Matriz Strategy provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Matriz Strategy website domain (“”) was registered on May 3rd, 2017. Jhoan Smith is listed as the owner, with an address in Cundinamarca, Colombia also provided.

As far as I can tell Jhoan Smith (“John Smith”) doesn’t exist and the Matriz Strategy domain registration details are bogus.

Marketing videos on the Matriz Strategy website are hosted on a YouTube account bearing the name “Marketing Latino”.

Various screenshots of affiliate backoffices on the Marketing Latino YouTube channel and Facebook page suggest the owners of the group are Wilter Amaro Alvarez and/or Antonio Sevilla.

I’m not sure where Alvarez is based out of but Sevilla operates from Florida in the US.

Sevilla openly advertises Marketing Latino opportunities on his Facebook page, whereas Alvarez is more low-key and only promotes scams via Facebook groups (his Facebook account wall is clean).

The Marketing Latino YouTube channel dates back three years and has been used to promote Infinity BTC Cycles (Ponzi cycler), Infinity BTC (bitcoin gifting),  Five2BTC (bitcoin gifting), ZarFund (bitcoin gifting), Fort Ad Pays (collapsed Ponzi scheme), Karatbars International (pyramid scheme), Spinding (Ponzi cycler) and Wenyard (stock market fraud).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Matriz Strategy Products

Matriz Strategy has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Matriz Strategy affiliate membership itself.

The Matriz Strategy Compensation Plan

Matriz Strategy affiliates gift bitcoin to each other via a 2×5 matrix.

A 2×5 matrix places a Matrix Strategy affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Levels three to five of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

A Matriz Strategy affiliate signs up and gifts 0.06 BTC into the system. This acquires them three matrix positions, placed directly under each other (one on top, two below).

Funds are then gifted across the three 2×5 matrix positions as follows:

  • level 1 – gift 0.002 BTC and receive 0.002 BTC from two subsequently recruited affiliates
  • level 2 – gift 0.003 BTC and receive 0.003 BTC from four affiliates
  • level 3 – gift 0.01 BTC and receive 0.01 BT from eight affiliates
  • level 4 – gift 0.05 BTC and receive 0.05 BTC from sixteen affiliates
  • level 5 – gift 0.5 BTC and receive 0.5 BTC from thirty-two affiliates

In the event all five levels of a matrix are filled, a Matriz Strategy must make another gifting payment to unlock a new matrix.

Joining Matriz Strategy

Matriz Strategy affiliate membership is tied to a 0.06 BTC gifting payment.


Having made a little money or (more likely) lost it over the years peddling MLM underbelly scams, the Marketing Latino downline are now trying their hand at running their own scam.

Matriz Strategy is yet another entry into the bitcoin gifting niche, which means whoever is running it stands to walk off with the majority of deposited funds.

A matrix-based gifting scheme sees most of the deposited funds passed up to earlier positions. This occurs at each matrix level, with most of what’s earned passed up to unlock the next level.

The initial positions in the matrix are pre-loaded by Marketing Latino’s admins, with only a few non-admin positions making it that far if at all.

Once affiliate recruitment dies down, so too will new gifting payments. This prompts a collapse, resulting in the majority of Matriz Strategy affiliates losing money.