7 Rings of Wealth Review: Seven-tier sovereign citizen gifting

7 Rings of Wealth provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The 7 Rings of Wealth website domain (“7ringsofwealth.com”) was privately registered on February 15th, 2017.

Copy on The 7 Rings of Wealth website references “the Nation”;

To begin earning Patronage Refunds in the 7 Rings of Wealth Crowdfunding project for “The Nation”, simply click on the Signup button and get started today.

The footer of the website also cites “CollaborateUSA, LLC”.

Collaborate USA has a website up over at “collaboratenation.com”. There it’s explained what “the Nation” is;

We choose to govern as a Collaborative Commonwealth, a league, or confederacy of independent persons and businesses (Members), where each individual Member has one voice and one vote, is sovereign and may opt-out without duress or recourse should the Collaborative Commonwealth cease to align with their individual rights and ideals.

That all Members of the Nation shall be Members of Collaborate CoOp, a cooperative association.

That those Members who voluntarily choose to may purchase ownership in Collaborate CoOp by paying a one-time Share Fee of $240 (called a Share Member), and may vote for a Board of Directors of Collaborate CoOp who shall represent the Members in contract and governance.

The Board of Directors shall rotate annually as per the Bylaws of the cooperative association.

Sovereign citizen nuttery. Gotta love it.

Who’s running this particular chapter of sovereign citizens is unclear, but 7 Rings of Wealth is cited as ‘the latest innovation of the popular Collaborative CoOp Community known as “#The Nation.”

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

The Company 360 Review: $350 octane booster tablets?

The Company 360 (TC 360) launched in late 2016 and operate in the automotive additive MLM niche.

The company is based out of California in the US and headed up by Founder and CEO, Robert Aguilar (below right).

Aguilar’s TC 360 corporate bio credits him with being ‘in the MLM space for over 25 years‘. Despite this I was unable to definitively put together Aguilar’s MLM history (there are a few Robert Aguilar’s in the MLM industry).

Aguilar’s TC 360 bio provides no information as to the company’s he’s previously been involved in.

Read on for a full review of the TC 360 MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

1000 Expert Review: $3B dollar mining company you’ve never heard of

1000 Expert name Marinete Luiza Oro as President of the company.

Among other things, official 1000 Expert marketing material credits Oro with an LLM in International Law and claims she is a “guidelines deputy chairman of the organization to combat laundering money (American Bar Association)”.

I’d never heard of the organization, so out of curiosity I punched in Oro’s money deputy chairman title into Google. Nothing came up.

Possibly due to language-barriers, I was unable to put together an MLM history on Oro.

According to the 1000 Expert marketing material I did find;

Dr. Marinete Luiza Oro, together with Dr. Elcio Gomes, pioneers in the gold mining market in South America, decided o [sic] expand to other continents.

Thus forming the United States Gold Corporation.

The document claims United States Gold Corporation has been around since 2010,

in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.

With a request to be a publicly-held company with the SEC, dedicated to mining, mainly for gold and diamonds.

A search of the SEC’s Edgar database meanwhile turns up nothing for “United States Gold Corporation”, “USG Gold” or “United Gold Corporation” (all three are referenced in 1000 Expert marketing material).

There is an entry for “USG Corp”, however this is an unrelated Delaware corporation that manufactures “concrete gypsum plaster products”.

A United States Gold Corp website exists and seems to corroborate the Oro and Gomes partnership story 1000 Expert is pushing.

A residential address in Florida is provided as a corporate address for United States Gold Corp provided on its website.

The United States Gold Corp website (“unitedstatesgoldcorp.com”) was registered on the 17th of December, 2013.

Bruno Knopik is listed as the owner, with an address in Paran, Brazil also provided.

Who Bruno Knopic is in relation to United States Gold Corp and/or 1000 Expert is unclear.

The 1000 Expert website itself (“1000expert.com”) was only recently anonymously registered on February 15th, 2017.

Alexa currently estimate that 90% of traffic to the 1000 Expert website originates out of Japan.

Read on for a full review of the 1000 Expert MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

MMM Nigeria affiliate facing eighteen years in prison

Following the collapse of MMM Nigeria a few months ago, it was estimated that some 3 million Nigerians together lost $57 million dollars.

Following a criminal complaint filed by two affiliates, now one MMM Nigeria affiliate is facing up to fifteen years in prison. [Continue reading…]

Future Matrix Review: Six-tier 3×1 matrix Ponzi cycler

Future Matrix provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Future Matrix website domain (“futurematrix.biz”) was privately registered on March 29th, 2017.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money. [Continue reading…]

8 Figure Dream Lifestyle Review: 22K Collective gifting reboot

8 Figure Dream Lifestyle provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business. In fact as I write this, the 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle website is nothing more than an affiliate login form.

The 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle website domain (“8figuredreamlifestyle.com”) was privately registered on August 22nd, 2016.

A site-wide search of the 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle revealed the company’s Terms and Conditions, which reference the company Tidom;

At the discretion of 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle, any prior licensee of the “Tidom” program with a license to use Tidom granted from any 8 Figure Dream partner prior to October 7th, 2016, may be entitled to transfer their license and admin fee to 8 figure dream lifestyle without penalty.

Tidom Inc. is owned by Scott Miller (right), as uncovered in our review of 22K Collective.

22K Collective was a cash gifting scheme launched in 2015. Today the 22K Collective website domain is unresponsive.

In addition to launching 22K Collective, Miller was heavily involved in the $1.8 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, TelexFree. He was also an affiliate of MyNyloxin.

Read on for a full review of the 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Ueconomy Review: $52,495 to $100,000+ cash gifting

Ueconomy provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Ueconomy website domain (“ueconomy.com”) was privately registered on March 12th, 2017.

Further research reveals Ueconomy affiliates naming Peter Wolfing as owner of the company. Perusal of Wolfing’s social media profiles reveals Ueconomy marketing.

It seems Wolfing’s original name for the company was “E-Economy” back in April:

Peter Wolfing first appeared on BehindMLM’s radar back in 2012, as the admin of Turbo Cycler ($200-$1000 matrix-based Ponzi scheme).

Other MLM underbelly schemes launched by Wolfing over the years include Turbo Cycler (cash gifting), Ultimate Cycler (Ponzi cycler), Business Toolbox (chain-recruitment), Infinity 100 (cash gifting), National Wealth Center (cash gifting) and Pay Me Forward (cash gifting).

Despite being launched in 2013 and long-since collapsed, in 2016 Ultimate Cycler Ultimate was revived by Nigerian scammers. Wolfing redesigned the Ultimate Cycler website to cater to Nigerian affiliates and rode the wave.

Alexa traffic estimates for the Ultimate Cycler website reveal recruitment stalled early March, likely prompting a collapse. This is likely why Wolfing is launching yet another MLM underbelly scheme.

Read on for a full review of the Ueconomy MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Two more OneCoin arrests, money trail leads to Bulgaria & Mauritius

The interrogation of Indian OneCoin affiliates in custody continues to pay off, with a continuing investigation by the Mumbai EOW leading to two more arrests.

While OneCoin is notorious for laundering money through shell companies at a corporate level, the Indian investigation is revealing how things work on the ground. [Continue reading…]

Coin Nuggets Review: Two-tier 1 cent subscription cycler

The Coin Nuggets website identifies Michael Weber, CEO of I-Affiliate Marketing Inc., as owner of the company.

Weber first appeared on BehindMLM in 2015 as admin of the X100K pyramid scheme.

After collapsing a number of times X100K was abandoned in early 2016. Weber (right) returned later in the year with PIF2Cash, a Ponzi cycler.

Alexa traffic estimates for the PIF2Cash website suggest the scheme began to collapse in February.

Read on for a full review of the Coin Nuggets MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]

Hustle With Us Review: 2×5 matrix cash gifting

Hustle With Us provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Hustle With Us website domain (“hustlewithus.com”) was registered on August 26th, 2016. Dawn Newman is listed as the owner, with an address in the US state of California also provided.

The Hustle With Us domain registration details appear to be bogus, with the domain originally using DNS name-servers connected to Xtreme Pro System:

Xtreme Pro System was a Ponzi scheme launched by Johnny Ganoza back in 2014.

In February 2015 the SEC shut down Achieve Community, a similar matrix cycler Ponzi scheme. A week later Ganoza (right) announced Xtreme Pro System was ditching its cycler Ponzi model.

Needless to say that decision marked the end of the scheme.

A reader request then saw me review Ganoza’s Average Joe Profit System in mid 2015.

Average Joe Profit System itself however was launched prior to Xtreme Profit System. The scheme saw $202,500 ROIs offered on $5 investments.

After Xtreme Profit System, Ganoza went on to launch PowerPost Profits in September, 2015.

That lasted a few weeks, with The PLR System launched a few months later in November.

The PLR System was a cash gifting scheme operated via a matrix cycler.

Two reboot scams, The $100 System and The PLR System v2 were launched in 2016.

In January this year Ganoza returned with Post 2 Profits, a reboot of his PowerPost Profits gifting scheme.

Alexa traffic statistics for the Post 2 Profits website suggest the scam has already collapsed.

Read on for a full review of the Hustle With Us MLM opportunity. [Continue reading…]