South African authorities have arrested GSPartners promoter Neil Leon De Waal.

De Waal was recruited into GSPartners by Brendon Earp-Jones, who in turn was recruited by Andrew Eaton.

Eaton was a top GSPartners promoter who worked directly under owner Josip Heit.

As per a cited court transfer document, De Waal was arrested on an arrest warrant issued by the Benoni Magistrates Court or around May 28th, 2024.

South African authorities have filed a criminal case against De Waal alleging one count of fraud.

De Waal’s arrest warrant was issued on December 15th, 2023, following an application filed on December 13th, 2023.

De Waal’s arrest warrant alleges he committed a single alleged act of fraud on May 30th, 2023.

On May 25th, 2023, De Waal attended a GSPartners promotional event in Dubai.

De Waal returned to South Africa after the event. On May 29th, 2023, De Waal confirmed he attended a local GSPartners promotional event in Cape Town.

Following De Waal’s arrest, a bail hearing was heard on May 31st.

South African authorities opposed De Waal’s bail, on the premise he

is a flight risk, a suspect in another fraud case [and] likely to commit further schedule 1 offenses.

The hearing was continued to June 3rd. I don’t have a confirmation filing but a source informs me De Waal was released on bail for R15,000 (~$790 USD).

The specifics of De Waal’s criminal case are unclear. Ditto details of the second case he is a suspect in.

Also unclear is the scope of the criminal case, and whether additional arrest warrants have been issued and/or arrests made.

At the time of De Waal’s arrest, his GSPartners upline Brendon Earp-Jones has scrubbed his social media profiles:

Earp-Jones’ upline, top GSPartners promoter Andrew Eaton, has also gone underground.

GSPartners was an MLM cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme run by Josip Heit out of Dubai.

Following an avalanche of regulatory fraud warnings from fourteen US states, six Canadian provinces and South Africa’s FSCA,  GSPartners collapsed in December 2023.

Multiple failed GSPartners reboots ensued, the latest of which is Auratus.

In April 2024 Andrew Eaton falsely claimed US regulators were on the verge of settling fraud charges with GSPartners and Heit. The outcome of multiple US federal investigations into GSPartners remains pending.

Josip Heit remains in hiding in Dubai. It is unclear whether Brendon Earp-Jones and Andrew Eaton have fled South Africa.

Pending further updates we’ll keep you posted.


Update 7th June 2024 – A report from Netwerk24 has shed further light on De Waal’s arrest and GSPartners criminal case.