Ruja Ignatova was originally indicted on October 12th, 2017
The specifics of Ruja Ignatova’s OneCoin exit-scam are coming together.
The latest piece of the puzzle is the revelation that Ignatova was initially indicted back October 2017 – around the same time she “went on maternity leave”.
Still unclear is exactly when US authorities began investigating OneCoin and Ignatova.
What we do know however is that by October 2017, the DOJ had enough evidence to present their OneCoin case before a grand jury.
On October 12th, 2017, a New York grand jury indicted Ruja Ignatova (right) on
- one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud;
- one count of wire fraud; and
- one count of money laundering conspiracy
The indictment also seeks forfeiture of Ingatova’s ill-gotten gains as a result of OneCoin.
A superseding indictment was filed by the DOJ on February 6th, 2018, adding one count each of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and securities fraud.
The DOJ have alleged at some point
Ruja and other OneCoin principals acquired unauthorized access to otherwise confidential information regarding law enforcement operations.
US authorities are known to have been working with their international counterparts in Europe (in particular Germany and Bulgaria), which one way or another is likely how the DOJ’s case was leaked.
In any event, Ignatova went into hiding in mid 2017. The official reason for her disappearance was “maternity leave”.
BehindMLM first reported on Ignatova’s disappearance in October 2017, the same month she was indicted.
Ruja’s brother, Konstantin Ignatov tried to bury Ignatova’s disappearance by continuing the maternity leave charade.
The excuse for Ignatova’s disappearance was changed to “extended maternity leave” as the months dragged on, followed by her being the target of alleged death threats.
In reality, Ignatova seems to have become aware the US was preparing to indict her in mid 2017. Thus she initiated her OneCoin exit-scam.
According to the DOJ, Ignatova boarded a Ryanair flight out of Bulgaria on October 25th, 2017.
The flight was bound for Greece, after which the trail goes cold.
As of October 2017, Ruja Ignatova remains a fugitive wanted by US authorities. She has not been seen or heard from in public since mid 2017.
The as filed original indictment in the recently unsealed Ignatova case.
I suppose I can add a screenshot, give me a minute.
There you go.
Nice. thanks.
That scribble slipped through the cracks for me
You wouldn’t have seen it IIRC. The indictment we were shown a few days ago is the superseded one.
This is the original indictment, which I’d never seen before today.
To add to the confusion, the US vs Ignitova indictment downloadable from the website has a handwritten note at the end of the document which says it was filed under seal on February 6, 2018
Original indictment: filed under seal in October 2017.
Superseding indictment (2 additional counts): returned on or around Feb 6th, 2019. Filed under seal on February 6th, 2019.
Both indictments were unsealed as per court order late last week. The one that got reported on was the superseding indictment.
The original indictment is outdated as far as Ignatova’s criminal proceedings go, but is of academic importance within the context of her 2017 disappearance.
If his sister was indicted in 2017, this raises further questions about why Konstantin was dumb enough to set foot in the US.
Or would the Ignatovs have been as oblivious to Ignatova’s indictment until now as we were?
There’s that letter published on a Bulgarian blog which purports to be from Ruja claiming she wants to hand herself in to US authorities to escape the Bulgarian mob. I still think it’s nonsense, but perhaps that’s what Ignatov was doing.
An equally plausible explanation is that he’s just thick.
Since she disappeared the very same month/year, October 2017, safe to assume she was tipped off.
My opinion: His ego became so big, and he acquired so much money, that he felt untouchable and above the law. And, he’s not the brightest bulb. Very typical of the mobster stereotype.
Since the indictment was sealed at that time, normally the person being indicted would not know about it. The DOJ said she had somehow gotten information about the investigation so that’s why I think she went AWOL afraid she would be arrested.
DOJ, here’s a hint as to how I think she found out about it….try the Bulgarian investigators or that knew her husband. Just guessing mind you but it is a good starting place.
If you want to know what’s actually happening in Sofia, check out YouTube. There, BİLĄL KHĄN announces this sensation four days ago:
Who is BİLĄL KHĄN? Obviously a woman who only shows herself veiled:
I also believe that Ruja will be performing live soon. In a court in front of a judge.
That could be right. Ruja Ignatova – Number 1 on the wanted list!
btw, I just noticed that in Ruja’s indictment document there are references to un-named co-conspirators “CC-1” and “CC-2” on page 7. CC-2 is also described as a victim.
I think the “CC”‘s suggest that SDNY are also going after many other former top OneCoin leaders.
The indictment refers to this 2015 4th of July USA launch webinar.
Pehr Karlsson was the host of the webinar and Ken Labine active in the comments. The comment section probably gold mine for SDNY for it shows many full names of Americans interested/involved in the scam.
Anyone who has not attended school like the German OneCoin scammer Sebastian Burger,
boasts today with his testimonies of Ruja’s “OneAcademy” – signed by Dr. Ruja Ignatova, Founder & CEO! Here is just a sample:
This should interest the American judiciary, because the illustrated certificates were all issued in 2018.
This Sebastian Burger belongs to a group of four people, who are currently at the top of the OneCoin scam in Germany. And this is how this cheater looks like:
@Melanie, who you would say are the top 4-5 OneCoin people in Germany atm?
Since the German BaFin has banned the OneCoin fraud in Germany, many OneCoiner no longer act aggressively in public. That makes my research more difficult.
In a closed Facebook group, only the first names of four so-called GLG members were named: Sabine, Claudia, Bernd and Gunther.
I was able to identify Sabine Oswald and Gunther Triebel with certainty. The aforementioned “Bernd” is probably Bernd Reinders, known in Germany as a fraudster and for many years a very active OneCoin scammer. However, Bernd Backhaus and his partner Claudia Haan are also conceivable.
Since I have been banned in most Facebook groups, I can only give you these names at the moment:
Gunther Triebel
Sabine Oswald
Sebastian Burger
Exceptionally active are also:
Frank Schwarzkopf (
Ulrich Weps (with his own Facebook group ONECOIN IPO DEALSHAKER)
Martin Feniuk (bankruptcy)
Martin Wilhelmer
On this photo from November 2018 from left to right:
Martin Feniuk – Konstantin Ignatov – Sabine Oswald – Gunther Triebel
Also very active: Jens Göbel – Christoph Gellersen – Holger Scherlitz – Frank Weps – Paul Kunkel
Sequel follows!
The Vietnamese Hoang-Phong Tran is traveling in Germany for the OneCoin scam. On Facebook, he has also heavily promoted the scam of USI-Tech. Obviously he lives or works in Germany because he has a German telephone number.
An excellent article was published on
The article contains several videos, including one with Ruja’s role in the BigCoin scam:
I was really disappointed in their article. the videos were the best part of the article.
It is almost as if they were afraid if they went into more detail they would be sued by OC for some strange reason.
My apologies to the writer of the article. I forget that there are many people who have no clue who Ruja is or know about OneCoin.
The article did do a good job of giving a history of OneCoin and Ruja. I was just disappointed that it didn’t get into more detail.
It is easy to get caught up in all of this as I do it day in and day out, and think everyone knows about the Ponzi de Jour being exposed and written about. Especially one that has had as much media attention of OneCoin.
I think the year should be 2018, according to a hand written note at the end of the superseding Ruja indictment?
@Oz – are you able to link in this thread the S1 17 CR 630 (dated original), directly, for academic purposes?
Is there a pay wall or other permissions? Or…? Just curious. Thx
Good catch! I think I went by the Pacer filing date.
Usually that’s when docs are filed but things get messy when it comes to sealed and unsealed filings. I’ll have to keep that in mind.
Pacer pay wall. If the DOJ make a filing public I try to link to it but otherwise I don’t host PDFs to keep bandwidth costs down.
@Oz which Pacer site do you use for this?
The only Pacer site. (???)
@OneCon Squad Sofia –
It’s like $30 a month or something and gives access to all Public Court Docs in USA.
I paid it during a recent silly debacle in order to access and print updates, but unsubscribed once it was no longer necessary..
Pacer Monitor != official Pacer site. is what you’re after.
The criminal and previously convicted Ruja Ignatova is still praised and worshiped by her followers. Post of March 12 on Facebook, so after the arrest of Konstantin:
I just discovered THE ONECOIN EMPIRE. The capital is Sofia, the Ministry of Lies and Propaganda leads a woman named Dr. Ruja Ignatova:
Ruja urgently needs a new bank card, because her current one is invalid for two years:
How many millions does Ruja hide on her account at the Investbank in Sofia?
Already since August 30, 2016, Facebook has a fake account for Ruja, which I discovered only today:
The tablecloth is pretty, but not suitable as a dress.
The operator of this fake account of Ruja is called Mohamed Lafsahi. This scammer also operates the fake Twitter account
Any reputable company would act against the operators of fake accounts. Allegedly, the fraudsters in Sofia operate their own legal department. What is this department doing? Drink coffee and watch TV?
The operator of the other fake Facebook account Dr.Ruja Ignotova is much more active and has already 15,671 followers:
And again, an ancient video by criminal Ruja Ignatova is being recruited for the OneCoin scam:
Rumyana Dimova lives in Sofia. Is she friends with Ruja? Does she know where Ruja is currently hiding?
Ruja unfortunately could not attend this event. Reason: The lettering “WANTED” on her forehead. Easy to read in red letters:
Will traces be removed in Sofia now? The file……/downloads/OneCoin_The_Owner.pdf
…can not be downloaded.
Now OneCoin has no owner anymore? Never mind! The multi-billion company has no CEO anymore. And no own bank accounts. Ruja’s personal servants fly around the world every day with large suitcases and collect the stolen euros?
But that is not entirely correct. I must correct myself! Denis Murdock knows who is the CEO of OneCoin / OneLife!
If Ruja was to discover what Denis Murdock wrote on his website, he could be in great trouble. Ruja has explicitly stated that she only wants to be founder and visionary! Ruja obviously hopes that she will not be liable for what happens in her “company”. But she will not succeed because countless photos of Ruja are titled “CEO” on the Internet. The Internet does not forget anything – and that’s a good thing!
PS: Prosecutors can request more than 30 photos from me, where Ruja is clearly referred to as the CEO.
The criminal and previously convicted Ruja Ignatova had her birthday on the 30th of May. Now she is 39 years old. The OneCoin scammers and OneCoin idiots congratulate Ruja on her birthday:
Everything shown in this video by Ruja is old or ancient. Ruja has celebrated great festivals in the past, but today she celebrates alone in hiding somewhere in the world.
Some comments:
I apologize, but what this idiot named Roland Rutishauser from Switzerland wrote, Google can not translate better.
Roland Rutishauser – born with an IQ of 20 and after attending school with an IQ of 30?
The OneCoin idiot Roland Rutishauser on Facebook:
Who lured him into the OneCoin scam? Pascal-Rene Andre or Anton (“Toni”) Federspiel from Austria?
Only MLM lala land do you have people worshipping the person who stole $4.6 billion from them. Unbelievable.
I don’t know imagine mafias invested in her vision wouldn’t they take it out on her family?
I mean look at the scoop of the crime some think 20 billion. I prey dangerous gangsters people invest in it then you would see respect being paid.
Ruja walked away with $500 mill. What’s $50 mill or so to secure her for the time-being?
OneCoin scammer Ulrich Weps mentioned in my comment #16 has been insolvent since July 2021:
How could that happen? Couldn’t he exchange his beloved OneCoins into real currencies?
Ulrich Weps proudly presented his worthless OneAcademy certificates on Facebook:
Does Ulrich Weps know the two accused Frank Ricketts and Manon Hübenthal personally? Theoretically that would be possible, because the IMS International Marketing Services GmbH was also based in Greven, where this scammer lives:
His photo from Twitter. Only his followers can read his 752 tweets. Why?