There is no information on the Pays 2×5 website identifying who owns or runs the company.

The Pays 2×5 website domain (“”) was privately registered on January 11th, 2017.

The marketing pitch on the Pays 2×5 website appears to have been lazily copy and pasted from Pays4Ever:

Pays4Ever is a micro Ponzi cycler launched mid 2016 by Tom Taylor. Despite the name, Alexa ranking suggest Pays4Ever began to collapse around last November.

Tom Taylor (right) first popped up on BehindMLM’s radar as the admin of UltimateAdClub back in February of 2015. Taylor then again popped up in March, 2015 as the admin of MegaCyclerClub.

UltimateAdClub saw affiliates purchase $50 matrix positions and get paid to recruit others who did the same. A lack of interest in the scheme saw the matrix positions later reduced to $30.

MegaCyclerClub similarly saw affiliates purchase $50 matrix positions, on the promise of an advertised $650 ROI.

In June, 2o15 Taylor launched Residual Income Ads, which saw affiliates buy in for $10 a month and then get paid to recruit new affiliates.

Residual Income Ads was followed up by Mega 2×7 in July. Mega 2×7 saw affiliates pay $50 for a matrix position and get paid on the recruitment of new affiliates.

Mega 2×7 collapsed shortly after launch and with Pays4Ever also on the way out, Taylor is back with Pays 2×5.

Read on for a full review of the Pays 2×5 MLM opportunity.

The Pays 2×5 Product Line

Pays 2×5 has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Pays 2×5 affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, Pays 2×5 affiliates purchase matrix position to participate in the attached income opportunity.

Bundled with each position purchase are ad credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Pays 2×5 website.

The Pays 2×5 Compensation Plan

Pays 2×5 affiliates gift money to each other via a three 2×5 matrices.

A 2×5 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Levels two to five of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Each level of a Pays 2×5 matrix operates as its own cash gifting tier. In total there are three matrix tiers (referred to as “phases”).

A gifting payment in any matrix tier must be made to an existing Pays 2×5 affiliate.

This payment in turn qualifies the affiliate to receive gifting payments from other Pays 2×5 affiliates as follows:

  • Phase 1, level 1 – gift $2 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $2 from two subsequently recruited affiliates
  • Phase 1, level 2 – gift $3 and receive $3 from four affiliates
  • Phase 1, level 3 – gift $8 and receive $8 from eight affiliates
  • Phase 1, level 4 – gift $30 and receive $30 from sixteen affiliates
  • Phase 1, level 5 – gift $100 and receive $100 from thirty-two affiliates
  • Phase 2, level 1 – gift $20 and receive $2 from two affiliates
  • Phase 2, level 2 – gift $30 and receive $3 from four affiliates
  • Phase 2, level 3 – gift $80 and receive $8 from eight affiliates
  • Phase 2, level 4 – gift $300 and receive $30 from sixteen affiliates
  • Phase 2, level 5 – gift $1000 and receive $100 from thirty-two affiliates
  • Phase 3, level 1 – gift $200 to the affiliate who recruited you and receive $2 from two affiliates
  • Phase 3, level 2 – gift $300 and receive $3 from four affiliates
  • Phase 3, level 3 – gift $800 and receive $8 from eight affiliates
  • Phase 3, level 4 – gift $3000 and receive $30 from sixteen affiliates
  • Phase 3, level 5 – gift $10,000 and receive $100 from thirty-two affiliates

Joining Pays 2×5

Pays 2×5 affiliate membership is tied to a $2 gifting payment.

Full participation in the Pays 2×5 income opportunity costs $15,873.


Like so many of Tom Taylor’s schemes, Pays 2×5 is cash gifting combined with pyramid recruitment.

Nothing is marketed to or sold to retail customers, with new Pays 2×5 affiliates simply paying existing Pays 2×5 affiliates.

This flow of money between affiliates is cash gifting, with the recruitment dynamic adding an additional pyramid layer.

Through one of more preloaded positions, Tom Taylor sits at the top of the gifting chain.

Each matrix tier amps up gifted amounts by a factor of ten, guaranteeing Taylor receives the majority of funds gifted (through pass-ups).

As with all cash gifting schemes, once affiliate recruitment dies down so too will funds gifted.

Do you give refunds?

Your membership is NON-REFUNDABLE. All payments are final. We cannot refund money to you that has already been paid out to another [sic] members.

This will prompt a collapse (each matrix tier will slow down and then stall), resulting in the majority of Pays 2×5 affiliates losing money.