Bulavita is marketing their M20 Boost supplement as a way to “inhibit the growth of human cancer cells”.


If you attempt to visit “bulavita.com”, you’re redirected to “the new Bulavita website” at “m20boost.com”.

M20 Boost is a nutritional supplement containing muscadine grape, pink Fijian ginger, and Fijian turmeric.

According to Bulavita,

each (ingredient) is a potent superfood that helps to detox the body, reduce inflammation, repair digestion, and pave the way for essential nutrient absorption.

Sounds like your usual supplement marketing spiel. You can find similar claims on almost any supplement themed MLM company website.

If you scroll down the M20 Boost website though, Bulavita focuses on muscadine grapes.

With 2 more chromosomes (a total of 20) than regular grapes, Muscadines have an unbelievable natural immunity that resists mold, bacteria, and viruses without the use of harmful chemicals.

The human immune system produces  antibodies when under attack. Similarly,  Muscadine grapes produce the highest levels of antioxidants because of the stress from the environment it grows in.

So muscadine grape seeds have a high ORAC count. Still nothing particularly eyebrow raising.

M20 has undergone over $20,000,000 in clinical trials and research at Wake Forest University.

OK. Now you’ve got my attention.

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover human clinical trial of M20 BOOST*, the product resulted in a significant increase in resting brachial artery diameter, which translates into an increased capacity of nearly 14%!

Other in-vitro laboratory studies show that M20 BOOST may inhibit the growth of human cancer cells from 60% to over 92% (depending upon the specific type of cancer) – suggesting that Muscadine extracts may be a new treatment for human cancers.*

Did you spot the asterisks? They point to an FDA disclaimer further down the page.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We have Bulavita simultaneously claiming their M20 Boost supplement “may inhibit the growth of human cancer cells from 60% to over 92%”, and that M20 Boost is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Talk about pseudo-compliance.

Bulavita themselves don’t provide a link to this supposed $20 million study into M20 Boost.

That’s suspicious enough on its own. When I went looking for the study, surprise surprise nothing came up.

It’s bad enough when MLM companies pull the old

X ingredient has clinical studies showing effectiveness against studies into it for Y disease.

Our supplement contains X ingredient and therefore our supplement also has effectiveness against Y disease.

This doesn’t fly with the FDA. And it’s not even what Bulavita are claiming.

The company is flat out stating their M20 Boost study can prevent cancer but *winkwink* isn’t intended to prevent cancer.

Bulavita is a recent relaunch of Wakaya Perfection. The company’s website and marketing hasn’t been up for long.

We expect medical claims pertaining to M20 Boost’s effectiveness against cancer will shortly be taken down.

Failing which once Bulavita’s affiliates start pushing “$20 MILLION STUDY PROVES M20 BOOST CURES CANCER!” marketing, FDA warning letters won’t be too far behind.


Update May 24th 2020 – Possibly in response to this article, Bulavita has removed M20 Boost cancer claims from its website.

The section of their website captured above now looks like this:

I’m taking that as an indirect admission that no studies have been conducted into M20 Boost. Nor is there any evidence the supplement has any effectiveness against or preventing cancer.

Any Bulavita affiliates who market M20 Boost as being able to prevent, manage or treat any disease are making illegal medical claims.