Learn Build Lead provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

This is likely because, at least as far as I can tell, Learn Build Lead is a continuation of the LEO Ponzi scheme.

A former LEO affiliate reached out wanting more information on Learn Build Lead.

According to them LEO affiliates are able to log in to Learn Build Lead with their LEO credentials. Once logged in, their LEO backoffice details are available.

Supporting this is the fact that LEO’s “Learn Earn Own” website was recently pulled offline.

LEO was a Ponzi scheme run Dan Andersson. The scheme collapsed in mid 2019, amid ongoing reports Andersson was arrested on criminal charges in Pakistan.

As of May 2020 Andersson is believed to have been released and residing in the UK.

Should Andersson ever return to Pakistan, apparently there is an arrest-warrant on his head.

To the best of my knowledge Andersson hasn’t made a public appearance since leaving Pakistan.

This presents two scenarios;

  1. Learn Build Lead is being run by Andersson in secret; or
  2. Andersson sold off the LEO affiliate database to whoever is running Learn Build Lead.

Neither scenario lends itself to the establishment of a legitimate MLM company.

Learn Build Lead’s website domain (“learnbuildlead.com”) was privately registered on March 29th, 2020.

Learn Build Lead claims to be “headquartered is in the USA” [sic].

LBL is committed to lifelong learning. Headquartered is in the USA, out footprints are spread across the world.

An address in Claymore, Delaware is provided. Given the ties to LEO however, these details are assumed to be a dead end.

Supporting this is Learn Build Lead charging affiliate fees in GBP.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Learn Build Lead’s Products

Learn Build Lead has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Learn Build Lead affiliate membership itself.

Learn Build Lead affiliate membership provides access to “e-learning certifications”.

It should be noted that while Learn Build Lead markets its e-learning platform as providing certifications, they aren’t recognized by any accredited body.

Access to Learn Build Lead’s e-learning platform is via affiliate membership subscription:

  • Introductory Bundle – 30 days access to 25 courses for £25 GBP
  • Starter Bundle – 90 days full access for £125 GBP
  • Skilled Bundle – 120 days full access  for £250 GBP
  • Business Bundle – 180 days full access for £500 GBP
  • Professional Bundle – 365 days full access for £1000 GBP
  • Premium Bundle – 500 days full access for £2500 GBP

Learn Build Lead’s Compensation Plan

Learn Build Lead affiliates sign up and pay membership fees.

Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Learn Build Lead Affiliate Ranks

There are sixteen affiliate ranks within Learn Build Lead’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Basic – sign up as a Learn Build Lead affiliate
  • Bronze – generate 250 GV in binary team volume (125 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Silver – generate 1000 GV in binary team volume (500 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Gold – generate 2000 GV in binary team volume (1000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Platinum – generate 4000 GV in binary team volume (2000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Associate – generate 20,000 GV in binary team volume (10,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Senior Associate – generate 50,000 GV in binary team volume (25,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Coordinator – generate 100,000 GV in binary team volume (50,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Executive – generate 250,000 GV in binary team volume (125,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Senior Executive – generate 500,000 GV in binary team volume (250,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Director – generate 1,000,000 GV in binary team volume (500,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Marketing Director – generate 2,000,000 GV in binary team volume (1,000,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • National Marketing Director – generate 5,000,000 GV in binary team volume (2,500,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Regional Marketing Director – generate 10,000,000 GV in binary team volume (5,000,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Global Marketing Director – generate 20,000,000 GV in binary team volume (10,000,000 PV in weaker side volume)
  • Vice President – have four Global Marketing Directors in your binary team, split two each side

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is sales volume generated by direct and indirect recruitment of Learn Build Lead affiliates.

Direct Recruitment Commissions

Learn Build Lead affiliates earn a 10% commission on fees paid by personally recruited affiliates.

10% is also paid upline through two levels of recruitment.

Residual Commissions

Learn Build Lead pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week Learn Build Lead tallies up new membership fee volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid 2.5% to 8% of sales volume generated on their weaker binary team side.

  • Basic ranked affiliates receive a 2.5% residual commission rate
  • Bronze through Gold ranked affiliates receive a 5% residual commission rate
  • Platinum through Senior Executive ranked affiliates receive a 10% residual commission rate, capped at £15,000 GBP a week
  • Director and higher ranked affiliates receive an 8% residual commission rate (not a typo), capped at £15,000 GBP a week

Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger side and flushed. Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side is carried over.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Learn Build Lead rewards affiliates for qualifying at Associate and higher with the following one-time bonuses:

  • qualify at Associate and receive £250 GBP
  • qualify at Senior Associate and receive £300 GBP
  • qualify at Coordinator and receive £400 GBP
  • qualify at Executive and receive £1000 GBP and an “executive trip”
  • qualify at Senior Executive and receive £1200 GBP
  • qualify at Director and receive £2500 GBP, plus £15,000 if qualified within 90 days of signing up
  • qualify at Marketing Director and receive £7500 GBP
  • qualify at National Marketing Director and receive £15,000 GBP
  • qualify at Regional Marketing Director and receive £75,000 GBP
  • qualify at Global Marketing Director and receive £200,000 GBP
  • qualify at Vice President and receive £500,000 GBP

Joining Learn Build Lead

Learn Build Lead affiliate membership is tied to a subscription membership payment:

  • Introductory Bundle – 30 days access to 25 courses for £25 GBP
  • Starter Bundle – 90 days full access for £125 GBP
  • Skilled Bundle – 120 days full access  for £250 GBP
  • Business Bundle – 180 days full access for £500 GBP
  • Professional Bundle – 365 days full access for £1000 GBP
  • Premium Bundle – 500 days full access for £2500 GBP

Once a subscription period runs out membership fees must be paid again to continue earning.


Learn Build Lead is LEO as it originally launched back in 2014.

The pyramid scheme model flopped, prompting Dan Andersson to reboot LEO as a Ponzi points scheme.

There’s no mention of LeoCoin on Learn Build Lead’s website. Whether it’s hiding in the wings as a later introduction or not, who knows.

What we do know is Learn Build Lead is a simple recruitment scheme.

You sign up, pay your affiliate membership subscription fee and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

Learn Build Lead’s digital library is not entirely worthless, but it’s not worth £1000 GBP a year. Hence the need to bundle it with a pyramid scheme.

As with LEO’s initial launch, once recruitment dies down the scheme collapses.

Given the victims LEO has created over the years, I imagine the only people trying to promote Learn Build Lead will be those desperate to recoup their losses.

Perhaps a more accurate way of putting that is they’ll be looking to transfer their losses onto you.

An pyramid/Ponzi reboot pretending to be based out of the US with ties to serial scammers. Hard pass.


Update 23rd July 2021 – Learn Build Lead appears to have collapsed.

As at the time of this update, the company’s website has been pulled offline.