning on October [Continue reading…]

Sam Lee detained in Dubai on Interpol arrest warrant

Sam Lee, aka Xue Samuel Lee, has been detained at Dubai’s Al Aweer Central Prison. During his ongoing detainment, the SEC managed to serve Lee their civil HyperFund fraud lawsuit. As per November 5th filings from the SEC, Lee refused personal service at the prison but was considered served under US law.

AQR Quantify Review: Quantitative trading “click a button” Ponzi

AQR Quantify fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. AQR Quantify operates from two known website domains: – registered with bogus details on April 25th, 2024 (already abandoned) – registered with bogus details on October 24th, 2024 Of note is both of AQR Quantify’s website domains being registered through the [Continue reading…]

Auratus’ BitexLive blocks US and Canadian investors

Auratus adjacent BitexLive has informed investors it has “decided to discontinue its services in the United States and Canada”.

Jhony Depresseux’s MyGTExchange Ponzi collapses

The MyGTExchange Ponzi scheme has collapsed. Following months of withdrawal delays, MyGTExchange informed investors it has now cancelled all pending withdrawal requests.

StableDAO scammer begs for help to return to US

StableDAO Ponzi factory executive Garret Blakeslee is begging for help to leave Dubai and return the US.