Bulavita appears to have been sold off to Juuva.

Which is kind of strange, seeing as Bulavita itself is barely a year old.

Bulavita was created when Wakaya Perfection was sold off to Terry LaCore and LaCore Enterprises.

This is based on incorporation records circa December 2019. As far as I’m aware neither LaCore or LaCore Enterprises publicly acknowledged the acquisition.

Similarly, the specifics of Bulavita’s sale to Juuva is shrouded in mystery.

A FAQ for Bulavita distributors fails to mention LaCore Enterprises;

After many years and many successes in Network Marketing, Bulavita Co-Founder Todd Smith, and Bulavita President, Bill Andreoli, decided that the Bulavita family and the collective mission to take Muscadine to the WORLD could greatly benefit by joining a well-established company with solid infrastructure, a universally appealing compensation system, and a rapidly growing international presence.

Juuva is an excellent fit for you because the Bulavita corporate team that you have grown accustomed to is now a part of the Juuva corporate team and at the center of one of the fastest-growing organizations in the industry today.

Furthermore, the Bulavita products you know and love are now a part of Juuva’s catalog.

On March 27th William Andreoli, President of Bulavita, framed the acquisition as a partnership;

[16:06] We are getting married. We are partnering up.

We are partnering up with an amazing company called Juuva.

Reading between the lines, it sounds like LaCore Enterprises sold Bulavita off to Juuva, but again this isn’t clarified anywhere.

According to Andreoli Bulavita’s entire corporate staff is moving over to Juuva – namely himself and Todd Smith. Bulavita’s products will also be marketed through Juuva.

Going forward, former Bulavita affiliates will be working under Juuva’s compensation plan.

BehindMLM reviewed Juuva in July 2020. We flagged a lack of focus and kooky products as concerns.

Also an issue was illegal medicals claims made about Juuva’s products. Some from the company itself.

BehindMLM has documented Bulavita’s own illegal medical claims in the past.

Bulavita is the second LaCore Enterprises company I’ve seen disappear over the past 12 months.

In covering the recent WorldVentures bankruptcy, I became aware that Nutricellix had been merged with Uforia Science, another LaCore Enterprises company, mid last year.

Uforia Science was just coming off a failed merger with MaVie, announced in early 2020.

Whether these developments are indicative of wider trouble at LaCore Enterprises is unknown.


Update 9th June 2021 – Bulavita’s partnership with Juuva has collapsed. The company will now rebrand as Mfinity Global later this month.