M2M Galaxy Review: Two-tier $50 cycler Ponzi (UR247)

m2m-galaxy-logoThere is no information on the M2M Galaxy website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The M2M Galaxy website domain (“m2mgalaxy.com”) was registered on the 5th of May 2015, listing “toney” as the domain owner.

A bogus address in the US is provided, suggesting that the entire M2M Galaxy domain registration is fake.

Further research revealed someone called Dave Jones promoting M2M Galaxy as being part of something called “UR247”.


UR247 is a private Facebook group, consisting of some 2200+ members:


The secret group has nine named admins; Sheri Bonay (alt profile Sherigirl Bonay), Desmond Johnson, Victoria Harris, Neville Easley, Corey Phillip Moran, Jennifer Dazley, Helen Smith and Richard Taylor.

Who is in charge of the group is unclear, however it appears to be a downline builder that attaches itself to various opportunities.


A Facebook post from Sheri Bonay dated May 21st reads:

Woo hoo!! PRAISE GOD!! We just went over 400 in the M2M GALAXY group! This is UR247 Second program and Its JUST LIKE DIRECT PAY BIZ BUT ON A HIGHER PAYOUT! A TRUE TEAM BUILD!

We all sign under and promote the same link and this TRAIN IS MOVIN YALL!

Religion seems to be a common thread among the UR247 admins, with most of them publishing religious themed imagery or quotes on their Facebook timelines.

Another common thread is Achieve Community, with Corey Phillip Moran, Neville Easley and Jennifer Dazley confirmed to have been investors in the scheme.

The other UR247 admins probably were too, but have since deleted traces of their involvement/promotion of the scheme.

Achieve Community was one of the larger matrix cycler schemes of 2014. It was shutdown by the SEC in February, with the regulator revealing it to be a $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

Kristi Johnson and Troy Barnes, co-founders of Achieve Community, are currently both facing criminal charges.

Direct Pay Biz meanwhile is a similar matrix cycler Ponzi scheme. A sales pitch on the Direct Pay Biz website proclaims visitors to the site can “turn your $9 into $597,170!”

Whether or not UR247 are running DirectPayBiz or merely shuffling their Facebook group members into it unclear.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

6K Goal Review: Tripple Effect sister scam?

6k-goal-logoThere is no information on the 6K Goal website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The 6K Goal website domain (“6kgoal.com”) was registered on the 8th of May 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Upon perusing the 6K Goal website, I was immediately struck by the design similarities between it and Tripple Effect.

I’d only just reviewed Tripple Effect, so the design and site layout was still fresh in my mind.

Upon further inspection I noted that most of the 6K Goal website FAQ was identical to that of Tripple Effect.

Like Tripple Effect, 6K Goal also had banners for ClubWealth and MegaCashTeam hosted on the domain:



Additionally the 6K Goal and Tripple Effect websites are currently being hosted on the same server.

Whether or not this means the same admin is running both opportunities or it’s just a side-effect of the sites having the same designer, I can’t say either way for sure.

Both opportunities have been launched around the same time though, strongly suggesting the same admin is behind them.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

Tripple Effect Review: Reach Society investors start anew?

tripple-effect-logoThere is no information on the Tripple Effect website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Tripple Effect website domain (“trippleeffect.com”) was registered on the 23rd of April 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Two image headers appear on the Tripple Effect website. One advertises a matrix-based scheme launched in 2012, the other I’m not 100% sure about:



The first is MegaCashTeam, a matrix-based Ponzi scheme launched in July 2012. It ran out of money and collapsed within a few days.

The second is ClubWealth. Noticeably the banner advertises the “.com” website, which appears to be an unrelated marketing website.

A month after MegaCashTeam collapsed “ClubWealth.co” was launched, leading me to believe the banner might have meant to advertise this domain instead.

ClubWealth.co was a four-tier matrix cycler Ponzi scheme. It ran out of money and collapsed within a week.

Why banners for these schemes are hosted on the Tripple Effect website domain is unclear (again, I’m not 100% sure on ClubWealth but as far as I can tell the “.com” domain was never an MLM opportunity).

An official Tripple Effect Facebook group linked off the company’s website lists four admins, Rick Bewick, Steve Czach, Mila Santiago Cobb and Myjhen Cabanag.


Of the four Myjhen Cabanag stands out as the owner of The Reach Society, a matrix cycler clone of The Achieve Community.

Cabanag launched the Reach Society after The Achieve Community stopped paying investors. Achieve was shutdown by the SEC in February, revealing it to be a $3.8 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

It’s two founders are now facing criminal charges as part of an ongoing Department of Justice investigation.

The Reach Society ran out of investor funds and collapsed shortly after launch.

Cabanag later emailed BehindMLM and demanded we “remove and delete” our Reach Society review. Cabanag claimed

Everything that was said on this report is wrong. This is dafamation of honor.

Further research reveals Rick Bewick, Steve Czach and Mila Santiago Cobb were all Reach Society affiliates.

Although all of this points to Myjhen Cabanag running Tripple Effect, positively identifying the owner remains inconclusive. The 2012 scam banners hosted on the Tripple Effect domain for example, make little sense.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

iFreeX & 2PayNet websites offline. Rodrigues not owner?

ifreex-logoFollowing it being made public that Sann Rodrigues was arrested earlier this month for visa fraud, the iFreeX and 2PayNet websites have gone offline.

Coincidence, or further evidence that Rodrigues himself was running the scheme? [Continue reading…]

DFRF Enterprises RICO lawsuit dropped. Payoff?

dfrf-enterprises-logoWe’re a bit late to this one, but on the 29th of April a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal was filed in the DFRF Rico lawsuit case.

Details on why the lawsuit was dropped are sketchy, suggesting there may have been a payoff. [Continue reading…]

NuWayTV Review: $299 box streams copyrighted content

nuwaytv-logoThere is no information on the NuWayTV website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The NuWayTV website domain (“nuwaytv.com”) was registered on the 13th of April 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

Further research reveals the domain was initially registered to a “Dan McWright”, with an Florida address identical to the one currently provided on the NuWayTV website (cited as belonging to “Healthy Investments Inc., d/b/a NuWayTV”).

dan-mcwright-ceo-nuwaytvMcWright credits himself as the CEO of NuWayTV on his LinkedIn profile (right), suggesting he is indeed the owner of NuWayTV (and Healthy Investments Inc.).

In his LinkedIn profile, McWright also lists involvement in FGXpress as an affiliate from August 2012.

On his personal marketing websites, McWright also reveals himself to have been an affiliate with Dynamic Impact, Cool Trader Pro, LifePharm, Global Hangout, Rain and American Dream Nutrition.

Why this information is not provided on the NuWayTV website is unclear.

Read on for a full review of the NuWayTV MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Sanderley Rodrigues arrested for visa fraud

department-homeland-security-logoMy email inbox blew up overnight with news of Sanderley Rodrigues arrest in New Jersey.

Details were sketchy, but it appears Rodrigues was picked up on May 18th and is currently being held in a state prison.

Now I know what you’re thinking (because I was thinking it too), but Rodrigues’ arrest doesn’t appear to have anything to do with his activities in TelexFree or iFreeX.

At least not directly[Continue reading…]

Travel and Cash Review: Travel niche Ponzi pyramid hybrid

travel-and-cash-logoTravel and Cash (not to be confused with My Travel & Cash from 2012), went into prelaunch last month and claim to be registered in Belize.

The company doesn’t actually have a physical presence there however, with the Travel and Cash website stating

The owners and management have operated a number of international businesses operating remotely in many different parts of the world.

Our in house IT and web development team are based in India and Australia. Our management team are located in India, Malaysia, Thailand and Croatia.

Identified as co-founders of the company on the Travel and Cash website are Kingsley Ennis (President) and Michael Faust (Chief Visionary Officer).

Ennis appears to have gotten involved in MLM as an affiliate with Yoli, another MLM company operating in health and nutrition niche.

Here he is being awkward on stage in 2012 (at what  believe is a Yoli event).

kingsley-ennis-cofounder-travel-and-cashJust two months ago in a BusinessForHome article covering Yoli’s expansion into Canada, Ennis (right), credited as a Yoli Founding Triple Diamond Executive affiliate, had this to say:

When the Company announced; the Yoli products will be available in Canada from 27th March 2015 everyone was so excited!

It’s so so exciting to be at the beginning where millions of new people can now join in our mission of health and freedom. The sky is truly the limit…!

No idea what happened there, but Travel and Cash went into prelaunch in April.

Whether or not Ennis is still a Yoli affiliate is unclear.

Michael Faust meanwhile was involved in something called “Holidays and Cash” back in 2009.

Michael Faust, the International Sales Director of HolidaysandCash, a multinational network marketing company headquatered in Nigeria is set to formerly launch the current fastest growing and most rewarding online marketing product in Nigeria ith the course of this week and next week.

Holidays and Cash saw affiliates pay $240 and get paid to recruit other affiliates who did the same.

michael-faust-cofounder-travel-and-cashIn 2010 Faust (right) launched “Lekker International”, another travel-based MLM opportunity.

In 2013 Faust was promoting Wenyard, a Ponzi scheme launched that same year.

In response to BehindMLM identifying Wenyard as a Ponzi scheme in late 2013, Faust replied:

Are (you) saying that the 20,000 people who joined Wenyard the last 5 weeks are all gullible, unintelligent, naive and can in no way make an informed decision yet the owners of this site and others making negative remarks are more informed?

It just may be that NOW is NOT the right time for YOU to join but 20,000 people growing at almost 800 a day ARE choosing to get involved and they don’t need misleading posts and websites to sway them.

Wenyard went on to run out of new affiliate funds and collapse less than a year later.

Read on for a full review of the Travel and Cash MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

MWR Life Review: Third-party telephone services

mwr-life-logoMy Warranty Rewards was launched in late 2013 by founders Jay Tuerk and Yoni Ashurov.

The company marketed a $29.97 a month warranty service, provided by a separate company which was seemingly also owned by Tuerk and Ashurov.

The trouble with the original My Warranty Rewards business model was, although it did have retail, it was entirely possible for an affiliate to ignore it.

One sale of the warranty subscription was required to qualify for commissions, which itself could be an affiliate’s own subscription.

Thus if an affiliate signed up, bought a subscription and then focused on recruiting other affiliates who did the same, a closed chain recruitment loop was created.

Whether or not that wound up being the primary focus of My Warranty Rewards I can’t say, but in late April of this year the company rebranded to “MWR Life”.

Read on for a full review of the MWR Life MLM business opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Sagajuta’s Raymond Chan facing uFun Club corruption probe

ufunclub-logoDamned if they won’t haul in uFun Club management for even an interrogation, but authorities in Malaysia appear to be investigating the scheme’s money laundering activities.

Citing a brief local new story, we’d reported earlier today that an unidentified individual had been picked up for questioning in Sabah, Malaysia.

We can now reveal that individual as none other than Raymond Chan, CEO and owner of the Sagajuta construction firm. [Continue reading…]